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Christmas In Delight: Delight Book Four

Page 10

by Jennae Vale

  “I’m excited to hear them,” Avery said.

  Amy was pretty sure she couldn’t have chosen a better band for the occasion herself. She wriggled in her seat, unable to control the happiness she was feeling. And not just about the wedding and the band, but also about Gavin and what having him in Delight meant to her.

  “That smile hasn’t left your face since Gavin arrived,” Avery whispered so only Amy could hear.

  Amy’s response was to bump shoulders with Avery. “I know.”

  “So, we’ve got food, music, dresses and the barn,” Cassie was saying.

  “The ceremony will be at the little wedding chapel at the top of Tranquility Hill,” Billie added.

  “We really don’t have anything left to do but celebrate you, Crystal,” Rose said.

  Cassie clinked her glass to get everyone’s undivided attention. “We all chipped in and got you a wedding present.”

  “You shouldn’t have. You’ve all done so much for me already,” Crystal insisted.

  “It’s just a little something, but we thought you might like a honeymoon getaway with Payton. Your mother will watch Hannah, of course,” Cassie explained.

  Crystal teared up as she put her hand to her mouth in surprise. “Are you kidding me?”

  “We’re not. How does a week in Carmel sound to you?” Amy had spearheaded this effort with Avery and had been pretty proud about it. She had to admit she was a little jealous that it wasn’t her heading to Carmel. She’d chosen it because she’d always loved the ocean and Carmel was such a charming little town. Not to mention the fact that Avery had some connections at a cute little inn that catered to honeymooners.

  “It sounds amazing. Thank you all so much. You’re the best.” Crystal rose and began hugging each of the ladies.

  “We know.” Amy laughed. “You’re one of us now whether you like it or not.”

  “We’re all so happy for you both,” Avery added, dabbing her eyes with her napkin.

  “I like it! Payton will be so surprised!” Crystal wiped her eyes with her napkin. “I can’t wait to tell him.”

  “Where are the guys tonight?” Amy asked. It was unusual that at least one of them wasn’t manning the bar.

  “They’re at the ranch with Ross. They’re having a guys’ night.”

  “So we have the pub all to ourselves. Woohoo! Party!” Amy stood, raised her arms above her head and began dancing around the table. She tugged on Avery’s hand to get her on her feet.

  “Where’s the music?” Rose asked.

  “I’ll go get some playing.” Billie rose and went into the back where the kitchen was and, in a few moments, music flowed through the pub.

  “That’s better!” Amy continued to dance and even though she could tell Avery wasn’t into it, she insisted until her friend finally relented and joined in.

  It was so nice to be able to enjoy themselves without mention of Conall, Gavin and the trouble with the Fletchers. These women had always known how to have a good time with or without the men of Delight, and there was something freeing about cutting loose without a man in sight.

  Chapter 11

  The party at the pub continued on for quite some time. Everyone danced until their feet hurt. Shoes were strewn around the table as they sat down for a breather. Avery for one was thrilled to finally be able to sit down. She was ready to head back to the inn, but she didn’t want to rush Amy who was having a really good time. She’d wait a while longer and if need be, she could walk back to the inn on her own.

  “Hey ladies,” Cassie directed her words to Amy and Avery. “I know this is a touchy subject, but have Conall and Gavin opened up to you?”

  Avery glanced over at Amy. Conall had given her some info, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to share it without his knowledge. “Not really.”

  “No.” Amy shook her head.

  “Too bad. I was hoping maybe we could help them figure it out. They are cousins after all.”

  “The fact that they’ve been called traitors is pretty harsh, don’t you think?” Avery asked.

  “I don’t think so. Not after what Bear shared with us.” Kirsten glanced at Cassie for confirmation.

  “She’s right. What we’ve been told doesn’t make them look very good.”

  “I can’t imagine what the problem is, but Gavin and Conall don’t seem the type to me,” Avery said, defending the men.

