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Desperate for Love

Page 19

by Aliana James

  “I should get going.” Kane stood and left his office.

  What the hell was that about?


  Travis hurried to finish up the last of his calls before he had to leave. Cynthia knocked on the door and leaned in as he looked up.

  “It’s five. You’re cutting it close.”

  The lamb chops were already stuffed and sitting ready to go in the fridge. He was happy he’d gotten up and did all the prep before work, knowing full well that he never could get out of the office on time.

  Travis tried not to smile as Cynthia rolled her eyes and closed the door. Two more phone calls, a couple of emails, and one report finalized, he glanced at his watch and cringed. Now he was late. Standing up and grabbing his jacket, he picked up two items to stick in his bag to take home.

  Travis hurried out of the building, hailed a cab, and gave the driver the condo’s address. His cell phone buzzed.

  Where are you?

  On my way.


  A hungry Alec made for a very cranky Alec so he grabbed his bag, handed a twenty to the driver, and exited in front of the building.

  Luis the doorman opened the door.

  “Evening, Mr. Andrews.”

  “Evening, Luis. How’s the granddaughter doing?”

  Luis’s granddaughter was only a couple months old and had spent several days in the hospital with the flu.

  “She’s much better, sir. Thank you for the basket. Mr. Bennett asked me as well and I appreciate your concern.”

  “You are most welcome. I hope she continues to improve. If you’ll excuse me, I’m late for dinner.”

  Luis held the elevator door open for Travis. “Have a good evening, Sir.”

  Travis smiled and settled back against the wall of the elevator. They normally ate later but he guessed Alec had been on site today and got home early to shower and change. He glanced at his watch wondering how much time he had before Alec needed to eat. He would have liked a shower.

  The doors opened and Travis exited into the vestibule. He had once gotten off on one of the lower floors by mistake and found several apartments and a long winding corridor. On this floor, there were only four doors, one of which was wide open with Alec scowling in the doorway holding Chauncey in his arms.

  “I’ve been dreaming about these damn lamb chops all day,” Alec said. He paused, unsure if he should kiss him hello or not when Alec gave him a peck on the cheek and moved aside so he could pass.

  “How hungry are you?”

  “I had an early lunch.”

  “I wanted to take a quick shower.” Travis turned to give the cat a scratch behind his ears. “Do you want to join me?”

  Travis admitted to himself that it would be a shame for Alec to get undressed. He looked handsome in his ripped jeans, tight T-shirt, and bare feet, his hair still wet from the shower slicked back. Settling in to married life hadn’t been a complete struggle. While they hadn’t had sex more than once, in the last week they had done a lot of other things—fun, sexy things. Some of which they could do in the shower now.

  Alec laughed. “No fair. You fight dirty.” He walked away. Travis was just about to call him when he returned with a bouquet.

  “These are for you.” Travis took the bouquet of yellow daisies and buried his nose in them. He loved daisies.

  “Thank you. How’d you know I loved daisies?”

  Alec shrugged. “Lucky guess.” He looked at the clock on the wall. “I’ll find something to pick at while you shower.”

  Travis pointed his finger at him. “I don’t trust you. I’ll find something for you to snack on.”

  Not one to stand between Alec and food, Travis headed into the kitchen. He preheated the oven and pulled the platter of stuffed lamb chops out of the fridge. There was a chunk of cheese, which would go well with some crackers and fruit. He sliced up the cheese, plated the crackers and the fruit, and pushed it toward Alec.

  He grabbed a pair of designer jeans and a shirt and hung them both in the bathroom to steam out some wrinkles. Several items had gotten wrinkled in the move and he hated to iron. One quick shower later, he ran a razor around his face and brushed his teeth.

  Back in the kitchen, he pulled out some pots and filled them with water to start on the side dishes.


  Alec entered the kitchen, holding a gift bag in front of him. Travis froze. The flowers were a nice touch; he needed nothing else. Damn it. After the iPad last week, he should have known Alec wouldn’t listen. Alec held it out for him to take and Travis refused.

