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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 24

by Alexie Aaron

  Mia pulled out another chair and set his half limb on it and examined it in the strong light of the kitchen. The stump was enflamed. She got up, washed her hands, and brought over a basin with warm water. She gently sponged away the sweat before she took a dab of salve in her hand and rubbed it before gently moving it on his stump.

  Lazar bore the initial contact, choosing to watch Mia’s face as she worked. At one point, she stopped and closed her eyes. The lights flickered in the room, and Lazar felt a tingling that moved up his leg slowly. The longer she held his leg, the higher the tingle. At one point, he was feeling very vulnerable.

  “Mia?” he said softly. “Come back to me, Mia.”

  Mia opened her eyes and focused on his face; although, she still maintained her hand on his leg. She took a deep breath and withdrew her hand and got up to take care of the basin and bring back a clean towel.

  “What just happened?” Lazar asked.

  “What did you feel?”

  “Um, something I’m not talking to my boss about.”

  “Oh!” Mia said, embarrassed. “I just wanted to heal as much of the muscle damage that I could. I can’t grow a leg back, but I can heal the blast damage to your thigh.”

  “Mia, you were higher than my thigh at one point.”

  “I suppose you’re going to file a sexual harassment suit. I’m sorry.”

  “No. But…”

  “I may have woken things up. I’m not promising anything, but maybe have Baxter or Judy look at your… you know. I think your swimmers are swimming.”

  “Where did all that power come from?” Lazar asked.

  “From around us. A little electricity, a lot of natural elements, and this salve. If I had the power, I would give you your leg back.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to grow my leg back,” Lazar said.

  “Why not?”

  “I have reconciled with it being gone. Too many questions if I showed up with a new leg. But I thank you for making me stronger.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Varden clung to his mother. He put his head on her shoulder and cried happy and sad tears.

  “I’m so sorry,” Mia said. “I hate leaving you, but I’m really needed.”

  “He’ll be alright as soon as you leave,” Brian said. “This is all for show.”


  “I’m the one who’s going to be heartbroken.”

  “Gee, Brian, I thought you’d outgrown me,” Mia said, lifting an eyebrow.

  “I don’t mind you being gone for little bits, but I do mind you being gone for long bits.”

  “I mind being gone all the time,” Mia told him. “I love being with you guys, but I have a job to do too.”

  “A lot of kids at preschool have mothers who work,” Brian said.

  “I’m sorry we had to take you out, but I needed you to be safe here and protecting your little brother,” Mia explained. “I’d like to explain to both of you what is going on. You may have heard us adults speaking, but I think that you need to know what is happening, what may happen, and what I hope happens. Stop me if you don’t understand any words. I don’t want there to be a misunderstanding.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Brian said. He sat down next to her.

  “A long time ago, there were gods who walked the earth. They protected Midgard, which is basically our world, from being plundered by frost giants. They constructed a fence and doorways which they closed before they left for other worlds. One of them they hid under a lot of ice. This doorway sits between Niflheim, a very cold realm, and Muspell, a very hot realm. In Niflheim, there are frost giants who are surly fellows who would like nothing better than to come into this world and wreck it. After they are finished, there is an entity named Surtr who has a flaming sword. His job is to destroy what is left. You may have heard on television the word Ragnarök. This is the prophesized end of the Norse world.”

  “What is prophesized?” Brian asked.

  “It comes from prophesy, which means to make a prediction by the use of divine inspiration or mystic knowledge.”


  “Yes. That’s brilliant. I want you to remember that.”

  “If it is the Norse world ending, why is it affecting us?”

  “Excellent question. You see, we live on a planet that has many realms or worlds attached to it. It’s like an onion. You know, you peel away a layer and there is more underneath. But let’s say one of the layers is rotten, then…”

  “The whole onion is rotten.”

  “Rotten onions, yuk!” Varden said.

  “So if the Norse world is on fire…” Brian led.

  “Then the rest of us cook. Not fun. Now this is a bit tougher to understand, so ask me as many questions as you want.”

  “Okay,” Brian said, sitting up straight.

  “Your grandparents Charles and Amanda took the doorway from where it was hidden and brought it to Chicago. They wanted your dad to open it, thinking it was a treasure chest, but your dad is too smart.”

  “Dad’s a genius!” Varden chirped.

  “He is. The gods who closed the door are coming to get it back, but they must travel on foot to come here. Their soldiers get energy from each step they take.”

  “Like Murphy gets from the ground and trees,” Brian said.

  “Yes, just like that. So, you see, it’s a long trip, but in the end, they will be able to fight the frost giants and win.”

  “What if the door opens before they get here?” Brian asked.

  “That’s where your mother and father, uncles, and Baxter come in. We must keep the giants from getting too far. The reason that it is up to us is because of another prophesy. It originally said that, when things are the darkest for the planet, Nyx will birth a child to bring back the light. The child will be an angel who will arrive on a winged horse leading a 100 legions of warriors.”

  Brian put his finger on the side of his head. “Nyx is the lady who helped us out.”


  “She gave you a present.”

  “Two actually.”

  “One was to make you a daughter with as much power as a goddess’s daughter could have.”


