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Creations Collection 1: sci fi alien romance

Page 18

by Marie Harte

  “So much,” she sighed. “You must have been without a long time.”

  A month, but for a Ragga, that was a long time. It made the pleasure so much greater though, to feel his mate around him. The joining wouldn’t be nearly so long had he taken just any female. A way to relieve the ache but not the need to procreate. And if she was in her breeding time...

  Oh shit.

  “Anin?” he said in a hoarse voice. “Honey, I need to ask you something.”


  He withdrew only to thrust back inside her when his cock throbbed with need. To his shock, he orgasmed again. A well of ecstasy rippled through his body, spurts of seed mingling with what he’d already left.

  “Hmm, you’re so strong.” Anin caressed the nape of his neck and moaned. “So powerful.”

  “I need to ask you something.” His head felt fuzzy, his body as light as a feather as he floated over feminine perfection. “It can wait.” He nuzzled her cheek, then kissed her on the mouth. “Your lips are so soft.”

  She licked his lips. “I taste me.”

  “You taste like ambrosia,” he breathed. “So salty-sweet when you came over my lips. Did it feel good, baby?”

  She closed her eyes and smiled in wonder. “It was like nothing I could have imagined. It was incredible. And addicting.” She ran a hand up his side, her touch muted by his trousers. “Did I please you, Sir?”

  The minx. “You know you did. You’re a bit arrogant for a sub. I think I’m going to have to punish you.” He flexed inside her, wishing he could find his erection again so soon. But after that orgasm and, well, that second, shocking orgasm, he was bone dry.

  “Yes, please, Sir. I was bad.”

  Set chuckled and hugged her tight. She was his, and as soon as his idiot brother stopped wallowing in useless guilt, Nu’s as well. Anin would make the perfect wife. She had the right temperament, gorgeous looks, and a giving soul. A woman with the physical strength to handle a Ragga and the inner vulnerability to need what he and Nu could give her.

  Though it probably wasn’t right to claim her so soon after she’d won her independence from the immoral lab that had created her, Set had intention of playing fair. A better man would give her time, let her adjust to a new world to make her own decisions. But Set never claimed to be a good man, and Anin wasn’t a typical woman. A female created to submit. Her entire foundation depended upon pleasing others.

  After hearing what she’d been through, Set would be damned if he’d let her to go to anyone but him and his brother. He understood her, would give her what she needed and treat her as an equal. Just because she instinctively sought to serve made her no less valuable in their relationship. Now he just had to work on his hard-headed brother.


  Set left to clean up and returned to see to Anin. He’d removed the rest of his clothing and joined her in bed, pillowing her head on his arm. They hugged, lying together for hours.

  He didn’t think he’d ever been so content in all his life.

  Anin spoke softly, interrupting the quiet. “Sir, I mean, Set?”

  “Yes, Meena?”


  “An endearment. One that suits you well.”

  She blushed, a becoming shade that made him want to kiss her all over. “Did I hear Nu earlier?”

  “Yeah.” He wasn’t surprised his brother had immediately left after walking in on them. Taking part in a threesome with Anin would have crimped Nu’s memories of his precious Lita. Just thinking about the bitch left a bad taste in Set’s mouth.

  “Will he be upset that I’m here with you?”

  She sounded worried.

  Set kissed the top of her head. “He’s upset with himself.” He debated the idea of telling her what made his brother the way he was, then figured, what the hell. She’d figure it out soon enough. Despite the way everyone on Mara’s Light had treated Anin, Set knew she wasn’t gullible, just ignorant about the way life outside of Blue Rim Labs worked. From what he’d seen, the woman had an agile mind and an uncanny ability to get under a man’s skin.

  “Anin, you have to understand my brother. Nu is stubborn and quick to anger, but—he’d kill me for saying this—he’s the most kind-hearted Ragga I’ve ever met. He’s a hell of a lot more forgiving than I am.” That Nu forgave Lita for all the bullshit she’d pulled still annoyed the shit out of him. “He needs you. You can heal the hurt he’s got buried deep inside.”

