Turning Dreams into Reality

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Turning Dreams into Reality Page 7

by Yuval Tabib

  For strengthening the power of attraction, positive affirmations should be incorporated during the day or at the final stage of visualization. You can also write them on a piece of paper and read them aloud. Choose 3-5 positive affirmations that speak to you or create some yourself, based on how you feel. Say these affirmations aloud to yourself while your eyes are closed and repeat them 10-15 times each for 21 days. Try to combine emotion when you are saying them. While stating the affirmations, you can visualize the partner that you illustrated to intensify emotion and to hasten the power of attraction. It will take your subconscious 21 days to recognize it, believe it and act on it.

  You can also record yourself saying these phrases and listen to it repeat in your headphones before you fall asleep. Even if you fall asleep, it’s okay, the subconscious still listens to the messages for three hours after you’ve fallen asleep.

  Relationship affirmations

  “I am attracting the perfect partner for me.”

  “I trust in the universe that it will find the perfect partner for me.”

  “I am grateful for the abundance of love in my life.”

  “I am broadcasting the frequency of love.”

  “I am broadcasting unconditional love.”

  “I love the feeling of being loved.”

  “I attract love and a relationships into my life effortlessly.”

  “As much as I am attracted to someone, they are attracted to me more.”

  “I am a love magnet.”

  “I welcome love with open arms.”

  “I know that my twin soul is on his/her way to me.”

  “My heart is always open to love.”

  “Each day that passes I feel the love of my life is closer to me than ever.”

  “I am worthy of real and honest love.”

  “Each day that passes my subconscious mind attracts the perfect partner to my life.”

  Remember, you cannot force your will on another person through the Law of Attraction!

  Circle of Energy

  This exercise is not a requirement. You can combine it with the other actions or do it separately. Of course, the combination of actions increases the level of the power of attraction.

  To perform this exercise, you will need an imaginary circle with a diameter of one meter or more. You can also draw a circle on poster board and stick it to the floor with some adhesive tape so it won’t move around.

  Stand outside the circle and place one hand on the other and make a sort of funnel with your hands. Bring your hands to two centimeters from your mouth until you can feel your breath.

  Say a few positive affirmations of your choice (2-5 phrases) into your hands. After you’ve said the empowering phrases, do a throwing motion with your hands into the circle in front of you.

  Step into the circle and with your eyes closed and your hands over your heart, feel the energetic power that is in the circle. Visualize this powerful energy as white light that is washing you from your head to your feet and continuing into the earth, radiating from the crown of your head to the universe.

  At this moment, your requests are going through a creation process in the universe and you are on your way to receiving them.

  Stay in the circle for as long as seems right to you and know that at that moment your request is on its way to turning into reality.

  Do this once a day at a time that’s best for you, when you are calm and relaxed. And don’t forget to be grateful to the universe that your request was answered.


  You will always consciously or unconsciously receive the result of your reflection in the eyes of the universe. It is therefore very important that you love yourself, and as a result you will also love others.

  Be willing to let things go and put your ego aside for a moment.

  Be open and understanding even if you don’t agree with everything the other person is saying.

  Accept the fact that other people also have an opinion, just like you have one. Don’t try to impose your opinion on him or her, just as you wouldn’t want others to impose their opinions on you.

  If you are still searching for the relationship of your dreams, think about one thing - be exactly like you would expect the other person to be, not in visual terms, of course, rather in terms of the various positive character traits that you would want to see in the other person, like giving, forgiving, letting go of the ego, understanding, etc. You will find that once you adopt these qualities, you transmit the frequency of love and you will receive exactly the same thing from the universe.

  Improving Existing Relationships

  Relationships can be exhausting and very frustrating. Who, like me, has experienced this in the past? Many couples focus on the negative qualities of the partners and have a hard time seeing the positive qualities. Therefore, one tries to change the other. Adopting the rule of focusing on the cup being half full in a relationship will enhance the love and connection between the couple. When a relationship is destructive and fundamentally frustrating, it’s better to not insist on staying in it and trying to fix it. Only use the Law of Attraction in relationships that are worth investing in, which have the potential to recover and improve.

  Say the affirmations and do visualization according to how it was previously explained in the book. You can also create your own affirmations.

  Affirmations for improving relationships (unmarried)

  “I am grateful and happy about the amazing relationship that I have.”

  “I feel my relationship is getting stronger by the day.”

  “I am in love with my partner.”

  “The love between my partner and I is blossoming by the day.”

  “My partner and I communicate with understanding and patience.”

  Affirmations for married couples

  “I’m happy that my marriage is full of love and joy.”

