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Creations Collection 1: sci fi alien romance

Page 19

by Marie Harte

  They talked and laughed. He asked her opinions on things and listened. To her. He treated her like she mattered.

  Set showed her how life with him could be. If only Nu would stop avoiding her. As close as Nu and Set were, she couldn’t imagine being close to one of them without the other involved. Though Set claimed Nu’s avoidance to be a good thing, she couldn’t help feeling hurt.

  What would it take to make Nu see her as a woman and not an abomination? She hadn’t asked to be made. So why did she bear the burden of so much distrust and fear?

  “Anin? You seem agitated. Relax, Meena.” Set put down his sword and held out his hands.

  She gratefully dropped the book she was supposed to read and settled on his lap. His immense size should have threatened her, but within his arms, she felt nothing but safe. She almost felt loved.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked in a husky voice and shifted her over his lap.

  She smiled to herself, pleased at the erection he always seemed to have in her presence. It made her feel sexy while proving how much he was unlike her handler. Though she and Set had certainly been intimate, he didn’t only make time for her body.

  He seemed to like hearing her thoughts. A kind man who made her feel so good. She wanted to feel that joy again. Right now.

  “When will we lure Nu to us?”

  “To you.” Set kissed her lips, and heat built deep in her womb and spread throughout her body. “You know, it’s amazing I’ve gotten anything done since you boarded our ship. All I can think about is sinking inside you,” he murmured.

  She smiled and rubbed his cock with her thigh.

  He moaned and shook his head. “I want you to work on Nu, like we practiced. When I take his watch, you start showing him you have a mind of your own. Tell him what you think when you think it. But you are not to obey his orders. Only mine.” His deep voice made her shiver, and her nipples hardened.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Set clasped her hand to his chest. “You are so perfect for us, Meena. Don’t give up on my brother, no matter how much he annoys you.”

  “Nu could never annoy me.” She cast her eyes down, not wanting him to think she could in any way not care for his brother.

  “Look at me.” He tilted her chin up. “Don’t look away from Nu. No matter how much he tries to dominate you, remember who you serve right now.” His raspy breathing told her how much he liked controlling her.

  The wetness pooling between her thighs reminded her why she loved dealing with Set. He made no apology for being dominant, and he didn’t want her to be anything but herself.

  Her brother and sister chafed at their need to serve. Anin embraced it. She knew that with Set, and hopefully Nu, she could be the woman she wanted to be. A submissive, but an equal. A woman cared for and treated with respect. But in order to have Set, she needed Nu. She tingled at the thought of feeling him inside her, of taking his orders and bowing to his will.

  She moaned and let go of her scent.

  “Fuck.” Set put her from him. He scooted his chair back and spread his thighs. Opening his trousers, he showcased that mouth-watering cock, ruddy, hard, and wet with arousal. “You’re a bad girl, Anin. I warned you not to release that perfume without permission, didn’t I?”

  She nodded quickly, her gaze caught by his thick cock.

  “Come here.” He pointed between his legs, and she smiled as she knelt before him. Set ran his fingers through her long hair, every pass over her scalp a loving caress. “Suck me like a good pleasurer would. Give me relief, Meena. And because you’ve been bad, you’ll find yourself as frustrated as poor Nu.”

  Not what she’d wanted, but Anin couldn’t bemoan the fact she’d get to swallow Set again. She put her hands on his thighs for balance and leaned forward. With eager lips, she engulfed his shaft.

  He rocked into her mouth, and she accepted him, using her ability to enlarge her throat and surpass her gag reflex. She bobbed over him, loving it when he shoved her head down, forcing her to take more.

  “That’s it,” he crooned as he grew thicker. “What a good girl. Your pussy’s wet, isn’t it, Meena? So wet and needy, wanting a big cock to fill it up. But you’ve been bad, and you’re not going to get what you need, are you?”

  She shook her head and continued to suck him. Running her tongue around his shaft, she pressed her teeth against him, relishing his groan.

  “No, don’t play. Get me off, now.”

  She let go of her pheromones and dragged him under a sensual daze. Sucking him deep, she cupped his sac and recognized the hardness in his balls.