  “Are you sure? Maybe you’re being played,” Billie said.

  Avery’s hackles were rising. “It seems you’ve already judged them without knowing their side of the story.”

  “And we’re not being played.” Amy’s defenses seemed to be up as well.

  “If you don’t mind, I think we should drop it. Amy and I are here to celebrate Crystal, not argue with all of you about whether or not we’ve got traitors in our midst.” She was steamed, but she hid it as well as she could.

  Amy glanced at her phone. “Wow! I didn’t realize how late it was. I’ve got to get something at the shop and then I’m off to bed.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Avery said, happy to escape what was turning into an uncomfortable situation.

  “Hey, you’re not leaving because of what we were just talking about, are you?”

  “No, of course not.” Avery grabbed her coat and Amy’s. “We’ll talk before the wedding.”

  “Hopefully sooner,” Cassie said, her voice sounding conciliatory.

  “See you.” Amy took her coat from Avery and was out the door in a flash.

  “Wait for me,” Avery called after her. She hurried to catch up. “I know that was uncomfortable, but we can’t let this get in the way of our friendship with everyone.”

  “I know. It’s just that I think we’re being judged just as much as the guys are. They think we’re allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of, which is so far from the truth. How could they think that of us? I’m a pretty decent judge of character and I know that Gavin is a good person.”

  “I believe Conall to be as well.” Avery understood Amy’s frustration. She was feeling it too.

  “What are we supposed to do? I’m not good with not saying anything when we’re confronted like that.” Amy was marching so fast that Avery had to jog to keep up with her.

  “Amy, slow down. I know how you feel.” She grabbed Amy’s arm and pulled her to a stop. “Has Gavin said anything to you about all of this?”

  “Not really.” Amy started walking again, but this time at a slower pace.

  “Conall has confided in me a bit.” She wove her arm through Amy’s. “It seems that if they would just talk to one another without accusations then maybe they could find common ground.”

  “What do you mean?” Amy tipped her head in question.

  “Conall feels that Bear is the traitor. That he left his clan to come here and never came back, leaving them on their own with no leader. Conall stepped into that role and all he wants is to get his clan back together.” Her heart had gone out to him in that moment. He’d shared something with her that helped explain a lot of things. In her mind, Conall and Bear shared what had once been a common goal. Bear, too, had wanted to go home and save his clan.

  “That will never happen. Did you explain that to him?” Amy’s frustration at the situation could be heard loud and clear.

  Avery understood exactly what she meant. “I tried, although I’m not sure he believed me.”

  “If they go back, they’ll end up in worse shape than when they left.” Sadness was creeping into Amy’s voice. It was obvious she worried that something bad would happen to Gavin and Conall if they returned home.

  “Maybe we should take them to the library. Get some books on the history of Scotland for them to read through,” Avery suggested.

  “That’s a good idea, but maybe if they heard it firsthand from someone like Ross it would be more believable.”

  “I don’t know. Even if Ross would speak to them, do you really think they’d believe that Ross was a ghost? I’m not so sure.”

  “I get your point, but we have to do something. I don’t want Conall…to leave.” She’d just admitted something for the first time, even to herself.

  “What’s that I hear?” Amy stopped to look at her.

  “I know. I haven’t known him more than a couple of days and I’m falling for him. It’s just that he seemed so familiar to me from the very moment I first saw him.” She knew she was admitting something that might seem odd.

  “You could have fooled me. You seemed like you wanted nothing to do with him when he rode up on that big horse of his.”

  “Haven’t you ever met someone for the first time and had this overwhelming sense that you knew them before?” Avery started walking again with Amy right by her side.

  “You mean like in a past life or something?”

  “No…I don’t know.” Avery’s irritation was showing. How could she explain this so that it made sense and she didn’t sound like she’d lost it? “I don’t know where it comes from, but I was so happy to see him and I had this overwhelming urge to hug him. Please tell me you’ve had that happen to you.”

