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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 4

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘I-I haven’t done anything wrong!’ Fenrir leaned up from her slightly but kept the blade firmly against her neck.

  ‘Do I look like I care? You’re a noble, you’re all the same to me, so you better leave before you get yourself hurt.’

  ‘Fenrir?’ he quickly looked to see Arthur standing above them, Adonia quickly took this opportunity to escape, she quickly jabbed him at the base of the throat which made him fall backwards clenching at his neck. Adonia quickly scrambled to her feet and hid behind Arthur who held a pitchfork firmly in his hands. Before long Fenrir’s fury caught up with him as he launched himself up from the darkness and stared angrily at her. He went to step forward, but Arthur took a powerful step toward Fenrir, his pitchfork in hand ready to defend Adonia. ‘No Fenrir! I won’t let you hurt her!’ Fenrir stood there for a moment; his anger turned more to frustration.

  ‘Arthur.’ he said in an irritated tone and took a step forward.

  ‘No!’ he yelled as he slightly pointed the tips of the pitchfork toward Fenrir.

  The pair both knew fully well that Arthur didn’t have a single chance at taking on Fenrir and hope to live. But Fenrir was taken back by the boy’s passion to protect Adonia, how he was willing to stare death in the face, just to protect someone he barely even knew. He looked at the boy then at Adonia who was barely taller than the growing teenager, he gave a sigh and sheathed his dagger before calmly walking past Arthur who continued to circle around Adonia as Fenrir passed.

  Adonia knew this wouldn’t be the last attack, she had to reason with him some way, at least so they could tolerate each other.

  ‘Fenrir.’ she called out which made him stop in his tracks and only look slightly over his shoulder. ‘I’m here to kill Griffiths, I want him dead for everything he’s done to my family, but I need your help.’ he stood still and silent for a moment before slightly turning around to them. ‘That’s all I want is to kill him, the rest is up to you and this village, destroy the castle if you want, I just want Griffiths.’ his expression didn’t even change he placed his hands on his hips and stared at her coldly.

  ‘Many have tried.’ he said as he lifted the bottom of his leather vest slightly to reveal a deep gash. ‘Even more have failed. Besides, for someone who uses a sword that big you need an awful lot of protecting.’ he said as he pointed to the sword that still hung against her back.

  ‘I don’t need protecting!’ she yelled as she stood in front of Arthur. Fenrir scoffed as he crossed his arms and looked down at her.

  ‘Your instincts told you to hide behind a kid that’s barely as tall as you, I saved you from those bandits, how many more people have saved your skin?’ Adonia looked away slightly, angry, but she knew he could not return any comment. ‘Exactly, not so brave, are you?’

  ‘Why not put your words into action?’ Fenrir raised his eyebrows and continued with his cold, irritated glare.

  ‘You already want another round?’

  ‘I’m not going to stand here and let you insult me, you and me outside no interruptions!’

  ‘Adonia no!’ Arthur panicked as he held her shoulder. ‘You really don’t know how dangerous he is!’ he hissed to her.

  ‘People fear you.’ She ignored the young boy’s pleas. ‘Yes, you’re talented with a blade but I was trained by Greymire the greatest knight in all of Alexander!’ Fenrir leaned forward with his arms still crossed and stared coldly into her eyes.

  ‘Lose some of that chivalry passion, you sound less stupid when you fail.’ he said as he turned on his heel and unsheathed his sword as he walked out of the stables into the open area before the inn. Adonia darted out of the stable and unsheathed her own sword, Arthur ran into the inn, no doubt to get Barmic to break up the fight.

  Adonia stood at a ready battle stance, her sword firmly gripped in both hands, her right foot firmly in front while her body arched, ready to pounce. Fenrir stood before her casually, and gently twirled his sword by flicking his wrist, like what Greymire used to do, but Adonia would not let this distract her. He looked at her slightly and held out his hand before flicking his fingers as a come here signal. She angrily darted toward him and with one single movement he managed to block her attack.

