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by ChaShiree M.

  Pumping faster and faster, I move my pillow over my face as I let go and come. My body is sweaty and shaking, wishing it was him there with me. I try to catch my breath as my eyes slip shut.

  “Baron” is the last thing that slips from my mouth before I fall off.

  “Up, up, up. Time to go shopping.”

  “Go away.” I groan rolling over in the bed and cover my head with the blanket.

  “No way. You are going out to dinner with the Baron Roades. No, ma'am. You will not be going back to sleep. We are going shopping.” She says as she pulls the covers off of me.

  “Esther!” I shout, grabbing them back to cover up my nakedness.

  “Girl, please... You have nothing I haven’t seen before. Now get up. Up.” I look at her and note that she doesn’t even look embarrassed.

  “I don’t have any money to go shopping. But thank you so much for caring.”

  “Did I ask you for money? No! Get up. You have a hair appointment in two hours. We have to go to H&M first. Now up.” She walks out of the room knowing I will do as she says.

  Half an hour in the bathroom washing my face, brushing my teeth, and looking at myself in the mirror. I walk back into the bedroom to grab a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, plus my hoodie and I am ready. We live in Chicago. Even if the weather is warm, going downtown, it is going to be chilly. Being by the lake sucks.

  “Ready,” I tell her, walking into the kitchen.

  “Perfect. Here is your bagel and a cup of coffee. Let’s go.” She ushers me out the door. I can’t help but wonder if I am going to regret this. Esther can be ...a bit much.

  The first place we go to is H&M on Michigan Ave. There, she picks out a pair of black jeggings and a red strapless top with a crystal pendant sewn on it. She convinces herself that I need these Christian Siriano ankle boots with red stripes and a black leather motocross jacket. She is positive that no matter where we go, this outfit would work. Hey, what would I know?

  We arrive at The Joseph Michael Salon downtown, and I have to say it is amazing. She set up an appointment not only for me to get my hair done, but also for me to get a massage and a makeover. By the time we finish, I feel like a new person. In truth, I look like a new person.

  “Alright girlie. If I know you, you are going to be too nervous to eat tonight. So, we are going to have lunch and then we are going to go home so you can get ready. Does that sound good to you?” I can’t help but hug her. I have never had someone care about me as much as she does.

  “Thank you. Thank you so much, Esther. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” I say, forcing myself to not cry and ruin this expensive makeup job.

  “No need to thank me, Frannie. You are like a sister to me. I would do anything for you. Now let’s go eat.”

  By the time we make it home, I am full and less nervous. She shows me how to tie my hair up using a special scarf. I take a shower, being careful not to get my face wet. Getting out, I look at the clock and note I have 20 minutes to get ready. Putting on my clothes I feel feminine, sexy even.

  “He’s here. He’s here!!” She runs into the room yelling. I giggle and shake my head at how much of a little girl she looks right now jumping up and down. I love this girl.

  Taking a deep breath, I nod my head. Here goes nothing. As I walk down the stairs, I see him looking at all the paintings on the wall. I can’t help but note how hot he looks even from behind. Jesus. The man even has a sexy ass.

  “Are you done staring at me, baby?” He asks, his voice sending shivers throughout my body. I nod my head, my voice deserting me. “So fucking sexy, Frannie. Every man alive is lucky right now that we are only going back to my house for dinner. I would cut out the eyes of anyone looking at you.” He pulls me close and looks into my eyes. “MINE,” he says right before he kisses the sense out of my head.

  How am I ever going to think straight around him?

  Chapter Five


  I am one lucky man, indeed. These are the thoughts running through my mind as I help her into my car, and we begin the journey back to my condo on the Magnificent Mile. During the car ride, the tension in the air is palpable. Neither one of us says much, but everything she is not saying has me wanting to ask her a million things just to hear the sound of her voice. Damn, her accent drives me insane.