  Set groaned and released, large jets of cream rushing down her throat. “That’s it. Swallow me,” he rasped. When finished, he tucked himself back into his trousers and pulled her to her feet. “You’re too sexy for your own good.”

  He slapped her on the ass.

  “Set!” She flushed, even more aroused.

  He winked. “Find Nu and torment him for a change. Bring him back here.”

  Shaken with the need to feel Set touch her again, Anin gave him a lingering glance before leaving with a sigh. Talk about a punishment. Her need to experience the pleasure she’d just given Set nearly overwhelmed her. But she deserved this discipline. A small part of her craved it.

  Set wouldn’t punish her if he didn’t care. He would never hurt her, and this small rebuke only emphasized their roles. She quivered with joy, finally submitting to a male worthy of her affections.

  There was freedom in that. In the ability to surrender herself and know she’d be cared for. Not having to constantly remain on guard filled her with peace. Until she found Nu on the small bridge.

  “What?” he barked as he stared at a monitor in front of him. “Set, damn it, I’m busy. Go back—” He stopped mid-tirade as he spotted her standing in the doorway. “Oh. Anin.” He swallowed hard, his gaze absorbing her with intensity. “What do you need?”

  Nu seemed more than frustrated.

  The playful part of her personality, the one Set wanted her to embrace, reared its head. “I need you.”

  Her bald statement provoked a dark look, one that made her cream even more. “What?”

  “I need you to come. With me.” She put emphasis on the word “come,” knowing it would drive him crazy.

  Nu didn’t disappoint. In seconds he had her backed against a wall. He leaned close, his orange eyes almost yellow with fire. “Be very careful, Anin, or I’ll give you what you’re asking for.”

  She had to admit Set knew his brother. Set had said, “Confuse him. Tease him, then draw back playing the innocent. Knock him on his ass before he knows what’s hit him.”

  Teasing Nu was fun, and the big guy certainly danced to whatever tune she played.

  “Nu?” She blinked in pretend innocence, inwardly laughing at his look of confusion. “What’s wrong?”

  He leaned closer, and she felt his hard cock brush her belly. A hint of her perfume leaked, and he breathed deeply, his eyes closed, as if enthralled.

  His eyes opened in shock. “I, I— Anin?” He shook his head and stepped back, his fists clenched.

  “Set needs to see you. He’s in the common quarters,” she said, wanting nothing more than to have sex—make love, Set often corrected—with the sexy Nu.

  “Oh, right.” He cleared his throat and flushed, his muscles bunched with tension. “Why don’t you wait here?”

  “I can’t. He told me to come back with you.”

  Nu muttered under his breath before stepping around her to leave the bridge. She followed him, curious to see what he’d say to his brother.

  They found Set putting his sword away. “About time you showed up.” Set glared at Nu.

  “Dick. Hey, Anin, honey, would you mind grabbing me a beverage from the galley? I have a few things to say to Set.”

  “Actually, I would mind. No.” The first time she’d ever said it to a male. It scared her, and at the same time, it felt good.

  Nu turned around to face her, h
is eyes wide. “No?”

  Behind him, Set gave her a double thumbs-up and buoyed her courage.

  “I said no. I’m not thirsty and I don’t want to go the galley. I have a book to read.” To her shock, telling Nu what she wanted was addicting. The more she did it, the more she wanted to do it. Granted, Set had told her to say what she felt, but right now Nu was staring at her as if he’d never seen her before.

  And maybe he hadn’t.


  “Anin?” Nu stepped close and tilted her chin up to better meet her gaze. “Honey, are you all right?” He glared over his shoulder at Set, wondering how the hell this peaceable woman had turned into a termagant. Had to be Set’s doing.

  She tugged her chin away. “I’m sorry if my being on the shuttle is such a trial. You’ve avoided me for days, and now you’re suddenly ordering me around. Why? Because I was created to serve? You want a slave?”

  “No, no. I just wanted to—”

  “What? Put me down because you don’t like submissive women?”

  “No.” He frowned. “That’s not it. I just don’t want you to hear—”

  “That you can’t stand me. I know already. Look, Set and I are friends, and we’ve come to an understanding.”

