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Tempted by Curiosity

Page 20

by Angeleke Kaldis

  Alexander spoke gently, “We have to be very quiet.”

  She nodded, “You’re right, I think it’s only fair that you take off my dress.”

  “Is that a request my lady?” He asked.

  She nudged his nose with hers, “No, it’s a demand my lord.”

  Alexander’s hands hitched up Marcella’s nightdress, “As my lady wishes.”

  His hands pulled the dress up around her hips. His left hand went low past her navel to press against her unexplored phoenix nest. She bucked up and into his hand.

  Marcella had never been touched there before, and it was rather exhilarating.

  “Do you trust me?” He whispered huskily in her ear before he kissed her.

  She moaned happily into his mouth, but then Alexander quickly pulled away from her lips and spoke to her in a serious tone,

  “Marcella, I need your consent before I go on any farther. I won’t touch you again until you verbally say yes to me.”

  “Yes Alexander, I trust you, and I want you to…to touch me right now.”

  With her verbal consent, his hand slid in-between her legs, his fingers slid their way into her gentle folds. He found the center to all of her pleasure, and she was awaiting his skilled touch as she closed her eyes.

  The excitement within her grew with each magnificent caress from his skilled fingers, then the speed of his touch inside her increased, and Marcella’s eyes opened with elation. She did her best not to cry out.

  She wanted to see him, she had to know if he was enjoying this as much as she was.

  Marcella saw Alexander watching her as he deliberately slid his long fingers deeper, in and out of her, in a rhythm that was oddly bringing her to the edge of screaming.

  She was about to scream with an overwhelming amount of happiness within her, but then he stopped his delightful torment, and Marcella felt as if she had just missed out on something amazing.

  “Why did you stop?” Marcella asked with annoyance.

  Alexander brought her up to a sitting position so that he could take her nightdress off completely. He lowered her back down onto the bed, and then he stood up before her. He took off his dark hessian boots one at a time.

  He kept eye contact with her the whole time, and Marcella gulped as she saw his hands reach for his trousers.

  In the blink of an eye, his trousers had been pulled off completely this time and his maypole sprung forward. The length of his member surprised her, and she just couldn’t stop staring at it. He was touching it in a way that made the tip of it glisten. It looked as if it was about ready to burst.

  He looked into her eyes, and within them he saw that there was so much hope, maybe even love blooming within them for him.

  “Do you want this?” Alexander asked her that question with such an eager, yet respectful, tone.

  Marcella wanted him, just as much as he wanted her. Their relationship was formed firstly on attraction, but then it surprisingly had turned into respect, and perhaps even love.

  In that moment, Marcella knew what to say to him, “I do.”

  There was no hesitation in her thoughts whatsoever. She wanted to hold him close to her bosom, and never let him go. She felt her soul pulling his closer to hers. Marcella felt connected to this man in ways that she couldn’t even understand.

  He asked her again, “Tell me Marcella, do you want this?”

  She leaned forward on the bed and looked up into his blue eyes as she said, “I want you, all of you. Not just your body, but your heart and soul too.”

  She then fully sat up and traced a line from his heart to the tip of his throbbing staff. He looked at her hand as she slowly teased his most precious member, just as he had done moments ago. He groaned deeply, but then took her hand off of him, putting it back on to his chest where his heart was.

  Alexander took her mouth with an intense passion, as he then laid her head back down onto the bed, gently pressing himself right up next to her.

  Both of them were fully naked, and loaded up with raw emotions that were ready to be unleashed out into the world.

  “Tell me you love me, and that you’ll be mine forever.” He begged her, and he never begged anyone for anything.

  She took his face into her two hands, and looked deep into his soul.

  Marcella passionately said to him, “I love you so dearly Alexander. I am yours, you are mine, and we always will be.”

  He pressed his forehead to hers, “I love you so much. If it hurts too much, please tell me to stop. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She stated to him, “You could never hurt me. I want this just as much as you do.”

  With those words, he settled himself atop of her and positioned himself within her glossy folds. He pushed forward slowly, and she gasped as he moved deeper into her. She clawed at his back, and took in a few deep breaths to relax herself.

  He was watching her like a hawk, and he was aware of her pain, “Are you alright?”

  She breathed, “Just give me a moment to get used to this, please.”

  “Of course, hold on to me. It can only get better from here.” He promised.

  She nodded, “You’d better be right.”

  That came out far more threatening then she had originally intended it to be, but he chortled at first and then he became silent as he began to move inside of her.

  At first there were some more painful thrusts, but eventually the pain slowly went away, and Marcella began to feel that pleasure rising from within her again.

  This felt good, really good. Marcella looked up at Alexander’s face, and smiled widely with surprise, “The pain’s gone.”

  He smiled back at her, “Thank goodness, now hold on to me.”

  With those words said, he drove himself fully into her and kissed her deeply, as she cried out into his mouth. He began to take on a rhythm, and she followed him with an equal pursuit of desire. He pumped into her, and she moaned into his neck, causing him to growl into her hair. They then both came into a rhythm that brought upon the most glorious and unified climax.