  “Abigor’s horsey,” Varden said. “Mommy riding Abigor’s horsey. His horsey has wings.”

  Brian looked at his brother, open-mouthed, but shook it off to say, “Can I have a winged horse if I don’t get wings of my own?”

  “Ask your father,” Mia said before she continued, “Because all the clues point to me, Lucifer asked Mommy to help him out.”

  “He’s a fallen,” Brian said with knitted brows.

  “But he is supplying Abigor and his 100 legions of demons.”

  “Mom, how many are in a legion?”

  “I think 5,000 in the Roman days.”

  “That’s 500,000 demons. Do you need that many?” Brian asked.

  “I understand these giants are big fellows, and there are a lot of them.”

  Brian looked thoughtfully at his mother. “The reason you are here is to tell us you may not be coming back.”

  Varden clung to Mia’s neck.

  “I’m going to do my best to win the day with the help of Victor, Murphy, Abigor, your father, PEEPs, Baxter, and Altair. Nicholai is bringing a mighty birdman squadron to help. And I have been working very hard. This is why Uncle Victor has been taking me to train every day. Today, I must go to where Abigor’s armies are so I can train with them. I’m going to be responsible for a lot of strangers. I want to make sure I do right by them.”

  “What if you fail?” Brian asked.

  “Uncle Ed, Judy, and Adam are going to take you and Varden into the past. Who knows, we may meet again in a different timeline, and we can work together to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”

  “I have a feeling that you’re going to win,” Brian said. “And my prophesies are usually right.”

  “Well, I guess I’m not going to be worried then.”

“I’m glad.”


  Sticks stood waiting. Abigor was looking over his reports and shaking his head. He slammed his hand hard on the desk and cursed.

  “Hell of a greeting,” Mia said, walking into his war room. She then dropped to one knee and waited.

  “Rise, Mia,” Abigor said. “Where is your entourage?”

  “Murphy is fueling up, and Altair is showing Victor around.”

  “And you came straight here?”


  “Mia, take your family and flee this planet. Go into the past as far as you can.”

  “I’m not an angel. I will not flee.”

  Sticks nodded his approval but kept quiet.

  “How could they leave us?” Abigor questioned.

  “They took my uncle with them. Who takes children from their parents?”

  “We do. A lot,” Abigor admitted. “Just because we’re an old race, it doesn’t make us any smarter.”

  “I’m sensing a loss of confidence.”

  “You’re very perceptive. I’ve gone to Mbengar and asked him about the frost giants, and I’m not sure we can defeat them.”

  “We just have to keep them busy until Odin arrives.”

  “My demons are small.”

  “But many. Have you ever seen army ants when they swarm? We, who can fly, will swoop down, cut the tendons on the giant’s legs, and take the clubs and spears from their hands. The giants will fall, and then the demons can hack away at them.”

  “We only have three flyers, including Altair.”

  “Nicholai is bringing a squadron.”

  “The birdmen are helping?” Abigor asked, not trying to hide the amazement on his face.

  “It’s their world too.”

  “Lucifer is going to balk. He’s not comfortable with Victor, let alone a flock of Victors.”

  “He doesn’t have to battle them, just accept their help. He’s putting up with me.”

  “Barely. He doesn’t trust that you won’t try and take over Hell.”

  “Please, I’m way too lazy.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m counting on you to lead all of us,” Mia said.

  “Me? Talk about lazy. Lucifer would have my head.”

  “A good leader delegates,” Sticks said from the corner.

  “Hello, Sticks, it’s good to see you,” Mia said.

  “How’s your father?”

  “In hot water. With me anyway. He’s being played for a fool by the Cynosura.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “Not much I can do about it now. How are you enjoying being part of Abigor’s household?”

  “He is a fair and powerful leader.”

  Mia nodded. “The mightiest general of all.”

  “I’m still here. Don’t write my epitaph yet,” Abigor said. “Mia, I want you to sleep with me.”

  “K, just be gentle.”

  “I’m not talking about sex…”

  “Why aren’t you talking about sex?” Mia asked.

  “You can’t sleep alone. There are too many here who would like to prove themselves by bedding the killer of Ruax. Wait, you’d have sex with me?” Abigor asked.

  “Better you than your horse.”

  Abigor laughed long and hard. Sticks saw the stress and insecurities fall off the duke of Hades. “Sticks, I think she’s playing with me.”

  “I’m not sure,” Sticks said. “She could sleep with me. I have no reproductive organs yet.”

  “That’s right, you don’t, and you used to be engaged. This may work. He’s my squire and sleeps in my house. When we go to the encampment, he sleeps in my tent.”

  “Why exactly do I have to be in bed with one of you?” Mia asked, suspicious.

  “It’s proximity. My demons are bold but would not snatch a female from another’s bed.”

  “So if I was sleeping with Victor…”

  “Do you want to?”

  “Not especially.”

  “Then Sticks you will guard you tonight.”

  “Are we sleeping in a tree?” Mia asked.

  “Do you want to?” the young demon asked.

  “No. Just wanted to be clear. Now that my sleeping arrangements are settled, I would like both of your complete attention because I have a lot to tell you.”

