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For the Asking

Page 3

by Caitlin Ricci

  Sullivan didn’t disappoint as he took my mouth with his own and roughly kissed me until I was moaning against his lips and lifting my hips against his hand.

  “You’re going to hate me by the time this is done,” he told me as we broke to catch our breath.

  He’d said it loudly enough that I knew it was for the benefit of the cameras, so I answered him with a shake of my head and a firm “Never,” which made him laugh and caused me to smile.

  He lifted his hand from the front of my jeans before I could get enough friction going to get any real sort of satisfaction and came back to my nipples. One he teased by pulling and pinching it, while the other he licked and sucked on until I was frustrated and squirming on the bed.

  “Please…,” I begged him, knowing that I sounded pathetic but not caring in the least. “Please, let me come.”

  He lifted his head. “No,” he said before biting at my nipple.

  “Pretty please?” I tried again.

  He laughed but didn’t look up at me this time. He did however take his mouth off my nipple, giving me a bit of a rest, before I realized that I was sensitive to being licked along the side of my ribs as well. It was somewhat like being tickled, but more than that, it was pleasure of a kind that had me pulling my bottom lip between my teeth and shutting my eyes to keep from crying out at the sheer unfairness of it all since what I really wanted was release, and he would never give it to me.

  I forgot about the cameras, about the two men watching us, and just needing his hand on me. I would have preferred his mouth. I would have loved to have him in my ass instead as he stretched me and fucked me until I couldn’t even remember my own name. But if I had to settle for his hand, I would take that because I needed something, and it had to be soon because his mouth and hands on me were just too much to deal with for much longer.

  It was the sweetest kind of torture, and I had no recourse but to moan and squirm under him as he smiled and laughed at my increasingly desperate noises. He’d touched me before but seemed against it now, because he was of course evil and intent on denying me pleasure, as he used his mouth to tease me.

  “I will leave you now,” Sullivan said, suddenly getting up from the bed and releasing me. I stared at him, stuck somewhere between wanting to curse at him for leaving me in such a state and demanding that he come back and finish the job. “I think you’ve had enough punishment for one day. Maybe from now on you’ll remember to put away your own clothes.”

  I realized that this part was acting, that either he’d known the script and what lines to say or he was making it up as he went along. I had no lines, so I didn’t know what to say to him.

  “Be a good boy and tell me you’ve learned your lesson,” he demanded, letting me know what I was supposed to say.

  “I’ve learned it, Sir. I won’t make the mistake again.” My voice was breathy, and I stumbled over the words, unable to find them. I felt like a teenager so intent on getting laid for the first time that he’d forgotten everything else that might have mattered to him in that moment. And in truth none of it did. I wanted Sullivan. No acting, no games. I just wanted him in any way I could get him.

  He winked at me when I called him Sir, and I knew I’d done the right thing by tacking it on. The guys shut off the cameras and lowered them after a few more pictures were taken of my frustrated state, then Mr. Wades joined us in the room. He was clapping and grinning wildly.

  “That was wonderful. Milo, you were born for this.”

  I laughed. “Born to make porn?”

  “Born to have your pleasure shown to people all over the world,” he corrected me. “Your frustration was beautiful and looked so genuine.”

  I smiled, because it was. “Am I good to go, then?” I could have easily just slipped the ties off my wrists and freed myself, but I didn’t want to jeopardize my chances of getting to come back, and getting to spend more time with Sullivan.

  Mr. Wades shrugged. “Perhaps. How do you feel about hardcore scenes?”

  “Depends on what you mean,” I told him instantly. If he meant a gang bang with a bunch of people whom I’d never met, I was going to pass. But if he meant that I’d get to have sex with Sullivan, then hell yes I was interested. He didn’t even have to pay me for that. I’d do it for free.

  “Can I have a minute with Milo alone?” Sullivan asked Mr. Wades and the cameramen. They looked just as surprised as I felt, but eventually they all nodded, and after the guys had packed up their camera equipment, we were alone together.