  “I wish I could, but it hasn’t. You’ve got a very real connection to him.” Amy placed her arm around Avery’s shoulders as they walked.

  “I do. And I want a chance to find out if it’s real or if it’s just my brain telling me to move on with my life.” She could hear the distress in her own voice. It had been many years since Jim passed. She’d just about given up on ever meeting anyone here in Delight. She had been content to live the rest of her days as a widow, knowing that it would probably be a long, long time.

  “Awww…Avery, don’t let this upset you. I’m sure there’s a reason you feel the way you do. I had an immediate connection with Gavin. Granted nothing like you felt, but I definitely don’t want him to go either. The thing is he doesn’t want to leave, but this whole thing with the Fletchers might make staying difficult.”

  “Conall wants to go back. He asked me if I’d ever thought about time travel. I’m not sure if it was an invitation or not.”

  “You’re not going anywhere, missy. You’re staying right here with me.” Amy gave Avery’s shoulder a squeeze and held tight to her as they made their way toward the inn.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I told him I didn’t think it was for me.” And it wasn’t. How could she leave Delight behind? How could she leave her best friend, Amy?

  “We better get this figured out before they disappear.”

  They didn’t have far to go. The inn was right around the corner. Avery was back home, but she stood outside with Amy for a moment. Having a friend like Amy meant the world to her and she wouldn’t jeopardize that for anything. She gave her friend a big hug. “You’re the best, you know? I wouldn’t want to go through this with anyone else.”

  “It’s cold. Don’t you think we should go in?” Amy asked, hugging her back.

  “Right.” Avery hesitated, not moving.

  “What’s on your mind?” Amy asked.

  “Conall.” It was as simple as that. He’d invaded her heart and her head and he could be gone in a few days, or maybe even tomorrow.

  “Let’s get you inside.” Amy linked arms with her as they walked up the stairs of the old Victorian and headed inside.

  “It’s pretty quiet,” Amy said. “I wonder where they are.”

  “We’re here.” Conall’s voice came to them from the sitting room where he and Gavin sat facing the fire with whisky glasses in hand.

  “You two look right at home,” Amy said, entering the room.

  Gavin patted the spot next to him on the floor and gazed up at her with adoring eyes.

  The lights from the tree and those across the mantel cast a magical glow around the room. The heat of the fire and the look in Conall’s eyes made Avery uncomfortably warm. She took her coat off and returned to the lobby to hang it up and then stood there for a moment before turning back.

  Avery sat next to Conall. Unlike Gavin, he’d chosen the settee and she was glad he did. Her legs were a little sore from hiking up the hill this morning and she thought if she got down on the floor, she’d definitely need help getting back up.

  Conall placed an arm around her and pulled her closer. She willingly leaned into him and he shifted his body to make her more comfortable. It was nice sitting there, just the four of them. No one felt the need to speak, not even Amy who was generally quite the chatterbox. It was as if a spell had been cast on them and no one wanted to move for fear of breaking it.

  Finally, Amy spoke. “Wouldn’t it be nice to stay like this forever?” She turned her head toward Gavin who seemed to have other thoughts on his mind. “What? Do you want to go?”

  He smiled. “I’ll do whatever ye wish. I’m happy to just be here with ye.”

  “You are the sweetest man,” Amy said before hopping up from her spot beside him. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Gavin was right behind her. He cast a look at his brother who said nothing. Amy handed him his jacket and they were gone.

  Avery loved Amy and she was happy for her, but she was also happy to be left alone with Conall.

  The look of her warmed his heart. Conall couldn’t recall ever feeling this way about a woman and there had been many over the years. None ever captured his heart the way Avery had and in such a short time. It would be hard to leave her behind.

  Avery took his glass from his hand and put it to her lips where she took the daintiest of sips before handing it back to him. He liked that she felt comfortable enough to do that. Conall placed the glass on the end table and reclined, placing a pillow behind his head and taking Avery with him. She made herself comfortable, resting her head on his chest.