  I pull into the underground garage of my place and lead her to the elevator that will take us up to the penthouse. As the elevator makes its way up to my floor, I get a chance to take in the aroma of her perfume and admire the way she is handling my intensity. Reaching the penthouse floor, the doors open, and I put my hand on her back to guide her out and into my home.

  “This is where you live?” she asks.

  “Come on, Frannie. I’ll give you a tour while I heat up dinner.”

  “Dinner? You actually have a plan for this?”

  “Of course, I do. The first stop is the kitchen,” I say, leading her into the open space. Stopping in front of the oven, I turn it on and set the timer for our dinner. “May I offer you a drink?”

  “No thanks. I’ll wait until we eat.”

  “Sure. So, this is the kitchen,” I say as my right hand sweeps the room.

  “I got that, Baron. Now show me the rest,”

  It doesn’t take long to give her a quick tour of the remaining rooms. When you live in the penthouse, it’s not like living in a house. For one, there are fewer rooms but a larger amount of space in each one. Unless you actually have the complete top floor of a building. Showing her the remaining rooms and space, except leaving out the bedroom is the easiest plan I could think of. I am afraid if I take her in there, that we’ll never leave the room.

  The sound of the timer going off has me leading her back towards and into the dining room where the table is set. Going over to the table, I pull the chair out to the right of mine for her to sit down.

  “I would like for you to sit here if you please. I’ll only be a minute and will be back with the food. May I get you something to drink now?”

  “Soda, if you have it,” she replies.

  “OK. I’ll be right out with your drink.”

  Going back into the kitchen I turn the timer off, grab the potholders, and pull our dinner from the oven. Our dinner consists of lasagna, a salad, and garlic bread. Taking the meal to the table leaves me with no hands free and I have to go back for the drinks. Once I am seated, we begin to eat.

  “Ok, now it is your turn to tell me about yourself,” she says between bites. I hate talking about myself, but I figure she needs to know.

  “I spent a good amount of years growing up in a group home in downtown Chicago. My memory of anything from before the group home is not there. One day when I wasn’t taking precautions getting around that morning, the Roades stopped in at the home and ended up shaking things up. The next thing I know, my brothers and I are adopted before we could blink. What about you?”

  “Well. I am from Canada. My parents passed away three years ago,” she says. I interrupt by grabbing her hand and sliding mine underneath hers.

  “I am so sorry for your loss, Frannie. That must have been terrible for you.”

  “It was. It still is. I miss them every day. Anyway, they didn’t leave me with anything, but my guidance counselor at school recommended a foreign exchange program she knew of for the University Illinois of Chicago. I took it, but it doesn’t cover anything. That’s why I work at the restaurant and live with my best friend, Esther. Esther and I met at school. I don’t know what I would do without her, to be honest. She lets me buy groceries and won’t let me do more than that. It’s a godsend really, but I don’t want her to think that I am taking advantage of her.”

  “I am sure she doesn’t think that,” I assure her.

  “Oh, listen to me going on and on.”

  “I could listen to you talk forever, Frannie.”

  “I am through eating,” she says. I’ve been done for a while but have been content just listening to her talk. “Are you taking
me home now?” she asks looking up at me.

  “If that’s what you want,” I say thickly.

  “That’s not what I want.” I breathe a sigh of relief. I move my chair back quickly, causing it to screech on the floor loudly. Standing, I hold my hand out to her, which she takes. Starting down the hallway to the previously avoided bedroom, she stops and tugs on my hand.

  “What about the mess?”

  “I’ll worry about that later,” I tell her and resume walking.

  In the bedroom, which is predominantly full of the massive bed, I pull her in front of me. Without her boots on she is short, barely coming up to my chest. I peel her leather jacket off and toss it away. The red shirt she has on goes next. She’s not wearing a bra, so I lower my head and wrap my lips around her nipple. Teasing and coaxing it to a hard peak, then doing the same to the other one. Her moan goes all the way through me. I peel her skin-tight pants and panties down her legs, where she kicks them away.

