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For the Asking

Page 4

by Caitlin Ricci

  The angle let him slam into me, and I gasped, and then I groaned, and then I was back to moaning and begging him to go harder because all I wanted was everything he had to give me. I licked my lips and caught his gaze, letting him know exactly what I was thinking. I needed more, but I had to suck him next time, because not getting to was a damn shame. His face was red, but I thought I saw him blush a little. It was nice to know that I could make a porn star blush.

  Sullivan leaned down to kiss me, and even though I normally wasn’t flexible enough to allow someone to push my legs against the bed, I did my best not to complain as he roughly pushed his tongue between my lips and moaned against my mouth. The kiss only lasted a second before he lifted himself up and off again, but he didn’t go far, and to my delight I realized that having his face only a few inches from mine meant that I got to feel his abs rubbing against my crotch, giving me the delicious friction I’d been seeking.

  He caught on quick, though, and moved back after giving me another quick kiss. “No cheating. You’ll only get to come if I let you,” he scolded me.

  “When will that be?” I asked him breathlessly. I was so ready to come and had nearly been able to while he’d been on top of me and rubbing me just right with his little patch of thick hair.

  “When you learn to take care of your things and put them away. The laundry doesn’t magically get done by itself. Good boys pick up their clothes and keep a neat house. When you do that, I’ll reward you.” He grunted as he spoke, and it didn’t sound rehearsed at all. I’d almost forgotten that I was supposed to be in trouble for not doing my chores.

  I smiled, thinking I had him and that I’d get my way. “I’ve learned my lesson, Sir. I’m ready. I’ll do whatever you want me to.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “You think it’s so easy? Your punishment has just started. I can leave you feeling this desperate for days.”

  “Fuck…,” I groaned, realizing that if he hadn’t actually just been playing with me, then he probably could make me wait that long, and I would be just as needy as I was right now. I didn’t know if I could stand that.

  He gave me a nod. “Maybe now you’ll be more careful.”

  Getting to come if I put the laundry away I could handle, and for a moment, I thought about that kind of relationship with him. The give and take, the promise of pleasure and the withholding of it that I felt right now… I knew that I could deal with it all. And I was pretty sure that it would be worth it too.

  Sullivan slipped out, surprising me, but then he pulled off the condom and tossed it aside. “I’m going to come all over you,” he promised.

  Without his thrusts guiding my body, I lay still under him, just on the edge of pleasure and pain and needing to be pushed over before I went mad. I was ready for him to give me that release as I buzzed with energy and excitement. I usually only got this way after running a few miles, and then had to go a few more to get it out of me again. It was a pleasant surprise to find that I could get this kind of high from sex too.

  He pushed his cock against my hip, rubbing it against bones that stuck out a bit more than I would have liked. I’d be in better shape next time for sure, because of course there would be a next time, and I couldn’t wait. That was the only option. I wouldn’t be able to settle for anything else.

  Once he was done rubbing against me, he put his hand around his cock and stroked himself from base to tip and back again. I was mesmerized watching him, so I didn’t miss the moment his hot come shot out to make lines across my stomach and chest. Like a sexy, abstract mess, he painted me in his come, and I savored it as I breathed heavily and trembled under him.

  He kept stroking himself and gasping as he wrung out every last drop. When he was done, he wiped his cock against my inner thigh and got up from the bed. He walked up toward me, and I thought that I’d finally get to suck him clean. He bent over to give me a kiss on my forehead before standing back up again.

  “Now, be a good boy, and lie there for a while thinking about what you did wrong. I’ll check on you in a bit.” Sullivan gave me a smile, then turned and walked away, leaving me stunned and speechless as I stared after him. He didn’t go far, just into the connecting bathroom. He left the door open, and I saw him step into the shower. Even though I was disappointed, even though I hated him for leaving me like this, if he had released my hands and told me to crawl toward him on my hands and knees before he’d let me come I would have done just that. And I probably would have thanked the bastard for letting me suck his cock too if he’d let me.

