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Immortals Children Of The Gods

Page 15

by M'tain Dubois

Chapter 15

  “My father left me with a good family, I never went without. My parents in Roskilde are among the wealthiest, I was given the best education, formal training in combat from all over the world. I was always top of my classes no matter the subject. I had never known defeat until now when you fought me.”

  “Fighting demigods is a great deal different from fighting regular mortals. I mean take Sander there for example, looking at him and talking with him you would never believe that he could be any kind of threat, but Sander can make a person instantly drunk, dance or crazy and on top of that he can grow and control vines.” Answers Vasos.

  “I thought he was simply a drunk you felt pity for.” Laughs Sevrrir.

  “Not at all, the gods led me to him the same way they led you to us.”

  “I wonder why these quests are happening at all, there has to be more to it than what we’ve been told.” Questions Sevrrir thoughtfully.

  “I have pondered the same thing but I’m sure it will be revealed to us in time, until then all we can do is continue on our path.”

  “I suppose you’re right, I have tried to find out what is happening but my sight has been blocked.”

  “Speaking of which, am I correct in assuming that you have your fathers abilities to hear and see great distances along with the ability to shape shift into a lion?”

  “Indeed. My abilities have saved my life and exposed many falsehoods in my time showing me exactly who I can and can’t trust.” He smiles. “For instance your little friend up there has been complaining nonstop about me since you and I have been talking.”

  “I figured as much but believe me when I say that were you in trouble he would come to your aid.”

  “We shall see.” Hisses Sevrrir.

  “Give him a chance he will prove himself to you, if not you always have me watching your back.”

  “My gratitude I…wait, stop. Sander move now!” Yells Sevrrir running towards him.

  Sander slowly turns towards the sound of Sevrrir’s voice but just stays staring at him instead of running. Vasos begins running after the other demigod wondering what it was that spooked him when the ground starts rumbling in answer.

  Turning into a lion Sevrrir doubles his speed towards Sander who is struggling to keep his footing. As the ground explodes from underneath him Sevrrir pushes Sander out of the way just in time being engulfed himself instead.

  Standing in his place is a Sphinx flanked by two gegenees on either side, the six armed giants stare at them with foam covered mouths and jagged teeth. In each hand is a sword and dutifully they obediently stand at attention.

  “Give us back our friend Sphinx or face our wrath!” Yells Vasos.

  With a fang filled smile the beautiful face of the Sphinx smiles at them silently. For a moment she spreads her massive wings blotting out the sun while her tail on her massive lion’s body swishes back and forth playfully.

  “If you want your friend back you will have to get past me little demigod.” She growls.

  Staring at the creatures on either side Vasos curls his lip in a sneer. “Fine what’s the riddle?”

  “I never said anything about a riddle did I? No son of Aphrodite, I will not surrender this prize willingly, I have long hunted this boy. His hag of a mother has charged him to hunt down and destroy any monster that is part lion, I will not be sent back to Tartarus like the others I will destroy him before he destroys me. Already life is slipping away from him, I can feel it.”

  Charging his voice with his power again Vasos looks into her yellow eyes. “There’s no need for us to fight, Sevrrir is no threat to you he is now part of our quest.”

  Laughing wildly the Sphinx stares at Vasos and Sander. “Your powers will not work on me demigod nor will his, I am beyond your influences.”

  “I don’t have time for this!” Shouts Sander focusing his power.

  The ground splits, pulled apart by thousands of grape vines reveling Sevrrir limp body already unconscious from the lack of air, in seconds the vines wrap around him and pull him to Sanders side that instantly rises into the air on the vines high above the whole group in relative safety.

  “Right.” Sighs Vasos holding his axe tightly.

  “I will have my prize!” Yells the Sphinx. “Attack!”

  “No you will not!” Booms another voice interrupting the group.

  Everyone freezes turning to the new voice to find the titan of the earth Bion, at five foot nine inches tall with blond hair and blue eyes his massive build towers over the others and intimidates the creatures.

  “You cannot intervene Bion it is forbidden.” Reasons the Sphinx.

  “It is forbidden for the gods to interfere, I am not a god, and I am a titan and can do exactly what I please.” He snaps creating a rock giant from the Earth itself.

  Crashing down with both its fists the giant destroys the two six armed sidekicks, then turning towards the sphinx it grabs it lifting it high into the air and ripping it apart as it screams in protest.

  Lowering himself and Sevrrir back to the ground now that the danger has past Sander helps the dazed demigod to Vasos and Bion.

  “Thank you Bion.” Says Vasos flatly.

  “Do not distrust me because I am a titan Vasos, I was born at the beginning of the war and was raised by Prometheus and all the gods. I have no aspirations of conquest or malice towards anyone in particular although I do enjoy the occasional beating of a monster though.”

  Relaxing a bit Vasos does a stiff bow. “Forgive me Lord Bion if I offended you, we are grateful for your aid.”

  “Please, don’t call me lord. We are family and although we do not know each other well I would like to be your friend and teach you all the things the gods would not have time to.” He smirks patting him on the back. “To tell you the truth I’ve been keeping a close eye on you just in case, the gods have taken an unhealthy interest in these quests and not all of them are friend to you.”

  “So I’ve heard.” Mutters Vasos.

  “I do not know the full extent of why these quests were issued, Zeus has kept it a closely guarded secret. I will do all I can to find out though, in the meantime I will aid you in your journey and heal your companion.”

  Walking over to Sevrrir who is barely conscious Bion touches his forehead healing him instantly.

  “Now for the aid I will provide, the demigod in the Norse lands was transported a great distance to help them out, I will do the same for you. Furthermore, I have these bags for you full of supplies that will sustain you on the rest of your journey. There is a small wood stick that will light any fire on command, a flask that refills itself with water and a magic arrow that will kill any animal you hunt for food on the first strike.”

  “Generous gifts.” Says Sevrrir rubbing his head.

  “I take care of my friends the best that I can.” Smiles Bion reassuringly.

  “So how about you take care of us by completing one of the quests for us?” Questions Sander jokingly.

  “Coward.” Mumbles Sevrrir.

  “This coward saved your life.” He retorts.

  “It’s true.” Interjects Vasos. “Now both of you shut up we have company.”

  Laughing Bion interrupts them. “It’s fine; don’t worry about it I’m just one of the guys. What say we head out and we can continue this at Argos?”

  Raising his hands in the air a circle of energy encompasses the group transporting them to the gates of the city of Argos.

  “What do you say we all get a drink and a good night sleep before heading out on our journey tomorrow?” Asks Sander.

  “That sounds great to me but unfortunately I’ve got to be going.” Answers Bion. “Zeus is summoning me back to Olympus. Farewell my brave friends I will be watching should you need help.”

  “What do you say Vasos? Or are you intent on leaving now?” Questions Sevrrir.

  “I don’t relish the idea of braving the open sea during the night to start our journey, I say we have a good dinner…”

  “With some drinks!” Adds Sander.

  “Okay with some drinks and a good night sleep.”

  “Lead the way then Vasos to food, drink and the start of our journey into the unknown.” Sevrrir says looking at the massive city.


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