  He turned so that he could look into her eyes. As he’d imagined, compassion and interest glowed in the blue fathoms of her gaze.

  “I’ll do anything I can to help Nu. You and he have been so kind to me, so wonderful.” Her breathy admission aroused him in seconds, and he fought the urge to lay her flat and take her again. A lush perfume surrounded him, and he groaned.

  “Meena, do me a favor and hold your scent, okay?” He softened the command with a tender kiss to her lips.

  Anin sighed. “I’m sorry, Set. Around you, I can’t help feeling so free.”

  “That’s good. I want you to feel that. But you get me so hard, so crazy in lust when you let that go that all I can think about is fucking you.”

  She fixated on his mouth and licked her lips with sensual intent.

  Forcing himself to rein her in, and stars, but he loved her playful side, Set hardened his voice. “Meena, tone it down, now.”

  The clinging smell of sex immediately faded.

  “Good girl.” He rubbed her breasts, pinching her nipples with exquisite care. Ignoring her moan and promising himself he’d finish her after their discussion, he focused on his brother.

  How would Nu handle Anin? Would he be ultra careful, or would he take her like a rutting beast, the way he liked to handle his women? “Like I said, Nu needs you. He was married a long time ago to a woman not worthy of his love. She lied, cheated, and nearly killed him.”

  Anin’s concerned expression turned fierce. “Why?”

  “Because she was horrible. Nu never saw more than her pretty face. To this day he blames himself because he thinks he pushed her into doing what she did. He’s afraid to let himself fall in love again. But Anin, he needs to. He needs a woman who can handle his aggression. He’s not an easy man. He’s not gentle, and he’s not used to pretty words. But when he says something, he means it.”

  And he’s already half in love with you, whether he’ll admit it or not. Set couldn’t count how many times his brother’s gaze strayed to Anin whenever he thought she wasn’t looking. Or how often Nu went out of his way to avoid being near her, as if he was afraid he’d be unable to resist her. Just like he’d lost control earlier today.


  “Yes?” Set stroked her hair, encouraging her. He knew how hard it was for her to reach out. Anin easily agreed to serve others, but having her own thoughts and opinions, as well as the ability to exercise them, took tremendous courage to share.

  From what Anin’s sister had mentioned, Anin had never argued or put up a fight during her incarceration at Blue Rim. Not until her brother had spirited her away from the labs and taught her to fend for herself had she begun to express her opinions. Set could count on one hand the number of times she’d talked out of turn during her month on board the ship.

  “I would like to help him.”

  Pleased, Set gave her a kiss, keeping it brief lest he lose himself in her warmth. “I’m glad. He deserves to be happy again.”

  Her shy smile sent his heart racing.

  He cleared his throat. “Right. Nu. He’s a stubborn bastard, and he won’t let himself touch you the way he needs to. Nu likes it rough, but he’ll be too afraid of hurting you to be honest about his desire. He closed himself off from true affection a long time ago. Though he’s as sexual as I am, he doesn’t let himself enjoy more than the quick attention of paid-for pleasurers.”

  “He enjoyed his release today.”

  “That he did.” Set grinned. “You did a great job. He’s been frustrated as hell, lately. And it’
s because of you, Meena. You make him want to love again, and it scares him. You have a generous heart. You’re going to need it if we’re going to teach my brother how to get over his past. But to do so, you need to change your outlook.”

  “My looks are not pleasing?” She sounded shocked, as she should be. No one could resist Anin—a woman built to please.

  “No. Your face and body are perfection.” He leaned into her with his erection, satisfied when she rubbed him back. “It’s your attitude we need to work on. You’re a natural submissive, which is what Nu needs and what I want. But he won’t come near a biddable female. Not yet. We’re going to change that.”

  “We are?”

  “Yes. Give me a few days and I’ll show you how to act dominant, enough to attract my stubborn brother. First you’re going to lure him with your scent and body, and you’re going to pretend to be unaware of it.”

  “Very devious. I like it.” She laughed.

