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Trouble Brewing (In Ashwood Book 2)

Page 24

by Kinney Scott

  Wade crossed to his room just as the elevators opened. Annie’s laughter carried down the hall as she and Kyle exited the elevator. He didn’t feel like policing their activities, and slid into his room shutting the door before they could identify him from a distance. The thick hotel room doors did not mask Annie’s tipsy squeals, or the fact that only one door opened and shut in the hall.

  His respect for Kyle diminished. Annie may be willing, but was clearly drunk. Damn it, he should have lingered in the hall. Taking any action now would be ridiculous. Even though the walls were thick, he faintly made out her laughter, and the cadence of their conversation. At least the two were lucid enough to talk.

  He turned on a sports channel to mask the noise coming from the adjacent room, stripped out of his clothes, took a few minutes to brush his teeth, and crashed for the night. The replay of a baseball game hummed in the background as his mind slipped into a deep sleep.


  Natalie settled into the window seat, as Seth stowed his carry-on in the overhead bin. “I can’t believe we are doing this!” She grinned after he took his seat and kissed his soon to be wife.

  “No second thoughts about eloping?” he asked, but he knew the answer. He hadn’t seen her this happy since the day he proposed.

  “No second thoughts. After I pick up a little Hawaiian dress to get married in, we can say I do on a white sandy beach. Will our hotel will handle all the arrangements?” she asked hopefully.

  “They will handle everything from the flowers to the music. Anything you desire.” He could feel her tremble with excitement as the plane taxied across the tarmac.

  “I’m so happy Seth, thank you.” He held her hand, and brought her knuckles to his lips to touch with gentle kisses. He was now thoroughly thankful he had sprung for first class seats. He could steal a kiss in relative privacy, without sharing their row with a random stranger wearing a tropical print shirt. The steward offered them a glass of champagne as the mainland disappeared into a wide expanse of blue.


  Kent ducked his head through the window casing of an under construction home. “Have you seen Seth today?”

  Carlos glanced up as he passed by carrying a long piece of trim in one hand. “He took Natalie out of town.” His reply was not a complete lie. Sworn to secrecy, Carlos would only contact Seth if the sky fell. Maybe not even then.

  “Huh, must have been a last minute thing. Natalie didn’t even let Amanda know she would be gone.” Kent sighed - Carlos recognized the look. Each summer, Kent escaped for a few weeks to the river. This year he would need to learn a little patience.

  To keep Kent from blowing up Seth’s phone, Carlos asked, “Do you need anything?”

  “Nah, I just wondered where he was. This project is straightforward. You know, it’s almost too quiet around here, with Wade and half his people gone.” He didn’t know what to do with his extra time, now that Rick was lost, frequently hovering around Linnea.

  Kent thought about asking Amanda out on a legit date, but as much as he liked her, he could not commit. Hurting Amanda, or worse being her first - and having that on his conscience, extinguished that impulse.

  “Wade’s crew should be back late tomorrow, or the next day. Denver’s a long haul.” Carlos said before he kicked on the skill saw, the din ending any further conversation.

  Kent settled back to work, hoping the owner’s spontaneous trip wouldn’t last too long. HIs itch to get out on the river was building, if for no other reason than to hook up with one of the girls he met each summer. No strings attached, outdoors, casual, and temporary. Everything he wanted in a summer woman. He couldn’t duck out for an extended rafting trip before talking to Seth, but damn that itch was getting hard to ignore.


  Erik’s mouth dropped open as Wade explained the latest problems that had cropped up on the Denver trip. “Yesterday, Annie showed up late for Sunday’s final day clean up. She was clearly hung over, and pissed at Kyle. She blamed him for letting her sleep late, and sulked when he refused to apologize.” His young employee drug herself through every task, complaining with every movement. Wade could not wait to get her back to Ashwood and cut her a final check.

  “On top of that, today when we tried to start the fleet, Ravenna’s vehicle was dead. It worked fine on the first leg from Denver to Green River. I’ve sent Annie and Kyle on down the road. I hope they don’t kill each other before returning to Ashwood. We’ve got a mechanic here taking a look. God knows how long this will be.” Wade grumbled. “Have you picked up anything on the cameras we put around the brewery?”

