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The Diamond Bearers' Destiny

Page 25

by Lorena Angell

  Chris grasps my hand and squeezes it firmly. I turn to him and say, “I’m not afraid, Chris. I’ve been through this already.”

  Crimson stops by the water’s edge and positions me next to Jonas. She looks intently at my chest and then at Jonas’s. Then she turns us away from each other so we are standing a foot apart, back to back. She motions for Chris to come stand in front of me.

  “You’ll need to catch her after the diamond leaves her body. Don’t touch her until that point.”

  Chris nods and gazes at me in apprehension.

  Crimson stands in front of Jonas and says, “All right you two, back up until you touch.”

  I step backward and bump into Jonas. Without warning, my shard rips through my heart and flies out my back, off to the side of my spine. The pain takes the wind right out of me. I realize the shard has torn through my lung in the process. I fall forward into Chris’s arms, then he lowers me down to the ground, supporting my body. I will my injuries to heal and can tell Chris is doing the same.

  Jonas receives the shard and collapses into Crimson’s arms. His ability to use the healing power is not as refined as mine, but Crimson compensates by healing him with her power.

  My connection to Jonas is gone. I feel his diamond, the same as any other Diamond Bearer, but not the quantum entanglement with his mind.

  My body continues to heal and completes the process with Chris’s help. I hear through the connection with Crimson’s mind that she has invited Brand, Beth, and Anika to come join us by the lake.

  The mind connection I have with the other Diamond Bearers reveals that some of them are curious about where the three “youngsters” are going. Others are feeling angry they aren’t included in Crimson’s activities.

  Our friends arrive by our sides a few moments later. The blood on Jonas’s back and on mine—and the fact that both of us are being supported because of our weakened states—are cause for concern. Their minds reveal their thoughts . . . even Brand’s mind.

  Anika hurries over to Jonas. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m whole now,” Jonas answers. He turns to Crimson. “May I touch her?”


  Jonas pulls Anika into a warm embrace.

  Crimson motions Brand and Beth to join the rest of us. Once we are all together, she instructs me to use my Grecian Blue and encircle the group with audio protection.

  I speak to Chris’s mind. There’s something I have to do. Be right back. I stand and walk in a circle around our group, reciting the words under my breath, “No one will be able to hear. No one will be able to hear.” Visually, I see a glittering mist form where I have walked. Once I have completed the circle, the mist connects, and I know I have secured the conversation we are about to have. I sit back down by Chris, and he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

  Crimson addresses Brand. “You’ve demonstrated selflessness and a willingness to support the will of nature. That’s why you’ve earned the right to choose to become a Bearer. Regardless of your decision, you will keep your Repeater stone until your death, or until the power fades from the quartz. I would like to request that you charge a topaz for me, if you don’t mind. I’m curious about your power.”

  Brand responds, tongue-in-cheek, “All right, but if you misuse it, I’ll take it away.”

  Crimson chuckles, then continues. “Anika and Beth, you have both suffered losses of the worst kind. Loved ones have been violently taken away from you, leaving you in a state of shock and indescribable pain. I advise you to embrace your memories of your loved ones and welcome the grief that accompanies your loss. It is both healthy and character building. Ignoring or covering up your emotional distress will only result in anger and vengeance-seeking behavior—neither of which are attributes of Diamond Bearers.

  “Beth, I’ve had my eye on you since you were a young girl. I altered your vision, allowing you to see the auras of Unaltereds. I knew you would become friends with both Calli and Chris and would be a powerful ally. Your journey is only beginning. Even though the government compound has been shut down, an army of Unaltereds remains—some of whom know vast amounts of details concerning the clans and even Diamond Bearers. I would like you to find them and determine the extent of their knowledge. Your leadership skills make you the perfect candidate to head up my task force . . . if you want the job.”

  Beth smiles. “I’d be honored to work for you, Crimson.”

