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Tempted by Curiosity

Page 21

by Angeleke Kaldis

  The large man escorting them turned and stared at both Alexander and Vincent, “Keep up osly. Don’t become so easily distracted.”

  Both men looked at one another and mouthed, “Donkeys?”

  Another woman walked by them dressed as a peacock, but they didn’t pay hey any attention. Both Alexander and Vincent had previously visited this place out of curiosity, and respect for Viktor. They wanted to see if this place actually lived up to its reputation, and it most certainly had, and still did.

  Circe’s Palace was an outlandish place where men became animals. They would take part in activities, such as wrestling their peers, participating in card games, drinking away the night, and partaking in specific sexual activities. In a way, Circe’s Palace was an escape away from the morality of what London society stood for.

  The large Russian bodyguard took them up a set of back stairs, and then up into a locked off corridor. With a key attached to a long chain hiding within his hairy chest, that also happened to have a large gold orthodox cross attached to it, he opened up a door, which of course led to another door.

  There was no way the owner of this place could ever be found in here. The bodyguard knocked on the last door loudly, and from within the room a man grunted, “Coming.”

  The door opened a few seconds later revealing Viktor Perseus Nikolaev. He was half dressed and leaning against the doorframe.

  He looked impatient, but nonetheless said, “Thank you Igor, you may go back to your post now. Do come in gentlemen.”

  Igor left them with a nod.

  At first, one would not think that Viktor was anything but English. He was mostly well mannered, and spoke formally to everyone he met.

  Viktor’s accent did not hint at his ethnic and cultural background at all, but then again, why would it? He had grown up in England since his infancy, so he had a crisp and clean-cut proper British accent. He spoke Russian well, as well as Greek thanks to his cousins, his aunt, and her family. His style of fashion was worthy of the ton’s praise, and he was a Duke’s nephew after all, and that Duke was, His Grace the Duke of Oxford.

  Alexander and Vincent entered Viktor’s private quarters with open minds. This man was a businessman, a lawyer, and a thriving entrepreneur of all trades. Entering a man’s private office was like traveling into his inner sanctum, his most-darkest secrets lived within these four walls.

  There was a large desk in the middle of the room with an equally large chair right behind it, and a beautiful Persian rug beneath the furniture. There was a rack of clothes on the right side of the room with colorful suit jackets hanging on display as if they were paintings.

  There were paintings of naval scenes that lined the walls around them, a large egg made of green malachite with gold filigree etched into it was positioned on the desk next to a large pile of papers, and a long quill pen was sitting in an ink jar on top of those papers. He must have been writing something very important to make him look so disheveled at this hour. They had never seen him like this before.

  At first, Alexander thought Viktor may have had a female companion in the room, but there was no sight of anyone else in here. Viktor’s hands had ink stains on them, so he had definitely been writing a letter.

  Viktor circled the men like a hawk and then took a seat in his large desk chair as he said, “Please, do take a seat gentlemen. I’m sure her majesty can wait for a reply.”

  Viktor motioned to two chairs in front of his desk for them to sit in. The men took their seats right away and looked at one another as they asked, “Her majesty?”

  “Yes, Queen Victoria. We have a mutual personal business to attend to. She loathes the Russians, but I’m warming her up.”

  Viktor then focused his attention solely on Alexander. He leaned forward on his desk, settling his elbows over his papers, and clasped his hands together as he asked, “What is the purpose of this impromptu visit?”

  Alexander leaned forward as well to be settled on the same level as Viktor was. He then said, “I have come to ask for a favor Viktor. I think that you could help me out with an issue that involves us, as well as your cousins, Gabriel and Emilia.”

  That caught Viktor’s attention right away. Family meant everything to him. The things that Viktor had done were imperative for his family’s happiness. He had worked his way into the legal system to protect himself, but he’d also done it for those he loved.

  “What about my cousins?” Viktor asked with all seriousness.

  Vincent took over where Alexander had left off, “Before we tell you anything, I would like to know if we can trust you.”

