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Immortals Children Of The Gods

Page 14

by M'tain Dubois

Chapter 14

  “You can’t do this!” Yells Lathea.

  “I can do anything I chose enchantress and I have elected to make this example of you.” He says with magic flowing from his hands over her body.

  Her screams penetrate all the way to the forest above as her body slowly turns into stone.

  “A fitting punishment Kol.” Smiles Hypatia grabbing Kol’s arm and transporting both of them and the Lathea statue to the surface along with the men who Kol returns to normal with his magic.

  “What happened?” Questions one of the men.

  “You have been freed from Lathea’s curse by Kol the punisher, son of Loki.” She answers.

  “A son of Loki saved us?”

  “Indeed.” She smiles. “Now go forth and spread the news among your people.”

  Slowly the men each thank Kol in turn before running off into the forest back towards their homes.

  “Thank you gentle goddess for everything, you are as kind and generous as you are beautiful.” He blushes.

  Flushed a little herself she turns away. “It was my pleasure to aid you young hero. I wish there was more time for me to spend with you but alas I must check on your counterpart in Greece. Believe me though I will be seeing you again as soon as I can.”

  “Until that time my lady.” He bows deeply.

  As her form starts to glow she blows him a kiss. “Farewell Kol.”

  Kol sighs happily heading back towards the camp when he remembers he was supposed to find dinner.

  Shifting back into a different frame of mind he reaches out with his senses once again he finds the herd of deer not far from his current position. Slowly he begins to stalk through the forest tracking them when he has an epiphany.

  Closing his eyes for a moment he concentrates then all at once he shoots into the air flying high over the forest locating the deer immediately. Watching them steadily Kol stretches out his hand towards them, without hesitation the largest buck in the group floats into the air with its neck snapping causing a long echoing crack through the forest sending the other deer running.

  Pleased with himself Kol floats over the forest with his kill until silently he drops down into their camp.

  “Bjorn?” He calls out.

  Silence greets him in return indicating that the others are still not back. Content at being alone for the moment Kol magically skins the deer and separates the meat while starting the fire to cook. As he works he can’t help but hum a song as his thoughts drift back toward Hypatia, in his mind he remembers every detail of her face and body. He remembers her voice and how it calmed him instantly, lost in the moment he doesn’t even notice the large man walking up to him.

  “Ah to be young again.” Says the stranger startling him so much he creates a shield around himself.

  “Who are you?” Kol demands with several magic knives appearing in his hand.

  With a warm and disarming smile the tall man sits by the fire. He has short black hair and dazzling ocean blue eyes that are kindly and wise. His narrow face is offset by his square jaw and sharp nose, he has a perfect runners build lean and muscular. On his head he is wearing a helmet with wings matching the armor covering his chest but leaving his arms bare and his leather pants are black and he is wearing boots that look comfortable and strong.

  “I’m Hermod god of messages, travel and such. Perhaps you have heard of me? He asks.

  Instantly the knives disappear as Kol drops to one knee. “Forgive me my lord I should have recognized you.”

  “Think nothing of it; I know your mind was preoccupied at the moment.” He smiles pulling some of the meat off the spit to eat.

  “What can I do for you my lord?” He questions returning to his cooking.

  “Nothing what so ever. I come with a message from Odin for you and your uncle.”

  “My uncle?” He questions looking up from the food.

  Thunder splits the sky as Thor appears at the edge of the camp. “What is the meaning of this Hermod? My father ordered me here but was voiceless on the reasoning.”

  Noticing Kol near the fire Thor can’t help but unwillingly scowl at him although before he can say anything Kol jumps up to his feet running over to Thor who immediately raises his hammer in defense.

  Ignoring the danger from Thor he continues running towards him until he falls at his feet with his face in the dirt.

  “Lord Thor, god of thunder, sky, fertility and benevolent protector of mankind. I beg your forgiveness for the death of your son. I was merely defending myself and I know that does not make it right nor does it excuse my crime against you. It matters not what kind of man your son was, he was my cousin and your son, and I shouldn’t have lost my temper. For this offense I offer you my life in exchange for Ragnar’s, if you deem it right to kill me I will accept that.”

  Staring hard at the young demigod Thor can’t help but think of how different he is from his father, softening his look a bit he grabs Kol’s shoulder gently helping him to his feet.

  “Rise young demigod, it is true that I have allowed anger to fester in my heart against you for the death of my son. I have wronged you in the regard that I had judged you unfairly because you are a child of Loki’s. As your father has said, I too have slain many in battle defending myself never has it been a family member but one day during Ragnarok I will be forced to fight my nephew and slay him. That aside I cannot simply forgive you for what took place so this is my judgment, as you have given your life to me you will now be a surrogate son of mine as well as Loki’s, you will listen to my guidance and pay me the heed you would a father.”

  “As you wish Lord Thor.” He smiles. “I mean father.”

  “Now my new son let us see what news Hermod brings to us.” He says walking to the fire pulling off some meat for himself. “Mmmm, excellent food Kol, all this meal is missing is some mead.”

  “I agree, but before we get too befuddled by the thought of drinking let us parley.” He declares stuffing his mouth some more. “I bring good tidings, your son Hallthor will be joining Kol on his first two quests, and the Greek demigod Vasos has two demigods helping him. Odin believes it’s only fair that Kol has the same advantage.”

  “This is indeed good news, Hallthor is strong and good, he is all I had hoped he would be, together with my new son here they will be a formidable force. Pray tell though who will be the third demigod accompanying them?” Questions Thor.

  “None, Kol has other help, but should the one called Bjorn and his surrogate son ever abandon his side Kol and Hallthor will receive another companion.” He answers.