  “Nothing but a growing family of raccoons looking for a way in.” Erik shared.

  “Raccoons can make a terrible mess. Let’s make sure to keep our garbage secured, and get the spent grain to the farmers quickly.”

  “Not a problem. We’ve got farms competing for the stuff. Their cattle love it.” Erik laughed.

  “Got to go, looks like the mechanic found the source of the problem.” Wade said as the young guy jogged in his direction.

  “Good luck, see you soon.” Erik ended the call, and checked the app on his phone that monitored the cameras. Nothing out of the ordinary, just Rick trying to steal a few moments with Linnea. Thankfully, so far nothing more than a kiss had been caught on the feed. He couldn’t stifle his chuckle. Rick might be losing his edge.


  “Easy fix, looks like someone pulled a fuse. I’ll have you on the road as soon as I run over and pick up a replacement.” The young guy said.

  “You mean a fuse is blown?” Wade asked.

  “Nope, it’s gone. Someone tampered with it. Did you leave the truck unlocked overnight? Seems someone has it out for you. Maybe the competition?” he shrugged, and jogged to his pickup. Wade decided to keep this tidbit of information to himself.

  As Ravenna waited, she sat in the diner working on her laptop. Coalition was already requesting numbers from the festival. Despite all of the irritations, the sales were outstanding. If CCC had allowed Mosquito to feature Sweet Venom at their main tent, the numbers would have skyrocketed.

  She glanced out the window as Wade settled the bill with the mechanic. Her respect for him increased each day. Any other man might take out the demands and recent setbacks on her his employees. Yet, he handled each obstacle with grace.

  Even when Steven had unexpectedly appeared first thing Sunday morning, attempting to rattle her nerves, Wade placed himself calmly in Steven’s path. He presence absorbed the brunt of Steven’s nasty attack.

  She could not shake the uneasy feeling the Steven hadn’t finished meddling with Mosquito Creek. Steven had sneered, “I see that you’ve had a decent showing despite the novice behavior of your crew. Do you think it’s a good idea to bring such green employees to an event as important as this? Coalition deserves your best effort.” Unfortunately, when neighboring Coalition staff noted Annie’s behavior, they had reported her lack of professionalism to the execs.

  “We keep our experienced people in the brewing, Steven. A fancy label and expensive marketing can’t sell cheap skunky beer.” Wade countered evenly.

  This man’s power needed no embellishment, and Ravenna loved the protection he provided without putting on an outlandish jealous display.

  Since Saturday, he had taken his time patiently wooing her with stolen kisses. Surrounded by his staff, he kept his public contact professional. Someday she hoped Wade would find the freedom to let the world know about their growing connection.

  Glancing at Ravenna while she focused on her laptop screen, Wade could not imagine her tampering with the truck. What would be the point? Someone on this trip must have done this.

  Perhaps Annie? Was she angry enough to sabotage Ravenna? Maybe Kyle - but he was clearly anxious to get home, far away from Annie’s daggered looks. A competing brewer may have spotted their fleet, and messed with his truck overnight. Anything was possible. Determined to put this trip behind him, Wade decided to tell Ravenn
a it was a blown out fuse. Only Erik knew the details, best to keep it that way for now.

  The little bell over the door chimed, followed by Wade settling in across the booth. “Looks like it’s just a blown fuse. An easy fix.” He said, attempting to mask lingering anxiety.

  “What a relief, I was concerned about the truck being tampered with. I’ve had a bad feeling from the time we left Ashwood. Something has felt off.” She shared openly. Now he regretted his deception. He felt the same apprehension, but it was too late to come clean.

  “Unfortunately, that means we will be several hours behind Annie and Kyle. The fix should only take a few minutes once the mechanic returns.” Wade took a sip of the coffee that the waitress poured after he sat.

  A smile crept across her face, and her cheeks flushed as she shared her smoldering-hot idea, “well, I didn’t turn in my key. And check out isn’t for more than two hours…we have no reason to hurry down the road to our next stop right away.”

