The Technology Trap
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Acemoglu, Daron, 15, 19, 80, 86, 144, 225
age of discovery, 67–71, 76
agglomeration economies, 257
Agrawal, Ajay, 308
agriculture, 34, 54, 62; labor-replacing inventions in, 38; mechanization of, 189; three-field system of, 42
Aguiar, Mark, 338
airline reservation systems, 215
airship technology, 110
Alison, William, 115
Allen, Robert, 65, 75, 121, 132, 223
AlphaGo, 302–3
Amara, Roy, 323
Amara’s Law, 323–25
Amazon Go, 312
American capitalism, perceived threat to, 210
American dream, 251, 280
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 279
American system. See mass production
American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T), 315
annus mirabilis of 1769, 97, 148
anti-Amazon law, 290
Antikythera mechanism, 39
Appius Claudius, 37
Archimedes, 30, 39
Aristotle, 1, 39
Arkwright, Richard, 94, 101
artificial intelligence (AI), 5, 36, 301–41, 228, 342; Alexa (Amazon), 306; AlphaGo (Deep Mind), 301, 302; Amara’s Law, 323–25; artificial neural networks, 304; autonomous robots, 307; autonomous vehicles, 308, 310, 340; big data, 303; Chinese companies, 313; Dactyl, 313; data, as the new oil, 304; Deep Blue (IBM), 301, 302; deep learning, 304; -driven unemployment, 356; Google Translate, 304; Gripper, 313; internet traffic, worldwide, 303; JD. com, 313; Kiva Systems, 311; machine social intelligence, 317; Microsoft, 306; misconception, 311; multipurpose robots, 327; Neural Machine Translation, 304; neural networks, 303, 305, 314; pattern recognition, 319; phrase-based machine translation, 304; Siri (Apple), 306; speech recognition technology, 306; Turing test, 317; virtual agents, 306; voice assistant, 306; warehouse automation, 314
artisan craftsmen, 8; in domestic system, 118, 131; emigration of, 83; factory job, transition to, 124; fates of, 17; full-time, 34; middle-income, 11, 16, 24, 135; replacement of, 9, 16, 218
Ashton, T. S., 94–95
atmospheric pressure, discovery of, 106
Austen, Jane, 11, 60–61, 69, 337
automation: adverse consequences of, 11, 240; bottlenecks to, 234; next wave of, 339; social costs of, 349; winners and losers from, 343
automobiles: cheapening of, 18, 167; industry, 202; invention of, 166; production, 165
autonomous vehicles, 308, 310, 340
Autor, David, 225, 234, 243, 254
Babbage, Charles, 119–20, 134
baby boom, 221
Bacon, Francis, 94
Bacon, Roger, 78
Baines, Edward, 111, 119–20, 124
barometer, 52, 59
Bartels, Larry, 273–75
Bastiat, Frederic, 338
Bauer, Georg, 51
Bayezid II, Sultan, 17
Benedictines, 78–79
Benjamin Franklin Bridge, 167
Benz, Karl, 148, 166
er, Thor, 259, 284, 359
Bessen, James, 105, 136, 247
biblio-diversity, promotion of, 290
bicycle, 165
Biden, Joseph, 238
big data, 303
Black Death, 67, 75
Blincoe, Robert, 9, 124
blue collar aristocracy, 239, 282
blue-collar jobs, disappearance of, 251, 254
Blue Wall, 284
Bohr, Niels, 298
Bostrom, Nick, 36
Boulton, Matthew, 107, 379
Boulton & Watt company, 107, 109
bourgeois virtues, 70
Bracero program, 204
Braverman, Harry, 229–30
British income tax, introduction of, 133
British Industrial Revolution: great divergence, 137; human costs of displacement, 192; machinery riots, 103, 219; path to, beginnings of, 75; reason for beginnings, 75; significance of, 8; technological event, 149; textile industry, 100. See also Industrial Revolution
Bronx, 182
Bronx-Whitestone Bridge, 167
Bronze Age, 35
Brown, Sherrod, 291
Brynjolfsson, Erik, 303, 326, 329, 339
bubonic plague (1348) (Black Death), 67, 75
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 191