  He planted his hands on his hips. “I don’t need gifts, Alec. You’ve done enough already.” He started to brush past him to the other side of the kitchen.

  Alec touched his arm with his hand and Travis stopped. “It’s a little something. I promise.”

  “Your definition of ‘little’ needs work.”

  Alec laughed, holding up his hands, dangling the gift bag in front of Travis. “I swear it’s just a little something.”

  Travis took the gift bag from Alec and shot him a look. Dinner would be ruined if there was something crazy in the bag. Alec knew that. He placed the bag on the kitchen island and slowly pulled open the tissue paper.

  “It’s not alive, jeez.”

  Travis rolled his eyes at Alec and reached his hand in the bag to feel a box. The first thing he thought of was jewelry. He pulled it out and unraveled the tissue paper to reveal a box of decadent gourmet chocolates. As he read the side of the box, he could see several of his favorites mentioned. He glanced back into the bag and, noticing it was empty, looked back at Alec in surprise.

  “I told you. Just a little something.”


  The timer beeped behind him and he grabbed the vegetables to wash them in the sink. Sides needed to start if they were going to be ready at the same time as the lamb chops.

  Alec pulled something out of a drawer and handed it to him. “One more thing, I thought maybe you could use this.”

  Travis unwrapped the bundle of fabric to reveal an apron with ‘Househusband’ embroidered on the front.

  “Oh my God!” He laughed. “You know what? I’ll wear it. Thank you.”

  He slipped it over his head and tied it behind his back. He did a quick turn to model it and ended with a bow.

  “Looks nice. You’re welcome.” Alec smiled and settled on a stool on the other side of the kitchen island out of the way. At some point, a glass of wine materialized, and he paused to take a sip.

  “This is good. What is it?”

  “A new chardonnay. The guy at the liquor store mentioned it went well with lamb chops.”

  “I hope you got more than one bottle.”

  Alec smiled and pointed to the second bottle in the wine fridge. Alec had never been much of a wine drinker. He complained that it made him groggy. Lately he’d been drinking it more than beer and joined Travis anytime he had a glass. The oven timer had ten minutes left, so he had some time to enjoy the wine before he had to finish up dinner.

  “Kane came to visit me today.” Alec mentioned as he nibbled on a piece of cheese.

  He noticed most of the plate was still full, which was good since the lamb chops were huge.

  “Weren’t you out east today?”

  “Yeah, he took the bike out. He got all weird when I mentioned Tyler.”

  “Weird? Like how?” He took another sip of wine, and a sweet, warm feeling caressed his body. If he drank too much, too fast, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy his dinner. He’d be fast asleep.

  “Like Tyler and him weren’t speaking. He mentioned Tyler refusing to let the security detail in the house. Have you spoken to Tyler?”

  “Just a couple texts here and there.” He stirred the pot on the stove and lowered the heat to a simmer.

  “Did he say anything?”

  “No, we spoke about his therapy.” Tyler and Kane needed to work out whatever was happening or not happening between them. He wasn’t
getting involved. If it was up to him, Kane would stay far away from his baby brother. To be honest, Alec sounded way off base. He couldn’t imagine Kane budging over security protocol for anyone. He would never tell Alec that Tyler complained about the need for security. He didn’t want to piss him off after everything he’d done.

  The timer beeped and Alec clapped his hands. “Yes! What can I do?” Travis laughed as he pulled the lamb chops out of the oven, Alec peering over his shoulder. “Wow, those things are freaking huge.”

  “Go pour us another glass of wine. I need five minutes.” He reached into the cabinet next to the oven and pulled out two rolled bundles.

  With a flourish, he unrolled the placemats and placed them on the table. A vase of flowers was moved in the middle with a wood bowl with salad and his homemade salad dressing.

  Another beep sounded on the stovetop and he pulled the potatoes out of the convection oven. Lucky for them both, Alec’s kitchen was loaded with every appliance imaginable.

