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Page 4

by ChaShiree M.

  “I get it, Frannie. Listen. I am not telling you that you do not need to protect yourself. I would be the biggest hypocrite if I said that. What I am telling you, is to give it a chance. Give HIM a chance. He doesn’t strike me as the type of guy to play games.” I know she is right. I just...I can’t wrap my head around what I have to give him. I don’t say anything else for a while. My mind is spinning over and over. It’s not until we get a block away from the shop that it hits me. The guy walking behind us has been following our progress, since we left the building. I grab Es’s hand and pull her closer to me.

  “He has been behind us the whole time,” I whisper in her ear.

  “I thought it was only me. Yes, he has. Shit! I forgot my spray. Do you have yours?” I check my pockets.

  “Fuck!!! No. Damn it. Ok. We are going to turn and confront him together. Count of three.” We count to three and turn around, each of us yelling at him. He holds his hands up and steps back.

  “Whoa. Calm down. I am not going to hurt you.” he says suddenly seeming a bit nervous.

  “Who the hell are you and why are you following us?” I yell at him, stepping a bit closer trying my best to intimidate him.

  “Look, I am sorry to have startled you. I was hired by Mister Roades to guard you.” he says with his hands up in the air. I find myself stunned for a moment, not sure I heard him right.

  “What did you say?” I need him to repeat that. Either I heard him wrong or shit just got real.

  “My name is Trenton Davis and I am your new security.” He holds his hand out to shake and as much as I want to tell him to shove it up his ass, I decide it isn’t his fault. He is simply doing what he was paid to do.

  “Nice to meet you, Trenton. Sorry for the screaming.”

  “Oh my. He hired security for you, Frannie. I don’t think this is something he is playing with.” I frown at Esther, not liking the fact that she is smiling about this. I don’t find this funny. This is too much. I walk towards the taxi on the corner. “Frannie, where are you going?” she yells out as I walk away from her.

  “To give him a piece of my mind,” I yell back before getting in the cab and giving him the address. I spend the ride practicing what I am going to say and how to say it. Warning myself not to get suckered in by his voice, or those arms that feel so good wrapped around me. Especially not those lips that I want to swallow and bite as he devours me. Fuck! This is not the way to be strong. I am so screwed.

  It isn’t until I arrive at the reception desk, that it dawns on me what the chances of me getting upstairs are. Slim to none.

  “Welcome to Roades Information Systems. How may I help you?” A pretty little blonde girl asks. I don't miss the way she looks me up and down, barely containing her frown. Crap. I forgot I was in my house clothes. I can only imagine what I look like walking into a fancy building like this, wearing black and white sweats that say ‘killin' it’ and a black t-shirt.

  “Um, I need to see Baron Roades. Please.” I say trying not to let on I am self-conscious right now.

  “I’m sorry. Mister Roades doesn't have time for….” she begins to say before she is interrupted.

  “Let her up, Violet.” A man whose voice I don’t recognize walks up.

  “I beg your pardon, Sir?” The girl says clearly shocked. I am still confused.

  “I said let her up. She is always to have access to anything in this building. Add her to the VIP list. Miss Smythe. It is good to meet you. My name is Duke Roades. I am one of Baron’s older brothers. I would walk you up, but I am late for a meeting. If you would go the gold elevator to the left and press the button that says top floor it will take you right to Baron. Take it easy on him. He has never been in love, before you. Have a nice day.” With that stunning statement, he walks away. I don't know how long I stand there with my mouth hanging open and not sure what to say. Did he just say...?

  “Ma’am?” I look up and note someone holding the elevator open for me. I get on and press the button. I couldn't tell you how long the ride was or anything else for that matter. My mind has shut down. There is too much happening at once. When the doors open, I am already in his office and I can tell he is expecting me. He is looking at me with his sleeves rolled up. He says nothing at first, simply walks over to the door and locks it.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” Is all I manage to ask him as he turns back to me.