  “You really are sexy,” Sullivan told me as he went to the dresser across from me and pulled out another little chocolate square. He had a seemingly endless supply, and I pouted.

  “Can I have one?” I asked him before he could move away from dresser.

  He turned and gave me a little smile. “They’re yours for the asking,” he said, echoing his earlier words to me.

  “Are you?” I boldly asked.

  He took out a chocolate and placed it between my lips as he sat down on the bed next to me. “I can be. You certainly were fun to play with this afternoon. But, back to Mr. Wades’s question, how do you feel about doing a hardcore scene with me today?”

  “I don’t know. This was fun, though.”

  He put a hand on my chest, and I relaxed under the warmth of his fingers. “Yes, it was. You’d get extra for it, of course, since that’s not part of what we agreed upon for the original thousand. I’d wear a condom, and it would just be a one-on-one scene. Would you like that?”

  My immediate gut response was hell yes, sign me up, and how did he want to fuck me because I was all for that, but I figured I might want to be a little cautious too, just in case something was up.

  “Any pain or anything like that?” I asked him.

  Sullivan shook his head, and I wished that my hands were free so that I could mess with his nearly black curls. They looked soft, and I knew from being close to him while kissing him that they smelled like real coconut. “No. Nothing at all like that. Mr. Wades has the final say, but I assume the scene would be me taking you just as you are and leaving you wanting. That way the final pieces are easier to cut and put back together to make it look like we never had this little chat.”

  I was about to protest not getting to come until I remembered that was the whole point. “Hey, Sullivan, could you help me out after the cameras go off?”

  “Sure, but only if you’re very good for this next part.”

  “And how do I do that?” I asked him.

  Sullivan grinned and lifted up his hand only to put it back down on the hard line of my dick which pressed against the front of my jeans. I jumped and bit my bottom lip as I stared up at him, hoping he’d do something, anything, other than take his hand away again, but that was exactly what he did a moment later. “Continue to look just as frustrated as you are right now.”

  “That’s not hard at all.”

  “Maybe not. But you certainly are.”

  He laughed as he got up from the bed, and I glared at him, wishing I could make him come back over and take care of my problem. I believed him when he said he would do it if I was good. I just had to keep thinking he was awful for teasing me and making me wait.

  “Mr. Wades, I believe Milo and I are ready now,” Sullivan said as he went to the closed bedroom door and gave a quick knock.

  Mr. Wades came in first, followed by the camera guys, and I watched them as they got their equipment in order. While Mr. Wades moved around the room, pictures were taken of me. I couldn’t imagine what they were taking pictures of, since nothing had really changed, but still I had a camera in my face. At least the flash wasn’t on. I tried my best to look sexy and ignore it.

  “Is everything all set?” Mr. Wades asked Sullivan, who nodded to him.

  “Excellent. Milo, you’ll stay right there. Just as you are. Keep looking desperate for sex. Sullivan, you’ll take off Milo’s pants, then remove your own, put on a condom, and then fuck him. When you’re ready, come on his st
omach and chest. Don’t move him from that position. I like seeing him stretched out like that.”

  Sullivan gave a nod to the camera guys, and I watched him eagerly as he came toward me and leaned down for a quick kiss. We were back in the scene as soon as he spoke to me again. “I’ve decided that I’m not done playing with you yet. Do you think that you deserve a second chance?”

  I nodded and tried to go for pouty-sexy rather than frustrated impatience. “Yes, Sir. Please take pity on me.”

  He laughed, and I hoped it wasn’t at me. “Don’t do that. You’re adorable already. You don’t need to whine.”

  So he had been laughing at me. I tried not to look upset about it, or about how my plan hadn’t worked, but mostly because the cameras were on me.