  “I am very naked, and you are not,” she whispers, unknotting my tie. I pull the rest of my clothes off in a very disorganized manner, tossing them everywhere. Standing naked in front of her with my hard cock pointing directly at her, I grin.

  “There, now we are even.”

  “So we are. I, uh, have never done this before,” she says.

  “Neither have I, darling, neither have I.” She gives me a skeptical look but says nothing. “Truly,” I assure her. She nods as I walk her back to the bed.

  She lies on the bed, her legs spread open for me and I can’t help dropping my head to her pussy. It’s nearly bald, but not completely. I snake my tongue out and lick her clit before sliding it into her teeny-tiny fuck hole.

  “Oh my God,” she squeals.

  The first taste of her juices, directly from the source, hits my taste buds and I know that I will never get enough of her. I lean up and kiss her lips so that she can taste herself. She moans and wraps her arms around my neck, her hips grinding against mine. Reaching between us, I grab my already leaking cock and guide it into her tight cunt slowly. I shove through her innocence, still kissing her.

  “Jesus Christ,” I say through gritted teeth, trying not to go nuts.

  “Move, Baron. Give me more,” she demands her fingernails digging into my shoulders.

  I thrust my hips harder, sliding my cock in and out of her. I feel her pussy clenching and unclenching around me, and I am about to lose my damn mind, but she has to come first. Reaching between us, I rub her clit hard and fast until she screams my name and her pussy holds my cock like a fucking vise.

  “Mon Dieu. Tellement bon. Donne m'en plus. Je t'aime, j'ai besoin,” she mumbles in French. I have no idea what she is saying. I speak Spanish and Mandarin for work, but those are the only other languages I know. I am going to need to learn French.

  I fill her pussy with my seed. My only thought is breeding her. I feel like a damn caveman.

  “Son of a bitch,” I groan as I come and come with no end in sight. Finally, it stops, but my cock still twitches inside of her. When it subsides, I pull out slowly. Looking down, I see a mixture of juices and blood. I feel about ten feet tall. No other man will ever fucking see her like this. She’s mine.

  Kissing her again, I get out of bed and lift her in my arms bridal style to carry her into the bathroom. Setting her on the counter, I draw us a bath in my giant tub and carry her into it.

  She winces as she moves to sit making me feel terrible about the discomfort she now has.

  “Are you okay darling?” I ask.

  “Peachy. Really, I am fine. Your cock is pretty huge,” she says giggling.

  “I’m sorry,” I say rubbing her pussy gently.

  “That feels amazing,” she breathes, leaning the back of her head on my chest.

  Afterwards, we climb back into bed. This time we get under the covers. I have every intention of letting her sleep, but she rubs her pussy on my thigh, and I have to take her again.

  In the morning when my alarm goes off, I reach over to her side of the bed and find nothing but cold sheets. After a quick search, I realize she left in the middle of the night. It pisses me off more than anything, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. I have to be at work in two hours. As soon as I get there, I hire discreet bodyguards for Frannie. I have enemies I tell myself. It’s for her own protection. These lies I tell myself are enough to make me feel better about the decisions I’ve made without her.

  During work, I am distracted by her. Thoughts of her underneath me and on top of me keep flashing through my mind. The whole night really, and as the day goes on, I am still fucking pissed. Why would she leave? I can’t wrap my head around it.

  “Are you ready for the meeting, bro?” Marquise asks, sticking his head in my open office door. I have completely forgotten about this client meeting.

  “Yes, of course,” I answer distractedly. Grabbing my leather monogrammed padfolio, a gift from my mom, I head into the conference room. As the last to arrive, I sit at the end of the table and try to concentrate on what is being said. It’s no use.

  “So where are we with the marketing?” Princeton asks and all eyes turn to me. I did have an answer prepared, but at the moment it’s not coming to me. “Baron?” he asks, throwing a paperclip at me bringing me back to the task at hand.