  “Excellent. I extend the invitation to Anika. Beth selected you to be on her team when hunting for Calli because of your work ethic. You may choose to accompany Beth and Brand if you wish.”

  “I’d also be honored to work for you,” Anika says confidently.

  “To Brand, Beth, and Anika, I say contemplate your choice of becoming a Diamond Bearer before deciding. Learn from Calli, Chris, and Jonas as the six of you begin your new lives as the younger generation of my Diamond Bearer task force. I’ll visit after a while to learn your decisions about becoming Bearers. Now, please excuse us. I need to talk further with Calli, Chris, and Jonas.”

  The three leave the circle and walk toward the main gathering.

  “As it stands, a limited number of Bearers know of the Grecian Blue Diamond transfer between Maetha and Calli. This will not change for some time, as I can foresee uprisings within the Bearers. I’ve blocked all of your minds concerning this information. You won’t be able to share or accidentally divulge it.”

  Crimson continues. “Jonas, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time together. I will help you master the powers that have been given to you prematurely. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to visit Anika on a regular basis.

  “Chris, I want you to continue to carry the diamond on your person until you feel you’ve mastered the powers, especially those of healing. Calli will help you learn how to control most of the powers. When you’re ready, Calli will insert the diamond into your heart. Remember, the diamond will bring about the death of anyone who touches it, who isn’t an Unaltered, so protect it.

  Crimson addresses Jonas again, “Jonas, I need to speak privately to Chris and Calli now. Go join Anika.”

  Jonas nods his head and walks away.

  Crimson takes my hand into hers and then places it on Chris’s hand. “The vision you both viewed on the airplane is attainable, but don’t believe for a second that the years between now and then will be perfectly smooth. You two are always welcome to visit me on Maetha’s island in Bermuda, should you want to talk.”

  A question occurs to me. “Crimson, will our relationship, or that of Brand and Beth, or Jonas and Anika, ever be an issue concerning nature’s will? Do relationships among Diamond Bearers ever get in the way of doing our jobs? I only ask because of the problems between Neema and Freedom, er, Henry.”

  “What have I told you about the power of two people in love?” Crimson asks.

  “That there’s no stronger power.”

  “Correct. Someone in love has the ability to harness the cosmic powers within the Sanguine Diamond and intensify them more than an average Diamond Bearer. That’s why I gave you the Grecian Blue . . . and keep in mind I didn’t know then that Chris would become a Bearer. Even a Diamond Bearer in love with a non-Bearer can harness more of the Sanguine Diamond’s powers than a regular Bearer can. Once I realized Chris would become a Bearer, and once I witnessed the interaction and teamwork between the two of you, I knew then that you two would become the most powerful Bearers.

  “You see, Neema and Henry were in love once too. Neema’s desire to create a Diamond Bearer couple, and Maetha’s defiance of my wishes, was the key element in my decision to revoke Neema’s diamond. A few centuries passed before the most advantageous opportunity presented itself. The only thing that prevented Henry and Neema from taking over the world when he became a Bearer was Henry’s anger toward Maetha for keeping him alive throughout the plague. His anger was a welcome poison for their relationship, I felt. Their breakup brought an end to a potential annihilation of
all Bearers. Henry had no idea what kind of power he threw away because of his inability to control his anger.”

  Chris asks, “What are you saying? Could Henry have killed other Diamond Bearers?”

  “Yes. Now, before you let the wheels in your brain start to spin, know that this information is privy only to you two and Maetha. She understands the significance of two Diamond Bearers in love, which is why she had to be held accountable for making Henry into a Bearer against my wishes. I’m telling you this, Chris, because I sense that you have the potential to dwell on the anger you hold toward your father. Your disposition and character traits would never allow you to become like Henry, but your anger could minimize your ability to use the powers of the Sanguine Diamond. Accept the fact that you are who you are today because of everything that has happened to you thus far, good or bad. From this point forward, you shape your own destiny. For you and Calli to remain my strongest Bearers, you must master your anger, and not let it master you. You need to learn meditation. Calli can teach you.”

