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A Daughter of Nyx

Page 25

by Alexie Aaron

  “I didn’t think they slept here,” Victor said.

  “We’re not all dead,” Sticks reminded the birdman.

  They entered the tunnel and walked out into the colosseum where Mia had fought Ruax. It had viewing boxes with seats along one wall. On the right side, a fountain shot water a few yards into the air before it was collected in the pool below. Mia pulled off her sweatshirt and pants and started to stretch in an outfit they assumed Abigor provided. It was brief but supported all her feminine bits. Murphy was bothered.

  “Don’t be such a prude. When we were on the island, she wore less than that,” Victor said.

  This upset Altair. “Why?”

  “We worked on recovering from being batted down in the water. You try to change into a birdman with a lot of wet clothes weighing you down.”

  “She has Nxy’s armor,” Altair confirmed.

  “Yes, but it won’t last if she uses it for training,” Victor explained.

  Mia walked over to see what was holding up working out. “Are we doing this? If not, I’m going to go and eat something.”

  Victor tossed her a weighted practice sword to build up her arms. She caught it as if it were nothing. The two immediately started sparring.

  “She looks like a gladiator,” Altair commented.

  Mia kicked off her shoes, her wings shot out, and her talons attacked Victor. He responded, and they battled hard, Mia getting more and more aggressive.

  “He’s turned her into an animal,” Murphy said.

  “She’s got to be. No dainty little fencing is going to keep her alive,” Altair said. “I had no idea. Look over at Sticks.”

  The demon was awestruck. He backed his way towards Murphy and Altair. “I hope she doesn’t hurt him.”

  “He’s only in second gear,” Altair assured Sticks.

  “Time,” Victor called.

  Mia floated down, walked over to the fountain, looked at it, and then walked right in. She held her mouth open, her head angled so she could drink in the water.

  “Mia, are you stealing the wishing coins?” Lucifer asked as he sat down in his box.

  “You’re too cheap to pay me.”

  Lucifer smiled. “Mind if I give you a few pointers?”


  “You have to use the real swords.”

  “I don’t want to injure Victor or have him kill me.”

  “I will supply the giants. Now, before you call the ASPCA on me, they are regenerating low demons about the size of giants. You can’t kill them. They can kill you.”

  Victor pulled out the Hell-made swords and daggers and walked over and handed them to Mia. “Remember to focus on your opponent.”

  “Yes, Victor.”

  They both felt the ground shake, and a large humanoid demon charged Mia. She slid under the beast, slicing his balls off as she turned and brought out her wings. She dropped her armor in time for the second beast to join her. Mia worked and adapted her drills on these monsters until she had them both down within seconds of the other.

  Lucifer stood up and clapped. “My god, I think we stand a chance. Someone hose her down before each of you get some practice in. Yes, it’s not just a Mia tit-and-ass show. Come, Mia, and let me harass you while we watch these males attempt to equal your disgusting carnage.”

  Sticks poured a bucket of cold water over Mia and handed her a robe.


  “Don’t be afraid of him, but if he wants to touch you…”

  “I know, I’ll have to let him. I’m not in Kansas anymore.”

  Mia walked over and was surprised to see that, instead of a hard chair, Lucifer had a large open-backed bench covered with pillows.

  “Wine?” he offered.

  “No thank you, I’m too hot. I’ll just puke it up.”

  “Come, Mia, sit closer.”

  Mia sat down, and they watched as Victor took on the monster demons.

  “Watch how he doesn’t think, he acts. You think too much.”

  “It’s not natural for me, but I do see what you are saying,” she said, leaning forward, looking over the balustrade.

  He let her watch for a while unmolested. Murphy and Altair were squaring off with two monster demons apiece when Lucifer’s hand started moving up and down her back.

  “I miss having wings. My wings were beautiful. A lot like Michael’s. You remember Michael, don’t you?” he said, turning her face to his.