  Plates loaded with stuffed lamb chops, potatoes, and steamed vegetables landed in front of a surprised Alec.

  “Oh my God, Travis. This smells so good.”

  “I hope it tastes as good. Take a bite and let me know what you think.”

  He waited, breath held, as Alec cut a healthy chunk of the lamb chop and dipped it in the sauce before slipping it into his mouth. Alec sighed and closed his eyes as he chewed. Before he could ask, Alec sliced a second portion and stuffed it into his mouth.


  “Hmm.” Alec answered between bites. “This is incredible.”

  He sank his fork into the potato and added some lamb chop before tasting it himself. The lamb chop cooked perfectly, matched well with the potato and the stuffing, and after a sip of wine, it couldn’t be any better.

  “Don’t forget I have the author talk at the bookstore next week. Are you sure you want to come?”

  Alec put his fork on his plate and picked up his glass of wine. “I said I’d come with you. Will you stop trying to talk me out of it?”

  “Sorry, I don’t want you to be bored,” he admitted.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  He finished up the food on his plate and smiled. This was his mother’s recipe. She’d be happy to hear he did it justice. Alec looked like he couldn’t eat another bite, which was a shame considering what he made for dessert.

  “By the way, I made cheesecake for dessert.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “Yup.” Alec’s sweet tooth was ridiculous, so he knew exactly how to bait him if needed, and he had an ace up his sleeve.

  “When did you do that?”

  “Last night after you fell asleep.”

  He’d been too wired to sleep, so he came out and baked. Lucky for him that Alec barely opened the fridge during the week otherwise he’d have spotted it.

  “Hmm, last night someone wore me out.”

  “Is that a complaint?” He laughed. “You weren’t complaining last night.”

  “Why would I when I get to make out with you?” Alec winked as he sipped his wine. “I was kinda hoping for a repeat but now I’m not sure.”

  He paused and looked at him in surprise.

  “I really wanted some cheesecake.” Alec patted his stomach and groaned.

  He gathered up his plate and picked up Alec’s empty one. “Did you want seconds, or…?”

  “No way. I’m full.” Alec got up and walked toward the sink. “I’ll clean up.”

  “I got it. Sit.” He shooed him back to a stool, he had plans for him later and needed him to relax. They chatted about his community project while he wiped the kitchen island and put away the leftovers.

  He checked his watch. Fifteen minutes was more than enough time for him to digest.

  “They’re breaking ground next week. I’m excited to see this idea become real.”

  “Uh-huh.” He agreed as he stuck his head in the fridge and wiggled his ass.

  “What are you doing?”

  He smirked at Alec and placed the cheesecake in front of him. Next to it, he put the can of whipped cream.

  Alec’s eyes grew large, he looked at the cheesecake, the whipped cream and his gaze turned predatory as it landed on him.

  His cell phone picked that minute to ring. A glance showed it was Tyler and force of habit had him answering without a second thought.


  Could they get through one conversation? One meal without someone interrupting? Or maybe for once Travis could let his phone ring and not answer?

  He threw his body on the sofa. Chauncey complained at the movement. Might as well find something on TV. Who knows how long Travis would be on the phone.

  Man, when he saw that whipped cream, he had gotten his hopes up. His dick had perked up as well.

  Try as he might, it was hard to stay mad at Travis. Tyler needed Travis. Maybe that was the problem. He could easily go a month without speaking to his brothers or his sister. Hell, Jacqui lived in Manhattan at school and they barely saw each other. She didn’t check in with him multiple times a day.

  He leaned his head back on the couch and glared at the TV. He wasn’t even paying attention to what he had put on and landed on some sort of home show. They were fixing up an old house, and they showed it after the renovations and it looked nothing like that. The construction side of Bennett Industries didn’t deal with restorations so he didn’t get to see anything transformed like that at work, most of the work they did was for shopping centers, office buildings, high rises, medical centers, and other large commercial business. The community project was the smallest one yet.

