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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 3

by Kerriann Burns

‘What.’ it was more of a demand rather than a question; she stood her ground as he shifted around his door and closed it behind himself before leaning against it with his arms folded close to his chest.

  ‘Will you help me get to Griffiths or not?’

  ‘Look, too many people have died trying to kill Griffiths and just because you’re a pretty face he won’t spare you, if anything you’ll be raped to death just like the rest of them.’

  ‘At least tell me how you got in.’ he sighed as he lightly tapped the back of his head against his door.

  ‘You’re really stubborn, you know that?’

  ‘The quicker you tell me the quicker I’ll be out of your hair.’ He looked away slightly, but this gave Adonia a chance to examine him more, he was taller standing than she expected, still nothing of the giant that Greymire was but still a lot taller than herself and the expected slenderness of an elf. It was hard to tell where the scars ended on his arms, if they ended at all on his body but there was one mark in particular she noticed, it was no tattoo or scar, it looked like a burn but in a symbol, one she recognised. The Dukan family crest. ‘That mark on your arm.’ she said as she pointed to the burn. His expression turned cold, stony almost as his body froze as it did before. ‘That’s the Dukan family crest…Why do you have it burned on your arm?’

  ‘What do you know about the Dukan family?’

  ‘They were my family’s closest friends, I loved them like my own family.’ without warning or hesitation, Fenrir had her pinned against the wall, he gripped at her tunic as his forearm crushed at her throat. Adonia hesitated but only for a second, with all her strength she kicked him in the stomach which pushed him off her, but his attack did not stop. It was hard to brawl in such a narrow hallway, but they still found a way as they pinned and threw each other. She hadn’t had a fist fight spar in years, but this was nothing like Greymire had ever trained her for, not a controlled battle but a full-on brawl. Many banged on their doors thinking it was an over excited couple until Barmic ran up the stairs and saw that Fenrir had her pinned against the wall once again. Both battered and bloodied, no longer was his expression stony but fuelled by fury, his eyes piercing straight into her soul.

  ‘Right that’s enough! A’ll naw have another deed body in this establishment! Especially naw a lady’s, let it go Fen.’ the elf ignored him as his eyes were purely focused on Adonia.

  ‘Fen!’ he stormed to the pair and stood right next to him.

  ‘Let. It. Go.’ something inside calmed the elf as he slowly backed off, but he still never took his eyes off her. Barmic gripped Fenrir’s wrist slightly which finally broke his gaze off Adonia. He didn’t even say a word, but Fenrir quickly pulled away his hand and walked out of the tavern, Barmic slowly shook his head and apologised to her. ‘Ye must of really pissed him off, come on, A’ll show ye tae yer room.’

  Adonia cautiously steadied herself and followed the dwarf a few doors away from Fenrir’s, the brawl made her loose her bearings even in a hallway.

  ‘Ere we are.’ he took out a hoop of keys and unlocked the door. As she looked inside the room, it was a decent size, a large bed, and a large circular wooden tub. She gave a smile as this was more than what she needed, she paced around the room slightly and turned to Barmic.

  ‘Thank you Barmic, I will repay you when I can.’

  ‘Think nothing of it, noo if ye need anything, hot water, food, let either me Arthur ken.’

  ‘Actually…If it’s not much trouble.’ Adonia looked toward the circular tub which made Barmic chuckle.

  ‘A’ll let him ken.’ with a wink he closed the door behind himself and left Adonia to herself. She walked toward the large wooden bed and touched the fabric, it was still soft to the touch, the comfort was enough for her to sit down. The bed was slightly hard but still comfortable enough she laid back, spreading her arms out. Adonia was never one for taking up much room as she slept but being in the small caravan for so many years made her appreciate the new sleeping space. She closed her eyes trying to relax, it didn’t take long for her to dose off but was suddenly awoken by a gentle knock at the door. She quickly jolted to her feet and answered the door, there the young Arthur stood with a large tub of steaming hot water and a fresh towel slung over his shoulder.

  ‘Forgive me I almost dosed off.’ Adonia said nervously as she stood back to let him in. He replied with a smile as he walked over to the tub and poured in the hot water, steam bellowed in the corner of the room but he quickly stood away and placed the towel on the wooden partition that hid the bath from the rest of the room.

