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The Diamond Bearers' Destiny

Page 24

by Lorena Angell

  “What do you mean eliminated? Did some people go to jail?”

  “Don’t worry about it, Mom. I’m safe, you’re safe, Dad’s safe. Right now I’m headed east and expect to be home maybe in a week or so. You can reach me at this number, but I’ll keep you updated on my plans.”

  We say our goodbyes, and I end the call.

  I turn to Chris. “Do you want to call your mother?”

  “Yes.” He takes the phone and dials the number.

  I listen as Chris explains in vague, glossed-over language that his father had died. He could have chosen to say just about anything, but he doesn’t elaborate. I understand the relationship Chris has with his mother better. He loves her deeply and doesn’t want her to worry about him. He finishes his call by promising to visit her soon.

  Chris gives the phone back to Beth. “Does anyone want something from the fridge?” he asks.

  “I’ll take one of Clara’s magical juices,” I chime in. Hearing Clara’s name sparks a realization in my mind. Clara, and Beth’s brother, Nate, would have died if I hadn’t figured out how to eliminate the Shadow Demons. A sense of pride warms my heart, then a wave of despair fills my mind. I can’t help but think of the faceless individuals who died before the Demons were eliminated.

  Chris walks back to the small kitchen space, squats down, and opens the fridge.

  I watch him with concern. I feel he needs me and the healing energy only I can give him. He has yet to retrieve anything from the fridge. I read his mind and find he is completely zoned out, reliving the horrifying events.

  I excuse myself from Beth and Brand and walk back to him. He isn’t even aware I have arrived by his side. I place my hand on his shoulder and send him positive energy. He reaches in and pulls out two drinks and hands me one. He stands and closes the fridge door.

  “Thank you, Calli. You’re the only one who will ever understand what I’ve been through. Let’s sit back here.” He leads me to a more secluded area with dual reclining chairs. We seat ourselves and open our drinks.

  We sip for a few minutes in silence. I resist the urge to read his mind, figuring I already know the kind of images racing through it.

  I set my drink in the cupholder and scoot forward in my seat. I turn to Chris and gently ease the juice out of his hand, set it inside another cupholder, and say, “I don’t think we’ll ever forget what happened in the final dramatic hours, Chris. I don’t think we should. Our memories and experiences are what shape our futures. Let me give you some much-needed healing.”

  I move into his space and bring my lips to his. I kiss him gently and respectfully, infusing him with my healing power.

  He wraps his arms around my body and pulls me onto his lap. One of his hands slides up into my hair, and he angles my head so he can kiss me more intently with his warm lips.

  As the healing power is delivered through our intimate moment, I remember the first time his lips touched mine. Well, I sort of remember it. I viewed it through his memory on the banks of the river when he gave me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and saved my life. Along with viewing what he’d done, I experienced the emotions he felt for me at that time. I remember feeling blown away to discover the depth of his affection. He kissed me while I was unconscious, after the destruction of the Death Clan. That kiss was a sad “good-bye” gesture on his part. He didn’t have my same optimism that we’d see each other again.

  The next noteworthy kiss I remember came when I rescued Chris from Justin Macintyre’s hold. Finding him, instead of Clara Winter, behind the locked door caught me off guard, and the emotion behind the kiss I gave him came from an incredibly relieved place deep within my heart. Further intimacy followed later in the evening . . . well, as much as was possible because of the amulets we were wearing. The kiss Chris gave me before Maetha ushered me out to receive the diamond after Justin Macintyre’s death left a lasting impression. He delivered such passion and possessiveness at that moment . . . just thinking about it makes butterflies swarm within my belly. Then there was the sensual kiss in the warehouse before meeting with the Diamond Bearers and Freedom. I recall how my heart raced with excitement. I think the reason the shard began causing life-threatening injuries to my heart was because of my anticipation of being as close as possible to Chris. I hadn’t had a physical relationship with a guy before. Still haven’t. I already had the knowledge that Chris and I would eventually become intimate because of the vision I had of our grandchildren. Knowing that eventually he and I would create one or more babies together ignited a thrilling sensation within my body that intoxicated my mind and soul, making my heart become my enemy. Then, within hours, Chris’s mind was taken over by Maetha because of his effect on my well-being.