  Viktor rubbed his eyes with irritation, “Does Emilia trust you?”

  Vincent nodded, “Yes, she does.”

  Viktor sat back in his chair and said, “There’s your answer then. If she trusts you, then I trust you, and that means you can trust me. It’s that simple. Now, tell me.”

  Alexander continued, “I don’t like being dramatic, but this is a matter of life or death here Viktor. There is a man coming to your establishment tonight who has threatened our lives, and plans to con my fiancé’s father out of his fortune. He will stop at nothing, and I mean nothing. He has killed before, and he will not stop until he gets what he wants.”

  Viktor was listening now, “So, what do you really need from me?”

  Alexander optimistically said, “We would like your permission to roam around this place all night, for free, until we find whom we’re looking for.”

  Viktor nodded, “Done, but it would be much easier for me to know who it is that you are looking for. I could help you both out with this.”

  Vincent looked at Alexander with a hesitant expression before he looked over to Viktor and spoke forthright, “Emilia sent me here tonight to make sure that Alex didn’t put your life in danger, and I’ll not let Emilia down now that she’s finally trusting me again.”

  Viktor rounded the desk and then sat atop of it. He stared Vincent down with his skeptical eyes. Viktor cracked his fingers as he asked, “Why should I believe you? After everything you’ve put my cousin through, why should I trust you now?”

  Vincent shook his head, “You shouldn’t. I know how I feel about your cousin, and I am tired of disappointing her. I care for her, I love her, and I will marry her one day soon. If she’ll accept my hand.”

  Viktor rolled his eyes as he spoke in a low voice, “Just you wait Earl. That choice has already been made for you, but that’s a conversation for another time and place. So, you and I are good for the time being. Now, who are we looking for tonight?”

  “The person that I need to find first is Lord Ernest Stansfield. He’s in danger tonight, and the killer that we are looking for is Mr. Benedict Coll. He’s dangerous, and most likely armed. What can you do for us?”

  Viktor announced, “I’ll have Igor bring up Stansfield for you. He’ll be placed into the room right across from my office so that you two can have a chat”

  “He’s here?” Alexander asked.

  “He’s actually been here for an hour or so. Coll, on the other hand has yet to arrive, but I know for a fact that he will be coming tonight. However, I will not have Igor bring him up to you.” Viktor spoke freely.

  “Thank you…” Alexander got that out before Viktor continued speaking.

  Viktor resumed, “Instead, I will have Igor notify me when he has arrived. I will then have one of the girls take him to a special room to warm him up before he hits the tables. Now that that’s settled, what will you give me in return for my assistance tonight?”

  Alexander smirked, it was time to make a deal, the Russians loved their deals.

  “I have friends in high places. I have a particularly good friend who works for the Metropolitan Police in a high position, he could be of assistance to you if anything, or anyone, ever tries to take you or your businesses down.”

  Viktor’s Russian-blue eyes turned very mischievous as he said, “Deal, but the Earl of Sweeting stays here with me in order to keep his promise t
o my dear cousin.”

  Alexander stood up and put out his hand, “That’s a deal.”

  Viktor smiled roguishly as he shook Westbrook’s hand with a firm grip.

  The plan was put forth into motion, and now it was time to win. Vincent stayed back in Viktor’s office, while Viktor escorted Alexander across the hall into a new room.

  Before Viktor left the room he said, “I hope my help will be good enough for you tonight Westbrook. However, I must let you know that if you do in fact partake in a card game against Coll, I will not be able to guarantee a win for either you or Stansfield. Good luck my friend, lord knows you will need it.”

  Westbrook nodded, “I understand. Thank you Viktor, I must warn you that Coll is not the only killer on the loose in London. There are four men, and one could possibly target Emilia in the future. I will do my best to watch over her as I always have, but I think you should know that Vincent is our best bet at keeping her safe.”

  Viktor looked at Alexander with a quizzical brow, “Only time will be able to prove that statement. Before I go, I must ask you something.”

