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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 21

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘Iona would never have allowed it…’ she hissed as the pains of torture caught up on her. ‘You killed your own daughter?’

  ‘No.’ he snapped, an angry and honest reaction, she could see it in his eyes that Queen Iona was never meant to die. ‘I cherished my daughter; I was proud when she was made queen but ashamed when I saw how weak her husband was. Are you familiar with effírië roots?’ Adonia slowly shook her head. ‘It’s a very powerful plant, it can cure nearly every ailment, sickness, injury, use too much it can induce death like symptoms, even more and it’s fatal. The idiots gave her too much one day…I had them executed for it, I will never forgive them for their negligence but yes…Iona would have been in the way, she wouldn’t have allowed it, but I thought if I could keep her bedridden, weak enough so she couldn’t rule, I never wanted her to die.’

  ‘Iona…Was a good woman, no she never deserved it but.’ Adonia attempted a chuckle. ‘Evil actions always call for evil repercussions.’ Kinlan threw himself from his chair and immediately slapped her across the face then pinned her throat up against the wall.

  ‘You will know evil Adonia, I will make sure you know that for the rest of your miserable days, the day you give me my heir I’ll kill you with my bare hands.’

  ‘You will meet your end Kinlan.’ She choked. ‘Even if it isn’t by my hands, you will meet your end.’

  A year passed since Adonia’s capture; she became nothing more than an empty husk of her former self. Griffiths kept his promise of extra torture, but it wasn’t just physical torture, he forced her to watch the execution of those who knew she that lived within the depths of the dungeons. It started with the soldiers apart from those most loyal, then it was the family of the elven boy she helped long ago. He forced her to watch Henrick’s suffering, because of his tongue he was known as the Snake Lord, a humiliating title. His forked tongue and the scar upon his cheek he claimed was through accident in fear of his own life. The once hopeful and promising young Griffiths turned into his own husk of depression and solitude. Many feared that one day when he finally takes his father’s place that he will become a much harsher, cruel lord.

  Adonia remained locked away in the damp cell, unable to feel or move. Her eyes lost all colour as if she was just as dead as those who surrounded her, her body was nothing but a frail skeleton as all flesh seemed to starve away. Her arms and legs were nothing but bone and broken skin, her face had sunken in, she was only just given enough food to barely survive all in the name to break her, but many believed that they had long gone passed that stage. Adonia was unresponsive to any torture, she bled all the same, but no more did she scream, elves were executed before her daily, but no more did she react. Adonia Hardgrave was truly destroyed.

  ‘Nothing works my lord.’ the newly appointed torturer said as Griffiths patrolled the cells.

  ‘Is she even alive?’ he asked as he peered into the cell and looked at her limp body.

  ‘She is sir but she’s just as good as a corpse.’

  ‘Looks like we finally extinguished that flame, open the door.’ the cell door was unlocked, and Griffiths approached her and knelt down while still keeping his distance. ‘Will you marry his majesty?’ her eyes weren’t even focused on him, or anything for that matter, he looked over at the torturer still questioning whether or not she was actually still alive but as he watched she would slowly blink and breathe as if the actions alone took every ounce of her energy. ‘Your family died like pigs to the slaughter.’ he sneered trying to get some reaction, but even that did not faze her. ‘Your father tried to be a hero, but he died so easily even a child could have killed him.’ her response was still the same. ‘And your mother, she wanted to give my men everything to save her skin, she would have let them do anything to her.’ Nothing. ‘G-Greymire died a snivelling coward! That man never loved you, he just wanted the fame the gold!’ Nothing. Her response was nothing. ‘Give me a blade.’


  ‘Do as I say!’ the torturer nervously handed Griffiths a small blade. ‘Unchain her.’ he approached Adonia and unlocked her shackles, her arms fell limply to her sides, but her expression remained the same. Griffiths placed the blade on her lap and crept closer to her. ‘I’m right here Adonia, you have the blade, kill me and avenge your family!’ again her eyes remained focused on the nothingness around her, her opportunity was right there but she remained nothing but the empty husk. ‘She truly is gone, isn’t she?’ she was quickly restrained once more before she gained any form of life. ‘I’ll contact Kinlan and inform him, Divine only knows what’s happening in that mind of hers.’