  “Yes, of course,” I begin. “Once Galtrex’s information system is on-line the marketing components are built into the code, but for the time being the ad buy for local television is slated to begin tomorrow. The social media campaign started yesterday. We are already seeing returns for those. Laurie will make sure everyone gets updated stats.

  After work, I’d love nothing more than going to her apartment where the guard said she was, but I have to go to my parent’s house for our weekly dinner, even though they spend a lot of time in DC, they always make it home for Sunday dinner, especially when the Senate isn’t in session.

  As usual, I am the first one there. Dad’s not even home yet. As soon as I walk into the kitchen, I see my mom stirring something on the stove.

  “Hey mom,” I say, startling her.

  “You scared the crap out of me Baron,” she says clutching her chest.

  “Sorry.” She turns to look at me.

  “What’s wrong with you?” she asks.

  “I said I was sorry,” I say chuckling.

  “That isn’t what I mean. You look like shit. What’s wrong?” I could never keep anything from her.

  “I met her,” I say pulling a bar stool out and sitting down on the other side of the island.

  “Who?” she asks.

  “The girl of my dreams,” I say.

  “But?” she asks pointedly.

  “She ran out on me this morning. But I wonder if it could be for the best given the way I grew up?”

  “The way you were raised has no impact on your ability to love, Baron. Not one fucking bit,” she says surprising me. She never drops the f-bomb, so she has my full attention.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Let me ask you this, do you love me? Your father? Your brothers? Your job?”

  “Yes of course, but those first ten years have to count for something. Don’t they?”

  “The fact that you are even asking me that, tells me that they do not.”

  “I don’t even know who my parents are,” I say.

  “Kieran and I are your parents. The sperm and egg donors, whoever they are, do not control your life. You do.”

  “You think?” I ask.

  “I know it. Now tell me about the girl,” she says, smiling at me.

  “Her name is Frannie. She is a waitress and perfect for me,” I tell her.

  “Well, I’ve never seen you like this. Don’t give up on her,” she says.

  “I don’t intend to. I intend to marry her.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Soon,” I say to her.

  Very soon if I get my way.

  Chapter Six

  Frannier />
  I have not been able to sleep since our date ended last night. Right now, I am rolling around, tossing and turning, and trying to get some rest. My mind has been going back and forth between being excited about what’s to come with Baron and being sure he is playing with me. I mean, I don’t get it. He is a billionaire. Literally. He and his brothers, and I am pretty sure his parents are rich. Like royalty rich. What in the hell would a guy like him want with a girl like me? I have no connections, no family, no they still do dowries? I lay here for a second thinking about all these objections. The truth is, what difference does it make? I have nothing to offer him.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead,” Esther says walking into the room.

  “Who said anything about it being good,” I say rolling over and covering my head.

  “I know you didn’t sleep last night. I could hear you tossing and turning all night long. I also know that you have to go to the college and meet with the guidance counselor and the financial aid office. So how about you get up, put some clothes on, and we go and get some coffee. Then you tell me what is bugging you. Does that sound good?” Putting my pillow down, I look at her and poke my lip out.

  “Can I have a cinnamon croissant too?” She smiles, knowing me better than anyone ever has. I only eat those when I am struggling not to cry.

  “Of course. Come on bestie. Let’s go eat some goodies.” I get up, put my hair in a ponytail, throw on some sweats, brush my teeth, grab my wallet, and we are out the door in less than ten minutes.

  I am more than a little shocked at the weather. For it to be early spring, it is quite warm. “Want to talk about it?” she asks me about a block down.

  “Not really.”

  “Frannie. Come on. You know it works if you talk things out. That’s what we do. Now, tell me what is going on.” Looking over at her, it still shocks me to see the sincerity in her eyes and hear it in her voice when she talks to me.

  “I’m scared, Es. I am genuinely scared. I can see myself falling in love with him. Hard and very fast. And it’s the real type of love. I have never felt the things I feel when I am with him. If I am being honest, it is when I think about him too.” I hear the shakiness in my voice as I tell her my fear of being hurt in the worst way. From the heart.


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