  “He left. He doesn’t exist,” Mia said and turned back to watch the battle.

  “Where is your grace?” he asked, sliding his hand to her hair and pulling her towards him. He put his forehead to hers and read her mind. “You have broken ranks.”

  “I have only one master now, and it’s me.”

  “Mia, look at me.”

  Mia looked into his eyes. Lucifer drew her into the Hell that was his existence. He showed her the beautiful proud archangel he was, and then he showed her what was left after the fall before he prayed to Ve to restore him. Mia entered his eyes and pulled the fallen’s body to her, and she embraced him in his most torn form. She held him, gently cradling him to her. Lucifer closed his eyes, breaking the connection, and sighed.

  Mia turned back to watch the training.

  Sticks, who was standing near with a blade meant for Lucifer’s neck if he hurt her, relaxed. Something happened, but he had no idea what.

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Mia lay soaking in the warm restorative waters. Abigor came into the bathhouse, dropped his robe, and walked in the tub. He waded over to Mia who was too exhausted to do anything but watch.

  “Something has happened, my beauty. Lucifer canceled your debasement.”

  “He’s lost interest.”

  “Nah, that’s not it. He actually was quite respectful in his assessment of your abilities.”

  “Not entirely,” Mia said and groaned as her shoulder cramped.

  Abigor raised his hands, and two of his harem walked in. One slid in behind Mia and began to massage her neck and shoulders. The other started to make love to Abigor.

  “I figured we both could use some relief.”

  Mia didn’t know what to say. She was too tired to get up and too fascinated by the nerve of these beings to object.

  When the massage moved lower, Mia gently lifted the concubine’s hand. “I’m honored, but I’m too damn tired.” Mia fell asleep.

  She woke up briefly in the night and felt someone near her. She assumed it was Sticks and fell back to sleep.

  Mia woke and smelled frankincense. She looked around and found she was alone in a bedchamber she wasn’t familiar with. She assumed it was somewhere in Abigor’s castle. She sat up, and two servants came in. She was guided to the bathroom, and when she had finished, the women dressed her. The colors of the garments were unfamiliar to her. Crimson and gold tapestry fabric was used in the vest. The rest of the material of the riding habit was black. Her hair was French braided with the long tail of her hair worked back upwards until her neck was free of hair.

  “You are so beautiful,” one of the servants said.

  “Thank you. I don’t feel beautiful.”

  The servants giggled.

  “Where am I?”

  “You spent the night with me,” Lucifer said, walking in.

  Mia smiled shyly.

  “I’m not used to my women being unconscious.”

  “I was tired.”

  “Leave,” he instructed the servants. He took Mia’s hand and led her to the edge of the bed. “Why don’t you pull away?”

  “I figured, if I cheat on my husband, I would be going to Hell anyway. I’m just saving the trip.”

  Lucifer laughed. “But you haven’t, not physically, and I’m not sure emotionally either. Spend another moment with me in my head.”

  Mia waited for him to open his eyes. He did, and Mia walked into them.

  She found herself in a place where beauty abounded. He drew her to a window, and they looked out together over
a crystal landscape. “This is before I fell,” he said. “I took all of this for granted. I took what it was to have a woman willingly in my arms for granted too,” he said, kissing Mia’s neck. “When you walked into my thoughts and held me with compassion, I was touched.”

  Mia touched the silken draperies. “How can I be here and feel all of this? I’m in your thoughts.”

  “I don’t know, but I’m feeling this too. Is this some wicked plan? You hold me in this thought, and your henchmen kill me? Tell me, assassin, what is happening?”

  “I think this is unique. I’m not reading your mind. You invited me into your thoughts, which are surprisingly tangible. Is this real?”

  “As real as any daydream is.”

  Mia turned and looked into his eyes, and he invited her to walk into his eyes. She walked from the existing thought into another thought. They found themselves along a seashore. He held out his hand to her, and they ran and played in the surf like they were children. Mia laughed when he splashed her. He looked at her and wondered what she was thinking.