  They kissed each other, roaring their fervency into one another. Their legs gave out from the vigorous thrusting, and they collapsed upon one another with harsh breaths.

  Marcella let her body go completely limp. Alexander then maneuvered her so that she could lay herself on top of him instead. She settled her head on his chest so that she could hear his heartbeat pounding within his chest. She lifted her chin and looked at his wonderfully sweaty face.

  He looked happily sedated, as she asked him, “When can we do that again?”

  He laughed quietly as he looked right back at her, “Whenever you want, as long as you promise me something.”

  She sighed happily, “Anything.”

  He looked serious as he said, “Promise to marry me?”

  “What?” She gasped in disbelief, but also in acute excitement.

  “I love you Marcella, and I feel like you and I were meant to find each other. I see a future that I could have never even dreamed about before I met you, and now that I have spilled my seed inside of you…well you may become with pregnant with our child.”

  “Oh.” She said in bewilderment.

  “I should have taken precautions, I feel like a total cad. I should’ve controlled myself better, and most importantly I should have given you the choice. Is all of this alright with you?” He earnestly asked her.

  She looked at him with large happy eyes, “Of course it’s alright with me Alexander. I love you more than you could ever know, and if I didn’t want any of this I would’ve told you so right away. As long as you don’t feel that marriage to me is simply an obligation, then as I said to you before, I’m all yours. Will you marry me? A poor country lady from Hertfordshire who loves you sincerely.”

  He nodded enthusiastically as he sat up, “I believe that I wanted to marry you the moment I laid my eyes upon you in Ms. Janice’s studio shop. I want to marry you, I want you to be my wife, and I desperately want you to be the
mother of our children.”

  Our children? He said our, not mine or yours. Ours. That was the most remarkable part of what he said to her. He romanticized the phrase “the mother of his children.” That phrase right there got Marcella good, and that was where Marcella had deeply in love with Lord Alexander Maximus Westbrook.

  She pushed her body upwards so that she could kiss him, her small bosom pressed into his soft, yet brawny, chest. They kissed for a long while after that, and then they simply lay together naked and interwoven with each other for some time.

  Marcella told him about her dear family, especially about her sisters. She told him what they looked like, their personalities, and all of their various shenanigans.

  The way Lydia would always go out of her way to be the rebel of the family. The way Lucinda was a proper lady, how Beatrice was always the mysterious and secretive one of the group, and lastly about Flora and her super high spirits.

  Alexander loved every moment of that conversation. The way that Marcella brightened up when she spoke about her sisters was remarkable to him. He wanted to be a part of that chaotic family badly.

  Marcella must’ve been thinking the same thing as she asked him, “When do you think it would be best to announce an engagement to my family?”

  Alexander replied, “I believe that I may’ve seen a glimpse of your father at Starling’s Gentleman’s club earlier today.”

  Marcella’s face contorted with confusion, “You saw my father? He’s supposed to be home in Hertfordshire. Unless…”

  “Unless, what?” Alexander asked her.

  “Unless the business that Mr. Coll was referring to at the Stanton’s Ball tonight was about my father. Oh no, he plans to fleece my him of his last few thousands pounds tonight. We have to do something. Do you know where he might be going tonight? Any hints at all?” Marcella questioned him.

  “I’m not sure. I can go make my rounds at Starling’s and ask the staff there if they had heard of where he might be going.”

  “Good, then let’s go together. Hurry, we have to dress.” Marcella went to stand up but she winced, so she looked between her thighs and saw dried blood.

  “Marcella, I think it would be best if you stayed here. Safe and sound. I’ll go and find your father, and when I find him I’ll bring him here where we can tell him of our engagement together. What do you say?” Alexander spoke to her with clarity.

  Marcella turned her nose up, “Fine, but don’t think that I’m happy about you leaving me here to enjoy this comfy bed alone.”

  Then with seriousness she added, “Come back to me as soon as you can, alright? It’s not safe out there, not even for a strong man like you. I’ll end up in Bedlam if anything happens to you tonight Alexander.”

  “I promise you that I’ll fix all of this, now tell me you love me again, and I’ll be on my way out to save your family.”

  He got up and began to dress himself. Alexander nudged her nose with his to lessen the burden of leaving her as he put his hessian boots on over his trousers.

  “I love you Alexander, be safe my love.”

  Marcella affectionately touched his face and left a long kiss on his lips before he stood up from the bed, fully dressed and ready to go find Lord Stansfield.

  “I love you too Marcella. I’ll be back later.” Alexander snuck out of her bedroom, down the backstairs, just as Robert had done earlier, and out of the house completed unnoticed by anyone.

  Chapter 17

  After leaving Starling’s with the information he needed, Alexander went to the Hamill’s home in Belgravia. It was there that Alexander spoke with Lady Emilia and the Earl of Sweeting as they had finished their supper and they were pouring whisky in the parlor before bed.

  He took the drink that Emilia offered to him and then asked her, “Is Viktor at Circe’s Palace tonight?”

  Emilia’s eyes widened as she spoke to him with slight contempt in her voice, “Yes, I believe he is. He came by earlier to check up on me. What do you need from Viktor?”

