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Pauper's Desire

Page 21

by Kitt Lee

  "Caleb, please," Preston said, feeling himself getting angry. "I don't want an argument."

  "I don't wanna argue," Caleb muttered. "I just wanna know." He was getting angry. "Tell me why you treat as if we are not married."

  Preston was suddenly feeling himself get hot. He was feeling so much anger that his head hurt. He didn't want to get angry but he was not able to control it. He touched his head, furiously rubbing on it.

  "Tell me," Caleb asked.

  Preston let go of his head angrily and looked at Caleb angrily, breathing like an animal.

  "What do you want me to do?" Preston snapped, directing his anger at Caleb.

  "The truth," Caleb said as tears ran down his cheeks. "I want you to tell me the truth."

  "What truth?" Preston yelled. "I have told you everything that you need to know. What else do you want from me?"

  Caleb's eyes watered more. Preston had never yelled at him before.

  "I just wanna know what my husband thinks." Caleb shouted. "Do you think I poisoned your mother?"

  Preston didn't want to have that conversation at all. He felt he'd say something that would make Caleb angry.

  "Please, Caleb," Preston said as he removed the cover from the bed. He was ready to sleep. "I don't wanna have this conversation. Not right now,"

  "Of course," Caleb said angrily. "Please, tell me what you think."

  "Please, don't...."

  "Tell me," Caleb demanded. "Do you think I poisoned your mother?"

  Preston was angry, really angry. He didn't even know he'd get that angry. He gripped the sheets so hard his hands shook.

  "Caleb!" He said softly, closing his eyes.

  "I want to know," Caleb demanded. "Tell me the truth. Do..."

  "Yes!" Preston quickly turned and yelled. "Yes, I blame you. I need to blame someone," He shouted. "My mother was poisoned and I need to blame someone or I'll go crazy." He yelled. "You made that soup and I..."

  Caleb was in tears. His mouth was wide open, gasping for air. His suspicions had come true. His husband really blamed him and it was hurting like crazy. He couldn't take it anymore.

  "Why?" Caleb sobbed. "Is it because I made that..."

  "I should have known," Preston shouted. "I should have taken the hint. You didn't want to make mother's soup. You could have just denied it instead of poisoning my poor mother."

  "I didn't poison her," Caleb cried. "Why would I do that? I never had a problem with mother she was the one..."

  "Exactly," Preston said hoarsely. "I don't wanna have this conversation again." Preston yelled. "It just reminds me of what you did to her. You didn't even think of how I would have felt."

  Caleb had never heard such painful words from Preston. It pierced right into his flesh making him bleed. The man before him was no longer sweet. He was just...something else.

  "I saved your mother from being arrested," Caleb sobbed, pointing a finger at Preston. "Why the hell would I want her dead? If I wanted her out of the way I'd have put her in that jail but I did it for you because I love and I didn't want you to get hurt."

  Preston sniffed and stared angrily deep in Caleb's eyes.

  "You hated her," Preston said hoarsely. "You hated her from that day. You saved her from jail so that you could have her poisoned without being suspected." He yelled in Caleb's face.

  Caleb was defeated. He could have taken the other family members telling him all that but not his husband. It was hurting really bad. His heart was pounding really hard in his chest. It hurt really badly.

  "I could have taken other people accusing me," Caleb cried as he slowly felt his strength leaving him. "Why would my own husband suspect me?"

  "Now my mood is ruined," Preston yelled, furiously throwing the sheets back on the bed. "I hope you are happy."

  Preston quickly walked away from Caleb. He felt Caleb trying to catch his hand but he withdrew. He had enough for one day. He just wanted to go away from that room.

  Preston opened the door furiously and tried to leave the room before he stopped. What had he just done? What was wrong with him? How could he have said that to Caleb?

  He looked behind and saw him sitting helplessly on the floor. His heart broke and tears followed. Whatever he had just said to Caleb did not come from his heart but his anger. He couldn't face him anymore. He needed to think before facing Caleb. He had hurt the boy he loved when he promised he wouldn't hurt him.

  Preston quickly left the room and ran all the way to the roof. He needed fresh air. Tears flooded his face.

  Caleb sat on that cold floor crying out. His heart was on fire and he just wanted to crawl somewhere and die. Not his husband. He could have taken it if his husband trusted him but not in this situation.

  Pain, anguish, anger and regret took him over. He cried like never before. Preston had just hurt him for the first time and it was hurting really badly.

  What was he going to do now?

  Part Seven

  Caleb suddenly opened his eyes after a really bad dream. He looked to the other side and saw Preston sleeping peacefully there. He loved the guy but what he had said was painful. Caleb still felt the pain and that pain was the driving force of his fight for the truth.

  He glanced at the watch by the bedside and it was just He had cried himself to sleep and now he had a bit of a headache. He did not deserve what was happening to him. Anger was slowly taking the best of him. He was now determined to find the truth and expose anyone who had framed him for something he had no hand in.