  The photographer finished clicking, and the video guy lowered his camera. The guys smiled at each other, and for the first time I really paid attention to them. They were both hard. Mr. Wades was too as he came over and untied me. I lay on the bed, rubbing my wrists, which were a bit red from struggling, because I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be doing next.

  “You did wonderfully,” Mr. Wades said. He offered me a hand, and I took it as he helped me sit up on the side of the bed. He gave me a bottle of water and I drank half of it down before taking a breath. That’s when Sullivan came back into the room.

  “Thank you,” I told him. I glanced over at the other side of the bed. Not at Sullivan. Not at how he looked freshly showered and wore just a towel around his waist. No, not at all. I was just looking for my clothes. “So what now?”

  The camera guys gave a wave and then left the room. “Well, now I talk to Sullivan, I review the video and the pictures, and I decide if you’re a good fit for my company or not. How did this feel to you? Would you like a callback?”

  “Yes,” I said instantly. I didn’t have to think about it.

  “Because of the money?”

  I heard Sullivan moving behind me and briefly looked over my shoulder at him, letting him know that I knew he was there, before I turned my attention back to Mr. Wades. “Because I have to have this again.”

  Mr. Wades smiled at me and gave me a nod. “Very good. I’ll let you know later this week if you’ll be joining my stable of men or not. Though, watching you both today, I can honestly say that I believe I’ll be doing a series of videos featuring the two of you, assuming you’d both be interested in such a project.”

  “I am if Sullivan is.” I didn’t look back at him as I said that. I didn’t want to see his face if he was thinking something else. My fantasy was still alive and well within my mind, and I was picturing all the ways he could take me in the large bedroom. Or the bathroom, which held its own possibilities. I was a big fan of shower sex, with the cool tile under my hands and the hot water spraying on me.

  “That’s good to know. Have a nice afternoon, Milo.”

  “You too, Mr. Wades. Thanks for giving me a chance.”

  Mr. Wades gave me one more smile before leaving Sullivan and me alone in the bedroom together.

  “Shower’s free if you need to get cleaned up before you go home,” he told me as he began gathering his clothes up and tossing them behind me on the bed.

  I turned around and pulled my leg up on the bed with me. I knew that I was still covered in his come. But I wasn’t exactly ready to head away. Not while there was still a chance of convincing him to take care of my erection. I was pretty sure that when I went into the bathroom, he’d leave, and I wouldn’t see him again unless I got a callback, and that just wouldn’t work for me.

  “All playing aside, think you could help me with my problem?” I asked him pointedly.

  He laughed. “Are your hands broken?” he asked me even as he slid behind me on the bed and wrapped one of his arms around my chest, pulling me back against him. He wrapped his other hand around my cock, and I sighed against him, grateful that he was willing to do even this much for me. I’d have rather had his mouth, but I figured that his hand was good enough for now.

  “You’re actually going to let me come?” I joked with him.

  He chuckled and kissed the back of my head. “We’re not in a scene anymore, though watching you glare at me each time I
denied you was pretty fun. If you want, I could just as easily walk away and let you take care of your problem on your own.”

  “Fuck no. Don’t you dare,” I nearly growled at him.

  He gripped me tightly, and I jumped as he began to stroke me. “You were so fucking beautiful under me,” he said against my neck before giving me a kiss.

  “Mmhmm.” I didn’t have anything to say to him other than that as I closed my eyes and relaxed against his chest. He sped up his hand on my cock, and it wasn’t long before I was coming over the sheets with a loud moan that probably told everyone in the building what had just happened. But really, I didn’t give a damn.

  Sullivan wiped his hand off on the sheets, and I lay against him as I came back to myself, my orgasm having left me a bit out of it and delirious.

  “That was awesome.”

  “What part?” He kissed my cheek, and I sighed deeply, not ready to leave his embrace.