  ‘Best you can do?’ his comments only made her angrier she tried to push him back, but even with his causal stance it proved difficult. He swiped his sword across hers and began to slash against her which made Adonia use every skill she knew to block and dodge. He was extremely fast on his feet and quick with his hands, he was hard to figure out, he had no pattern no rhythm, his movements were erratic yet precise. A crowd quickly gathered outside the inn, many cheering on the fight, Barmic and Arthur followed close behind, the only ones that seemed panicked by the fighting.

  ‘Fenrir! Addie stop!’ Barmic yelled out to the pair, but they were too engaged, the angrier Adonia became the harder she fought, and the harder she fought, the quicker and more deadly Fenrir became.

  ‘Da he’ll kill her!’ Arthur panicked. The pair danced together like the flames of the torches that surrounded them, the cries and cheers of the crowd echoed through the night sky. Something in Fenrir began to trigger, his eyes became deathly focused on her, he looked as if he was actually growling, like he had become some feral animal.

  ‘Shite! Fen! Fen Stop!’ Barmic yelled as he grabbed hold of Fenrir, Adonia stared at him nervously at his ferocity, she stepped back slightly, her sword still clutched tightly in her hands. Fenrir dropped his sword but that still didn’t stop him, he barely used any of his energy to rid himself of Barmic and like a creature possessed he ran straight for Adonia. She didn’t want to kill him even after what was said and done, but this creature was hell-bent on killing her, she had to defend herself. Adonia tightened her stance and went to attack as he came in close. But suddenly he managed to outmanoeuvre her which only made him cut down his shoulder and arm, his manoeuvre made it possible for him to get behind her, he quickly wrapped his arm around her throat and started to squeeze. Adonia franticly started to panic as they both fell to the floor, his arm still tight around her throat, his squeeze becoming tighter. She scratched at his arms enough to draw blood, but it barely even fazed him as well as the deep cut on his shoulder. Both Barmic and Arthur desperately tried to pull them apart as the crowd cheered on for blood. Adonia’s face started to turn red as she fought to stay alive, she clawed at his arms, his hair, his face, but nothing deterred him from trying to kill her.

  ‘I-I’m sorry…’ Adonia gasped out as she lightly hit him to release his grip. His grasp was suddenly released, she fell onto the floor in a violent fit of coughing. Fenrir quickly stood up and backed away, the crowd groaned as their bloodlust was unfulfilled, he stared at the crowd and the people before him. Fenrir looked down at Adonia who could barely breathe while Arthur and Barmic both tried to help her. His eyes were wide with shock at what he had done, his hands trembled as he saw the result, he went to lift a hand to speak but he quickly turned and made his way toward the inn, people instantly moved out of his way, letting him pass with fear all engraved on their faces. With the fight over and Fenrir gone, the crowd slowly began to die off, some returned home, others nervously returned to the inn. The pair managed to help Adonia onto her feet while she continued to cough. They helped her up to her room and as Barmic helped her to sit on her bed Arthur quickly fetched a jug of cool water to help sooth her throat.

  ‘A cannae tell ye how sorry A am Addie.’ she shook her head as she took gentle sips of water but continued to cough with every gasp of air. ‘I…Wanted to…F-fight him.’ she gasped but Barmic gently patted her shoulder.

  ‘Rest yer voice, if ye need anything at all, just bang yer foot on the floor three times.’ she stared at him rather confused, but he was completely serious, no one knew the real damage Adonia took to her throat, they could only hope that she would recover. The pair left her to rest as she continued to sip at her water. Adonia looked around her room slightly and picked up the stool at the wooden dresser table and wedged it
under her door handle, Fenrir may have let her go, but what was stopping him from killing her while she slept?

  Through her nerves she slept beside a lit candle, never in her life had she seen someone fight with such blinding fury. It terrified her. But she remembered the day she killed that man, the one who told her the truth about Griffiths and his betrayal, how she attacked, how she was so angry nothing was before her but her target. What made Fenrir so angry he would attack her in such a way? Adonia battled with these thoughts throughout the night as well as her constant coughing, this continued until exhaustion finally took hold of her.

  ‘Mother! Mother, where are you?’ her eyes flickered open, she was home in her caravan with the faded voice of her son spurring her forward.

  ‘Argonar?’ she called out.

