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Trouble Brewing (In Ashwood Book 2)

Page 25

by Kinney Scott

  Ravenna got up, as the spray of the shower ceased. Before trading places with Wade, she attached her phone to the charger when her tone chimed with another text. At the same moment a message buzzed, this time from Wade’s phone. Ravenna felt an instant stab of worry, perhaps something serious was going on in Ashwood.

  “Was that my phone?” Wade asked emerging from the steam-filled bathroom. A towel was slung low around his waist, revealing the lean line of muscle that angled at his hips. His long hair glistened with droplets of water hanging on the ends.

  Ravenna took a long unashamed look, and he smiled. Then he flexed for her, turned around and gave her a classic body builder pose. “And to think most of this hardened muscle comes from lifting kegs.” He laughed.

  “Whatever you are doing works. I want to touch every inch of those hard muscles.” She said as she gave into temptation and traced the black and grey mosquito tattoo on his ribcage.

  “So long as you promise not to ignore the hardest place on my body. He said pressing her against his solid erection.” She laughed pushing away the towel, to grasp his firm ass and caress every hardened contour.

  Ravenna ignored the sounds from their phones as she led him to the flimsy desk and heavy wood chair placed in front of a large mirror. Sitting at the perfect height to take his length, she made certain to angle her position and give Wade a view he would remember. “Fuck, yes.” He growled as her lips teased the plum colored tip of his cock. Her tongue slid over his velvet smooth length and meticulously explored the rigid contoured veins pulsing hot with raging desire. Circling her fingertips, she grazed his tight balls.

  Peeking up through dark lashes, she smiled around his cock spotting his eyes riveted on their reflected image in the large mirror. Feeling her gaze, he tangled her hair in his fist to complete the erotic scene. Ravenna moaned, heat pooling between her legs as he took control. She opened her throat to accommodate his pulsing length. Moving her hands from his shaft and balls, she wrapped her fingers around the back of his thighs in complete surrender. His firm as concrete muscles bunched and flexed as he pushed forward in rapidly increasing thrusts. “Ravenna - I’m gonna come,” he growled as his seed flooded the back of her throat. She grasped his ass to take him a little deeper, as he trembled out the last pulses of his release.

  She lapped up the last of his cum, tickling the back of his sweat slick ass with her fingers. “Delicious,” she purred. When the phone insistently pinged again.

  Wade was more than a little disappointed when Ravenna moved, distracted by an image that appeared on the display of her phone. He was still recovering as she squealed happily.

  Coming back to his senses, he glanced over her shoulder as she sighed, “Oh, my God. Wade, look!” Ravenna sat to study each image.

  “What’s happened?”

  He grabbed the towel from the bed and slung it round his hips before sinking into the mattress next to her.

  “Wow, I’m surprised. I thought Natalie was excited about planning a big wedding. Congrats Seth and Natalie!” He said with enthusiasm. “I’ve never seen Seth look happier. Eloping must have been the right decision.”

  Ravenna sighed, “Oh, just look at her dress, and the waves around their bare feet. Could anything be more romantic?” She loved the details of Natalie’s simple strapless dress, falling just below her knees. The tropical sunlight brought out a faint floral pattern. A thin belt of delicate glimmering crystal circled her trim waist. In her hand, Natalie held white flowers. The same pale blooms adorned her hair.

  “Natalie looks so beautiful.” Ravenna said, taking a closer look at the next picture. A turquoise ocean surrounded the couple. The sun had dipped low enough in the sky to streak delicate pink and lavender splashes of color across the horizon.

  After taking a moment to reply and congratulate the couple, Wade watched Ravenna as she scrolled through the pictures. She glowed with happiness for Seth and Natalie. For a moment, he risked imagining a lifetime with this alluring woman. Picturing their lives entwined together. Having a family, growing old with her felt right. Yet, so many obstacles could easily disrupt a path that now seemed perfectly clear.

  Wade pulled on boxers and jeans, determined to use this timely distraction. They needed to escape the room and find a decent meal before returning later for a satisfying night of loving exploration.