  “The love between my wife/husband and I has grown by the day.”

  “I feel the love that my wife/husband has for me every time we are together.”

  “I am married and I love my wonderful wife/husband.”

  “My wife/husband and I enjoy every moment that we are together.”


  Try to remember the good times and the exciting moments you have shared with each other. Visualize them with your eyes closed. Try to focus on a particular moment in which you felt in loving and unified. Use all five of your senses. You can also say the affirmations during visualization to strengthen the effect of the visualization. It’s important that you enjoy the visualization and sail to the faraway places in your imagination and in any positive direction that it takes you.

  Do this every day, even twice a day, for no less than 21 days until you start to see and feel the change.


  “The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.”

  - Thomas Merton

  Career and Business

  Career and Business

  The holiest of holies is to know how to read situations properly and to respond accordingly, to respect people and to love them, as they are a part of all that is connected to success in life, and specifically in business.

  This chapter contains a tool box to help you respond to various situations.

  You have already begun to understand the principles of the Law of Attraction; that your entire life and everything that happens in your life are the outcome of your thoughts and that you must ‘think about what you’re thinking’ and give consideration to the words that you say. It’s hard at first; changing everything instilled in us from the beginning of life demands a huge effort. With time this mindset will become part of your lifestyle, and y
ou will reap magnificent rewards.


  Employees are the lion’s share of the world’s labor force. They are subject to the whims of managers, perform various instructions and tasks, and receive their salary each month with the hope that they’ll get paid on time. Some employees enjoy their jobs, interacting with the other employees and are treated well by their superiors. But there are people who don’t enjoy their jobs for an array of reasons and sometimes it only takes one event or interaction to disrupt a person’s sense of well-being and satisfaction in the workplace.

  Sometimes, people encounter a negative attitude from their colleagues or supervisors. This can create an atmosphere full of negative energy which leads to burnout, frustration, and alienation at the workplace.

  It’s clear that employees who are humiliated by those around them cannot just place the blame on others because ‘it takes two to tango.’ The reality you experience in your personal life and at your workplace results from your thoughts and what you focus on! Even if you’re sure that the other side is to blame, know that you also play a part in the outcome!

  Throughout my life, I’ve danced in various dance groups in my country and abroad. I’ve met patronizing and egotistical people. Sometimes negative energy would run rampant and this led to me outbursts and power struggles that lost all proportion. The situation just continued getting worse. I became a living nightmare and I didn’t enjoy being around other people and especially people at my work place. Had I already been exposed to the information I am sharing in this book, my entire life would have been different.

  Sometimes we encounter a lack of constructive communication or behavior that is unacceptable to us. Our immediate impulse is to respond to the other person in the same way - to prove that we’re right or to teach him a lesson for raising his voice or treating us with disrespect. We want to blame the other side for what is happening to us, and to complain about them to our friends, at home, to our partner and to whoever else will listen. This is how we perpetuate the negative energy and get locked in a frequency that is similar to the things we complain about.

  I remember when I was the lead dancer in a senior ballet company and thought that I was entitled to special treatment - after all, I am the soloist in the group. Not only did I not receive special treatment, but if I made any mistakes, I was severely reprimanded just like everyone else. I thought to myself, ‘they better not mess with me. How dare they raise their voices at me?’ I started to fake injuries, and over time my superiors grew suspicious that I was on a slowdown strike.

  Negative scripts started to run through my mind. I wanted to clear out my locker and run away. ‘Fate’ determined the outcome. I didn’t need to run away because I was called into the manager’s office and received a letter of dismissal!

  How you think and behave starts a snowball effect, which accelerates until you have no choice but to leave your job. Not only that, if you don’t change your thought patterns and the way you talk to people, you probably won’t survive or enjoy your new workplace. You must internalize that repeated complaints about a salary that is too low for you, that your colleagues’ have a bad attitude, or that your boss’s treatment of you is humiliating, you are creating your current reality!

  You must see your job as an opportunity to raise yourself spiritually and a place where you will be given opportunities to improve yourself.

  Before you respond to a colleague or a superior who turns to you with accusations, stop and think for a moment. Think about the damage you would be doing to yourself on a vibrational level and about the future implications destined for you according to the Law of Attraction if you were to try to prove you are in the right.

  We all have the instinct to go to the offense; to defend our honor. But having a thought of restraint over the negative consequences will help us maintain positive energy and high frequency.