  I smiled and turned my head so that I could press my forehead against his neck, right where his pulse was. “All of it. When can we do this again? And not just on camera either. I want you for real, no games.”

  “You do realize that I do porn, don’t you?” he asked me as if I’d somehow lost my mind in the past couple of hours.

  I didn’t open my eyes or even move as I answered him. “Yes. And now I do too.”

  “Yes, but, Milo, I have sex with men on camera for money. I’ve tried being in relationships before and it never works out. Somewhere down the line reality kicks back in and the guys remember that I do porn for a living, and have been doing so for years. I love my life and it works for me. But I’m not about to start something again with someone new only to have it blow up in my face the second you remember who you’re with.” He took a deep breath. “Also, I’m a fair bit older than you. And I don’t just play dominant in scenes, this is how I am all the time. Do you have any idea of what dating someone like me would be like?”

  He sounded like he was trying to warn me away, and I didn’t like that at all. I turned around on the bed so that I could face him and ended up sitting in my own wet spot. After cringing for a moment, I tried to act like I didn’t care even as the spot grew cold under my left buttcheek. “First of all, everyone starts somewhere when it comes to kinky stuff. You can teach me. I want you to. And also, you’re not that much older than me,” I started out. I’d done the math in my head when he’d said how long he’d been in the porn industry.

  “That doesn’t take away the part where I have sex with other guys.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Seriously, I don’t care. Are you seeing anyone right now? Not someone that you have sex with when there are cameras on you, but someone you actually go out with?”

  He shook his head. “Guys aren’t okay with being in a relationship with someone that has sex—”

  “On camera for money,” I interrupted him, not really having to hear it again. I got it. He thought no one could understand his job—or I guess maybe it was a career at this point, since he’d been doing it for so long—but I really had to show him that I wasn’t like those guys that he thought he could get away with comparing me to. “So… you’re single?” I asked him, just for clarification.

  “Yes. I am. Go get cleaned up. We don’t get this room indefinitely, and I do have more teasing scenes to do today. I’m busy for the next four hours.”

  That was a surprise to me, but I wasn’t jealous of the other guys that would get to be played with. Because I was trying to get something more out of Sullivan than just a quick thousand dollars and a scene. I wanted a first date and I wasn’t good at not getting my way when I put my mind to it. I was stubborn like that. It was a Capricorn trait, as a girl in one of my classes had told me.

  “Nice payday for you” was all I could think to say, and he laughed. I got an idea and got up to get my phone out of my bag. I opened a picture of Martin and me together at a ballgame the year before. “Here. Do you recognize him?”

  Sullivan glanced at the picture on my phone and then back at my face. “Yes. Martin.”

  “Have you done scenes with him?” I asked. Sullivan slowly nodded, looking like he didn’t want to tell me the truth at first. But I wasn’t going anywhere until I got him to see things my way. As soon as my phone was back in my bag, I was in front of Sullivan again, waiting to hear all the details of how he’d had a scene with my best friend and somehow that made it not okay for him to even give me a first date. Stubborn and irritable seemed to be my biggest Capricorn traits for sure. I generally tried to keep them in check, but not this time. Sure, a first date based on some fucking awesome sex was a bit weird. But I wasn’t about to ignore it when this kind of opportunity came along.

  “He can’t take a cock like you can. I had to go really slowly with him and didn’t enjoy it all that much. It’s not pleasurable to see genuine pain on the faces of the guys I’m supposed to be having sex with,” Sullivan finally told me.

  I snorted, shook my head, and finally couldn’t hold back my laughter as I joined him back on the bed. “Oh man, that sucks for Martin. Was it during his four-way scene?”

  Sullivan looked surprised by my question. “He told you about that?”

  I shrugged and nodded. “Sure. Why wouldn’t he have?” Before he could answer, I had a better question for him. “So, Sullivan, how about a first date? Drinks, coffee, a movie, a dinner with more than one fork… whatever you like. I’m game.”

  He stared at me for a long moment. “You don’t know what you’re asking for.” He got up from the bed.