  Alexander seemed taken aback by her tone as he simply said, “I just need him to get me into Circe’s Palace tonight so that I can find Lord Stansfield before Mr. Coll gets to him. That’s all I need, I promise Emilia.”

  She sat back in her chair, but she kept her eyes fixated on the large man across from her. For a woman of a petite, yet curvy physique, she was extremely intimidating.

  To say the least.

  She looked right into Alexander’s eyes and said, “That better be all you need him for Westbrook, Viktor is finally on a good path. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him tonight.”

  Vincent put a hand on her shoulder to calm her demeanor, “If you would like, and if it was alright with you, I could go with Westbrook to make sure nothing serious happens to Viktor.”

  Emilia sighed, “That would be very kind of you Vin, I would appreciate that. It’s not that I don’t trust you, or Westbrook for that matter, it’s just that trouble tends to find my cousin, and I would not want the killers to take it out on him.”

  “That’s a good point Emilia, but that might be too late. Marcella thinks that Mr. Coll may be one of Archie’s killers. He’s a large man with a liquor belly, and his shoes have red soles. He fits the description well, and Marcella has a very bad feeling about him and his motives towards her family.”

  “Well, if that’s the case then go quickly. I know you love her Alex, and I wouldn’t want to see anything bad happen to her, or her family for that matter. Just be careful, both of you. Please.”

  Emilia had spoken with such strength, and she had also been cordial with Vincent in Alexander’s presence. Hell, the scene that Alexander had seen when he found them finishing their supper together in the dining room was quite mundane and civil. Perhaps there was hope for both of them after all.

  Emilia got up and gave Alexander a brotherly hug, “Good luck.”

  He hugged her back briefly and then walked towards the door to leave. He was waiting for Vincent to join him, but Emilia had taken the Earl’s face in her hands and was whispering something to him before she kissed him right on the mouth in a very sweet way.

  She then hastily wrote a note for them to hand over once they got to Circe’s Palace.

  Moments later, Alexander and Vincent were on their way to Circe’s Palace in the Hamill’s carriage.

  “Are we going to talk about that kiss, Vincent?” Alexander asked with a grin.

  Vincent smirked, “No way Alex. I’m not going to jinx it, but there’s hope for us yet.”

  As they arrived at Circe’s Palace a large brute showed up to open their carriage door.

  The large man was built like a stocky mountain, and then he spoke to them with a very thick Russian accent, “Do you have invitation?”

  Vincent pulled out the paper that Emilia had given them and passed it over to the burly man with ease. Alexander and Vincent were getting a good look at the bodyguard. From their vantage point inside the carriage, they both believed the man standing before them to be almost eight feet tall. He was surely the definition of the word massive.

  If he refused them entrance, their plan would be royally screwed. As the man took the paper from Vincent and began reading it he started to chuckle, “Ona zabavnaya.”

  He gave the paper back to Vincent as he motioned for both of them to follow him, “Come, I take you to Viktor.”

  Alexander took a deep breath, and then quickly asked Vincent as he descended the carriage steps, “What does that paper say?”

  Vincent shrugged, “The hell if I know. It was too long for me to translate, but I would guess that it must’ve been a Russian joke.”

  They followed the man up the steps and into the building. From the outside, the building was decorated in a plain charcoal brick design, but all of that changed once you stepped inside the front entrance. The building was designed to make one feel as if they were entering a whole new world.

  Gold filigree was painted all along the walls to accentuate th
e bold coated shades of blue, green, and red of the interior walls.

  There were lit candelabras, as well as exquisitely designed candle sconces attached to the walls to bring upon a luminous glow to the darkness of the wall colors.

  Large thickened curtains concealed the events taking place within them, and they also matched the color of the rooms.

  This place was London’s current hidden gem, and it definitely was exceeding the ton’s lavish expectations.

  Even landed gentry, foreign royals, diplomats, entrepreneurs, and rich nobles alike were tempted by this place. Circe’s Palace enticed them all, and if you had money to spend then you could be treated like a king for the night.

  The design of the building in its entirety truly deserved the name Circe’s Palace.

  Each room was decorated with an animalistic feature, and it was safe to say that Circe’s Palace was designed for all immoral pleasantries as well.

  The last time Vincent was in this part of the building it had been almost a year ago, and he had been perusing the lion inspired room that offered him an absolutely fascinating experience. He had become thoroughly enchanted by a woman wearing a sheer lotus dress. Her actions that night had ruined him for any other woman ever, and he had fallen harder in love with those golden curls then ever before.

  No matter how hard he drank, he could never get that night out of his mind, nor could he forget the day after when his house caught afire.

  Vincent shook his head, Alexander nudged him, “Are you alright mate?”

  The Earl of Sweeting simply nodded.

  A woman dressed in a translucent shimmering-white chemise with thick curly black hair walked by them and seductively hissed at them, “Come play with me boys.”

  She was dressed as Circe, the witch goddess that tried to drug the legendary Odysseus and turn all of his men into swine on the island of Aeaea in the Mediterranean.

  The woman simply smiled at them, but kept walking past them on a mission. She was holding a golden chalice that contained incense within it. She was certainly playing her part of the witch goddess well tonight.


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