  Looking at that handsome man sleeping by his side brought him tears but he promised not to cry. He slowly got up and stood by the bed side, realizing that he was sweating terribly. The nightmare he had was not good at all. He dreamed he was divorcing Preston but that was never gonna happen and it was a promise.

  Caleb slowly got out of the room to the living room. He was too depressed, so sad and extremely tired of the treatment Preston was giving him. He needed to put an end to it once and for all. But he had no idea where to start.

  Caleb needed some cold water to cool him down. He needed to think properly. If only there was someone he could talk to and tell them his problems. But who could he talk to in the house. Geez it was all so confusing.

  Caleb went to the kitchen and got a bottle of cold water. He came back to the living room, sipping little of that water. It made him calm and he felt a little better. He needed to feel better than that. He needed to be able to breathe properly without thinking about it so much. He was really sweating and the hair was blown backwards by the wind which he had no idea about.

  Caleb went and leaned to a wall near the staircase and sipped that water as he thought. He suddenly heard a voice,


  He quickly looked the direction of the voice to see granny in her beautiful night gown coming down the stairs. He somehow felt relieved. He had prayed for someone to talk to and God sent granny. Granny was wise and always had great advices. He could always count on her.

  "Granny," Caleb exclaimed, slowly covering the bottle. "Did I wake you up?"

  "Don't worry," Granny said as she took the last step on the staircase. "I wasn't sleeping anyway."

  She came near and put her hand on his shoulder carefully squeezing it. He wanted to hug her and break down to her. He needed to tell her that he was slowly losing Preston because of what had happened.

  "You," Granny mumbled, looking straight at him. "What are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed by now?"

  Caleb smiled and extended his hand to hold granny's hand. She held out her hand and it felt hot and cozy, just what he needed.

  "I can't sleep," Caleb said softly. "I'm unable to."

  Granny sighed heavily. Her grip was firm and she came nearer and squeezed his shoulder sweetly.

  "Anything bothering you,"

  "A lot," Caleb sighed, suppressing the tears from coming out. "I have a lot of problems. I'm unable to think properly and..."

  "My grandson told you that he blames you for Janic
e's death." She said after a gloomy sigh. It was clear the old woman was hurting too.

  "Yes," Preston exclaimed, surprised. "But how did you..." He raised his finger, pointed at her and then withdrew.

  "You might have been a little louder," Granny said.

  Caleb's eyes water watered but he chuckled as he rubbed them. He had enough crying for a day. Besides, he didn't want to cry in front of the old woman. It would have made her sad.

  "He blames me too granny," Caleb said as he felt his heart beating faster. "I thought I could have my husband's trust but..."

  "I know how you feel," Granny said softly, squeezing his shoulder. "It hurts a lot to not be trusted by your husband but I know that he might have spoken in anger. I know my grandson and he loves you a lot. You don't have to worry about anything."

  "I know that, granny," Caleb sighed deeply. "He loves me and I love him. The thing is that he thinks I poisoned mother. I'm just confused."

  "You don't have to be." Granny said, smiling sweetly.

  Caleb stared into her eyes and he smiled faintly. He knew what she was telling him the truth. Yes, he didn't need to be afraid of a thing.

  "I think you're right, granny," Caleb said confidently as he squeezed granny's hand.

  "Of course, I'm right," Granny chuckled, pinching his cheek sweetly.

  Caleb let go of granny and he took a step of faith and confidence. He stood about a second away from her and turned to see her looking at him sweetly. She was looking courageous with no worry on her face.

  "I now know that someone is really trying to separate me and Preston," He said, clenching his fists hard. "All that was only a show so that I could be separated from him,"

  "Yes," Granny chuckled, taking a step closer to him. "I've been thinking about it too. I knew you couldn't have done such a thing but..."

  "No, granny," Caleb said, looking from side to side thinking. "I didn't poison mother. But someone did and that person wants me out of Preston' life?"

  "Yeah," Granny said confidently.

  "I need to do something," Caleb said. "I must find out who and why they want me out of this house." He sighed. "I'd have suspected William but..."

  "You cannot trust anyone." Granny said softly.

  "You are right," Caleb said as he slowly calmed down. "I will find out the truth. With your support I'll be able to pull through this."

  "I'll support you through this," Granny said, coming near Caleb with a smile. "Not just my support." She laughed softly. "I'll also give you my blessings."

  Caleb smiled faintly, knowing that with her blessings he'd be able to find out the truth and end this drama once and for all. All he wanted was his husband's complete love and trust.

  "I'll surely need that," Caleb said confidently. "Your trust, love and blessings are the only things that I have right now."

  "And your husband's love," Granny said excitedly. "He loves you a lot and..."