  “I’ll bet you have,” Nu muttered.

  “Set said that as long as I’m on board, I have free run of the place. So if you want me to leave the room, you’ll have to jettison me from the shuttle.” She said her piece in a soft but firm voice. Then she moved across the way and sat her pretty little ass down on the bed in the shared berthing quarters and resumed reading.

  Baffled, Nu didn’t know what to think. Gone was the quiet, pleasing Creation he’d known all month aboard Mara’s Light. In her place sat a gorgeous, vibrant creature who showed a fierce independence. He stared at her, aware she deliberately ignored him.

  The damn woman isn’t afraid of me anymore. His cock spiked.

  Set drew his attention. “Take your break, Nu. And while you do, understand that Anin can come and go whenever she wants. In another day we’ll hit Ragga, and then we’ll hash this out if you’ve still a mind to.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait.” Nu seethed, knowing his brother was up to something. He wasn’t stupid. He’d heard Set fucking her for the past two days. They made no effort to keep their voices down, and Anin’s scent wafted over the ship when she was aroused.

  Hell, he’d masturbated more this past jaunt than he had the first week of his coming of age celebration, when a Ragga’s lust spiraled out of control.

  Set wasn’t helping. He wanted them to all be together. Set hadn’t changed his mind about bonding, and Nu could only reason that he’d done something to force Anin’s new obstinacy. Still, Nu wouldn’t have thought she had such temerity. This new Anin confused the shit out of him.

  Did Anin plan on seducing him? Did she somehow know how much he wanted a challenge? He’d never told Set what he really liked in a woman. Even Lita had been calm and a bit nervous, as were most of the females they shared in trysts. None of them were anything like Anin.

  Even at Anin’s meekest she possessed a core of silent strength that attracted him. By the War God, she’d overwhelmed him easily enough a few days past. His body shook, remembering her mouth over him, how right she’d looked sucking him off.

  “Don’t be more of an ass than you can help,” Set drawled. He joined Anin across the hall, pulled her to her feet, and kissed her. Cupping her breast and rubbing it, he drew out a deep sigh from her. “Ignore Nu if he gets a bug up his ass.”

  Anin laughed and shot Nu a look. “I will. Have a nice shift. I’ll see you later.”

  Set left without a backward glance.

  Leaving Nu and Anin standing in silence. Alone. Together.

  Before Nu could speak, Anin flounced back on the bed. Set’s shirt slid up her thigh, and he could see a hint of her pussy as she shifted to adjust the material.

  He left the common area to join her in the berthing quarters. “Why the hell are you still wearing that?”

  She blinked in surprise. “Set gave me four of his shirts, though they’re more like shifts. I rotate them through the laundry to keep them clean. They’re soft and comfortable, and they cover me adequately.”

  Depends upon your definition of adequate. Nu took the offensive. “Look, Anin. I need some sleep. What I don’t need is a hungry female crawling all over me. So how about you join Set on the bridge?” Liar! You want nothing more than to feel her crawling all over you.

  Anin shocked him with a laugh. “Relax, Nu. I’m not the needy female I was a few days ago. Your brother’s been helping me to open up. I admit I was scared of the crew when I first boarded Mara’s Light. But during the weeks I’ve been with you, I watched and learned. Knowing you won’t hurt me is liberating. I can tell you to go fuck yourself if I want, and despite being a so-called aggressive Ragga, you won’t touch me. Women are precious to you, aren’t they?”

  “Go fuck myself? What the hell has Set been teaching you?”

  “Oh, about how Raggas hate the idea of harming a female. That although you’re as big as a mountain, you’re mostly bark and no bite.”

  “He’s full of shit.” Nu ran a hand through his hair before he was tempted to wrap it around her throat. He could all too easily imagine pinning her down on the bed while he fucked her, keeping her in place with a tight grip.

  “Whatever.” She rolled her eyes.

  What the fuck?

  “I’m tired of this animosity, Nu. When we reach Ragga, I’ll go my way and you go yours. I appreciate the hospitality you guys have given me, but to be fair, I didn’t ask for it. Set practically demanded I come with you. But you know, that’s okay, because I prefer Set to you anyway. I’ll be in the galley. When you’re done using this room, let me know.” She left with her book.