  “Do you ever wonder why things happen the way they do?”

  He closed his eyes and held her just a little bit tighter. “I do.”

  “Why did we meet on the side of the road? Why does it seem like we’ve known each other forever? I shouldn’t say we. I don’t know if you feel the same way.”

  “I feel as though ye’ve had a place in me heart since long ago. Long before we met.”


  “I’d no’ lie to ye, lass.”

  He could feel her relax in his arms and snuggle in even closer.

  “I thought I was meant to be alone. I’d accepted it.”

  “A woman such as yerself should be cherished always.” He heard what he was saying and knew it was the truth. If only she’d come with him, he would no’ have to break her heart and his own.

  They lapsed into silence again. Conall believed that neither of them wished to speak aloud what they knew would be coming. There was no point in discussing it. He was leaving. The only thing they didn’t know was when.

  Chapter 12

  Amy sat up in bed, poking Gavin until he opened his eyes. “I’ve got the day off today.”

  “’Tis good news.” The blankets were pulled back over his head.

  “I need you to get up.” Amy poked at him again.

  This time Gavin threw the covers off and wrestled Amy down onto the bed where he threw a leg over her, retrieved the covers and closed his eyes. “Shhh…”

  “Gavin, it’s important. I’m taking you to Reno today.”

  “Why must we go?”

  “It will be fun. You’ll see. And if you’re good, maybe we’ll visit a casino before we head back.”

  Gavin cocked an eyebrow in question. “What is a casino and why must I be good?”

  “You’ll see. We’re going to have a busy day. I just want you to enjoy it.”

  “Amy, do ye no’ remember we’ve hardly slept.”

  “Oh, I remember. It would be pretty hard to forget, but there’s plenty of time for sleep later.” She disentangled herself from him and got out of bed. As much as she’d rather spend the day under the covers with him, she kept telling herself that if she could get Gavin to understand what would be happening in the Highlands for him and for Conall that he’d likely stay and then
they’d have all the time they wanted together. “I’m going to call Avery and see if she wants to join us.”

  “And Conall.”

  “Yes, of course.” Amy dialed Avery’s number, putting her on speaker while she got dressed.

  “Hello.” Avery’s voice came through the speaker.

  “Hey, lady. We were wondering if the two of you wanted to join us. We’re heading to Reno.”

  “I really wish I could, but I’ve got some check-ins today. Wedding guests.”

  “Oh, great. We’ll miss you, but maybe we’ll see you later for dinner.”

  “Definitely. It’ll have to be here, though.”

  “Where else would it be? I don’t cook, remember?” Amy laughed at this.

  “How could I forget? Have fun and let me know how it goes,” Avery said.

  “We’ll talk tonight. See ya.” Amy hung up and much to her surprise Gavin was up, dressed and ready to go.

  “We’ll get breakfast on the way,” she said, adjusting the collar of his jacket.

  “At the bakery?” Gavin sounded hopeful.

  Amy knew how much he loved Rose’s baked goods. “We’ll stop on the road, but don’t worry, it’ll be good. I promise.”

  “I believe ye. Ye’ve been truthful with me from the moment we met. ‘Tis one of the things I admire about ye. Yer no’ afraid to speak yer mind.”

  “Well, I’m speaking my mind now. I want you to stay. I’ve never met anyone like you, Gavin. And chances are I never will again. You make me happy in so many ways.”

  “Conall would no’ wish to hear me say it, but I want to stay here with ye. I’ve never had the chance to show anyone that I could take care of them and I want to do that for ye.”

  Amy wasn’t about to tell him that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself because he’d just said something that touched her heart. No one had ever wanted to take care of her before this.

  When Amy didn’t respond, he must have assumed she wasn’t impressed by this because he listed off things he thought might impress her. “I’m a good man. I work hard. I’m a good hunter. I once brought the clan the biggest stag they’d ever seen and we feasted for days. Those who ken me will tell ye that they’ve never known a truer friend.”


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