  "No, granny," Caleb sighed, looking away so that she wouldn't be able to see his tears.

  "You don't have to hide that from me." Granny said, bringing his face to her with her hand. "I know that it hurts but it's the truth. Your husband really loves you a lot. He might have said something that he shouldn't have in the first place. He's suffering as much as you are doing."

  "I don't know," Caleb said pleasantly, enjoying the feel of granny's hand on his face. "Preston had really hurt me today but I understand him. It hurts but I do understand my husband."

  Granny sighed loudly, held the back of his head and kissed him on the forehead.

  Caleb felt a warm sensation once those wonderful lips touched his head. It was indescribable and it travelled through the rest of his body all the way to his heart. For the first time he was able to think clearly. All the sorrows he had felt went away and were replaced by a happy touch. He was really warm and loved it a lot.

  "Thanks, granny," Caleb smiled as the old woman pulled away from him.

  "Go," Granny said, cupping his cheeks in her hands. "Go and have some sleep. There's a big task ahead of you. When you need help or someone to talk to I'll be around, okay?"

  "Yes, granny," Caleb said, kneeling to touch her feet.

  He touched her feet and she slowly rubbed his head. He was now determined to find out who truly wanted him out of the house and out of Preston' life. There had only been two but now they were others as well. Caleb only had Janice and William.

  These two had a motive to get him out but one of them was the victim and the other had saved her. Something was definitely going on in the house and he was determined to find out what.

  "Go get some rest," Granny chuckled. "And please, understand my grandson. He didn't mean to tell you all that. He's just confused but he loves you a lot."

  "I know, granny," He smiled. "I'm doing this just for him. We'll be able to get back together very soon."

  "I'll pray for you."

  "Goodbye, granny," Caleb said, tapping on her shoulder before finally heading up the stairs to his husband's room.

  While going there, Caleb had a lot to think. He needed to get it through with. What he just had to do was find out who really poisoned Janice. He had to start somewhere. But where would he start that investigation from?

  Suddenly he stopped in his tracks and gasped.

  "Of course," Caleb whispered.

  He now knew where to start from. He was gonna do that very soon and he was not gonna sit until anyone who was doing this succeeds in his/her plans.

  He had been isolated for so long. It was time to come out and face the family again. One week was enough for staying in his room. It was time to face the light and fight the darkness which was slowly trying to bring chaos to his life.

  Caleb took a deep breath before opening the door to his room. It had just been the way he had left it. Preston was in the same position, peacefully sleeping and looking really handsome. Had it been the same man who loved and trusted him a lot, he'd have been sleeping peacefully in those wonderful arms, feeling the warmth of his touch and probably making love to him.

  Man, Caleb missed Preston a lot. They had not had sex in a week and the kisses were no longer passionate. He needed to pull through with everything. He needed to find out who the enemy was. Whatever he had to do, William was the first on that list.

  He might have said he loves Janice but the guy is desperate, really desperate. He can do anything just to have his hands on Preston. If he was truly the one who had done this, Caleb was gonna know it for sure.

  Caleb slowly slipped in the covers and stared at the handsome face, peacefully sleeping. He got hurt but he smiled when he remembered the good times they had together. Those were wonderful times. He couldn't help but smile brightly to those wonderful, erotic memories.

  He stared for so long that he found his eyes getting heavy. He went to sleep with the image of his handsome, precious, gorgeous and sexy husband.


  Caleb slowly opened his eyes and got the surprise of his life. He felt a hand on his waist, firmly wrapped on his waist and a strong hot breathe on his face. His heart jumped with joy and he literally jumped out of his skin. It was really romantic and beautiful too.

  Feeling Preston' hand on his waist was electric. What surprised him the most was that Preston was there for the first time in a week? He was still lying in bed. Caleb slowly raised his head to check the time and he got another surprise.

  The time read, '8.34 am." For the past one week Caleb found Preston usually gone to work by the time he woke up so that was really a great surprise to take inside.

  They had, well, kinda argued and seeing Preston there felt really good and special even if it was just for a little time. He remembered the wonderful mornings they had and how it all come crumbling down in the last one week.

  By the time Caleb came to his senses, he was smiling brightly but it wasn't long when a thought hit him.

  What if Preston had put that hand by mistake? What if he wakes up and removes it from him without saying anything?
What if he wakes up and says something really bad that Caleb would cry or even something that would hurt him deeply?

  Caleb couldn't stay like that. He needed to get away from him before something bad happens. With a deep sigh and a feeling of emptiness, Caleb carefully ripped Preston' hand from his waist, carefully rose and put it on a pillow. He felt him move in his sleep but the guy just went back to sleep.

  With one final look of deep yearning, Caleb looked away and walked from the bed. He took a towel, looked at Preston one final time and entered the bathroom. He was getting hurt again. Staying like that with Preston was giving him such a headache.


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