  A new episode started and if he thought the last house was a dump, this one was worse. He would have condemned it, demolished it, and built a new house in its place. He admired their patience to do that; it was a hell of a lot harder than what he did.

  “Hey, I like this show. The hosts are married. Sometimes they show a little behind… ooh yeah like that,” Travis said.

  Chauncey weaved between his legs and he scooped him up off the floor then settled into the sofa cushions next to Travis. He was about to put his arm around him when Travis’s phone rang again, and he cursed as he grabbed it off of the coffee table.

  “Hey, what’s up? I can’t talk long.” Travis either wanted to watch the show or spend time with him. He just wanted him off the damn phone.

  “The doctor said what?”

  He couldn’t help but eavesdrop, Travis paced right behind the sectional.

  “Peter, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Are you sure switching doctors after all this time will make a huge difference?”

  He sighed. He wished Peter would get a life—one that didn’t involve Travis. He didn’t do jealous well. Something about that man screamed fake, and Alec hadn’t ever met him.

  “Okay, so why call me then? Are you looking for my approval? You already made the decision.” Travis huffed.

  Travis continued to argue with Peter, drifting in and out of the kitchen as he paced. Alec focused on the episode, determined not to learn any more of Peter’s drama. The episode ended, and they went to commercial.

  Whatever Peter said caused Travis to apologize, and Alec rolled his eyes.

  The show came back from a commercial break and the other host held a little boy wearing a hard hat. The boy asked his dad about the tools were and what they did. It reminded Alec of his grandfather and how he used to answer all of Alec’s questions. Maybe he could start some sort of junior construction class at the community center once it opened.

  “Do you want cheesecake?” Travis asked.

  “Ate too much. I’m still full.” An hour had passed since they had eaten so that wasn’t entirely true. He hated being a dick knowing that Travis made it for him, but he was no longer in the mood for it.

  Travis’s eyes widened. “Okay.”

  Alec grabbed his cell phone. “I need to call my grandfather.”

  He left Travis standing there, staring at Alec on the
phone to let him know how it felt for once.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Oh my God. I’ve read horror stories about these places.”

  Alec laughed. “Come on, it can’t be that bad.” He reached into the backseat and pulled out a large box. Alec refused to tell Travis what he had gotten Thalia’s son, Grayson, for his birthday, no matter how much he reasoned that if it was from both of them he should know.

  So far the weekend had been awkward, with both of them doing things by themselves. He moved the remaining boxes out of his apartment and gave Alec an extra key in case the realtor called and he wasn’t around. Alec acted like nothing happened, but deep down he knew that he was ticked off about the phone calls interrupting their evening. When Alec smiled at him on the way here, it was like the sun had come out from behind the clouds.

  The dull gray exterior of the massive building did not indicate the chaos that awaited them once they entered. They walked down a hallway, past the restrooms, a coatroom, and an arcade through a set of double doors to a lobby. The walls, bright green and yellow, displayed cartoon characters and superheroes in equally bright colors. Children and their parents were jammed into the small space, each yelling to hear over each other, while several parents stood in line for a ticket window.

  When Alec mentioned that Grayson wanted his eighth birthday party at a place called KidLand, this was not what he’d been expecting. The smell of old gym socks mixed with popcorn hit him full force and he shuddered. A door to his left opened and he heard the large roar of a machine.

  “Is that a roller coaster?” he asked.

  Alec turned from scanning the crowd to look over his shoulder through the large window of glass separating the lobby from the area called the ‘Fun Zone.’

  “Yes, it is. Let’s go find everyone.”

  They continued to scan the crowd and Alec was about to call Thalia when Travis spotted Grayson running toward them. How they didn’t spot him earlier, he had no idea. Grayson had on a bright red baseball cap that read ‘I’m 8’ with a cake and a matching long-sleeved T-shirt as well as bright red sneakers that lit up as he ran.


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