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Alpha's Surprise Baby

Page 4

by Skyler Snow

  Okay, that should be more than enough to keep me satisfied. All I have to do is keep my head down and fix the damn truck. That shouldn’t be too hard.

  Declan rifled through his drawers and changed into a light flannel, jeans and his sneakers before he jogged downstairs. His parents were still out of town, visiting another pack where their friends stayed. Usually, their mother flitted around in the kitchen and his father’s voice filled the house. Instead, he heard Nathan as he talked to Jed.

  “Morning,” Jed called as he walked in.

  “Morning. Coffee?”

  “Ready to go. You heading out?”

  “I am.”

  “Nathan made breakfast.”

  Declan leaned over and examined the stacks of half burnt pancakes and super black bacon and crinkled his nose. Nathan only knew one temperature when he cooked, burn. That was why he was usually stuck doing the cooking or Jed when he was up early enough.

  “Don’t turn your nose up at my food,” Nathan sniffed. “I worked hard on that.”

  “I keep telling you that you have to turn the pan down.”

  “I know how to cook,” he shot back. “You were out super late with Colten. What did the two of you do?”

  Declan ignored him and poured his coffee as he tried to think of something that didn’t sound suspect. In reality, they had left the bar and ended up walking around and talking. It was no big deal, that’s what he tried to tell himself. Except every time Colt brushed against him he tingled, and he’d wished with every step the alpha would kiss him until he was weak.

  “We just talked about his college and stuff,” Declan shrugged. “No big deal.”

  “You two looked pretty cozy to me.”

  Jed raised a brow. “Colten? You mean that little brat of Frank’s that used to follow you around like a puppy dog?”

  “That’s the one,” Dec grumbled.

  “You mean he used to boss Declan around. He was the horsey to Colt’s cowboy, and then he was the prisoner to his cop. After that, he just used to drive Dec crazy, but he always gave into it.”

  “He’s just a kid,” Declan shrugged. “That’s what kids do.”

  “You mean he was a kid,” Nathan objected. “Not anymore. Especially the way he looks now.”

  Declan growled. “What the hell does that mean?”

  Nathan’s eyes widened, and he held up his hands and laughed. “Whoa, down boy. I was just saying that he was in the bar drinking and all last night. And he grew into that scrawny little body for sure. He looks like an alpha now, that’s all. Why the hell are you getting so defensive?”

  The omega gave another of his non-committal shrugs and shrank back. Did I really just growl at Nathan? He couldn’t help it. The thought that anyone, especially his playboy brother, would even look in Colten’s direction made him want to kick someone’s ass. Brother or not.

  “Don’t listen to him,” Jed said as he settled in at the table. “I think it’s cool the two of you still get along. And if there’s something there-.”

  “There’s nothing. I’m going.”

  “Running away,” Nathan sang under his breath. “Don’t you want to eat?”

  “I’ll get something on the way.”

  “Where? The non-existent McDonalds? Or is Colt making breakfast for you?”

  Declan was absolutely positive that his face would melt off if he stood around and listened to his brother for one more minute. He turned on his heels and stalked off as he heard Jed scold Nathan. It slightly irritated him that he was the oldest, and they still treated him like the youngest sometimes. Omega seemed to mean child in their eyes and it drove him crazy.

  He pulled up to Frank’s place and stared at the sleek, blue little Ford that Frank had brought for Colten. He’d wanted him to have a truck, but Colt refused. Living in the city he didn’t need one, and he refused to pay more for gas than he had to. Declan was sure that was because he didn’t want more pressure on Frank financially, and he respected that.

  “Are you going to sit out here all day or are you coming?”

  Declan jumped as Colt appeared next to his truck. “What the hell, you almost gave me a damn heart attack. Where did you come from?”

  “I went for a run when you didn’t respond to my text. Quick question, can I see your hands?”

  Declan looked at him confused. “What?”

  “Let me see them.”