  I was starting to feel like maybe I really was barking up the wrong tree. “Is it because I’m in college?” I asked him, thinking that would be the only thing he couldn’t like about me.

  Sullivan stepped into his pants and fastened them before looking back at me again. “Maybe I don’t believe that you’d really be okay with a relationship with a porn star. Mr. Wades has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to drama on his set, and I like working for his company. I make a lot of money quickly, and I’m used to a certain lifestyle that his money has made it possible for me to have. I’m not going to put my career here in jeopardy just because you can’t handle it when I do scenes with other guys.”

  All right, so I could kind of see his point. In a way. In another completely opposite way, though, I thought I’d already managed to show him that I was okay with it. I mean, if I was okay with knowing that he’d had sex with my best friend and would likely continue to do so in the future, then I was pretty sure that I’d be ready to handle whatever else he’d be doing with guys who I didn’t know or care about and who I didn’t consider brothers.

  “How about giving me a chance?” I asked him.

  He pulled his shirt over his head before answering me. “You get one date. I do scenes on Saturdays. If you can handle being here next Saturday after we go on a date with just the two of us this week, even though you’ll know that I’ll be working, then we’ll talk about a second. If you cause any trouble, I’ll have you thrown out, and the only time you’ll get to see me is when we do videos together.”

  “Fair enough,” I said. I was looking forward to proving to him just how okay with his career choice I could really be.

  Our first date was that Wednesday. And I was already running late from having been held up in my last class with people asking ridiculous questions that, had they actually bothered to read the chapter, they wouldn’t have had to ask in the first place.

  By the time I got back to my dorm room I was sweaty and grumpy. It wasn’t how I’d wanted to start my first date with Sullivan. I had to get cleaned up, and I needed a few minutes before I talked to him again so that I could calm down a bit. But I was already supposed to have left to get to the restaurant on time, one that was downtown and his choice. Calling him right that second to let him know I was running late was unavoidable.

  “Hello?” he answered his phone. My roommate was out so I put Sullivan on speakerphone while I stripped out of my clothes

  “Hey. It’s Milo. I’m running late. Class held me up. I’m just getting back to the dorm now and I need to get a shower. I can be at the restaurant in about half an hour. Is that okay?” He didn’t even have to say anything for me to know he wasn’t at all happy about my news. “Or we can reschedule for another night.” Except I had evening classes every night. I wasn’t a morning person so I’d scheduled myself like that on purpose. I was frowning as I turned on the shower.

  “It’s fine. I’ll see you when you get here. Stop by the front desk and give them my name. They’ll tell you what to do from there.”

  Well, that was fairly mysterious, but for some reason I didn’t ask Sullivan to explain himself. I kind of liked not knowing what he was talking about. “Sure. Oh, I forgot to ask when we set this date up, but should I wear anything special or are jeans okay?” I didn’t have much else.

  He chuckled, and I heard music going in the background. Something dark and heavy. But it was still low, like there were walls between Sullivan and the speakers. Were we eating near one of the clubs downtown? That could be nice. “Whatever you want to wear will be fine. You won’t be wearing it for long.”

  His promise went straight to my cock, and I gasped. “Sure. Okay. See you soon?”

  “Yes. Half an hour. Don’t be any later.”

  “Okay.” I hung up and rushed through my shower.

  I had two minutes to spare when the cab dropped me off in front of Linger, a restaurant I’d never heard of. But then again, the really nice part of town I was in wasn’t one I got to visit that often. I couldn’t afford it.

  I came inside and blinked to get my eyes to adjust to the dim lighting around me. A thick wall made of frosted glass blocked my way further into the place, and a man to my left standing behind a desk smiled at me. “Are you here to meet someone?”

  “Yes. Sullivan.” His smile grew, and he held out his hands to me. I stared at his palms and had no idea what he was waiting for. “Is he here?”

  “Yes. Please remove everything but your jeans and hand them to me.”


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