Bush, George W., 357
Bythell, Duncan, 121
California Civil Code of 1872, 359
Čapek, Karel, 74
capitalism: perceived threat to, 210; beginnings of, 70; criticism of, 342; impact of clocks on evolution of, 47; rise of, 218; Jeffersonian ideal under, 212; normal state of, 210
capitalist achievement, 294
Capitoline Hill, 40
Captain Swing riots, 130, 285
caravel construction, 50–51
Cardwell, Donald, 47, 59, 97
Carlyle, Thomas, 117
Carnegie, Andrew, 208
Cartwright, Edmund, 105, 127
Case, Anne, 255–56
Cave, Edward, 102
Celestine III, Pope, 44
cement masonry, discovery of, 37
Chadwick, Edwin, 114–15
Charles I of England, King, 54–55, 82, 86
Chartism, 137
cheap labor, slower mechanization and, 75
Cherlin, Andrew, 276, 279
Chetty, Raj, 253, 361
child labor, 103, 123, 134; as opportunity cost to education, 214; robots of Industrial Revolution, 8–9
chimney aristocracy, 89
China: admission to World Trade Organization, 281, 286; ascent of, 289; delayed industrialization in, 88; trade war with, 331
Christensen, Clayton, 354
Chrysler Building, 182
civil rights: lagging, 20; legislation, 280
Civil War (American), 75
Civil War (English), 81
Clark, Gregory, 29, 48, 60
classical civilizations, 37
clientelism, 271
Clinton, Hillary, 285
clocks, 47
Coalbrookdale Iron Company, 108
cognitive divide, 238–43
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 84
collective action problem, 19–20
collective bargaining, 192
college-educated citizens: activities of, 352; detachment of, 256; among Great Divergence, 258, 358; hours per day worked, 338; perceived untrustworthiness of, 278; promotion of, 350; qualified as middle class, 239
Colt, Samuel, 149–50
Columbus, Christopher, 51, 67
Communist Manifesto, 7, 63, 70, 119
competition: among nation-states, 19, 57, 89; cascading, 289
computer-aided design software, 13
computer-controlled machines, jobs eliminated by, 228
computer publishing, 247
computers: age of, 228–38; analysts in, 235; automation anxiety concerning, 183; jobs created in, 16; ranks of the affluent in, 224; revolution, 249; those who thrived in, 16; trend beginning with, 258
connectivity, 362–63
consumer products: cheapening of, 294; new, Americans’ growing appetite for, 203
containerization, 171–72
Corbyn, Jeremy, 281
Corn Laws, 267
corporate giants, 208
corporate paternalism, 200
corporate profits, 132, 244
cotton cloth guild, 88
cotton industry, 100
cotton production, mechanization of, 7
Cowie, Jefferson, 200
craft guilds, 55–57, 87
Crafts, Nicholas, 107, 329
crime, joblessness and, 253
Crimean War, 150
Crompton, Samuel, 94, 102
Crouzet, François, 70
Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1851, 147, 149
cultural phenomenon, working class as, 278
culture of growth, 77
Dactyl, 313
Da Gama, Vasco, 51, 67
Dahl, Robert, 273, 352
Daimler, Gottlieb, 166
Darby, Abraham, 108
Dark Ages, light in, 41–51
data, as the new oil, 304
David, Paul, 153, 326
Davis, James J., 175
“deaths of despair,” 256
Deaton, Angus, 8, 255
Declaration of Rights of 1689 (Bill of Rights), 79
Decree Tractor Company, 215
Deep Blue, 303
deep learning, 304
Deep Mind, 301
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 307
Defoe, Daniel, 68–69, 71, 84
democracy: legitimacy of, undermining of, 274; liberal, components of, 267; middle class and, 265–69; rise of, 265
Descartes, René, 94
Detroit, Michigan, 151, 257, 359
Devine, Warren, Jr., 153
Diamond, Jared, 64
Dickens, Charles, 117
digital communication, 360
digital industries, clustering of, 260
Diocletian, Roman Emperor, 65
disappearance of jobs, 250–52