  Lucifer closed his eyes and sighed.

  Mia walked into the banquet hall and right over to the bacon. “I could smell you for blocks.”

  Murphy appeared at her side. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, never better.”

  “You look stunning.”

  “Those aren’t your words.”

  “Altair said you looked stunning when you walked in. I think you look quite comely.”

  “Why thank you. How is Hell treating you?” Mia asked.

  “I have dined on foods I thought I had forgotten. They have a tree here…”

  “Don’t eat of the tree of life, Murph. Your mother would be quite put out,” Mia teased.

  “You’re a lot calmer. I thought you were going to jump out of your skin when we first arrived.”

  “Lucifer does that to a girl.” Mia handed Murphy her plate of food. “Carry this for me, I want to get more. Don’t look at me that way. I’m really hungry.”

  Murphy rolled his eyes and complied.

  Victor pulled out a chair, and Mia sat down. She started eating.

  “You’re pretty quiet,” he said.

  “I’m eating,” Mia said. “I didn’t eat any supper last night. I fell asleep in the bathtub. How can you be so energetic?”

  Victor shrugged.

  Mia was allowed to eat in peace. Murphy and Victor conversed about things they had seen.

  Altair returned to the table and sat down and stared at Mia. She wouldn’t make eye contact until she was finished with her meal.

  She looked him full in the face and asked, “What?”

  “Rumor has it, you didn’t spend the night at Abigor’s.”

  Victor and Murphy leaned in.

  “What did you hear?” Mia asked.

  “Where were you?” Altair demanded.

  “I started off in Abigor’s harem tub. I fell asleep, and now I’m here.”


  “What did you hear?” she asked again.

  “That you and Lucy…” he stopped. “I can’t say it.”

  “Then don’t, that’s how rumors continue.”

  Sticks walked up and bowed to Mia before he addressed the table. “Gather your equipment. We leave for the encampment in an hour. Mia, I have your things and have asked to be your squire.”

  “I’m her squire,” Murphy said.

  “No, you’re my knight,” Mia said, putting a calming hand on his arm.

  “Please, would you come with me now?” Sticks asked.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” Mia said. She got up and followed Sticks.

  “She doesn’t smell like a fallen, so Abigor or Lucifer didn’t bed her,” Altair said. “Although, she did sleep in Lucy’s bed last night.”

  “Why?” Victor asked.

  “They are trying to protect her from Cynosura demons. Rule of Hell: no one takes your woman from your bed,” Altair told them.

  “I thought her only worry was keeping Abigor and Lucy out of her bed,” Murphy said.

  “Sticks says he was with her all the time, and aside from a quiet conversation, nothing happened,” Altair said. “He was prepared to defend her. In the encampment, she will sleep in Abigor’s tent with Sticks.”

  “I can protect her,” Murphy insisted.

  “On Earth, you can. Here, I can’t even protect her,” Altair admitted.

  “Little Bird has to walk a tightrope of egos here. She is very aware what is at stake,” Victor said.

  “Did you really spend days alone with her and not have sex?” Altair asked him.


  “What’s wrong with you?”

  “He’s honorable,” Murphy said, patting him on the back.

  “Farmer, if you spent days on an island alone with Mia, what would you be doing?”

  Murphy was quiet.

  “I thought so. Victor, you’re a man of iron.”

  Sticks took Mia to Lucifer’s office. It was empty. “Wait here. I’ll let his people know you are here.”

  “Thank you. Sticks, did you carry me from the pool?”

  “Yes, I was instructed to.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry that I’m not an adult and can’t take you away from here.”

  “I have a job to do, and I was prepared to suffer some indignities because of the customs here.”

  “What happens when he stares in your eyes?”

  “To be accurate, I’m staring in his, and nothing happens except a sharing of thoughts.”

  “Thank you for telling me.”