  Sullivan leaned down and gave me a kiss. I opened up my mouth, inviting him in, and when he slid his tongue between my teeth, I moaned against his lips. He moved his hands to my nipples again, teasing me even though I wished he’d just get on with it and fuck me. I arched my chest against his hand as he pulled on my right nipple nearly to the point of hurting. I’d never been much for walking that line between pleasure and pain, but the way Sullivan manipulated my body, making the pain work for him, and for me, made me want to try new things.

  “I want you,” I whispered against his lips when he moved his head away to let me breathe.

  He released my nipple, and I sighed a little as cool air rushed over my heated, swollen skin. “I know,” he said before he gave me a wink that looked entirely too deliberate for the benefit of the cameras. He moved down my body and bent his head over the same nipple. At first he only blew on it, which felt nice, but then he gently licked my nipple, easing the pain he’d caused me. But instead of being comforted, I was left squirming under him as he continued to pay attention to the nipple long after the pain had subsided.

  I was desperate to touch him, to dig my fingers into his shoulders, to grab onto his hair. But with my hands tied up above my head, I wasn’t able to do any of that and was just left feeling frustrated as I watched him play with me, teasing me how he wanted to and smiling as I ground my teeth.

  Finally, after what felt like hours, he put his hands on the front of my jeans and began to undo the button and slide the zipper down. It was a slow process, because he was making me, and whoever would be viewing this, wait for it. Once he had my jeans open, I was glad that I’d opted not to wear underwear because the surprise I could see on his face once my dick was free was priceless. I felt as if I’d won just a little. Not a lot, because I knew who was in control in this situation, but I did like that he wouldn’t get to tease me while taking off my underwear as well as my pants.

  As it turned out he didn’t tease me about those either, a fact for which I was very grateful as he knelt between my thighs and yanked the pants down to my knees, then turned my hips so that he could put my legs together and take the jeans the rest of the way off. He tossed them to the side, then moved my legs back, spreading me open for him. I was breathing heavily, mostly because I was seriously turned on, but also because I was just plain excited. Sullivan leaned down against me, and the rough material of his jeans rubbed against my dick. I arched against him as I moaned loudly, hoping he got the point without me saying it. I needed him, I was getting desperate, and if he waited any longer, I was going to be really pissed off at him.

  He held my chin between his thumb and forefinger and kissed me roughly. I didn’t mind that he’d immobilized one more part of me. What I did mind, however, was that he wasn’t having sex with me, didn’t even have his pants off, and every time I glared at him, was giving me another damn wink.

  So I bit him when he pulled his mouth away from mine. It wasn’t nearly enough to hurt, but he held my chin a little more roughly because of it.

  “That was naughty of you, trying to bite me like that,” he said as he continued to hold my face so that I was looking right at him. The cameras came in close, and I licked my lips.

  I didn’t correct him by saying that I’d actually managed to bite him and hadn’t just been trying. Maybe his saying that was for the cameras that might have missed my little stunt. So I nodded instead and tried to look pouty and maybe even a little like I was sorry for what I’d done. Which I wasn’t at all.

  “Tell me you’re sorry,” he said.

  “I’m sorry.” I tried to make my apology sound genuine, but I didn’t feel it at all. And by the little half smile he gave me, I was pretty sure he knew that I didn’t mean it too. He released my chin and got off the bed just long enough to strip off his own jeans and his briefs, before coming back between my legs and letting me get my first glimpse of his thick cock, which I definitely wanted in my mouth as soon as possible. Preferably right fucking then. “My eyes are up here,” he teased me when I hadn’t looked away from his dark head and shaft for a few seconds.

  “Don’t care.” It didn’t matter to me that I was being defiant. I just had to have him.

  He laughed and wrapped his fist around the base of my dick, pulling me and making me arch up along with his hand. He didn’t stroke me, not like I wanted him to anyway. Instead he just messed with me some more as I bit my bottom lip and thought of all the ways I’d make him pay for this sweet torture if I were able to use my hands.

  I knew how to seduce a man, how to move my body, how to touch myself, to make it so that he wouldn’t be able to resist me. The problem was that Sullivan knew how to make me desperate to need him too. I wanted to show him how good I could be, if he’d only give me exactly what I needed. Which was him.