  Across Ashwood phones chimed with enthused messages, accompanied by stunning pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Michaels. Natalie had called her Mom just after the ceremony, and they both shed happy tears.

  When the couple made the call to her brother, Ben wasn’t too surprised to hear the news. “I am a little disappointed I didn’t get to walk you down the aisle, sis. I’m convinced you two made the right choice. You have never sounded happier. I love you both. Enjoy your honeymoon!”

  “We will, thanks Ben. We love you” Ben could actually hear their smiles as over speakerphone.

  When she received the call from her mother, Amanda tried her best not to let the sharp disappointment ruin her day. Seth called Mom and Dad, but left his parents to tell his siblings. Spending hours on the phone was not a good use of time on his honeymoon.

  Amanda sulked a bit in the Whitewater office, and looked forward to Annie’s return from her Denver trip. Helping with Seth and Natalie’s wedding had occupied much of her time. Now all the work she put in seemed to be nothing but an epic waste.

  She knew she was selfish, but could not help but worry about the days ahead, stretching in dull repetition. Amanda had become annoyed with Kent. He seemed to be avoiding her, and obsessively talked of nothing but leaving on a rafting trip. When news of the elopement swept across the shop, he was clearly disappointed. Kent would need to wait until Seth returned to get out on the river.

  Shifting his hours, Kent came in early to make time for a quick evening paddle on the river while the water was high and the days were long. Each weekend he gathered with adrenaline seeking friends for short trips on the Little White. It seemed lately that Kent’s choices consistently pushed Amanda to the fringes of his life. Yet, at work, his endless flirtation continued to fuel false hope.

  Kyle rolled in just after eleven, about ten minutes ahead of Annie. He was surprised to find Erik and Trisha waiting to unload. “Thanks for waiting for our arrival. I’m sorry our change of itinerary kept you up so late.” Kyle said, grateful for the help.

  “Hey, no worries. We’ve pulled home late on similar trips, when all you can think about is your own bed.” Lets see if we can make quick work of the essentials, and finish the rest tomorrow morning.” Erik slid the large doors open and grabbed a dolly to get to work.

  Exhaustion kept words to a minimum. Annie sped away first. Leaving Kyle to lock up with Trish and Erik. “Are you both still staying on site?” Kyle asked as they secured the trucks.

  “Yeah, but we leave early tomorrow afternoon to head back up to Old Mosquito. Wade’s car trouble will put him at least a day behind you.” Trish added. Erik wasn’t exactly sure how much time Wade planned to spend on the road. However, if Wade wanted to take a slow road home it was no one’s business but his own.

  Kyle looked puzzled, and carefully masked his surprise. Any decent mechanic would have found that pulled fuse in about ten minutes. “Wow, it seems we need to pay more attention to vehicle maintenance,” he said, still pondering any other possible causes for their lengthy delay. This worked in his favor - he only needed a little time.

  “See you in the morning.” Kyle said as he wandered towards his car.

  Erik locked up, checked the security camera app on his phone, and called it a night.

  “What time do we need to be back in the brewery tomorrow morning babe?” Trish asked, as they wandered arm in arm to the tiny-home Wade let them use in his absence.

  “Why don’t we sleep in a bit, or at least stay in bed?” he said, with a telling smile.

  “I suddenly have a bit more energy,” Trish added, as she snuck her hand around and gave h
er husband’s ass a squeeze.

  “Babe, I’m more than happy to burn that energy off with you right now.” he said they picked up their pace. Trish and Erik tripped up to the loft, quickly tangling in each other’s arms.


  Kyle struggled to wake after only two hours of sleep, but he wanted this to be over. Steven had promised another large cash deposit once he destroyed another batch of Double Deet. This setback would put Wade so far behind his scheduled commitment to Coalition, that he would be trapped by Coalition’s demands.

  Tampering with the rigs during the road trip hadn’t done much more that heighten the tension for Mosquito Creek Brewing. At first Kyle thought those little annoyances were worthless, but watching the team come apart in Denver had proved that all of his meddling was worth the extra effort.