  She turns to me. “Back to your question about relationships between Diamond Bearers affecting their abilities to do their jobs, I will say that happiness strengthens relationship bonds. I’ve always encouraged my Bearers to have a significant other, someone to share their life with, and someone to love. I don’t know if you’ve picked up on this yet, but a few of the Bearers are partners. Sadly, they don’t have the same level of love the two of you share. If Beth and Brand, or Jonas and Anika develop deeper relationships, they will become strong couples, but not as strong as you two.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “Certainly, Calli. You are the only one of your friends who has not suffered traumatic loss. Your parents weren’t murdered, and your childhood was not abusive. Basically you’ve reached adulthood without the baggage your friends have. Believe me, you are rare, but this didn’t happen naturally. I’ve helped you throughout the years, allowing you to make your own choices, yet protecting you from trauma. I prevented two automobile accidents, one airplane crash—even though everyone would have survived, I didn’t want you to be afraid of flying. I prevented a home burglary that would have caused you to lose your sense of security. Your parents might have been murdered when Henry showed up at your home looking for you, if I had not protected them. Through it all, you’ve remained a grateful individual, cognizant of the differences between your life compared to other girls your age. You are not boastful or proud. You’ve remained humble. You grew up to become unselfish, caring, and in tune with nature’s will. I’ll never stop being amazed at how you are able to look at a situation and find a solution without the jaded attitude of so many other individuals. Your ability to harness more of the diamond’s powers, because of your pure innocence and your love for Chris, is what makes you the strongest Bearer. With Chris by your side, you two will help rebalance the Diamond Bearers in preparation for what’s to come.”

  “What do you mean ‘what’s to come?’” I ask.

  “I selected you, Calli, protected and trained you for a much bigger purpose than what you’ve already accomplished.”

  “Bigger purpose?”

  “I know you have more questions, but this is not the time to discuss what lies ahead.”

  Chris asks Crimson. “So, what do we do for now?”

  “What do you do now? Are you asking me for permission or for orders?”

  “I guess I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed and a little lost. I don’t know what I should focus my time and energy on first, well, besides Calli. The government is not a threat anymore, and it sounds as if the whole operation will be swept under the rug. You said we’re the most powerful of the Bearers, but I don’t feel much different.”

  “You’re overthinking this, Chris,” Crimson says. “Shorten your sights and simplify your thinking. Your friends Beth and Anika could use your support at their parents’ funerals. You’ll have additional final arrangements that will need to be made concerning your father’s estate. I took the liberty of looking into his will. He left just under five-hundred-thousand dollars behind, along with a home valued at a quarter million. Knowing how you feel at the present toward your father, I understand your desire to turn your back on everything. However, consider the good you could do with the money. We are always looking for safe homes that can be used by Bearers at the drop of a hat. Consider donating it to the group. I’d recommend you tuck the money away and use some of it to get an education. Calli’s medical studies will be incredibly helpful to the Bearers in the years to come. Medical advancements will continue to shock and amaze even this old girl,” she points to her chest. “As for you, Chris, I think you should consider remaining within the government. Perhaps attend officers’ training and start climbing the ranks.”

  “Military, really?” Chris asks with more than a little disappointment in his voice.

  “I’m not ordering you to do that, Chris. However, you already have so much experience and so many internal connections; it would be a shame to walk away from that. You’ve shown you’ve got what it takes to be an excellent secret agent. Imagine the advantage you’d have as a Diamond Bearer. The closest position to that is Merlin’s in the Senate. If we had someone within the CIA or Homeland Security, think of the advantage that would give the Bearers.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “I know you will. As for you, Calli, remember to keep secret what you hear from the thoughts of the other Diamond Bearers. You may discuss things with Chris, but with caution concerning who might overhear your conversation.” She pauses and looks beyond us toward the gathering. “Now, I’m going to go join the others as they engage in a lively debate about what it was exactly that killed Deus. Brand is telling everyone she was locked in an infinite loop. He didn’t witness it, though. Only the three of us did. I can see you two have no intentions of rejoining the group just yet, so I’ll go add facts to Brand’s assumptions—facts as seen through Calli’s eyes, of course.”