  “Locking the door so we aren't interrupted,” he says so matter of factly.

  “Interrupted? From what?” He stands in front of my face, close enough to smell, and lick, if I want and oh do, I want.

  “From this,” is the last thing he says before he makes me forget everything I came here for. Screw it. It was a losing battle anyway. I just don’t want this feeling to end.

  Chapter Seven


  The kiss I am giving her could last for fucking days, but she is so fucking responsive that I know I am not going to last. I should stop and take her to my house or something, but I know that’s not going to happen. Her sweatshirt is gone in seconds and I am back to kissing her.

  “Baron,” she moans. “We should talk…” she begins, but I cut her off with my lips.

  “Later,” I say. My fingers reach under the waistband of her sweats and find her panty-less. She is also wet for me. I slide them down her legs, where she kicks them and her shoes away. Opening my pants, I let them fall to my ankles. I lift her up so that she can wrap her legs around my waist, and I slide into her. I fuck her roughly with her back against the door.

  “Baron, how do you do this to me?” she moans yet again.

  “You’re mine, Frannie. Accept that,” I tell her.

  “I know,” she says. “I keep trying to fight it, but...oh God.”

  Without heeding the noise level, I slam my cock in and out of her tight pussy, rattling the door like a damn headboard.

  “I love being inside your tight cunt. There is nowhere else I’d rather be,” I whisper in her ear before licking the outer shell, before finally biting down on her lobe. She lets out a breathy sigh

  “Really?” she pants. Her voice is almost at a whine.

  “You are such a good girl,” I grunt. She must love that because her pussy squeezes my dick like a vice. I want more of it.

  “Am I? If I am such a good girl, then fuck me harder,” she demands breathlessly. I have no choice but to give her what she wants. Harder and harder, I fuck into her. She will definitely be walking funny after this.

  “Not a fucking problem,” I grunt, giving her all of me. Everything is happening all at once and I need more of her.

  “Sir? Baron? Are you okay? What’s going on in there? I can’t get in,” Laurie says, while trying the door and rattling the locked handle.

  “Go away, Laurie,” I shout. Not caring about anything at the moment, but the woman I have in my arms and on my cock. Thank God she leaves without another word.

  I move us over to the couch and finish what I started after taking my pants off the rest of the way. The leather couch is uncomfortable as hell, but it’s worth it. With her on top of me, I fill her pussy again and again. Afterwards, I rub her back which is surprisingly soothing. We don’t speak. I am almost asleep when she suddenly gets up and starts looking for her clothes. I don’t want her to leave right now.

  “Do you have to go?” I ask.

  “Yes, I am sorry. I am late for work. So late,” she says looking at her phone. “Pick me up later?” She asks, rushing around.

  “I’ll be there,” I tell her.

  “Why can’t I control myself around you?” She asks, leaning over me.

  “Because you don’t want to,” I reply, kissing her again.

  “You may be right about that,” she says kissing me this time. “I really have to go,” she says pulling her shoes back on.

  “Alright. Let me walk you out. My driver, Esteban, is waiting downstairs. He’ll take you wherever you want to go,” I say doing so. I wait with her while the elevator comes up. When i
t arrives, I kiss her again.

  “Bye,” we say at the same time as the doors close.

  “Sir?” Laurie asks as I head back to my office.

  “Not now,” I say, closing myself in my office again. What the fuck am I going to do for eight hours?

  I try to go back to doing some work, by buckling down and focusing on a new client’s marketing plan, but less than an hour later all I have managed to do is stare at the ceiling. I give up on trying. I turn CNN on and zone out, thinking about my girl. After five, I am ready for food. Luckily, I run into Marquise and we leave for Frannie’s restaurant to grab dinner.

  Chapter Eight


  “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” I chastise myself as I frantically exit the building. Looking down at my phone, I further castigate myself. I have exactly twenty minutes to get to work, which means I do not have time to go home and change. My boss is not going to like it. I have sweats on for crying out loud.