“disciplined self” identity, 279
Disraeli, Benjamin, 112, 268
Dittmar, Jeremiah, 48
Domesday Book of 1086, 44
domestic system of production, 61, 71; downfall of, 8
Douglas, Paul H., 178–79
Drebbel, Cornelis, 52
drones, 342
Drucker, Peter F., 227
drudgery, end of, 193–98
Dust Bowl (1930s), 193, 204
Dutch Revolt, 81
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), 357
earnings gap, 230
economic incentive, lack of, 40
economic inequality, 22, 274, 277
economic parasites, 79
economic segregation, 356
economies of scale, factories taking advantage of, 110
Eden, Frederick, 116, 344
Edison, Thomas, 2, 52, 148, 189
education and technology, race between, 216
Eilmer of Malmesbury, 78
Eisenhower, Dwight, 307
electricity, early days of, 151
electrification, rural, 157
Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC), 230
elevator: arrival of, 14; automatic, 182
Elevator Industry Association, 182
elevator operators, vanishing of, 181, 227
Elizabeth I of England, Queen, 10, 54, 105
Empire State Building, 182
enabling technologies, 13, 227, 228
Engels, Friedrich, 70, 112, 249, 364
Engels’ pause, 131–37, 219; ending of, 287; polarization and, 266; return of, 243–48, 331; time of, 337
English craft guilds, fading power of, 87
entrepreneurial risk, 77
Facebook, 285
factory system, 8, 97, 126; annus mirabilis of 1769, 97; artisans, 98; child labor, 103, 104; coke smelting, 109; control over factory workforc
e, 104; cotton industry, 100; domestic industry, output growth in, 98; earlier modes of production, 97–98; economies of scale, factories taking advantage of, 110; electrification, 190, 195; Industrial Revolution, 97, 100–101; international trade, rise of, 99; inventions, 102; iron, railroads, and steam, 105–11; mechanical clock as enabling technology for, 47; railroad, arrival of, 108; rise of machines, 99–105; silk industry, beginnings of, 99; social savings of steam engine, 107; steam engine, economic virtuosity of, 107; working class, 98
Fairchild Semiconductor, 359
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, 200
farming: disappearance of jobs, 197, 203; mechanization of, 324; revolution, 168–69
feudal oligarchies, replacement of, 58
feudal order: political participation in, 265; rise of, 41, 62
Field, Alexander, 163, 170
Finley, Moses, 36
First Opium War, 88
Fisher, Alva J., 27
Fisher, Irving, 210
Ford, Henry, 141, 148, 167, 195, 365
Ford assembly lines, 18, 365
Ford Motor Company, 148, 199, 240
France, industrial development in, 84
Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, 85
French Revolution, 90
Friedman, Milton, 355
Friedman, Thomas, 257
Fukuyama, Francis, 141, 264–65, 273, 343
Furman, Jason, 322
Galileo, 39, 52, 54, 94
Galor, Oded, 133
Gans, Joshua, 308
Garden of Eden, 191
Gaskell, Elizabeth, 117
Gaskell, Peter, 117–119, 135, 229, 249
Gates, Bill, 10
Gates paradox, 10, 11, 21
General Electric, 155, 157, 215, 289
General Motors assembly lines, 18
geography of new jobs, 256–63
George Washington Bridge, 167
Giffen, Robert, 132–33
gig mill, 10, 76, 86, 128
Gilded Age, 208
Gille, Bertrand, 39–40
Gini coefficient, 209, 245
Gladstone, William Ewart, 133
Glaeser, Edward, 257, 261, 263
globalization: automation, and populism, 277–85; backlash against, 365; clamping down on, 290; costs of, 366; facilitator of, 282; first wave of, 171; losers to, 21, 26; vanishing jobs and, 11
Glorious Revolution of 1688–89, 79, 82–83, 86
Golden Gate, 167
golden postwar years, 239
Goldfarb, Avi, 308
Goldin, Claudia, 213, 349
Goldin, Ian, 357
Gompers, Samuel, 279
Goodyear Tire, 199
Google, 305