  She walks away, leaving us beside the lake with the full moon above us, illuminating the water.

  Chris takes his jacket off and drapes it over my shoulders to cover the exposed skin on my back. His unique scent fills my nose and causes my body to shiver with excitement. For the first time in a long time, my heart races without pain. Chris wraps his arms around my body and pulls me close to his warm chest. My arms instinctively react by wrapping around him. “I love you, Calli,” he says against my temple.

  “I love you too, Chris.”

  He tightens his embrace. “You know, we never got to know each other. We were too busy saving each other’s lives and the lives of others. We got to see each other’s inner qualities and characteristics and develop a deep love for one another before learning what each other’s favorite movies are or if we have any hobbies.”

  “Yeah, I guess we did everything backwards.” I reach up and slide my fingers along his jaw line and then push them up into his hair. I tug his head down and bring his lips to mine and kiss him gently. He lets out a low groan and intensifies the kiss for a moment before stopping.

  “You drive me crazy, Calli. I almost can’t control myself with you. Pretty much the only thing that has kept me in check lately is the fact that Jonas knew everything we were doing.”

  “Well, not anymore.”

  He lets out another pained groan. “I know.”

  I hug him tight again as a surge of energy sweeps through me. “We’re both Diamond Bearers, Chris. Would you have ever thought in a million years this would happen?”

  “No, but I look forward to spending a million years with you.”

  “What a cheesy comeback . . . but, I like it. Hey, you can extract my mind now, did you think about that?”

  “Of all the things I’ve thought about doing with you, that wasn’t one of them.” His entirely serious gaze stares straight into my soul. He winks, sending excited tingles and thrilling electrical jolts throughout my body. “Do you want to go on a date?” he asks.

? We’re ready to rip each other’s clothes off, and you want to go on a date?”

  “Yes . . . and yes. I’m simplifying my thinking.”

  “Where are you going to take me?”

  “Anywhere and everywhere!”

  # # #


  Thanks for reading my books! I hope you’ll take the time to leave a review on Smashwords or wherever you downloaded the book. I’d really appreciate it.

  Also, drop on over to my website and let me know what you thought of the series by using the Contact Me form. While you’re visiting my site, sign up for my newsletter to be kept updated on the progress of upcoming books in The Unaltered series, and to receive exclusive freebies and news. Thanks again for reading my books. —Lorena

  Calli’s story is only beginning. Read more about the world of Unaltereds in:

  The Diamond Bearer’s Secret

  Book Five in The Unaltered series

  The Diamond Bearer’s Secret, book five of The Unaltered. Calli learns that everything she’s been through since receiving a diamond has been in preparation for a much larger purpose. An event looms in the future that could end life as she knows it and her assistance is crucial. The problem is, the Diamond Bearers are dividing at a time they should be uniting and she is viewed as a young upstart by centuries-old comrades. They’re not about to let her upset their ranks or move forward with plans that go against their thinking. They’re unaware Calli can hear their grumblings and, through her, Crimson. Neither Calli nor Crimson back down. The ultimatum still stands: support nature’s will or surrender your diamond.

  Problems arise over an anonymous blog revealing critical information about people with powers. The blog must be stopped before the secrets of the Diamond Bearers are released. Unfortunately, the powers contained within the Sanguine Diamond don’t include the ability to shut down a blog—nor do Diamond Bearers rooted in antiquated practices have a clue about how to address this life-threatening issue. Only those who understand how the virtual world works can fight against a virtual enemy.


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