  ‘If you need anything else, just let me know.’ he went to walk out of the room but paused slightly as he looked at her face. ‘I’m sorry he ever laid a finger on you…That’s not like Fen at all, he’d never hit a woman.’

  ‘Think nothing of it Arthur, I’ve fought in battles before.’ He looked at her with those big innocent eyes, begging for forgiveness.

  ‘He’s…Really not that bad once you get to know him.’ She sniggered slightly.

  ‘I don’t plan to get to know him, I just need to know how to get into Griffiths’ castle then I’ll be on my way back home to my son.’

  ‘You have a son?’ his eyes beamed wide, she let it slip that she had a child, the noble Adonia Hardgrave had a child.

  ‘You know who I am?’ He gave an almost embarrassed smile.

  ‘Whenever I go to Nebine with Da I always like to see the arts there, you do look a little different from your portraits but there’s no denying that you’re Adonia Hardgrave.’

  ‘Please tell no one about my son.’

  ‘Not even Da, I swear…Is Greymire the father? I don’t mean to be rude but I was a little excited when I heard you two were getting married, I asked Da if we could go to Nebine and everything on the day but…’ he sighed as he felt he could feel himself rambling. ‘Da told me stories about Greymire for as long as I can remember. At first, I thought he wasn’t even real, that he was a made-up hero but then I saw him once leading a huge army, and he had a half elf with him.’

  ‘That’s Half-Blood, he was his second in command and brother.’

  ‘It was a shame they never spoke of him much, I wanted to know more about him, but I guess because he was a half elf he was shunned.’ Adonia smiled at his innocence and patted his shoulder.

  ‘Maybe when you’re free we can talk about him, about both of them.’ A smile grew on his face as he clutched the barrel in his hands which brought him to some sense of reality.

  ‘Oh, sorry I’ll let you get to your bath…Thank you Adoni- Addie. Thank you, Addie.’ She smiled again then he quickly took his leave. Arthur quickly walked down the hallway and Adonia closed the door behind him and looked at the bath. She placed the tips of her fingers in the water and felt its warming embrace. She undressed herself then entered the bath; it brought a once forgotten sensation to her body. It almost reminded her of home, the times she bathed with Greymire and her time with her elven family were all cold water either in pools or streams of fresh flowing water. She gave a sigh and leaned back, letting the warm water offer its comforting embrace.

  Adonia stayed in her bath until the water began to turn cold, as she exited the water, she wrapped the towel around herself and walked around her room to further her explorations. There was a small bookshelf with several books all covered in dust, cobwebs seemed to lace the wooden beams of the room but nothing to really discomfort her. Adonia approached the small window that led to the outside world, it was covered in dust and grime but still allowed for light to enter.

  I’ll have to clean that soon. Adonia thought to herself as she looked at the glass but then looked down at the small village before her. Everyone continued with their daily lives, but it was the continuous thud Adonia would hear that caught her attention. She looked down toward the stable and saw that same deadly elf, Fenrir. She sneered at first still bitter at their fight, but she took a double take at his body, he worked shirtless under the sun, chopping wood alongside A
rthur but his entire torso was covered in scars, especially his back, all were deep and looked as if they had taken years to heal properly. His demeanour seemed completely different with the young elf, he occasionally smiled as they spoke and Adonia could tell that Arthur laughed at his words.

  Adonia pulled herself away from the window and began to dress herself. Once she was dressed, she briskly walked downstairs, ignoring the noises from the neighbouring rooms, people barely took any notice of her as she came into the main tavern area, she looked around slightly and saw Barmic at the bar.

  ‘Need anything me lady?’ he asked as he leaned one arm against the bar.

  ‘Well…I’d like to know more about this place and…Your friend.’ Barmic gave a chuckle. ‘Say naw mere lass, come with me.’ he passed through a swinging door at the end of the bar and went into another room at the back of the tavern, it was filled with an assortment of chairs and tables but in the centre of the room held a giant pit used as a fireplace with a large hole in the roof as its main source of light during the day.