  The kiss I gave him on the plane ride back from Alaska was similar to the kiss we are currently sharing. I had wanted to heal his emotions, wanted to calm his mind and help him know the bigger picture. Just as he kept me from dying on the banks of the river by giving me mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, my kisses keep him from sinking into a deep emotional pit. Chris will need many such kisses, I think. The thought of performing “healing sessions” with Chris causes every cell in my body to buzz.

  Chris’s kiss shifts in intensity. He’s no longer drinking in my healing power, he’s delivering his own type of medicine—or drug—to my body, causing my heart to race like never before. The pain of the shard tearing apart my vital organ brings my elated brain back to the present. I heal the pain, only to have it come right back when Chris’s fingertips move across my body. I let out a frustrated sigh against his lips. I can’t wait to explore every inch of his body, but that will obviously have to wait.

  He breaks the kiss, looks me in the eye and asks, “How does our future look now, Calli?”

  Crimson’s voice enters my mind. Give him back his diamond, Calli. He’s earned it.

  Yes, he has.

  I scoot back from him, unzip my pocket and remove the diamond, being careful not to let any of the twelve crystals from the machine fall out. I face Chris and say, “I relinquish this diamond to you, Chris Harding. Let’s find out together what our future holds.”

  His eyes widen in shock. He protests, “Crimson told me to give it to you. I don’t think—”

  “She just now instructed me to give it back to you. I was only holding it temporarily. You’ve earned the title of Diamond Bearer.”

  “She told you to give it back to me?”

  “Yes, it’s yours.”

  Chris reaches forward with both hands and accepts the diamond. He pulls it close to his body and stares in reverent awe, much like I did when I received the diamond in Harold Bates’s office.

  I reach forward and cup my hands around his, and together we see the vision I had seen while lying on the stone altar. I stand in a cemetery by a headstone that has Chris’s name carved on the front. Several children run toward me. This time I recognize them as our great-grandchildren. Chris’s death and burial had come after a long life of happiness and productivity . . . but his life is not over yet! The vision switches to show Chris resting peacefully under a giant palm tree on a white sandy beach. I walk toward him along the beach. He stands, runs to me, and hugs me tightly, then swings my body around. He apologizes for not making it to my funeral.

  The vision ends, but further understanding fills my mind. In the vision, we had faked our deaths at the ripe old ages of eighty-six for Chris and eighty for me. The procedure isn’t anything new to Diamond Bearers. Completing the lifespan cycle is necessary for our remaining relatives to have closure. Our loved ones will marvel at our deep love and at the fact that we died within a couple of months of each other. They will remember us as “so in love they couldn’t stand to be apart.” Our next stage of life as Diamond Bearers will be spent on Maetha’s island in Bermuda and on other continents where no one will recognize us. We will be forbidden from contacting or communicating with our descendants. In fact, we won’t see any of our descendants for a hundred years. By that time, we won’t know
them on a personal level. We will always recognize them as our bloodline, but the intimate connection will be gone. But not our compassion.

  I look up at Chris and ask, “Did you see that?”

  “Yes, I did!” He places the diamond inside his pocket, then pulls me close once again. “I guess I don’t need to propose to you at all then.”

  “Ah, yes you do. The future is not set in stone, sir.”

  “One step at a time, Calli. I think we need to focus on getting to know each other a little better. For instance,” he says as he nuzzles my neck, “I don’t think I’m that familiar with this patch of skin.”

  Chapter 15 - The Younger Generation Task Force

  We arrive at the resort in Indiana and are met with hugs, tears, and congratulations from several Diamond Bearers. Jonas and Anika come toward us. I’m relieved to see Jonas is doing well. He’s learned how to control the diamond’s powers enough to not need Mary by him every second.

  Yeah, Jonas says to my mind, she taught me how to heal myself. I think she was getting tired of having to do it for me.