  He stuck them out of the window and Col nodded seriously. “Ah, I see. So they’re not broken and you can, in fact, text me back physically. Interesting.”

  “I uh-.”

  Declan rubbed the back of his neck and looked sheepish. What was it about Colten that instantly made him feel like a lectured child when he was even the smallest bit not happy with him? He’d had the same feeling the night before in the bar and it aroused him as much as it put him on edge.

  “Well, when you regain the power of speech come inside for some food if you’re hungry.”

  At that exact moment, Declan’s stomach growled, and he groaned. “I guess I could eat.”

  The corner of Colt’s mouth quirked up. “Follow me then.”

  Colten walked away and Declan stared at his toned back. He was nice and tanned, his skin nearly bronze in the sunlight as sweat dripped down his back and over his ass. He hadn’t noticed until Colten stepped back, but now he could see that he was completely naked from his run.

  Declan slipped out of the truck in a haze and followed the alpha’s hypnotic movements. They slipped into the house and Colten opened the oven and pulled out a pair of plates. He sat them on the stove and nodded.

  “I need to clean up real quick. You can go ahead and eat.”

  “Wait, did you eat yet?”

  “Nope. I was waiting for you.”

  Declan’s heart sped up. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to do it. Five minutes and I’ll be back. They might need to be heated up a bit.”

  “I’ll do it.”

  Colten smiled. “Thanks. Be right back.”

  Declan watched him walk away and craned his neck until he was completely out of his eye line. He knew he should resist, but one little peek couldn’t hurt. Right? He turned to the plates and his eyes went wide.

  Colten had some skills. He’d made them both chicken fried steak, biscuits, eggs and bacon that wasn’t horrendously burnt. In fact, Declan’s stomach grumbled in protest at his waiting around. He quickly reheated their plates and laid them out on the table.

  Maybe he wants some coffee? Does he even drink coffee now? Declan wasn’t sure. He grabbed the coffee pot and made a fresh one but poured orange juice too just in case. Once it was all laid out he stepped back and admired his work.

  I could get used to this. The thought hit him hard and Declan’s eyes widened. His mind had just drifted into domestic territory like it was nothing. He’d never been the type to set the table or had the urge to take care of someone that wasn’t his family. Even his brief and far between boyfriends hadn’t been spoiled the way he watched other omegas as they fawned over their men. He’d always been sure that something was wrong with him, that he was the world’s most broken omega, but with Colt? It felt right.

  “Sorry, that took so long. I really hit it hard this mor-. Whoa.”

  Declan’s face heated up. He had done too much, hadn’t he? It was overkill, going the extra steps to make it all look perfect screamed desperate. For someone that wanted to push Colt away, he had acted exactly the opposite way. And now the alpha probably thought he was strange.

  “I didn’t know if you liked coffee or not,” Dec mumbled.

  “I do. Can you grab the cream out of the fridge?”

  Declan quickly grabbed it and handed it over. Colten smiled down at the table before he poured the cream into his coffee and capped it. He licked a drop of cream from his thumb and Declan practically swooned.


  “Much better,” he chuckled before he sipped the coffee and put it down. He yanked
his shirt over his head. “You didn’t have to do so much.”

  Declan shrugged. “I’m pretty sure you have omegas tripping over themselves to do stuff like this for you.”

  “Not exactly.”

  “There’s no way. Have you seen you?”

  Colten laughed. “I mean, they have tried, but I never accept. All I’ve done the past three years is study.”

  “You haven’t even dated?”

  He shook his head. “What’s the point? I’m there to get my education not go to parties and fuck up my chance.”

  Declan blinked in disbelief. “There had to have been someone at some point.”

  Colt raised a brow. “No, there hasn’t been.”

  “Are you seriously saying you’ve never been with anyone else?”

  “That’s what I’m saying. You were my first.”

  “Your first as in?”