  ‘But she may not be willing sir.’

  ‘Does it look like it matters? Before Adonia would have killed any of us…Now it looks like she can’t even move unassisted, we’ll just say she’s ill, it worked for his daughter.’ Adonia was once again left alone in complete darkness, her body completely numbed to all feeling, nothing could bring her comfort, even the embrace of death.

  Chapter 8

  From the Ashes

  Fenrir fell in a deep state of depression and sometimes fury after he found what he thought was Adonia. He tried desperately to find freedom in his drawings, but nothing gave him comfort. He no longer exposed his arms, he now prompted to wear long sleeved shirts or jackets. His raids were no longer planned out, they were just frantic bloodbaths like the Strages he was raised with. People knew to fear him even more, all it took was an innocent glance to meet his blade, but even so alcohol was always in his reach. Barmic instructed his new hired help around the bar but occasionally looked over his shoulder to see Fenrir slumped over the table in a state of misery.

  ‘Fen.’ he sighed as he approached the elf. ‘Ye got tae it let go…She’s gone.’ he tried to comfort Fenrir by placing his hand on his forearm, but he quickly shifted away.

  ‘She’d still be alive if it wasn’t for me…I should never have gone to her…’

  ‘Fen A miss her too…A miss Arthur as well, but this shite right ‘ere is killing ye, look ye an elf ye practically live forever, they’ll be plenty of lasses oot there.’

  ‘I never trusted anyone like I trusted her…’ he sighed. ‘She was the only one I told about my family…’

  ‘Aye, A ken Fen…A ken.’

  ‘Leave him Barmic.’ Jenny snarled as she cleaned the tankards behind the bar. She never forgave Fenrir for his actions, whether he loved her or not Jenny blamed Fenrir for her death, if anything she hated Fenrir for what he had done, she wasn’t scared of the Blood Elf, like Adonia before her she wasn’t afraid to take him on.

  ‘I’ve told you a thousand times, I didn’t mean for it to happen, it’s alright for you two, your relationship isn’t illegal.’

  ‘So what?’ she slammed down the tankard, Barmic sighed as he felt another heated argument brewing again. ‘Killing people left, right and centre is illegal but that doesn’t stop you.’

  ‘Adonia would’ve been killed because of it!’

  ‘Keep telling yourself that.’ Fenrir snarled at her.

  ‘Fen.’ Barmic sighed.

  ‘It’s all his fault Addie is dead, stop defending him!’

  ‘I loved her Jenny!’ he yelled as he threw himself from his chair and stormed to the bar. ‘Do you think it was easy for me? I hate myself for the things I did and said. Just because it’s easy for you to lift your skirt to any man that asks, it doesn’t mean it’s just as easy for everyone else, Adonia was the only woman I’ve-.’ The entire tavern fell silent after the clap, out of anger and insult Jenny violently slapped him across the face.

  ‘Don’t you ever insult me.’ She shuddered. Even in her anger she realised what she had done and feared for her safety even if she kept a brave face. ‘I’m not scared of you.’ The strike took him by surprise, a slap to the face was nothing compared to what he was used to, but he never expected such a reaction from her, even he could sense her growing fear. ‘I don’t want to see you here again. Get out.’ Her voice continued to bubble as if she wa
s about to cry but had a much better control over herself. Fenrir looked back at Barmic quickly, even he didn’t know how to react. It was either his love or his adopted son, he held up his hands with a look of panic on his face. Fenrir could tell he was no longer wanted here. He sneered but just clenched his fits and stormed out of the inn.

  ‘Where ye goin?’

  ‘Out of here.’ He said angrily before retreating outside and taking his horse out to the grasslands.

  I’ll kill that bastard myself. He thought as he glared out to the castle in the distance unfazed whether or not if he would survive. The year tortured him long enough with the guilt, he had to end it. Adonia deserved better, she deserved a knight like Greymire, she deserved to die peacefully surrounded by those who loved her, not clutching her child in fear and left to the elements.