  I was glad that I’d taken to routinely shaving myself clean, since I liked how I looked and how it made me feel, but I was also quite appreciative of the dense mass of dark hair I could see at the base of his cock. Damn, I just wanted to suck him. “I want you in my mouth,” I told him boldly.

  Sullivan gave me a wide smile, and for a moment I thought he would let me have my fun. But then he said, “I bet you would,” and I was left staring at him, my mouth hanging open, as he slid on a condom that was tossed to him while the cameras had been focused on my face. I gritted my teeth and tried not to let my disappointment show too much. I had a sneaking suspicion that my usual tricks wouldn’t work on someone like Sullivan. I was used to college guys and their games. Sullivan played in a league I’d only dreamed of, and I desperately wanted into the game for real, not just when I was getting paid thousands of dollars to do it, because this was no hardship at all.

  “Ready?” he asked me. I nodded, more than ready for whatever he could give me, and relaxed for him as he slid lube over his hard length. Once he was slicked up, he rubbed himself against me, and I jerked against the ties holding my hands as I put my head back and rolled my hips against his cock.

  “Please…,” I whispered, knowing how desperate I sounded and not caring. Couldn’t he see that I was ready? That I needed him in me? Did I need to beg him to fuck me or something, because I was not above doing that, not for someone as hot as Sullivan.

  He spread my thighs wider, giving himself more room to press against my entrance. I waited, trying not to be impatient and failing miserably, until I felt the first bit of pressure, and then I was stretched. The discomfort was delicious, and I smiled as he inched in, working himself further inside of me. He pulled out a little, reached down to get the lube, added some more, and then pushed further inside of me. I was relaxed and eager to take him in. He wasn’t the biggest guy I’d ever been with, but he was up there, and I was looking forward to having him in every way possible.

  In my mind this was already going to be more than just a one-time gig. It had to be. I was pretty sure I would go mad if this was my one and only chance to have sex with Sullivan and I couldn’t even touch him during it. That just seemed too cruel, so I chose not to, and instead focused on picturing him behind me as I pressed my face into a pillow, biting it when he pulled my hair. I’d have to grow it out a bit for him to really get a good handful of it, but I wasn’t opposed to that one bit.

  He was fully within me and adjusted himself a little with his hips. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him, needing to see if he was really as good as I thought he was, as good as he clearly thought he was.

  I got my answer shortly after that as he lifted my hips further onto his lap, giving himself a better angle to enter me, and with my feet off the bed, I couldn’t control anything about it at all. I should have been used to that by now, but I still felt a bit cheated because I wanted to show him that I was a good fuck too, not just that I was good at getting fucked and letting him do all the work.

  He had to have some pretty serious upper-body strength to lift me as often as he did, and I tried to go with it, letting my head just fall and closing my eyes to the feeling of getting screwed and not having any control over it, which was a completely new experience for me. And, as he rubbed against my prostate, I was starting to realize that I didn’t completely mind it. I would have rather been gripping his shoulders or riding him or kneeling down in front of him, but this wasn’t so bad. And God, he felt so damn good sliding inside me and grunting with each hard thrust.

  I wasn’t exactly a quiet lover either, though, and my loud moans weren’t forced as I shook in his hands. Sullivan moved back, taking me off his lap and putting my ass back on the bed. I didn’t mind because as soon as his hands were free, he wrapped one around my cock and put the other at the bottom of my chest, pushing me into the bed. It let me put my feet on the bed and push down on him each time he thrust into me.

  His grunts turned to moans, with the occasional “oh fuck” to let me know I was doing a good job. I appreciated the encouragement, but I didn’t need it. Ego aside, I knew I was a good fuck, and I was glad that I was finally able to prove to him that at the very least I could keep rhythm with him. At least until he put his hands behind each of my knees and pushed my legs back toward the bed, pinning me down and taking control away from me again.


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