  Colten sighed. “God, you’re being fucking dense this morning. My first, you know. As in I have never had sex with anyone else before you. I was a virgin.”

  Chapter 6


  Declan stared at him like he’d grown another head and it spat fire or something. He raised a brow at the stunned omega. What was so hard to grasp about it? Like Declan said, he was young. He had never felt any desire to be rushed into it. Of course, there had been temptations, but none of it had been strong enough to change his mind.

  “But...but you’re an alpha. That’s what you guys do,” Declan said when he regained the power of speech. “You have sex.”

  Colten shrugged and bit a piece of bacon. “Not me.”

  “You’re jerking me around.”

  A sigh emerged from Colten’s lips as he stared at the omega warily. Repeating himself a thousand times first thing in the morning was going to drive him insane. He waved a hand to the table.

  “Sit down and eat if you’re not going to let it go.”

  Declan plopped down and yanked up a piece of bacon. “I just don’t get it.”

  “You mean you don’t believe me.”

  “It’s not that,” he squirmed. “It’s just that every alpha I’ve ever known has gone through their wild phase before they calmed down. I mean look at Nathan. He’ll be turning thirty, and he’s still in that playboy mode.”

  “I’m not saying I was a saint. Of course, I had my fun here and there, but it never went to sex. I never wanted even the chance of getting someone pregnant and not being able to finish school. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Like what?” Declan pouted.

  “Like that. What did I do?”

  “What kind of fun?”

  Colten wracked his brain before he realized the issue. His lips tugged up into a smile as Declan stared at his plate. The fact that he refused to look at him made it even cuter.

  “Are you jealous?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then look at me and say it.”

  Declan glanced up. “I don’t have a reason to be jealous.”

  “That doesn’t change the fact that you are.”

  “You’re annoying.”

  Colten laughed at his irritation only because it was the cutest thing he’d ever witnessed. Declan’s lips still pouted, and he doubted he even knew he was doing it. He put down his food and stood up before he walked over to him.

  “Are you really annoyed with me?”

  Declan licked his lips. “You’re persistent and it gets under my skin.”

  “Only when you know I’m right.”

  “Maybe,” Declan whispered as Colten gripped his chin and raised his head up. “What are you doing?”

  “I have to make sure you’re not jealous anymore,” he grinned as he leaned down and his lips brushed Declan’s. “Don’t you think?”

  Declan’s breath shuddered out of his lips and caressed the hovering alpha’s mouth. Colten was pretty sure his speech capabilities had failed him again. He leaned forward and captured Dec’s lips. As soon as their mouths met, Declan melted against him and fire grew in Colt’s belly.

  Each time he touched Declan the feeling only grew that he was supposed to be here. That they were supposed to be together. His wolf approved emphatically and pushed him to mark him, claim him. I barely know him. He tried to reason with his wolf, but reason had gone out the window.

  Colton’s tongue slipped into his mouth and Declan moaned. The sound melted into Colt’s bones, and he kissed him deeper as his fingers pushed into his thick waves of dark hair. Declan panted against his mouth as his hand ran up and down the alpha’s leg.

  “We can’t,” he breathed against Colt’s lips.

  “Why not?”

  “You know why.”

  “Then just say stop and I will.”

  Declan’s body pressed forward as if even the thought of saying no made him want to be closer to him. He didn’t know why he continued to fight it. So what if there was an age difference between them? And he was sure his father wouldn’t completely lose his mind over it. None of that mattered anyway. He couldn’t be away from Declan. Even the night he’d spent apart from him had been filled with dreams and longing for the dark-haired man he had to leave behind.

  Colt pulled him to his feet. His hand drifted down the omega’s body before he dipped it into his pants. Declan groaned, his hips jutted forward and the lust in his eyes consumed Colten.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Declan complied immediately. HIs strong legs parted and Colt’s breath caught in his throat as he fondled his cock through his boxers. I’ll never get enough of him. It consumed him, how much he wanted the omega.