  I hit my forehead with one hand as I signal for a cab deciding at the last minute not to ride with Esteban. Wouldn’t that just be another way of giving in to what he wants? with the other and try to keep the tears at bay. It is becoming too much. I don’t know how the hell things spiraled out of control so fast. One minute I am seeing him for the first time at work, then the next thing you know he is hiring me protection. And he is fucking me against the door and couch of his office. Where did the control of my life go?

  Sitting in the back of the cab, I pull out my phone when I hear it buzz. Should have known it was Esther.

  Bestie: Soooo did it go? Did he fall at your knees and claim his undying love for you?

  I roll my eyes. This girl and her Hallmark/Lifetime Movies. Shaking my head, I answer her back.

  Me: Not exactly.

  Bestie: Oooo… do tell. What happened?

  Me: Well, I will only say no yelling happened. At least not that kind anyway. Now I’m late for work and don’t have time to come back and get ready. Can you bring me a change of clothes?

  Bestie: Of course! But only if you agree to tell me all the deets. Deal?

  Me: Fine.

  She is lucky I love her. I look up and see we are pulling up in front of the restaurant. Handing the cab driver some money, I hop out, run inside, and clock in with one minute to spare. I am in the process of tying my apron around my waist when I hear Satan speak.

  “Do you think you are so special that you get to come in at whatever time you want, and dressed like a gangbanger at that? What the hell is going on?” He bellows his disgusting breath in my face. His huge gut is bumping up against me and pushes me back into the wall.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Rater. I lost track of time during a meeting. As you can see, I came straight here so I wouldn’t be late. My roommate is bringing me a change of clothes. Sir.” I say trying to turn my face towards the wall away from his without being rude. I clock in with one minute to spare. But he has a strict no street clothes policy. He says it makes us look like a cheap dive.

  “I am supposed to write you up and you know that. Maybe, you could give me a little…treat, I might be persuaded not to.” His hand moves the hair off of my face. I can feel the bile forming in my stomach and threatening to come up if I don’t find a way to move.

  “Frannie we got two more tables.” Lisa, one of the other waitresses’ calls. He steps back, but not before sniffing the side of my neck.

  “Go. For now,” he calls as I skitter away. I can feel little creepy crawlies moving around on my skin. It begins itching and all I can think of is trying to remove any trace of him being near me.

  “Thanks so much, Lisa. I didn’t know how I was going to remove myself from there without losing my job.” I say to her as I grab my pad and pencil.

  “No problem girl. That asshole is gross. I wouldn’t wish him on the nastiest hooker. Stay away from him.” She winks at me and walks towards her table. I take a deep breath and walk out on the floor to begin my day.

  Ugh. I hear the chime above the door ring all the way from the breakroom, signaling we have another customer. I am freaking exhausted. It has been a hell of a day. We had a couple get into a fight in the dining room. The girl was slapping him while he was choking her. Jimmy from the grill had to come out and break it up, before putting them out of the restaurant. Esther made it in with my clothes and decided not to leave. Instead she waited for me to get a break in my schedule so I would give her the ‘juice’, as she calls it. I chuckle shaking my head.

  My boss has been eyeing me all day, giving me the heebie-jeebies. It doesn’t help being distracted thinking about the feel of Baron inside me, taking me as if he owns me. Hell, doesn’t he? The rest of the day was quiet, but busy. Here I am at my last hour, rubbing my feet in the back, and I hear the chimes. Lisa has already left, leaving the last hour to me. Oh well. Might as well get it done.

  The first thing I notice is that Esther is no longer at the table she has been at all day. I am about to sigh at her going home, when I hear laughter coming from my left. Turning to take the order form that table, I stop dead in my tracks when I see it is Baron. I recognize his brother Marquise from google and Esther are all at the table. Great. Just what I need for the last hour of work.

  “Welcome to The Lady’s Den. The specials today are Broccoli Cheddar Soup and Grilled Salmon sandwich. What can I start you with to drink today?” I am trying to keep my cool and not break protocol. Rater is watching me hard today.