  The next time you encounter an unpleasant situation, stop for a moment, put your ego aside, smile, try to be calm and answer quietly and patiently. You’ll see that at the same time the other person will gradually start to relax. If you made a mistake, then it’s appropriate to apologize, nothing bad will happen to you. On the contrary – you will simply stop attracting situations like that from the universe in the future. Over time, you’ll see that the more you are in control of your thoughts and responses, the more the number of unpleasant situations will decrease until they’ve reached almost zero! It all depends on you. No doubt, it’s not easy for people who are used to responding aggressively to start to restrain and control themselves, but the moment you succeed and overcome your natural impulses, you’ll see that you’ll benefit from it. You’ll raise your vibration, which will bring a significant improvement to how you feel in all areas of your life.


  In order to take the right action, you must get really clear about exactly what you want. Take a moment for yourself, sink into thought and describe, down to the smallest detail, what it is that you want. Answer questions like: Do you want to stay at your current job? Should you change where you work? Do you want a promotion? What is your dream job? How many days a week do you want to work? Do you want to work from home or in an office? How much money do you want to make? Do you want to be self-employed or an employee?

  The moment you provide your subconscious mind with a clear and precise picture, it will be easier to fulfill your dreams. Write down your vision on a piece of paper, hang it in a visible place, perhaps on your vision board. Make sure to be precise about your goals, down to the smallest detail, including the amount of money you want to make. Be complete with your choice, whether it’s a promotion at work, a raise in your salary, changing jobs, or getting the job you’ve dreamed of for so long.

  Twice a day, in the morning and at night before bed, do the following actions:

  Choose 3-5 affirmations from the list below or create your own list of affirmations that you connect to.

  After doing the necessary breathing and becoming relaxed, at ease, and clear of thoughts, that is, at the point just before entering meditation, say each of the phrases you chose 10-15 times aloud. While you are saying the phrases, visualize the job or position you desire. Try to incorporate emotions while you say the phrases.

  After saying each phrase 10-15 times, breathe deeply for about five minutes, until you relax even further. Visualize what you wrote down, then continue to write a script in your mind, combined with emotions and using the five senses. Notice that emotions play the most important role in each one of your attempts to manifest things from the universe, whether it’s a relationship, money, or work. Emotion is the fuel of the Law of Attraction. Let me remind you that the Law of Attraction is like the ‘delivery truck’ that brings you the package from the universe. It starts the moment you’ve asked for something, before you’ve even started taking action! It is immediately registered and put into the production process at the ‘post office,’ meaning - the universe. Now you must insure that what you wished for will be fulfilled; meaning make one of the ‘delivery trucks’ bring you the ‘package.’ That’s where emotion comes in. Without it, the truck will never move and your wish can not be fulfilled!

  Open your eyes and be grateful for all that you have, as discussed in the chapter that discusses ‘gratitude.’ When expressing your gratitude, integrate the phrase, “I am grateful for my job/new position at___” Customize your phrase of gratitude to match what you asked for from the universe; just don’t forget to speak in the present tense, as if it is already happening. The language of the subconscious mind is in present tense only. It doesn’t recognize any other time.

  You can record yourself saying all of these phrases and listen to them with headphones. Do this after meditating. If it is hard for you to fall asleep to the sound of the recording, you can also listen to it for 30 minutes to an hour before going to sleep.

  Remember, behave and feel throughout the day like so
meone who has gotten the job or salary or anything else that he or she wants. This behavior will make it easier for the universe to fulfill your goal for you.

  Take action. It is clear to you that if you sit idly by, the job will not come to you. You must do at least one action every day to advance yourself towards the goal. Whether it is a search on the Internet, sending a resume, etc.

  Persistence, persistence, persistence!!! As mentioned already many times, the main cause of failure to apply the Law of Attraction is a lack of persistence. Therefore, it is very important to persist. It makes no difference in which area you use the Law of Attraction, persistence is what brings results.

  Cast out worry from your heart, be relaxed and let go of thoughts and worries about when, how and where your goal will be fulfilled. Over time, the universe will make sure to lead you to situations, encounters or events that bring you towards the fulfillment of your goal.

  Remember, let go of all expectations, because for every expectation there is disappointment, and disappointment transmits negative emotions. Part of the disengagement process is to know how not to have expectations, then you won’t be putting pressure on the universe, which enables it to march with you more easily towards your goal.

  Affirmations for employees

  “I receive job offers nonstop.”

  “The job I am waiting for is on its way.”

  “I succeed at everything I do.”

  “I have amazing job offers.”

  “Amazing job opportunities easily show up in my life.”

  “I create my life’s work.”

  “I am fulfilling all of my aspirations and desires.”


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