  ‘People dinnae usually come in ‘ere, this place is free tae those who live ‘ere, like yerself, the girls…Fen.’

  ‘Such a big space, but it’s hard to imagine your staff will come in here for a get together.’ Barmic chuckled again as he sat down on a long sofa made from red fabric staring at the unlit fireplace.

  ‘Aye they dae from time tae time, it’s just Fenrir yer thinking aboot.’

  ‘Why is he…The way he is? I’ve travelled with elves for years and have never come across anything even remotely like him.’ she asked as she sat down next to him.

  ‘Aye, n A doubt ye ever will. Fen does naw talk aboot himself much, but from lookin’ at him A can tell whit he was.’

  ‘And that would be?’

  ‘A slave.’ Adonia was taken aback, she leaned forward slightly expecting Barmic to be joking but she could see the seriousness in his eyes.

  ‘But slavery has been illegal for years.’

  ‘Aye…But isn’t it funny how when somethin’ becomes illegal it earns a decent penny? Ye can tell by that brand on his arm.’ She looked away slightly embarrassed by their fight. ‘So that’s why ye were scrappin’?’

  ‘I... I didn’t know that was a brand of slavery, I pointed it out and that’s when he lashed out.’ Barmic gave an unsatisfied sigh as he looked out towards the fire.

  ‘When A found him, Fen was a mess, wrists still a mess from the shackles, boy is a twig as it is noo but back then ye could see his bones, yet he was made tae be a fighter…He’s never told me himself but me guess is as good as any tae whit he was used fae, tell me have ye ever heard of the Strages?’

  ‘I can’t say that I have…’

  ‘Well…Years n years ago the Strages just used tae use animals, they’d aggravate ‘em, torture ‘em, make ‘em fight tae the death, then slavery became a thing, so they used their slaves tae fight. A’ve seen his scars n the way he fights, yer’ve seen it yerself when he decapitated that man n attacked ye…That’s nothing tae whit he’s capable of.’ Adonia sat back in her chair slightly and gave a quick exhale of disbelief, she slowly shook her head but then remembered the distinctive mark of the Dukan family displayed on his arm.

  ‘…No, no!’ she quickly stood up as she yelled. ‘The Dukans would never own slaves or participate in a barbaric sport! They were my friends, my family, they loved me as if I was their own, they never did such things…’ Barmic stared up at her with acknowledging eyes and gave a sigh himself.

  ‘A ken it’s naw something ye want tae hear but, its why he hates nobles so much at least that’s as far as A can guess. Something made Fen the way he is n he’s never even told me aboot it, just be careful with him Addie, if anything just avoid him.’ Adonia looked away slightly then crossed her arms before looking back at him.

  ‘…How else can I get to Griffiths without Fenrir?’

  ‘Maybe I can help.’ A young familiar woman leaned against the doorway; arms folded but as Adonia examined her a small smile crept upon the woman’s face. ‘Jenny’s the name.’

  ‘I remember you…’ Adonia tried to recall the brief memory of her, long gold flowing hair and a deep red dress that was far too low cut at the chest for Adonia to feel comfortable in, but Jenny was a prostitute after all.

  ‘N just whit are ye scheming?’ Jenny chuckled as she approached them and sat down close to Adonia.

  ‘I don’t know why you want to get in his castle but for a woman it’s easy.’ She examined Adonia’s features with her fingertips as she traced along her lips and poked her cheeks slightly which made her back off uncomfortably.

  ‘If you’re suggesting that I seduce my way in I’m afraid I’ll have to turn your offer down.’

  ‘Virgin?’ she blushed but didn’t even know why, she was a married woman, a mother, why would talk of sex still embarrass her?

  ‘…No.’ Jenny tilted her head like a confused puppy but smiled at Adonia’s innocence.

  ‘Of course, no woman wants to be dragged there against their will but if you went there willingly, perhaps flaunted that lovey body of yours you can easily get to Griffiths himself, Divine knows he’s unfaithful to his wife.’

  ‘I’m sorry I’m just…I’m not comfortable with the idea.’

  Not only was she uncomfortable with the idea of being with another man other than Greymire but she knew Griffiths would recognise her even after all these years. She could only imagine that he thinks she’s dead and with her suddenly appearing on his doorstep will certainly cause alarm.