  “Hey, baby. Looks dead in here. Why don’t you sit down and join us?” he asks patting the seat next to him.

  “I can’t. I am the only one on duty and my boss….”

  “Is a gross asshole,” Esther says before I can stop her. “He has been trying to threaten her into sleeping with him. He ran up on her today when she came in and touched her.”

  “Esther!” I say her name trying to get her to shut up. The last thing I need is trouble.

  “He did what! He touched you? Where the fuck is he?” Baron asks getting up out of the seat. “He thinks he has the right to touch what belongs to me? I’ll kill him.” His eyes begin to glow and turn colors as his face enlarges and his body widens. It would be hot if I wasn't so shocked and scared of him making me lose my job.

  “I don’t belong to anyone but myself and I don't need you to fight my battles. Also, I don’t need you hiring people to follow me around. I am not your girlfriend. You don’t own me.” I say to him in my calmest voice, so I don’t draw attention to the table.

  “I know it makes it easier to tell yourself that flower. But we both know it’s not true. I own you, just as much as you own me. Stop fighting it.” His words touch a part of me that I’m trying to fight, but it’s all too much.

  “Please... sit down. You can’t come in here and cause a scene that will make me lose my job. I need this job. God! Would you please leave?” Without waiting for an answer, I turn and run towards the back needing a place to breathe.

  It is too much. I can’t do this. Men like him need women they can control. One he can mold and turn into someone he can parade around his rich friends and family. I am never going to be that kind of a girl. For a second, I forgot all the reasons this won’t work. I allowed myself to think I could be enough for him. Feeling the wetness on my cheeks, I reach for a napkin to wipe it off when something catches my attention.

  The sound of movement to my left next to the dumpster has me pausing. I’m not sure why I don’t stop myself from walking over to see who or what it is. What I do find however, has me stopping in my tracks. Hidden from view of anyone walking by is a young girl. She can’t be any more than eighteen, like myself, if that. She’s covered in dirt and shaking uncontrollably either because it is a chilly night or if something terrible has happened for her to end up here. I do know there is no way I can leave her here and not try to help.

  “Hi,” I say hunching down beside her. “My name is Francesca. But all my friends call me Frannie. What’s your name?” I move to push her hair back, but she
jumps, and I decide to move my hand back without touching her. I don't want her to run.

  “Would you like to come inside with me? You could get warm. And maybe I could get you some food?” She still doesn’t answer or look at me.

  Shit. I don’t want to leave her out here by herself. If I do, she might decide to run. Remembering my phone is in my pocket, I shoot Esther a text telling her I found a girl. I also inform her that she needs to come to the back of the restaurant and help me deal with the situation. When I turn all three of them are standing there looking at me. I give her a look with a lot of meaning behind it for bringing the two men with her. She sees and understands my meaning, before leaning in to whisper in my ear.

  “Sorry. He wouldn't let me come to you without tagging along too.”

  Whatever. “I’m not sure what to do, but I do know that I don’t want to leave her here by herself. She won’t talk, and I can’t carry her by myself into the restaurant.”

  “Do you know her?” I am a bit startled to hear Marquise’s deep voice.

  I shake my head as I take in the difference in height between the two men. He leans forward and closer to her level to ask her name. It’s not as if I haven’t tried to get her to tell me her name. See, this I am about to tell him she doesn’t respond to questioning, when he suddenly picks her up. I expect her to fret, scream, or something. I would. He is huge. But she doesn’t. In fact, she looks at him with big wide eyes, and it’s not like I blame her. I notice as a deep breath leaves her body before she lays her head on his shoulder. Well, ok.

  “I’ve got it from here. You can expect that I won’t be in the office tomorrow, brother.” He says nothing else. Just walks away with her in his arms. This day just keeps getting weirder by the minute. Thank God it is time for me to go home. I don’t think I can handle anything else at this point.


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