  Fenrir never forgot the secret exit that was hidden deep within the forests surrounding the castle, he knew to be careful here for traps or roaming guards. He jumped from Midnight and crept his way through the tunnel, cautious of any guards. His heart raced as he crept closer and closer to the castle in the secret underground tunnel, his anger boiled as he truly no longer cared for his life, everyone in that castle was going to die, everyone was going to meet their end by his blade. He was going to be this one-man army that Adonia hoped to be all in the name of getting her revenge. The tunnel stretched for a good half mile, the ceiling dripped, and rats scuttled under his feet in the complete darkness, he kept his breathing slow as he tried to concentrate on his surroundings, the grating couldn’t be far now. There in the far distance was the smallest shred of light that illuminated the ceiling, he approached the grate cautiously and tried to peek up at the cell. Slowly he pushed up the grating, it came up silently and he was quick to hide in the cell’s shadows as he heard the clunk of patrolling armour approaching. Fenrir watched the guard walk past, he barely paid any attention to the surrounding cells, an easy target. With silent footsteps he opened the cell door and crept behind the guard before quickly grabbing hold of his neck and snapping it with one quick movement. Fenrir quickly searched his body and found a large set of keys.

  ‘Y-you?’ he quickly looked over his shoulder to see a brutally beaten young man staring at him from behind the bars.

  ‘Wait, I recognise you…The blacksmith, I thought you died in the last raid.’

  ‘Name’s Derek, you’re that elf…Fenrir, right?’

  ‘That’s me…Look I’m here to kill every son of a bitch in here, you with me?’

  ‘You can be damn sure of that.’ He smiled. ‘Anyone that can still stand will be more than happy seeing that bastard’s head roll.’

  ‘Good.’ Fenrir quickly began releasing the prisoners, most of them couldn’t walk without assistance, but the ones who could riled themselves up for revenge ready to follow the Blood Elf. Fenrir continued unlocking the cells until he came to the last one closest to the torture chamber, he didn’t even look inside but went straight for the lock, its only when he opened the door to free the captive inside his eyes widened in disbelief.

  ‘A-Adonia?’ he shuddered. Fenrir nervously crept toward her and touched her face, it was her, she was alive! ‘Adonia you’re alive…I thought I lost you.’ He wept as he held her sunken face, yet her eyes continued to stare off into nothingness. ‘What did they do to you?’ he shook her briskly, but she still remained motionless, his heart completely changed, no longer did he want to kill but to get her away to safety.

  ‘Right let’s get this bastard.’ Derek hissed out to the other willing men, but Fenrir quickly exited the cell with Adonia wrapped in his jacket in his arms.

  ‘No, we leave now.’

  ‘What? You were just about to lead a charge to kill this man, let’s do it now while we have the chance!’

  ‘We’ll be slaughtered, look half of you can barely stand we need to come back better prepared.’

  ‘He kept us here as fucking toys, I want to see him dead!’

  ‘I know, we all do trust me, but now isn’t the time, Griffiths will get what he deserves, just now isn’t the time.’ Derek gave an unsatisfied sigh but looked at the girl in his arms, and the men that followed behind. What the elf said was true, these men couldn’t fight in their condition, most of the men in their cells were already dead and half eaten by the rats, others had lost their minds to insanity. Fenrir was right, they had to leave.

  ‘We follow you then elf.’ Fenrir gave a brisk nod then showed them to the exit, they all helped each other into the tunnel with Fenrir taking the lead. He knew eventually that Griffiths would discover that the men were missing, but hopefully by that time they’ll be more prepared to take him on, but for now all he could focus on was Adonia.

  The group of prisoners managed to escape the tunnel with ease and Fenrir placed Adonia on the waiting Midnight before setting off with the men back to the village.

  ‘Hey elf- Fenrir.’ Derek said as he laid his hand on Fenrir’s shoulder. He looked over and saw Derek’s smile of gratitude. ‘Thank you.’ Fenrir wanted to return the smile but only looked at Adonia as he gently supported her on the horse. ‘Who’s the girl?’ Derek asked as he tried to examine her.