  Walking into the clearing Bjorn and Hagar stare for a moment at the scene in front of them.

  “Now Kol what have I told you about talking to strangers?” Jokes Bjorn walking again.

  “Hail Bjorn.” Thor smiles shaking the man’s hand. “It looks to me like you had a good day fishing, how do you fair this fine day?”

  “Very well Thor, I am surprised to find you here given what happened between Kol and your son Ragnar. You wouldn’t be here to try and take some measure of vengeance would you?” He questions resting his hand on his sword.

  “Not at all Bjorn. I was sent here by Odin to hear the message Hermod had for both Kol and myself. In regards to Kol though, he and I have discussed what happened and things are fine between the two of us, in fact they are better than fine. In exchange for the life of my son Kol has offered himself as such I have accepted him as my surrogate son, I would not keep him from Loki or tell him to not respect and listen to him, I simply ask that he follow my guidance as well as his considering me his father along with Loki.”

  “An interesting development, one that I had not seen coming.”

  “Does this mean that Kol is leaving or company?” Questions Hagar hopefully.

  “Not at all child.” Answers Hermod. “Kol must continue on his way, if you dislike his company it is you that will have to leave.”

  “That won’t be happening anytime soon.” Announces Bjorn.

/>   “Bjorn, may I speak with you in private along with Hermod?” Requests Thor walking deeper into the forest.

  The two other gods follow Thor out of listening range from the others.

  “What is your game here Vili? Odin has decreed no direct interference on these quests.” Asks Thor concerned.

  “I do not interfere directly; I am merely training the child. When anything concerning the quest arises I allow him his own decisions good or evil.” He replies shortly.

  “Odin has not disagreed with his choice thus far.” Chimes in Hermod.

  As the three men are talking Hagar walks up to the fire sitting across from Kol staring at him.

  Noticing his stare Kol sighs. “I’m sorry about what happened between us earlier.”

  “I’m not Kol.” He snaps making sure that only he hears his voice. “I didn’t like you before we left the city, and I hate you completely now. The only reason I followed you in the first place was because you were my ticket out of that life but now I have a father and I don’t need to pretend anymore. One day after I have learned all I can from my father I will make him proud and defeat you in a fight to the death!”

  “Well I can see this is a wonderful group I’m going to be traveling with, which one of you lucky dogs is Kol?” Questions a young man walking up to the two of them making himself right at home.

  The stranger is five foot eight with dark skin, black hair and brown eyes, he has a medium build with the signs of muscle definition. He has a friendly smile and a warm energy about him.

  “I’m Kol.” Kol says extending his hand. “And you are?”

  “Hallthor, son of Thor and your companion for this quest.”

  “And of course like everyone else the new guy ignores me focusing on you Kol.” Spits Hagar.

  “Are you always this whinny and unpleasant?” Questions Hallthor staring at Hagar. “Because if you are I really don’t think we’re going to get along at all.”

  “You don’t know me, how dare you make any judgments on me.” Shouts Hagar shooting to his feet and walking behind Hallthor to stand over him.

  “Back off my new brother Hagar before I force you to.” Rumbles Kol.

  “Brother?” Questions Hallthor calmly.

  “I’ll tell you later, in the meantime do you want me to handle this mosquito for you?”

  “Don’t bother; he doesn’t seem like much of a threat.”

  “That’s it get up!” Yells Hagar.

  “Should we intervene?” Asks Hermod watching with Thor and Vili.

  “No.” The other two reply in unison.

  “Unfortunately I believe our time with Kol is at an end no matter how this turns out, hate grows in Hagar’s heart towards him.” Frowns Vili.

  “Why did you choose him as a son?” Asks Hermod.

  “I have no child of my own and he has the potential to be great one day but first I must remove him from this situation, I had hoped that the two of them might work it out but now he seems to have a problem with Hallthor as well.”

  “It is ill-advisedly for Hagar to do this.” States Thor pointing back at the young men. “Watch.”

  “I said get up and face me!” Demands Hagar balling his fists in anger.

  “I don’t think so, why don’t you sit instead and we can talk this out?”

  “No, if you don’t get up I’ll get you up!” He yells.

  “Don’t touch me kid that would be a mistake.” Warns Hallthor.

  Ignoring the warning Hagar tries to grab Hallthor by his shoulders but the moment he touches him a massive shock sends him flying backwards into a tree. Shaking his head to try and clear the fog from the electrocution he narrowly has time to see a war hammer slam into the tree next to his head.

  “That was a warning boy, had I wanted, you would be dead now. Things did not have to be this way, I offered to talk things out and you refused because of your short temper. I’d advise you to get that under control before that is the end of you.” Hallthor pronounces without turning to face him while his hammer flies back to his hand.

  Laughing under his breath Kol finishes laying the food out. “If you’re hungry and not too good to eat with us Hagar the food is ready.”

  “Regrettably we will have to take some and leave my young friend, Hagar and I have a different path to follow than you but one day I’m sure our paths will cross again. I have faith in you Kol, become the hero I know you are meant to be.” Interjects Bjorn.

  “I have not completed my training yet.” Reasons Kol.

  “There is little more I can teach you Kol, it’s time for both you and Hallthor to teach each other and learn from the world around you.”

  “I understand, good journey Bjorn and thank you.”

  “Remember what I said Kol.” Sneers Hagar turning his back and stomping off.

  Ignoring the comment Kol watches them leave with the others.

  “I must leave as well, remember your promise to me Kol. I will never be far off should you need my council.” Says Thor disappearing before Kol can say anything.

  “I will provide some mead and the three of us will feast on the food, then after you have broken camp we will leave. I will take you to the edge of Skaalholt where you will find transportation to Ktn.”


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