  “Yes, you’re going to have Nu so frustrated and confused he won’t know what to do. You’ll argue with him. A little at first, before you really stand up to him. I’ll make sure he breaks, and when he does, you’re not going to so much as flinch.” Even when he bends you in half and takes you hard and deep, painfully rough. Nu needed it, and Anin could handle a lot more than Nu understood. Than even she understood.

  Skepticism showed plainly on her face.

  “Don’t believe your master?” He shook his head, and she blushed with shame. So damn sexy. “How about if I order you to pretend? Do you think you could do it then?”

  She slowly smiled. “Oh. Yes, Sir. I could do that. Very easily, in fact.” She gnawed her lower lip, reminding him of how much he still longed to feel that softness around his cock.

  “Yes, Meena. You’ll do what I tell you to in order to avoid punishment.” He noted her eyes shining with excitement. “Or maybe to receive your due punishment. Something tells me there’s a lot more to you than meets the eye.”

  Anin ran a hand over his chest, plucked his nipples, and winked.

  Set sucked in a breath, incredibly hard. “Oh, I’m going to spank you soundly for that.”

  Her scent filled the room, and Set couldn’t think anymore as he flattened her on the bed and plowed into her. He thrust hard and fast, then tilted the angle of his penetration to graze her clit with each pass. Her breathy cries filled the space, spurring him to move faster and find release.

  Feeling her near the edge, he suddenly stilled. “Silence, Meena,” he ordered, pleased when she immediately quieted. “And stop moving.” Before I come again.

  She stopped and lay under him, her breathing ragged, her eyes a perfect sapphire, sparkling with dazed desire.

  He withdrew slowly, loving every involuntary shiver that pressed her slighter frame. Then he stood beside the bed. “Look at my cock,” he growled.

  Anin stared at it, and to his consternation, he throbbed with the need to come. As if her glance was a physical caress.

  “Lick me dry.”

  She put her mouth over him and licked with the skill of a tenth class Nebite.

  “Now suck it. Taste your pussy, Meena. See how sweet it is.” He thrust his hands in her hair, taken with her softness, and moaned. “That’s it. Roll it around in your mouth. Then take more.” As it was she’d only taken half of him. Raggas tended to be large all over, which made her pussy’s fit heavenly. “Nu will gag you on it. He’ll fuck you hard, hurting you. But the hurt will be so good.”

  He pulled her, and she moved with him off the bed. “On your knees.” He raised his voice, wanting his brother to hear him, to know what he was missing. “Yes, Anin. Open your mouth wider. Balls deep, baby. And while you suck me, touch yourself. Roll those tits, feel your nipples hard and burning for me.”

  Surprising him, Anin pulled him deeper, her soft hand on his ass. She didn’t gag once, but took all of him. The heat of her mouth nearly made him spill. By Vas’s balls, she was good. As ordered, she played with her breasts. And as she did, her scent increased, layering over them both like an out of this world aphrodisiac.

  “You don’t come until I tell you to,” he breathed and fisted his hands in her hair. Fucking her mouth harder, he tried to recall the many times he and Nu had shared women. Always a certain type, a soft sub who’d do whatever they told her to without question.

  Nu would come quickly, too quickly. But his eyes would remain on the hardier females who liked it rough, who didn’t mind serving others’ pained pleasure. Nu didn’t realize it, but Set knew what he really liked. Lita had let it slip once, in a disgusted rant about her unnatural husband.

  Anin continued to suck him, her eyes half shut in pleasure. She was the one. The woman who could give his brother and him what they both desperately needed. A home, acceptance, and the climax of a lifetime. Nu would take Anin’s ass and own it while Set fucked her wet pussy. Or her mouth, with those soft, ripe lips.

  Her tongue rasped along the underside of his crown before licking his slit.

  “That’s right. Swallow my cream, Anin. All of it. Now.” He couldn’t wait any longer and simply pushed as deep into her mouth as he could. Groaning her name, he spent inside her, filling her with more than she really needed. Again, his body gave up his seed. A large dose of sperm to impregnate a mate. And Anin, good little sub that she was, kept swallowing.