  You’re doing a great job, Jonas. How’s Anika holding up?

  She blames herself for her parent’s deaths, even though Avani said her parents were already dead before she escaped from Deus Ex. She wishes she could have been there to heal them.

  Yeah, I know how difficult it is to want to heal someone but not be able to.

  Jonas smiles at me, acknowledging my attempts to save his life.

  I give Anika a hug. “I’m sorry about your parents.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  Jonas says, “I’d give you a hug, Calli, but Crimson told me not to.”

  “Maybe later, Jonas,” I say.

  Jonas puts his arm around Anika’s shoulders and pulls her close. I sense he’s giving her healing energy. I also feel their growing attachment.

  Amenemhet and Mary welcome us with hugs and tears. I’m stunned to see them display emotions. I guess I thought Diamond Bearers were icy cold, with eyes incapable of tearing up, or so it seems. Then I realize they are still sad about the loss of Neema and Hasan.

  Marketa, Avani, Fabian, and Aernoud shake our hands and welcome us to the group.

  Duncan approaches me and hugs me tightly. “I’m impressed, Calli. You two really did a great job. Chris, I’m sorry about your loss.”

  “Thank you, Duncan.”

  Merlin steps forward and shakes Chris’s hand. “Son, you handled everything perfectly. To my knowledge, there will be no further investigation into the events at the compound. Once the current investigation is wrapped up, the compound will be dismantled and shut down. You and Calli accomplished what no one else could do.”

  I try to tell him Crimson had been an integral part of the mission too, but my mouth won’t allow the words to form.

  Chris’s thoughts enter my head. I can’t say anything about Crimson, either. I think we aren’t allowed . . . and that’s okay.

  Crimson speaks to my mind. I only want a select few to know I was at the compound with you.

  Amalgada, Yeok Choo, Kookju, Jie Wen, Chuang, Ruth, and Alena each send telepathic messages of congratulations and support . . . even Jie Wen congratulates us.

  Maetha brings the meeting to order.

  I notice Crimson is walking around the perimeter of our group, her lips moving. I remember watching Maetha do the same thing in the tent right after the Death Clan died. Maetha had said she was protecting our conversation from eavesdroppers. I now know what actually happened. Maetha used her Grecian Blue Diamond to alter the perceptions of any would-be eavesdroppers, and Crimson is doing the same thing as she circles the group.

  Crimson’s words sound in my head—a simple chant of words repeated over and over as she walks, “No one will be able to hear. No one will be able to hear.”

  “We welcome Chris Harding as our newest Diamond Bearer,” Maetha says as she congratulates him openly. “In a short time, we’ve had some major changes to our group. In all my lifetime, I’ve never seen so much activity. With the death of Henry, the unforeseen addition of Jonas, followed by the untimely death of Hasan, and Roth’s consequence for turning against nature, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised with what happened to Chris. But I am. Welcome, Chris.”

  Most Bearers respond with applause and a verbal welcome.

  Maetha continues. “We also welcome Brand Safferson, Beth Hammond, and Anika Evanston as future Bearers.”

  Chris and I both look at each other, then turn to Brand, Beth, and Anika, whose mouths hang open.

  My mind is filled with thoughts from other Diamond Bearers. Many are as surprised as we are. Some have displeased feelings, and a couple of them are downright angry. I’m taken aback with some of the “displeased” Bearers.

  “Come up here.” Maetha motions for Brand, Beth, and Anika to join her. They slowly pick their way through the group. “As many individuals in the past have been given the title of future Bearer, these two have qualified in Crimson’s eyes to carry diamonds—if they so choose, and if the need arises. Brand displayed ultimate selflessness while following nature’s will. Beth has, over several years, displayed the integrity and conviction necessary to be a Bearer. Even though she is a Runner, if she so chooses, she can become a Bearer. Anika Evanston was hand-selected by Beth for her dependability and honesty. I’ve observed her as she came upon mind-bending information and how she processed the information. Not many times in the past has someone been pulled in off the street and entrusted with vital information concerning Diamond Bearers. I’m impressed with how maturely Anika has handled everything—and not much impresses me.”