  ‘Mama!’ he called out happily, but it was not for her. Adonia quickly exited her caravan to see the world in ruin, the ground covered in ash and blood, the skies red with fire and the call of crows echoed throughout.

  ‘Argonar?!’ she saw the small boy running from her, he ran into the arms of another and embraced her like he would his mother. Her red eyes stared into Adonia’s soul as she gave her chilling smile. It was her, the Mother haunting her very dreams.

  ‘I’m always watching you Adonia.’

  Adonia shot up in her bed, she dripped with sweat and inhaled deeply. She quickly looked around and saw that she was in her room, Adonia slammed her head back into her pillow and wiped her brow, the nightmare exhausted her but gave her a new sense of fear, the reminder that the Mother was still out there. But she still couldn’t understand why she hasn’t come for her, there must be something darker planned than a sacrifice, the Mother is clearly waiting for something, but what? She was still sore from her ordeal last night, seeing the completely burnt down candle and the stool wedged by the door reminded her of that fear. With another cough she forced herself out of bed and cautiously un-wedged the stool from the door. She walked down the hallway constantly looking over her shoulder in case Fenrir was there, as she came to the balcony that overlooked the tavern he was nowhere to be seen. It was a quiet day, only a few patrons and the band playing light music to give some ambience, Arthur and Barmic sat together on a table paying some sort of card game. She gently rubbed her throat as she cautiously walked down the stairs, keeping her eyes close on the shadows, as she approached Arthur looked up with a smile which made Barmic turn around.

  ‘How ye feeling?’

  ‘Better.’ her throat still scratched at her voice, but it was a mild improvement.

  ‘A still cannae tell ye how sorry A am, A’ve seen Fen angry, but never like that.’

  ‘Don’t be…You’re not responsible for his actions, before the crowds came…He was strong and fast, nothing I haven’t dealt with before but…When they started cheering and shouting…Something in him changed…I don’t know.’ the men looked at each other briefly then down at their cards.

  ‘Da and I were just playing a game of Capture, want a game?’ Arthur asked in his usual innocent way.

  ‘Capture?’ she asked as she looked down at the board and different picture cards, it was all foreign to her, never had she seen such a game.

  ‘It’s a piece of piss once ye ken how tae play.’ Barmic said as he turned to the deck and started to gather the used cards up and shuffle them in a specific deck. It was a strategy sort of game, similar to chess, it had its royals, its knights and soldiers, once all the opponents’ soldiers and knights are defeated the game is won.

  ‘How do you play?’

  ‘Well you have a set of soldiers, the more diverse you get the better, I went first so I placed down a soldier card and Da has to put down something that either matches or defeats my card otherwise I win his.’ Adonia squinted at the card on the table which was labelled as “Foot soldier”. Barmic scanned his cards and placed down a card with a picture of a horse labelled “Cavalry”, which beats Arthur’s card. Adonia watched the game unfolded with great interest, trying to take in the rules and best strategies.

  ‘Still need mere practice Arthur.’

  ‘I’m still convinced you cheat sometimes.’ his comment made him chuckle as he placed the cards away, he looked at Adonia who once smiled at the game, but as it was won she returned to looking over her shoulder.

  ‘Yer lookin’ oot fae Fen aren’t ye.’

  ‘…Sorry it’s just…’

  ‘Ye dinnae need tae worry, Fen’s been up in his room since last night, hasn’t even budged.’

  ‘Do you think he might of…You know.’ Arthur suggested as he rubbed his neck, Barmic scoffed as he leaned back in his chair.

  ‘Boy, if Fen was gonnae string himself up he would’ve done it years ago, if last night dinnae prove it, lad’s gone through some shite.’

  ‘…No disrespect but for someone so dangerous you like to keep him around.’ Barmic looked down and continued to give a small side smile.

  ‘Aye…A guess he grew on me over the years…

  Even though he’s got a taste fae blood, he does show remorse, like when A found him, he was feral as anything. Boy used tae eat rats fae fuck sake, it took a couple of days but when A started tae feed him, talk tae him, first words he ever said tae me were “Thank Ye”.’ Adonia gave a sigh but still couldn’t help but continue to feel afraid of him, how he could kill without remorse, how he could turn into a bloodthirsty monster. ‘Fancy another game?’ Barmic asked her.