  ‘You are adorable though.’ She smiled again. ‘But can I ask why you wear men’s clothes?’ Adonia looked down at her clothing and shrugged, she was so used to it now it barely fazed her anymore. Yes, she would wear the occasional dress during the summer with the elves, but she mostly wore her masculine clothing as it made hunting much easier.

  ‘I…Used to be a soldier.’

  ‘A woman-soldier? Never thought I’d live to see the day; I see that’s how you managed the scuff with the elf.’

  ‘You know too?’

  ‘Thin walls and gossip spreads like wildfire.’

  ‘Jenny.’ Barmic sighed which made her laugh.

  ‘You’re a brave one, even Barmic thinks twice before standing up to him.’

  ‘He’s me boy, A dinnae need tae stand up tae him.’

  ‘There’s still blood on the floor.’ She smiled sarcastically which made Barmic roll his eyes at her. ‘I think he’s Recksinion, he’s got that little twang in his voice.’ Adonia couldn’t deny that small detail, it wasn’t as broad as a true Reckson accent but there were a few words that gave him a very easily missed accent. ‘But he’s not really a talker as you might of guessed.’

  ‘I just thought he could help me get into Griffiths’ castle, but I can already see that being a challenge.’ Jenny gave another one of her bright smiled then stood up carefully before picking up the skirt of her dress and flourishing it behind her.

  ‘There is much work to be done, let me know if you change your mind Addie.’

  ‘…She doesn’t know who I am does she?’ Adonia hushed to Barmic as she left the room.

  ‘Told ye didn’t A? Bless ‘er though, might be fine whore but she’s got a heart of gold.’

  She gave an awkward smile which made Barmic chuckle ‘A used tae travel a lot, that’s how A ken whit ye Hardgraves look like, thought black hair n sky eyes would be enough but then ye’d all be inbred. Yer ma was a bonnie lass, but ye definitely look just like ye da n ye brother.’ Adonia gave an affectionate smile at his comments which made her fondly remember her family. Barmic then slapped his knees before jumping from the chair to return to his work.

  Chapter 3

  Familiar faces

  Adonia left the staff room of the tavern and walked to the fresh air of the outside world. The north was definitely colder than what she was used to, she recalled the forests in the area and knew her family would be traveling this way soon.

hope they don’t come to the village. She thought nervously. Adonia didn’t realise how dangerous the north actually was and the people here weren’t the keenest on elves, or perhaps they just weren’t keen on Fenrir. She gave a sigh as she looked up at the night sky and walked to the neighbouring stable to check on her horse.

  Letting her guard down she approached the stables to look for Midnight, most of the stalls were occupied with horses, some large, some small but none were in comparison to the black steed in the back. She smiled as she approached his stall, he casually pulled out large lumps of fresh hay from the holder and ate with a satisfying crunch. Adonia leaned against his stable door, smiling at the creature.

  ‘I bet it’s been a while hasn’t it? Nice warm home, fresh food for you, I bet Greymire had the best stable for you, didn’t he?’ Midnight only replied by pulling out another lump of hay. ‘…I bet you must miss him.’ she sighed. Suddenly Midnight’s rhythmic crunching stopped as his ears pricked up, he quickly turned his head in Adonia’s direction, hay still sticking out of his mouth. ‘What is it Midnight?’

  Suddenly she was grabbed from behind, she instantly started to struggle and call out until her mouth was covered by a hand and she was pulled into an empty stall behind. Before she knew it, Adonia was pinned on the floor, she desperately tried to punch and kick until a blade was pressed against her throat. She laid still, knowing the threat of the weapon.

  ‘You better give me one good damn reason why you’re still here.’ she recognised the voice; how could she forget such a smoky masculine voice? She tried to see his face through the shadows, but even his bright green eyes couldn’t be seen.

  ‘Why do you even care?’ Adonia hissed as she felt the blade pressing hard against her throat.

  ‘If Barmic hasn’t already told you, I kill people like you, nobles don’t deserve to live.’ Adonia tried to grip onto his shoulder which made him push down harder on her.


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