  Sticks left Mia, and she sat down and waited.

  Lucifer walked in. Mia knelt.

  She could hear him fuss with some papers and the door shutting. “Rise, Mia, and come here.”

  Mia did so.

  “I wanted to show you what I want Abigor and you to put the troops through,” he said.

  Mia approached the desk and moved around it to see the diagrams right side up. Lucifer pointed out a few things and waited for Mia to make a contrary comment. When she didn’t, he spun her around. “Where is your fire?”

  Mia looked up at him. “I don’t disagree with what you have planned. I’m not a leader, Lucifer. I’m too reactionary and volatile.”

  “Instead, you are going to let me use you?”

  “I don’t believe I let you do anything yet that I didn’t want to do,” Mia said. “Are you looking for a reason to hurt me? To take out your displeasure with Michael on my body?”

  Lucifer grabbed her and turned her around.

  Mia braced for the assault. It didn’t happen. She turned to see him staring down at her. She steadied herself and walked into his eyes. This time, they were in a dark place of torture, and Mia knew what he wanted from her. He was going to assault her in her mind. Not a mark upon her body for his generals to be upset about. She knew that there would be no room for argument.

  But he didn’t hurt her. Instead, he picked her up and cradled her to him. He took her to a place where wildflowers abounded. “Mia, let’s see how far we can walk together. We are in my thoughts and have walked farther into them. I want you to open your eyes and let me in.”

  Mia did so. She took him to a time where she was alone and friendless. “This is before I found humanity. Where were you then?”

  He ran his hand down her body. “I didn’t know you then. I only caught a glimpse when you burned down your house.”

  “This is a dark thought I brought you into,” Mia said. “I have far too many of them these days.”

  “We can’t change the past. Roumain has tried, and it just fucks it all up. Use this to fuel you.”

  Abigor walked in to see Lucifer and Mia standing, staring at each other. It looked as if they were daring the other to look away. He didn’t understand. He thought, possibly, they were mind reading each other - a very dangerous game for Mia. He backed out of the room and saw Sticks waiting in the hall.

  “What’s going
on in there?” he asked Sticks.

  “I don’t know. It started yesterday. He’s so much calmer after they break apart. I think it’s some kind of parasitical game, but both are playing. Mia is not objecting.”

  Mia walked through the horrors of her sad world with his protective arm around her. She turned to him and asked, “Take me further into your thoughts?”

  They were sitting aboard a Nile sailing cruiser. She was dressed in a white dress which barely covered her large pregnant belly. Lucifer sat next to her on the lounge chair. He was looking prosperous and dapper. “I always wanted a wife. Be my wife for just a moment,” he pleaded.

  Mia nodded and stroked her belly. “Our child is coming soon…”

  A rap on the door brought Lucifer back. He closed his eyes, Mia closed hers, and so on until they found their way out of the infinite thoughts. He took a moment to kiss her tenderly on the cheek and guide her back to the chair. “Sit. Come in.”

  Abigor walked in. “I’m sorry, but you wanted to see me before I leave for camp.”

  “Yes, I did. Mia, if you would excuse us, I believe Sticks is waiting to escort you to the stables. Before you go, I have a word of advice for you.”

  “Yes?” Mia asked.

  “Kill the first demon who disrespects you.”

  “Yes, sire,” she said and left.

  “What’s happening between you two?” Abigor asked.

  “Nothing to concern you. We were just sharing some thoughts. She is a very powerful being.”

  “Yet, you have left her untouched.”

  “Have I?” Lucifer questioned.

  Sticks appreciated the quiet as they walked to the stables. He had a lot to think about. He was put in charge of protecting Mia, but when it came to Lucifer, he was instructed, by Abigor, to not interfere with anything Lucifer wanted to do to her. Mia was tough and would survive. But there weren’t any assaults, and Mia, although a bit quieter than her norm, seemed fine.

  “Has the master hurt you in any way?” Sticks asked.


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