  Nu stared after her, not sure he’d heard correctly. When had the mild little submissive turned into a tiger? Her eyes had been as hard as diamonds, her manner firm and unbending. She made him so damn hard with that attitude and that sweet pussy that he shook.

  He reached for his cock and withdrew it from his trousers. In less than a minute he came, her scent wrapped around him as tightly as his fingers held his shaft. By Vas’s balls, what it must feel like to fuck that ass. To shoot load after load in her mouth. Nu shook and came again, shocking himself with the absolute need to claim Anin.

  Swearing as he finally came down off a sexual high, he cleaned himself and the room and settled into an exhausted slumber. In his dreams he saw Lita and Anin battling over him.

  Poor Lita cried and raged as her bastard lover, Ivar, tried to draw her attention. She glanced at him for a mere second before Anin was there, plowing a fist through her belly, killing Nu’s child and the woman who would have borne it.

  “Nu was never really yours,” Anin said to Lita with a soft smile. “He belongs to me.” Before he could say or do anything, she turned to him with scorn. “But I don’t want him. He’s nothing of importance, not like Set.”

  She went down between Set’s legs and sucked him off.

  “We could have shared her, brother. But you lost your chance.” Set shrugged and spent in Anin’s mouth, then drew her to feet and fucked her right there in public, in front of family and friends.

  Nu shrunk in size, growing smaller and smaller, until nothing of him existed but a lost cry for what might have been...

  He shot up in bed just as Anin entered the room dressed in a different overshirt. She cocked a brow at him. “Are you all right?”

  He was hard as hell, his head throbbed, and his eyes felt gritty, as if he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep. “I’m fine.” He rose out of bed, uncaring about his nudity. Nothing of importance, was he? So she preferred Set to him?

  Gratified when Anin stared at his dick with wide eyes, he advanced on her until her back hit the wall. Her scent intensified, and he drew some comfort from the fact the little witch did want him.

  “Enjoy your book?” he asked.
  “Ah, yes. Yes I did.” She licked her lips and fixated on his mouth. Then, noting his interest, she straightened her shoulders and poked his chest. “You’re crowding me.”

  “No, I’m not.” He pushed closer and rubbed his cock along her shin-covered belly. The soft material of the shirt slid over him like loving hands. “When I crowd you, you’ll know.” When I cram my cock into that tight ass, you’ll feel it for days.

  The desire to protect her was still there, but the need to treat her supposed frailty with tenderness no longer existed. And for that he was glad.

  “Gee, Nu. I’m scared.” Anin shoved him back with a strength that stunned him.

  Good Night, but she handled him as if she were a male Ragga. He panted with lust, no thought but fucking Anin on his one-track mind.

  “Glad you’re feeling awake and perky. The lav’s that way.” Deliberately pushing him away from her again, she settled into the bed he’d just vacated and promptly closed her eyes.

  Livid, Nu took a step in her direction when Set entered the room. “Oh, good, you’re awake. After you’ve cleaned up, join me in the bridge. Mother wants to talk to you.” Set grinned at Anin. “Sexy isn’t she? You should see her without my shirt.”

  He left Nu with a greater headache.

  What the fuck is going on around here?

  Just two days ago Set had wanted to share Anin, yet now he made no more mention of it. Anin, the sweet, gentle woman with looks to die for, had turned into a sexual temptress with a leer cat’s temper. Her aggression aroused Nu like nothing else could.

  Like Set, Nu was dominant. But he didn’t want a completely slavish woman under him in bed. He wanted someone to rough into submission. Without a challenge, it didn’t feel right. But not many women tolerated a Ragga pounding into them, which was what had made Lita so special. Or so he’d thought. Despite liking his sex rough, Nu would never take a woman who didn’t want his type of aggression.

  Anin wasn’t giving off sexual vibes. Except for her obvious appreciation for his body, she ignored him. Contrary to what he’d thought before, he didn’t want her unaware of him. And knowing she’d taken his brother made him that much hungrier to have her.


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