  Alexander nodded, and Viktor whispered directly to him, “Do you know? About the double proxy marriage that I arranged last year, and about the baby girl?”

  He knew everything. Emilia had told him about the baby, but she herself didn’t know about the infamous double proxy marriage that her cousin Viktor had procured in secrecy for her and the Earl.

  Alexander had learned about the double proxy marriage from Gabriel. Emilia and Vincent both had no clue about the double proxy marriage. In the eyes of the Church of England, and by parliamentary law, Emilia and Vincent were married. They were ceremoniously known as the Earl and Countess of Sweeting.

  When that news finally came to fruition, there would be a war of words. Would Emilia ever forgive her cousin for going to such drastic measures to make sure that her secret baby was a legitimate child of the Earl of Sweeting’s? Only time would tell.

  Alexander nodded, “Yes, I do know, and I’ve heard that she’s beautiful.”

  Viktor sighed, “I may be a hard man, but I just love babies. She’s just like Emilia was when she was a baby. I hope I did the right thing, not just for her, but for the Earl as well. Anyways, I’ll have Igor bring up Lord Stansfield to you. Good luck brat.”

  Viktor, the Russian prince and man of many trades, looked despondent as he put his head down and left Alexander alone in the smaller room awaiting Lord Stansfield.

  Alexander knew that Viktor was a good man. He had done what he had to do. Only a handful of people knew about the double proxy marriage.

  Those people were Viktor, Gabriel, the Duke and Duchess of Oxford, Emilia’s Greek grandparents, Vincent’s two sisters, Vincent’s mother the Duchess of Queensberry, and then Alexander.

  No one else knew, at least not yet. When the Duke of Queensberry found out about this marriage, everyone would need to brace themselves for a hurricane. Vincent’s father wasn’t the kindest of men.

  With only a few minutes to spare before Lord Stansfield came up to the room, Alexander had devised a simple plan in his mind that could save Marcella’s family from financial ruin. At least, that was what Alexander hoped would happen.

  He could not fail Marcella now, they were going to be married, and he had to prove to her, and to himself, that he could keep her and her family safe.

  Alexander wanted to succeed, because he wanted to prove to his future family that he was worthy of Marcella, and of them. If this plan went to shite, he was done for.

  Marcella would never forgive him, and he would never have what he’d always wanted more than anything else in this world, a family with her.

  Alexander had to be successful in this endeavor. He had to make everything right for the woman that he loved most ardently. She was his future now, and there was no chance in hell that he was going to muddle any of this up. He could not lose her, not now, not ever.

  A light knock sounded on the office door, putting all of Alexander’s thoughts to rest for the moment. He stood up, took a deep breath and walked over to the door.

  As he opened the door, Alexander came face to chest with Igor the giant. The big Russian smirked down at him, and then sarcastically said with a bit of humor, “My eyes are up here English boy.”

  Alexander looked up and smirked, “Of course they are Igor.”

  The Russian laughed as he said, “I have a present for you.”

  Igor moved to the side and presented Lord Stansfield, “Here you go.”

  He nodded his thanks to Igor, then the large man disappeared into the dark hallway. Alexander shut the door behind him, and turned to face Lord Stansfield. He hoped that the conversation that was about to take place would be a rather successful one.

  However, before Alexander could say a word, Lord Stansfield spoke first. That must have been a Stansfield characteristic, they always had to have the first word.

  “What is the reasoning behind this meeting? I was doing well at the tables downstairs, and I’m meeting a friend here tonight. I need to prepare to beat him, I mean to play against him tonight.”

  From his slight hesitation on certain words, Alexander knew that Lord Stansfield was planning on winning back his money, and most certainly his pride, from Mr. Coll tonight. Alexander could help the man in many ways, he just had to voice them aloud.

  “I apologize Lord Stansfield, allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Alexander Westbrook of Cambridgeshire, and I happen to be engaged to your eldest daughter, Lady Marcella. I understand that I should have asked for your permission to court her first, but with the turn of events as of late there wasn’t a proper occasion to do so.”