  ‘…Adonia Hardgrave.’

  ‘Ha, everyone knows that she died at South Realm, you’re pulling my leg.’

  ‘She’s been at the village for a long time now, right under everyone’s nose.’

  ‘Wait.’ He examined her again. ‘That’s the same woman from the village…You sure…She’s still alive?’

  ‘I know she is and I’m going to save her no matter what it takes.’ Derek stared at him confused until he realised the relationship between them.

  ‘You can get killed for that you know.’ Fenrir quickly glared back, expecting confrontation but Derek put his hands up in defence. ‘I don’t care who or what you sleep with, you saved our lives back there, what’s your business is your business.’ a light feeling of relief came to his heart, perhaps people didn’t care as harshly as he was led to believe. As they came to the village several people lifted their heads from their daily toils to see their family and friends walk from the grave. A young woman threw herself from her house and straight into the arms of Derek all while screaming his name, many followed in her tracks, rushing to their loved ones and embracing them. Fenrir didn’t have time to watch the many reunions, he pressed forward to the inn where he removed Adonia from her horse and carried her inside. The inn was empty with the commotion outside but Barmic quickly rushed to Fenrir who had the half dead woman in his arms.

  ‘By the Divines’ flaming arses! She’s alive?!’

  ‘Barely, give me a hand, will you?’ the pair rushed up to her former room and Fenrir laid her on the bed, trying to make her as physically comfortable as possible.

  ‘Whit in the Divines’ name did they dae tae ‘er?’ Barmic gave a shuddered breath as he looked at her body. Fenrir looked down at her body and saw her forms of torture and recognised each and every one. But it was her eyes that most concerned him, he recognised the face of being broken, it was the same look his sister Melda had before they took her life.

  ‘…They broke her.’ Barmic scratched his chin as he looked at her and her wounds.

  ‘All we can dae is treat ‘er wounds n feed ‘er up, lass looks like a pile of bones.’ Fenrir laid his hand on her cheek and stroked it softly.

  ‘Addie? By the Divine Addie!’ Jenny exclaimed as she ran into the room and threw herself by her bedside. ‘Where was she? What happened?’ she said all in one rushed breath.

  ‘Griffiths’ castle, there were men from the village held as prisoner there’re and…So was she.’

  ‘I can’t believe it, you’re back Addie.’ She smiled as she began to weep. Fenrir smiled too, he could barely believe it himself as if he was having a nightmare teasing him of what he wanted most, to see Adonia again, but it was real, she was here. ‘I-I’m sorry Fenrir…I was angry.’ Jenny wept, he only shook his head and continued to stroke Adonia’s cheek with his thumb.
  ‘That doesn’t matter anymore, she’s back.’ Just then her eyes began to shift in his direction, his heart fluttered in excitement as she was coming around, he had reached her, but not in the way he wanted. Her eyes fixed on him angrily as she began snarl, he could feel her shaking, then suddenly she clawed out at him giving a powerful yell of animalistic anger.

  ‘A-Adonia it’s me, Fenrir.’ her eyes were no longer broken but filled with pain and hatred, she did everything in her power even with her broken body to attack him, with one burst of blinding fury she launched herself at him, wrapping her hands tightly over his throat, squeezing tighter and tighter.

  ‘Shite Fen!’ Barmic yelled as he tried to pry her from him but even as damaged as she was, she somehow managed to find this powerful inner strength to hold on. It took both the combined efforts of Barmic and Jenny to finally pull her away which gave Fenrir a chance to crawl back.

  ‘Fen get oot!’ Barmic yelled nervously as he tried to hold back the possessed creature.

  ‘But…’ but he recognised this very well, she was riled up to a point of complete fury, just like he was so many years ago. He backed away slowly until Jenny stood up and pushed him out of the room more out of fear than anger. Even behind the closed door he could hear her yells and pounds of anger, he brought her back, but not in the way he wanted. But maybe it’s for the best he thought as he leant against the wall, he wanted her to hate him after all, Fenrir got what he wanted.


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