  Wade went rock hard in an instant. “Wait for me in your room. I’ll hurry the mechanic, pay him and meet you. Ravenna?” he had her undivided attention.

  “Yes?” she whispered.

  “Not one stitch of clothes on, babe. I want you laying bare on the sheets, waiting for me.” He whispered and her face went from pink to a deliciously tempting shade of crimson.

  He growled, “God, I love it when you blush.”

  “Please, don’t take too long. I’ll be ready.” Her sultry look had him counting the seconds until the mechanic returned. Thankful the young guy was a man of few words, Wade kept his communication to a minimum.

  Ravenna quickly dashed around the room trying to make the plain accommodations appear a bit more romantic. This morning when her truck failed to turn over, she decided to leave her suitcase in the room, hang out the do not disturb sign, and see how the morning played out.

  Now, she lay bare, her sun kissed skin contrasting against crisp white sheets. Her body heated becoming slick as she anticipated Wade’s knock at the door. Her fingers slid over the soft peaks of her breasts, tightening her nipples in the cool air that rattled from the antiquated air conditioner below the window. The waiting brought its own delicious insanity.

  Imagining his touch, she trailed her fingertips lower, teasing the soft hair that covered her neatly trimmed pussy. Arousal peaked her senses, every movement an electrifying sensation.

  His knock, and his voice, “Ravenna,” widened her eyes.

  “It’s open,” she tempted. The rigged door looked secure from the outside, but easily slid open when he pushed.

  “Anyone could have walked in,” he said as his cock ground against his jeans.

  “But you were right outside, you would have stopped them.” She answered, trust laced in her reply.

  As his eyes fully adjusted to the dim room, he sucked in a steadying breath. “Ravenna, I have never seen anything more beautiful.” His legs carried him to the edge of the bed, below her slightly squirming, nervous feet.

  “While you have been waiting, did you touch yourself?” Wade asked. “The entire time I stood waiting for the mechanic to finish, I imagined you, here.”

  “Yes,” She whispered, as her legs inched apart in response to his eyes settling at the apex of her thighs.

  “Show me.” He commanded, as he pulled his shirt off in one swift movement, leaving his muscled chest bare and putting on display his intriguing mosquito tattoo. It rested over his ribcage, darkly captivating. Her distraction moved to the dusting of hair scattered around his nipples, and the slightly darker line that disappeared beneath the edge of his jeans. Her eyes rested on that tantalizing spot. Wade slid the button open, just to watch her squirm.

  Ravenna began her slow tease at the spot she had a few minutes before. Her fingers trailed caressing her breasts, and pulled each nipple to a rigid peak.

  “Now lower,” he growled. His eyes hooded and slipped to a darker shade of steely-gray, as her fingers teased the wet line of her sex. Wade slid his zipper down, at the same rate that she stroked her fingers into her slick sliver of heat.

  “Oh, Wade. I need your touch.” She cried. Her legs spreading further in vulnerable invitation.

  “Not yet, Ravenna. Soon.” His cock sprung free, as he slid his clothes to the floor. Ravenna’s eyes widened, as she took in his hard proud length. “We will take things slow,” he said in response to the wrinkle of concern he spotted between her eyes.

  “Now, slide your fingers in, I want to see how wet you are.” He instructed, as she spread her knees open, canted her hips, and dipped two fingers in the pink folds of her pussy. Her moans increased as she pulsed her hips forward, deepening her eager strokes. She cried out, taking her pleasure from his intense reaction and the wickedly slick sensation.

  Wade curled his fingers tight around his cock, stroking in a cadence that mimicked the beat of her hips. “Don’t come,” he warned as her breathing increased in tempo.

  Ravenna paused, as he prowled forward and bent toward her. He circled her wrist and brought her fingers to his lips, sucking each one clean. “So sweet, I need to take a deeper taste.” His tongue dipped thoroughly into the heated glistening valley her fingers had just teased.

  With powerful hands, he lifted her hips deepening the penetration of his tongue. As her fingers tore into the white sheets, he lapped a long sensuous line to the apex of her sex and sucked, hard. The onslaught on her sensitive nerves sent a surge of pleasure that rolled through her body in wave after wave of hot release. Ravenna barely recognized her own cry as she called out his name. Her body hungered to be completely owned by this powerful man.