  He pulled her away and sat them both down on the bed. Lifting her onto his lap, he made her straddle his waist. He shoved his hand between her legs and fought the urge to thrust his hand deep. “Now ride my hand. Rock that clit over my fingers until you’re on the very edge. Then I want you to beg me to come. Your pleasure is mine, Meena. And I want more of it.”

  She stared at him as she moved, the most erotic thing he’d ever seen in his life. Universes of passion came to life in her eyes, the darkness of those beautiful orbs fading under the glowing excitement of her sensuality. Her skin flushed, golden lights dancing over the tanned flesh while she rode his hand. Her breathy moans told him she was near, and then she begged so prettily for orgasm.

  Like before, Set felt that jolt in his balls, that surprising need to ejaculate once more. He lifted her over him.

  “Now. Come now.” He pulled her down over his cock, her fit tight as she clamped down and seized. In one more thrust he came hard.

  She cried out, caught in the whirlwind of her own passion. Set continued to come, squeezed by her inner walls as tight as a vice.

  When she had squeezed the last drop from him, he hugged her close. “How did that feel, Meena?” Damn, my whole body feels shaky.

  They sat for a few moments, catching their breath. Then Set picked her up and carried her through the hallway to the lav, just in time to see Nu glare at him before stomping back into the galley.

  “It was perfect.” Her eyes filled as he cleaned them both. “So beautiful. I can’t believe it was real.”

  “Just wait until you have both of us in you.” He couldn’t wait. “Two Raggas filling you, two men loving you until you pass out from the sheer pleasure.”

  “Yes,” she whispered and stroked his face.

  He saw glowing affection in her gaze and something more. Pleased, he finished cleaning them and took her back to the bed. Nu could handle the ship while he took care of their precious treasure. Their meena. After lying down with her in bed, he cuddled her to him.

  Once her trembling settled and her breathing calmed, he kissed her softly on the head. “Now sleep, Meena. Because we have work to do when you wake. Time to finally conquer one hard-headed Ragga.”


  Anin spent the next two days closeted with Set. She had a hard time concentrating on anything but him. Never had anyone cared for her so well. Even her brother, for all his love, couldn’t give her the tenderness he’d never been given. Set treated her like a queen. He fed her, touched her constantly, and ordered her about all day long. Heaven for a woman who lived and breathed to please others.

  Her handler, Synster, had treated her like c
hattel. He’d never placed her needs above his own and used her like a common whore. For all that she’d disliked him, the pain he inflicted had been minimal though memorable, and his attempts at sex had been quick. Of her three siblings, Anin alone retained the ability to procreate. She knew Synster had wanted her to carry his young. With her perfect face and form and his brains, he’d told her, they would create progeny to rule the universe.

  “What an ass.” She grinned with delight as Set raised a brow and returned to polishing his sword. She felt no guilt for the untoward thought, only pleasure that she had the freedom to say it.

  Anin had a feeling she could curse Set up and down, and he’d either agree with her or grin at her antics. In the month she’d spent on board Mara’s Light with him and the crew, she’d been treated fairly by all. But only Set and Nu made her feel like a real woman. The others maintained a wary, respectful distance, as if aware of the power she constantly kept in check.

  Created with the strength of a Ragga, the agility of a Mardu, and the beauty of a Nebite, Anin possessed many more skills courtesy of Blue Rim’s genetic manipulation. Synster had called her his golden girl, the perfect woman because she’d been imbued with the best of every race in the System along with the need to submit.

  Submission, she was learning, wasn’t simply about serving others. Watching the Fas brothers these weeks, she’d come to realize that submission also included a measure of trust.

  As they sat in the common quarters near the galley, she stared at the rough, scarred hands cleaning Set’s weapon. By the stars, Set couldn’t know how hard it had been to let herself go under his touch. To give herself over to her body, to a thing that she’d been taught had been built only for a man’s pleasure, was a huge step away from the meek prisoner she’d once been.

  For her reward, she’d been shown ecstasy the likes of which she’d never known existed. Coming while in Set’s arms was heaven, and she wanted it again. She couldn’t look at him and not think about having him inside her. Everything about him fit her. His looks, his gentle manner so at odds with his rough exterior, the love he clearly felt for his brother.


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