  The plate was removed from the table swiftly before Colten pushed Dec up against him. Declan fumbled with his pants, all thoughts of protest obviously swept away as he clambered to get out of them.

  “This is so wrong,” Declan groaned as they kissed and their bodies pressed together. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Doesn’t that just make it hotter?”

  “You’re the worst,” Declan grinned.

  “I don’t see you walking away from me.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  Colten’s pants and underwear joined Declan’s on the kitchen floor. He pressed their cocks together, his hand wrapped around them both as he stroked their lengths. Declan shuddered and his eyelids drooped as his breathing dropped.

  “I know you don’t. You can feel it too, can’t you? We’re supposed to be together.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dec stuttered.

  “You know exactly what I mean.”

  It roared like a fire in Colten’s guts. The desire for Declan, the need of him. The thought of not having him was baffling to the alpha.

  Precum slipped from their slits and slicked their skin as it rubbed together. Colten leaned back and let his saliva drip to their lengths. It bathed their cocks and he stroked harder. Friction, heat. He needed more of it.

  Declan looked dick drunk, his eyes all but closed as he watched Colt’s every move. Dec’s tongue slid across his lips. Is that an invitation?

  Colten pulled them apart and pushed Declan to his knees. The omega went willingly. His mouth parted, and he took Colt’s dick in his mouth eagerly

  The alpha leaned against the table and groaned. Declan obviously was good at it and that both made him happy and jealous. He’d gotten to practice. He had gotten to taste other men that weren’t him.

  “Why are you glaring at me?” Declan asked as he came up for air and stroked Colt’s length.

  “I wasn’t glaring at you. I was glaring at what I was thinking about.”

  “What are you thinking about besides me right now?”

  “How I’m going to fuck the memory of any other man out of your body. How I’m going to make you forget anyone else but me ever existed and touched you.”

  Declan shuddered. Slowly, his tongue slid along the underside of the alpha’s cock. When he pulled back, he teased his slit with his tongue.

“Alpha, make me forget anyone ever touched me,” he whispered. “Fuck them away until there’s only you.”

  That was the end of Colt’s restraint. He yanked Declan to his feet and shoved him against the table. His hands yanked Dec’s hips back, and he shoved his cock inside of his already slicked entrance.

  Declan moaned for him like a whore. It sent shudders through his spine to know that he could get him to make those noises. And that he was the only person that was going to get him to make them again.

  “You’re mine,” he growled low in his throat. “Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, alpha,” Declan panted. “Yes, please fuck me harder.”

  Colten gripped his shoulders and bucked into him wildly. His skin stung from hitting against Declan’s, but he didn’t care about that. He’d walk away with bruised flesh and sweat covered skin and it would be a blessing.

  Declan gripped the table and held on for dear life. His head tossed back and Colt gripped his silken locks. Colten pulled his hair and Declan howled his approval in a string of curses and moans that threatened to make the alpha cum right then and there.

  Never before had Colt felt so possessive over someone. The way Declan looked, laid out and open for him, it was enough to make his head spin. He never wanted anyone else to see the omega the way he was able to see him in that moment.

  Colt’s balls tightened as his knot swelled. He buried himself deep, his thrusts became short and hard. Declan took it all as his eyes rolled back in his head and his jaw slackened.

  “Gods look at you. You’re fucking gorgeous,” he thrust his hips forward and groaned. “Made just for me.” He punctuated his words with another hard thrust. “You’re mine.”

  The fact that he could reduce a man like Declan to an incoherent, babbling mess? It sent shockwaves of pleasure through his body. Watching Declan in the throes of pleasure, his omega’s hole swallowing his cock, tripled his pleasure till he couldn’t hold back.

  Colt cried out as his seed spilled inside of Declan. As soon as he let go, Dec’s body convulsed, and he spilled his cum to the floor as his hips bucked and thrust against Colt’s body.


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