  Time lapsed as she recovered her breath, until she heard the rip of a condom wrapper. She peeked through dark lashes as he slid the protection down his length. Wade surprised her when he crawled up the bed, laying next her, giving her a moment to recover from an orgasm that she still felt pulsing throughout her body.

  “That was stunning, Ravenna. I want to see you come apart with me, while I’m buried deep inside.” He whispered as he trailed his fingers across her soft as velvet skin around her belly button. Each breath she took accentuating her pale graceful curves.

  “I want you, Wade, to feel your weight over me, surrounding me when we come.” A deep need for his possession consumed her with desire. He prowled over her body, taking time to touch, kiss and taste his way from her shoulders, down her neck, carefully attending to the need of her peaked rosebud nipples.

  At last, he settled his hardened body at the junction of her hips. Hooking her feet at the bend of his knees, she urged him forward, begging for the wide tip of his rigid cock to breach her channel. A fraction at a time he eased in, then pulled back. Each pulse buried his length a bit further, taking more of her senses under his control. Braced on his hands, he watched as her eyes widened. She gasped, “You are so big, Wade.”

  Straining against her tight channel as she stretched to accommodate him, he began a slow measured climb that ransacked his senses. He lost himself in her moans, her scent, and the dark silk of her hair draped over the white pillows. Each time he pulled out his world became more attuned to her every move, pant and cry. Ravenna’s body chased the drag of his cock across her inner nerves. Each pass squeezed tighter around his steely length. Her fingernails raked along his back, and he welcomed the sting. Pain mixed with pleasure, he was so close to exploding, but refused the release.

  Ravenna’s breath came in ragged bursts as her channel fisted around his cock. “Come for me,” he gasped as he drove deep. Her stripped senses plunged toward an orgasm that racked her body in heated passion. Her tight channel pulsed around him and he exploded from spine to fingertip, white light burning behind his eyes. He was entirely lost in a euphoria that left him speechless, entirely lost in her spell.

  Unwilling to remove himself from her heat he spun her body over his, and she collapsed on the solid plane of his chest. They breathed heavily in unison. Recovering from a place that neither had experienced before. �
�Wade, I’ve never… that was…perfect.” She said and giggled a little.

  Normally laughter would be the wrong response, but he shared her disbelief. “I didn’t think anything could be…”

  “So powerful.” They finished the thought aloud together. He joined her, as she laughed, still pulsing from the unbelievable release. Finally he gave in, and left the bed to take care of the condom.

  Bringing back a glass of water, he asked, as she took a sip. “Can I talk you into staying here another night?”

  Her brows raised, considering his request. She nodded, hoping he was serious.

  “Thank you, I see no reason to rush back. I have everything I want laying right here in front of me. He moved over her again, demonstrating why he needed all day to explore all the ways he could deliver delirious bliss.

  The afternoon sun beat against the worn curtains in their motel, casting the room in a golden glow. Ravenna had never found delivery pizza so delicious, but she had never worked up such a serious appetite either.

  Later that evening she lay in bed ignoring a local news channel as the shower still ran. Wade asked her to stay right where she was. He wanted to leave the room, but for only a few hours. They needed to find a place in this town to grab a decent meal. If she joined him under the hot spray, they may never leave.

  While she had a moment, she finished replying to a text from Linnea. Kyle and Annie had called the brewery with a plan to push back to Ashwood tonight. The thirteen-hour drive would put the pair arriving after ten this evening. Evidently, Kyle had put up with enough of Annie’s complaining, and wanted away from her as soon as possible.

  Ravenna didn’t blame the girl for some of her poor behavior. After her drunken hook-up with Kyle, he had brushed her off quickly. Annie took the rejection and flung it back in his face with wicked energy.

  Eventually she knew Linnea would find out all the dirty details on her own. For now, Ravenna kept the information to herself. She despised spreading gossip and refused to give in to the temptation of gaining entertainment at another’s expense.


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