  Abigor smiled. “We already know a lot from Altair.”

  “Altair doesn’t know everything. You are my general. I will keep nothing from you.”

  Abigor looked at Mia and didn’t understand why he of all the demons had been blessed with such a supportive assassin.


  Father Santos stood outside the Coopers’ condo. He waited for Angelo, who was parking the car, to join him. The neighborhood was starting to gentrify. Gone were the college multi-dwelling flop houses and affordable educator apartments. You had to have money to live near the college, city, and lakeshore. Although, you still couldn’t get a parking space.

  Angelo walked up and straightened his tie before Santos rung the doorbell. Amanda answered it, puzzled to see her two old friends there. “Paolo, Angelo, come on in. I wasn’t expecting to see you until the opening.”

  “We thought, since Charles was working long hours, you may need some company, maybe a lunch out?”

  “Oh, how kind and considerate of you. But Charles regularly calls me to see if I need anything or for instructions.”

  The word instructions had Santos and Angelo eying the other.

  “Forgive the dust, but I can’t keep up with it and my vlog these days,” Amanda said.

  Angelo walked into the kitchen and looked into the cupboards and refrigerator and confirmed that Charles had done his best to feed lazy Amanda with delivered food and frozen meals. He had been taking care of her their whole marriage, sometimes to the detriment of his own career.

  “I don’t understand why Mia has her own housekeeper but I have to push my own vacuum. Life is not fair.”

  “I think her husband supports her, and she too has brought in a lot of money.”

  “Oh, you mean the slutty poster?”

  “I believe she also works for PEEPs,” Santos mentioned quickly.

  “Most of that is charity work. She doesn’t charge for her services like Beverly does.”

  “Did,” Angelo said.

  “Does. She still gives me a daily reading,” Amanda said, showing Santos a pile of email.

  Santos pulled on his gloves and looked through the emails. They were instructions. Most were admonitions about how Amanda wasn’t doing anything to bring her ungrateful daughter to heel. There were suggestions for vlogs that were meant to humiliate Mia and her young family.

  “Amanda, you don’t let Beverly dictate what you vlog about do you?” Angelo asked.

  “No, the woman is a twit.”


  “Charles says that I should be concentrating on telling everyone how important it is that they attend the opening of the vault.”

  “Do you have a date set yet?” Santos asked.

  “No. But I have the vlogs all set to go. I’ll put in the date and time at the end.”

  “You have been busy,” Santos said. “Oh, Angelo, what was that vlog we saw recently? You know, the one with the Warner Brothers’ character?”

  “Jake Rules the World,” he answered.

  “Why do you watch him?” Amanda asked.

  “He’s funny, and he presents all the latest in scientific discoveries.”

  “I’m funny and I…” Amanda seemed lost for words. “You two do view my vlog, don’t you?”

  “Sorry, I did, but this guy is so much more popular. I’m surprised you’re not keeping track of your competition,” Santos said.

  “I didn’t know I had any,” Amanda growled. “You said, who rules the world?”

  “Jake. J A K E,” Angelo spelled out for her.

  Amanda turned on the big monitor and pulled out her computer. Angelo stood behind her and noted the password as she typed it.
Father Santos started to collect the stacks of emails.

  “Greetings, Earthlings!”

  Amanda was gobsmacked. “He’s not even human.”

  “Big news on the archeological forefront…”

  Amanda listened and took some notes.

  While Marvin the Martian was talking, Jake was tracking where each email was coming from and putting up blocks before he scrubbed her computer system. He set up her vlog so it had to go through him first before it would hit the internet. The last thing he did was present on his show several logic puzzles that would keep Amanda busy for a few days.

  “Are you sure we can’t take you to lunch?” Santos asked.

  “No, no, you go ahead. I’ll tell Charles that you called.”

  Angelo carried the boxes of materials out the door. Amanda was too fixated on the screen to notice.

  Ted and Cid worked on the highjacked light poles on Lakeshore Drive in the segment where the frost giants would likely try to cross into the city. While they worked, they pondered why no one asked them what they were doing. Where was Homeland Security? Jake had set them up with proper identifications and cover stories, but no one ever stopped to challenge what they were doing.

  Murphy walked over to where Altair and Victor were waiting. Mia was walking with Sticks down from the hillside. She and he were having an animated conversation. She waved when she saw the three and quickened her pace.

  “She looks like school girl,” Altair commented.

  “Yes, a school girl with a ten-foot-tall demon carrying her books.”

  “Sticks is more than he seems,” Murphy warned. “Don’t mess with Mia. They were engaged once.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Altair said. “In the other timeline, I actually considered him a viable husband for her.”

  “He sort of looks like a wooden Ted,” Victor said.

  “Don’t be cruel. Sticks is a handsome demon,” Altair said stone-faced.

  They all broke out in laughter.

  Mia looked at the three. “Wow, you must have been drinking beer for lunch.”

  Sticks addressed them, “Shall we continue on to the colosseum?”

  “Abigor thoughtfully set up a private place for us to continue to train. We will be spending the night here and moving out to the campgrounds tomorrow to work with the troops,” Mia said.


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