The Technology Trap
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Reform Acts of 1832 and 1867, 83
Reich, Robert, 235
relocation, 359–60
Renaissance, 51; as “age of instruments,” 59; beginnings of modern capitalism during, 70; great inventors of, 38; origin of, 51; productivity-enhancing technological improvements of, 54; technological advances of, 51
rent-seeking monarchs, 79
Restrepo, Pascual, 15, 144, 227, 242, 346
retraining, 353–54
Reuther, Walter, 191, 276, 356
Ricardo, David, 4, 116, 206, 345
right-to-work states, 257
robber barons, 208
Robinson, James, 19, 80
robots, 14; automobile assembly, 18; autonomous, 307; creation of new jobs for engineers, 15; flying, 312; human perception and, 318; jobs of machine operators taken over by, 14; middle-income jobs cut out by, 26; multipurpose, 242, 261, 327; of preindustrial times, 74; routine tasks performed by, 229
Rockefeller, John D., 208
Rodrik, Dani, 286–87
Roman alphabet, 47
Roman Empire: fall of, 41; most famous invention of, 38; slavery in, 74
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 157, 179, 211
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 62
royal trading monopolies, 80
Rural Electrification Administration, 157
Russell, Bertrand, 33, 78
Rust Belt, 279, 283, 291
Sanders, Bernie, 286
Savery, Thomas, 106, 317
Scheidel, Walter, 211
Schumpeter, Joseph, 73, 294
Schumpeterian growth, absence of, 72
Schumpeterian transformation, 49
scribes, 49, 50
Second Industrial Revolution, 22, 25, 148–73; agriculture, mechanization of, 189; American inequality during, 217; automotive industry, 202; child labor, as opportunity cost to education, 21; elimination of jobs created for machine operators during, 228; greatest virtue of, 155; mechanization following arrival of, 142; new tasks for labor spawned by, 202; skill-biased technological change, 213; skill demand raised by, 209; technological leadership of, 25; tractor use, expansion of, 196; urban-rural wage gap
self-employment, 71
serfdom, 41
Shannon, Claude, 302
Sigismund I of Poland, King, 29
Silicon Valley, 257, 359
silk industry, beginnings of, 99
silk-throwing machine, 52
Simon, Herbert, 316, 336
Singer, Isaac, 149
Skill-biased technological change, 213
slavery, 39, 74
smartphone, spread of, 328
Smiles, Samuel, 110
Smith, Adam, 67, 69–70, 83, 228
Smithian growth, Schumpeterian vs., 58, 72
smokestack cities, 263
social class, Marx’s theory of, 265
socialism in America, 272
social media, 285
socioeconomic segregation, 26
Solow, Robert, 4, 180, 206, 325
speech recognition technology, 306
Spence, Michael, 292
spinning jenny, 102
spousal employment, 240
Sprague, Frank J., 152
steam engine: development of, 73; economic virtuosity of, 107; impact of on aggregate growth, 136; universal application of, 249
steel production, changed nature of, 13
Stephenson, George, 109
Stevenson, Betsey, 336
stocking-frame knitting machine, 10, 54, 76
strikes, protection of car companies from, 276
“stylized facts of growth,” 205
subjective well-being, 255
Summers, Lawrence, 261, 349
supercomputers, 290
supply of technology, obstacles to, 77
“symbolic analysts,” 235
task simplification, example of, 311
tax credits, 355–58
taxing and spending, redistributive, 271
tax revenue, 133
technological gap (1500–1700), 51
technology companies, location decisions of, 260
telephone operator, vanishing of, 201
telescope, 59
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Act of 1933, 363
Tesla, Nikola, 152
textile industry, 38, 55, 95
Thirty Years’ War, 58
Thompson, E. P., 90
3D printing, 22
three-field system, 42
Tiberius, Roman Emperor, 40
Tilly, Charles, 58
Tinbergen, Jan, 14, 213, 225
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 147, 207, 270
Toffler, Alvin, 257
Torricelli, Evangelista, 52, 76
tractor use, expansion of, 196
trade, expansion of, 68
trade unions, emergence of, 190
treaty ports, 88
Trevithick, Richard, 109
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire (1911), 194
truck driver, 340–41
trucker culture, ending of the heyday of, 171
Trump, Donald, 278, 280, 286, 331
Tugwell, Rexford G., 179
Tull, Jethro, 54
Turing test, 317
Turnpike Trusts, 108
Twain, Mark, 21, 165, 208
typewriter, 161–62
typographers, computer’s effect on jobs and wages of, 247
unemployment, 246, 254; AI-driven, 356; American social expenditure on, 274; average duration of, 177; blame for, 141; fear of, 113; mass, fears of, 366; technological, 12, 117
union security agreements, 257
United Auto Workers (UAW) union, 276
United Nations, 305
universal basic income (UBI), 355
universal white male suffrage, 270
unskilled work, 350
urban-rural wage gap, 209
Ure, Andrew, 97, 104, 119
U.S. Government Printing Office, 151
Usher, Abbott, 40, 45
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 208
Varian, Hal, 328
Versailles, 84
Vespasian, Roman Emperor, 10, 40
Victorian Age, machinery critics of, 119
Vietnam War, 185
virtual agents, 306
Vitruvius, 38
Voltaire, 84
Voth, Hans-Joachim, 131, 337
wage insurance, 355
wages, American, leveling of, 211
Wall Street, depression suffered by, 211
warehouse automation, 314
washing machine, 27, 158, 160
waterwheel, 38, 44
Watt, James, 94, 106, 147, 317, 329
wave of gadgets, 30, 79, 179, 330
web designers, 248
Weber, Max, 47, 78
Wedgwood, Josiah, 127
weight-driven clock, 45
welfare capitalism, 198, 200
welfare dependency, 253
welfare programs, 240
welfare state, emergence of, 145, 221, 272
welfare system, tax-financed, 276
Wellesley, Arthur (1st Duke of Wellington), 9, 109–110
Westinghouse, 155
wheel, invention of, 35
White, Lynn, 42, 78
white-collar employment, 197, 218
Whitney, Eli, 74, 149
Whitworth, Joseph, 150
Wiener, Norbert, 230
Williamson, Jeffrey, 68, 207, 211
William the Conqueror, 44
Wilson, William Julius, 250, 252
windmill, 44
Wolfers, Justin, 336
women: college-graduated, 242; entering the workforce, 161
Word War II, 143, 230, 334
worker-replacing invention, 54
working class: as cultural phenomenon, 278; identity of, 280
World Trade Organization (WTO), 281, 286
World War I, 89, 108, 209
Wright, Gavin, 16
Wyatt, John,
Yang, Andrew, 291
Young, Arthur, 75
Zonca, Vittorio, 51–52
zoning, housing and, 361–62