  Finding Annie so willing to hit the sheets, and better still, so emotionally explosive as he toyed with her after they hooked up, gave him extra time to put action to his plans. She wanted to distance herself from him as soon as possible, and was eager to push toward home. Kyle regretted giving up Annie so soon. She left plenty to enjoy. He kept his priorities in line - money was tougher to come by than an easy lay.

  Kyle killed the engine and pulled his car to the dark edges of the lot. Far away from the Mill lights, he crept in the entrance farthest from the tiny house where Erik and Trish now slept.

  His headlamp, with a small red light, gave the best possible combination of night vision and stealth, as he set about to add burnt malt to the current batch of Double Deet. He had scorched the key ingredient at home.

  The subtle change may take days to mature and detect, but ultimately the batch would be ruined. Once Kyle had completed his task, he quickly slipped out the way he came, snuck into his car and drove home. Now that his most damaging task was complete, he found it surprisingly easy to sleep. Any ability to conjure up guilt had worked out of him in prison. Kyle thanked the penal system for giving him the skills to work in the brewing industry. Who knew it would have come in so handy.


  Waking in Wade’s arms could become a serious addiction. His light kisses across her breast, entered her dreams and had Ravenna panting with need before she was even aware of her exact location. Pure pleasure accelerated as he drew a pattern down her belly leaving a trail of heated desire. “Don’t stop, that feels perfect,” she moaned, her eyes still shut to the morning light.

  “I intend to keep touching you until I watch you fall apart with only my touch,” he said. “The view is amazing.” Her body responded with every glide of his fingers. Each caress pulled a gasp from her lips that hardened his already steely cock. He wondered if he might come only by watching ecstasy play across her features.

  Every inch of Ravenna’s skin increased in sensitivity. Her legs scissored on the rumpled sheets, until she had kicked off every thread of covering. Laying entirely bare before him, he smiled as she writhed, his to direct and enjoy. Wade took his time, teasing cries from her with circles of his fingers and plunges into her depths. She lost herself completely under his generous touch.

  As she arched off the mattress, he knew she was drawing close. It took all his will power not to lift himself over her body and plunge deep into her wet depths. Watching her joy was too mesmerizing. He could not tear himself away from this erotic display. As her climax arced in electric pulses, he was exactly where he wanted to be, controlling each peaked climactic wave as it rolled into the next, her wet sex grasping his fingers with tight pulses of potent heat. “So beautiful,” he whispered as he dotted soothing kisses along her vulnerable neck.

  “Mm, good morning, man of mine.” She moaned, and Wade loved her possessive words. He already felt she was his, meant for him only. That Ravenna could never belong to another.


  Erik loved sleeping in late after making love to his wife. Seven years of marriage only heightened their skills and deepened the relationship. Trish had recently gone off the pill. Each time they made love seemed better than the last, now that he hoped to see her belly begin to get beautifully round with his baby. Soon.

  He slipped quietly from bed and gave her extra time to sleep, as he took a cup of coffee and wandered over to the brewery. He noticed that Linnea beat him in, having arrived already. The snap of hammers and hum of saws told him that Carlos, Rick and Kent also beat him to work. He went about his routine, finally taking a break to check the security app on his phone.

  It began like every other video feed. Darkened rooms, illuminated with the faint light from the glow of a green exit sign. A few security lights reflected off the bright tanks, creating silo shaped shadows slanted over the lines of the wood floor.

  Then Erik spotted something unusual. A small red light bobbed, moving around the brewery. The cameras had a difficult time picking up details, but a human gait was clearly causing some sort of movement. A dark hand crossed over the reflective surface of the tank holding Double Deet. Moving carefully, something was dumped in the batch from a plastic container. The hand moved away before the barely discernable human form moved out of the frame.

  Shit, shit, shit. From this camera angle, he could not make out the identity.

  Switching to another feed, one that kept watch over the rear entrance, the view was unmistakable. Kyle. Dressed in dark clothes with a red headlamp strapped to his forehead. He held a small clear plastic bag in his hand. Erik knew the contents now swirled in the current batch of Double Deet.

  Another setback, it must be dumped immediately. Now that Erik considered the problem thoroughly, every surface, every batch, every ingredient that Kyle had access to, was now suspect. Damn it, this was not his call, but the risk to the public was too high. Wade would certainly agree.