  ‘No thank you, with all due respect, I came here for a reason, I’m going to have a look at the Griffiths castle, see for an opening.’

  ‘Aye.’ he sighed. ‘Arthur gaun with her.’


  ‘Addie needs tae ken whit she’s up against, consider it time off.’ Arthur quickly looked at Adonia then back at Barmic and gave a small nod before standing up and leading Adonia outside. As the warm sun touched her skin Adonia went to get her horse, but noticed Arthur continued to walk on.

  ‘It would be too dangerous on horseback, too easy for you to be noticed, it’s a long trek but it’s safer.’ she paused slightly but then continued to walk alongside him.

  ‘Are you sure you want to go with me? You said yourself it’s dangerous.’

  ‘No disrespect Adonia but we don’t want you charging in, I’m here to show you what happens at the Griffiths castle, the people here hate the family.’

  ‘…What about his children? They’re not bad.’ Arthur looked down at the dirt road as they continued to walk.

  ‘Once a Griffiths always a Griffiths…At least that’s what the people think, who knows, once his son comes into power he might change things, but the Griffiths name is so damaged already, people probably won’t even care.’ it made her remember Henrick, how close they were as children. He was always a kind person, nothing like his father but maybe his father changed him after all these years, poisoned his mind to focus on only greed.

  No not Henrick, Adonia thought. He’s a good man and always will be, he has to be.

  The pair came off the beaten track and into the open grasslands before the castle that stood in the far distance, Arthur constantly kept his guard up, looking around the area continuously even though they were alone.

  ‘What are you looking for?’ she asked.

  ‘Look, up there.’ in the formation of hills she could slightly make out what looked like a small hut.

  ‘It’s a look out, there’s a lot of them around the area, that and foot patrols, they see anything suspicious they’ll alert the castle and call out the guards.’

  ‘So much defence even way out here?’

  ‘Griffiths is paranoid, can’t really blame him though, people from the Badlands attack every day, some with a lot of firepower.’

  ‘And you mean to tell me Fenrir is the only one that made it inside?’ He gave a nod of agreement.

  ‘He’s the only one who made it inside, but the closest they ever got since was when a large armed group hired some mage mercenaries.’

  ‘Then what

  ‘They were overwhelmed and burnt at the stake, defence has been dramatically boosted since.’ as they approached the exterior of the castle they hid in a small area of trees and undergrowth. ‘This is as close as I’ll take you, but look for yourself.’ Adonia looked around the castle and saw several soldiers lining the wall of the castle as well as several others patrolling the outer perimeter. ‘Men have tried many ways, full frontal attacks always end in death, see that wagon approaching the gates?’ Adonia carefully looked over his shoulder and saw several wagons being checked over before they were allowed entry. But suddenly as a blanket was taken off one wagon several armed men leapt out from their hiding place to attack, only to be slaughtered on the spot. ‘Many have even tried the sewers, but guards also patrol these areas.’

  ‘…Then how?’

  ‘Exactly.’ he sighed. The castle appeared to be an impenetrable fortress, guards patrolled every opening, they expected everything. ‘No doubt there’ll be another attack tonight, Fen might join them again, he usually does.’

  ‘…How does he survive?’

  ‘He’s quick, doesn’t mean he hasn’t been caught though, you saw those scars of his, he’s the only one that knows about a secret way in, keeps it to himself as he says if too many people try it they’ll close it off then we’re back to square one.’

  ‘I’d rather avoid working with him, if I can.’ She said begrudgingly as she rubbed her neck.

  ‘I don’t blame you.’ he said as he stood up, ready to leave the area. ‘Sometimes he does scare me when he’s violent, but he’s been nothing but kind to me, if anything…I kind of see him as an older brother or maybe even an uncle, I dunno.’ Adonia remained quiet, trying not to think about what happened last night, how close she came to death. Arthur tried to lighten the subject and looked over at the large sword on her back.

  ‘Where’d you get the sword?’ she looked over her shoulder slightly then back at the path ahead.


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