  Lord Stansfield looked flabbergasted, “Engaged? My daughter Marcella is engaged to you? When…when did this happen?”

  Alexander motioned for his future father-in-law to take a seat in one of the two chairs by a small table set in the middle of the room. This looked more like a room for interrogations rather then an office.

  Stansfield took a seat and began to rub his neck. This was about to get interesting.

  Alexander looked down at the man before him, he was tall but not as tall as him.

  “I know this has come as somewhat of a shock to you sir, but unfortunately we do not have time for this banter. I know that you are here to meet Mr. Coll and I have been sent by Marcella to warn you.”

  Lord Stansfield rubbed his temples, “What does that mean? Why has she sent you? What does she know?”

  Alexander leaned forward and began speaking directly, “Lord Archibald Graves has been murdered, and Mr. Coll was one of his killers. Mr. Coll is blackmailing a group of my friends, that group also includes your daughter Marcella. He tried to kill her today with a brick bomb at the Pinkerton’s house, and he will not hesitate to do so again. Mr. Coll has come here tonight to drug you, play you out of your possessions and most certainly take away your titled lands. I have come to help you win back everything you’ve lost, and so much more.”

  Lord Stansfield asked, “More?”

  Alexander nodded, “Yes, the opportunity to earn back the love and respect of your family.”

  Stansfield barely hesitated as he nodded with enthusiasm, “Alright, let’s do it. Tell me what you’ve planned Lord Westbrook.”

  Alexander was shocked by the quick and eager attitude of his future wife’s father, but he didn’t show his surprise on his face. He honestly didn’t think that it would have been this easy to convince Marcella’s father into this plan.

  Alexander had to ask, “Really? You’ll allow me to help you?”

  Stansfield put out his hand and said, “I have no other choice, you’re my last hope boy. So, what’s this plan of yours?”

  Alexander nodded, “Of course sir, well I believe that you should play a game of Old Maid tonight against Mr. Coll. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, and I will join the game against the both of you so that you will not be alone with that awful man. We’ll have to play the game to the best of
our abilities. No pressure sir, but do your best. I have heard how Mr. Coll tends to play, and I know that he outright cheats. I will catch him tonight, and we shall bring him down for it.”

  Lord Stansfield stood up from his chair slowly, “That sounds quite brilliant, when do we play?”

  Alexander stood up, towering slightly over Lord Ernest Stansfield, “We’ll play soon, however you must pretend that you don’t t know me downstairs. If Mr. Coll realizes that we know each other, and that we are both playing against him, he will cause a scene and leave the place. Do you comprehend sir?”

  The older man nodded, then a knock sounded on the door and Alexander went to answer it. The door opened slightly and Viktor whispered to him, “Coll is at a roulette table. What game would you prefer he be playing tonight?”

  Alexander whispered back, “Old Maid, I know a few tricks with a regular deck of cards. I can out him as a cheater, and Lord Stansfield will be able to get his money back without hesitation.”

  Viktor shook his head, “You will not out him as a cheat in my own establishment. I will do that part myself, I own this place after all, and I will not tolerate cheaters. You just need to make sure that you don’t have the joker at the end of the game.”

  Viktor peered into the room, Lord Stansfield was pacing, “He looks very nervous. Do something about that now, he cannot go into a game against Coll like that. I will go find a dealer to deal an Old Maid game right away. It’s a far more infrequent game than you would expect in high-end places like this one, but it’s feasible. Be in the Boar Room in ten minutes. Stansfield should be there in five.”

  Viktor turned to leave but then stopped halfway, “Don’t worry about my cousin-in-law, Vincent’s still in my office. I haven’t finished lecturing him yet about random bits of knowledge. I’ll bring him to the Boar Room in fifteen.”

  Alexander closed the door and turned to look at his pocket watch. Lord Stansfield had to be downstairs in four minutes now.

  “Lord Stansfield, you have to be in the Boar Room in four minutes.”


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