  He buried himself in Mosquito’s storage area, away from ears and eyes to place the painful call. Wade picked up. The hum of the diesel engine let Erik know Wade was finally on the road and Ravenna was most likely driving the other rig. “Are you on the road?” He asked to confirm

  Wade anticipated these daily morning updates. He had been impatient to receive this call. “Go ahead, I’m alone.”

  Erik described in vivid detail what he had recently witnessed. The events had unfolded just a few hours earlier.

  “Fuck, you’re right. Even the kegs that are ready to ship will need to be pulled. This could end me, end Mosquito Creek Brewing.” Wade slammed his hand against the steering column, the pain nothing compared to the hideous feeling in his gut.

  “Erik, keep this quiet. Let me think. Only tell Trish and Seth, but no one else. Maybe they will have some brilliant insight. We need a way out of this god-awful mess.” Wade groaned.

  Erik took a moment to breathe. “We’ve got evidence. Let’s find a way to use this. There’s still hope. Today I will carry on as if nothing is different. We need to watch Kyle. Wade, don’t give up.”

  “Not a chance. I’m not rolling over and playing dead. Let me think, maybe I can figure this out from behind the wheel. I’ll see if I can conjure up a moment of fucking genius. I plan to push home. We will see you around midnight.”

  “See you soon, good luck.” Erik tried to stifle his desire to dump every vessel and clean every tank. He set about doing work that was merely a front to the pent up anger simmering below the surface.

  Wade’s thoughts worked every angle of the new problem. Sweet Venom at Old Mosquito was still marketable. Thank God, Kyle had no access to that location.

  He needed to find a way to temporarily shut down the taproom immediately. All it took was one quick call. He called the credit card company, and said their payment system was compromised. The company agreed to pause the service until he resolved the problem. When he got a call from Linnea a few minutes later, saying she couldn’t take payments, he asked her to close the doors for the day.

  She questioned his judgement, knowing there was more happening than her brother would let on. “Trust me on this Linn, it’s for the best. Can you keep this between us for now?
Please tell everyone we’re having computer issues.”

  “What’s going on Wade? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Please Linnea, I need time. I swear, you will know everything tomorrow. I need you to work as if nothing unusual is happening. Nobody, not even family, can know.”

  “You are scaring me, Wade.” He could clearly detect the fear edging into her tone, “Okay, I will do whatever you need. I love you.”

  “Love you too, sis. I’ll fix this. We will be alright.” Any further damage was contained. Now, he began mentally working the problem.


  At the next stop for fuel, Ravenna knew something wasn’t right. Wade moved with a determined focus she had never seen in him before. “Do you mind if we grab fast food and push on toward home?” He asked.

  “After last night, and this morning, I’m anxious to pick up where we left off.” She said leaning into his solid frame. His touch seemed hesitant, making her nervous.

  He tried to shift his thoughts, but found it impossible to stop obsessing over the tampering at the brewery. “I do look forward to that, but tonight we may both be too tired to do anything more than hold each other. Especially after unloading the trailers.” He pulled her close for a reassuring embrace.

  Her warm touch temporarily eased his fears. She can’t be involved in the tampering. Unless Kyle took directions from her. Despising himself for the errant idea, he recoiled from her embrace with a shadow of guilt.

  Ravenna knew something was wrong, but chose to paste on a smile. “Let’s get on the road. She said with a kiss, it tasted sweet, but did nothing to temper his guilt. Wade turned intending to confide in her, but stopped himself. I hope that she will understand. Hell, even I’m even leaving Linnea in the dark.

  A skeleton of a plan had formed in his mind by the time Wade rolled into Ashwood. Unfortunately, it all depended on Kyle. Erik and Wade unloaded in near silence, unable to discuss in the open, what possessed their thoughts. By the time they finished work, the sky was taking on the faint cast of dawn. Purple tinted the spaces between the branches of the trees, and the birds began to call out the first trills of the day. Ravenna had long ago slipped off to bed, exhausted after the lengthy drive.


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