  Maetha hugs the three of them and motions for them to return to their seats. Maetha says, “Jonas Flemming. Come forward.”

  Jonas’s mind merges with mine in a panicked flurry as he walks toward Maetha. He thinks, Oh, man, is this where the diamond is removed from my heart?

  Relax, Jonas, I tell him.

  Crimson steps forward and Maetha dips her head in respect, then steps back. Crimson says, “This young man was never approved of beforehand to become a Bearer, as all of you were.” Jonas’s mind freaks out. Crimson places her hand on his shoulder to calm him. “However, when Maetha witnessed him turn down the opportunity to be healed of cancer, he left an impression. He demonstrated an absolute respect for nature’s will and didn’t act selfishly, even though it wouldn’t have been wrong for him to accept Maetha’s offer of healing. She made the decision to include him in her DNA experiments. Then he volunteered himself for sacrifice to prevent Henry from capturing the diamond from Calli. This young man—a boy in the eyes of most Bearers—wasn’t afraid to do what was necessary, even if it meant his death. This is true friendship, complete dedication, and nature’s will being carried out. Sometimes good people die while nature balances itself. Many good people have died.” Crimson nods her head in Beth and Anika’s direction. “Jonas has my approval to remain a Diamond Bearer, if he so chooses, and if he stays true to nature’s will.”

  “Yes, I choose yes,” he stutters, almost unable to contain himself.

  Crimson smiles and gives him a hug. Then she asks him to sit down. She continues. “Only a handful of years ago, this group of Bearers assembled and gave their farewells to Gustave. He volunteered his diamond for the purposes of balancing nature and creating a new Bearer. What he didn’t know was the splintering process and reuniting of the shards would expose the greatest threat to Bearers to date—Henry and the government. I salute Gustave’s selfless contribution and his work as a Bearer.”

  The other Bearers speak out a salute in concert: “Gustave.”

  Crimson continues. “Gustave demonstrated his full cooperation in maintaining nature’s will by first doing his duty as a Bearer, and second, being willing to sacrifice himself so his diamond could be reborn into a new Bearer—Calli Courtnae. Calli then went on to assist in the removal of Henry’s diamond, in the internal shutdown of General Harding’s facility, and in the elimination o
f Deus Ex. The rebirth of Gustave’s diamond has been the greatest single event thus far since the inception of the Sanguine Diamond. I will take this opportunity to remind all my Bearers that you accepted the responsibility to protect humanity . . . even if that means giving your diamond for rebirth.” Crimson pauses. No one makes a sound. “For now, let’s celebrate the moment. For the first time in several decades, there are no immediate threats to our safety or to the safety of mankind.”

  Crimson then turns my direction. “Jonas and Calli, it is time to reunite the last remaining shard with the diamond. Come.” She begins walking away from the group.

  A broad smile stretches across Jonas’s face. Come on, Calli, he says.

  I stand and begin walking in Crimson’s direction. Chris jumps to his feet and asks, “May I come, Crimson?”

  She stops and says, “Of course, Chris.”

  He joins me at my side and together we follow her and Jonas away from the gathering. Thoughts from the other Bearers fill my head. The same division exists: some accepting, some disapproving, some angry.

  I ask Chris. Do you sense the other Bearers in your mind?

  A few of them, yes.

  Can you read their minds?

  No. Can you?

  I’m not sure.

  Crimson’s mind merges with mine. Calli, what you are experiencing is due to the Blue Diamond. You now have control over all the Bearer’s mind-blocking abilities. You can hear the thoughts they think are private. Be careful with the knowledge you gain from Diamond Bearers’ minds. Don’t let anyone know you can get past their mind-blocks.

  Crimson leads us away from the group and down toward the lake.

  Jonas asks, “Is it going to hurt?”

  “Pain is a normal part of human experience,” Crimson replies. “When you learn to identify your pains and determine which ones are life-threatening instead of just moderately annoying, you’ll find you won’t worry so much about hurting. To answer your question, yes, it will hurt a little.”


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