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Christmas In Delight: Delight Book Four

Page 11

by Jennae Vale

  Amy held her hand up before he was about to go on. “You don’t have to sell me, Mr. MacLure. I’m sold. I haven’t known you long, but I know who you are. I’ve known it from the start.” She snaked her hands into his open jacket and around his waist.

  Gavin tipped his head, gazing at her for a long moment before covering her lips with his in the tenderest of kisses.

  Avery hung up the phone after speaking with Amy. She knew the plan. Get to the library and go through some books that would prove to Gavin and Conall that they would be better off staying in this time. Gavin was already sold on staying. It was Conall who would be the hard sell.

  “Good morning.” The sound of Conall’s voice as he descended the stairs brought her back from her thoughts.

  Avery had been straightening up the sitting room and lobby. Members of Elle Carrera’s band would be joining them today and staying at the inn through the wedding, which was only a few days away. “Good morning.” She couldn’t hide the pleasure she felt on seeing him.

  He motioned for her to come to him, which she did without a second thought. Conall gently lifted her chin. He gazed into her eyes with a look that sent her heart racing. There was a connection there. A deep connection. It was one they hadn’t acted on yet, but when it happened it would be what they both wanted and needed. When was the question that remained. If Conall didn’t stay, she wouldn’t allow herself to go down that path. Kissing and cuddling with him would remain a cherished memory. Avery lifted her lips to his, kissing him with a want that might never be fulfilled.

  Conall hugged her close, resting his chin on top of her head. He didn’t say anything, but then he didn’t have to. Avery knew that they both understood that their feelings for each other might never have a chance to reach their full potential and it weighed heavily on both of them.

  “I’ve got guests coming today. They should be here this afternoon.” She rested her head on his chest as she spoke.

  “Do ye need me help?” He rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head.

  “I think I’ve got everything under control.” That wasn’t completely true. As far as the inn and the guests were concerned, she was as prepared as ever. It was her feelings for Conall that were running away with her.

  She touched his face. A face she somehow had known before, even though they’d only met a few days ago. She didn’t know what she would do if she lost him. Her thoughts since his arrival had been of having a partner again. Someone with whom she could share all the happiness and sadness life had to offer. Someone who she loved and who loved her back. She wouldn’t be alone in the world. His quiet strength and the comfort he offered her just by holding her close meant more to her than she could express. Conall would always be there for her. She had no doubt of that…but only if he stayed.

  “Ye will let me know if there is anything I can do?” he asked.

  “I will. The band for the wedding is staying here. Elle’s husband is Scottish. I think you’ll enjoy meeting him.”

  “There are many Scots here.”

  “Descendants of those who came here during the clearances are all over the country. You’d be surprised.” She could see him pondering her words. “Anyway, his name is Hamish MacBeown.”

  “I doona ken any MacBeowns.”

  “I wouldn’t think you would unless he had time traveled to this time as well.”

  “Do ye think he has?”

  Avery laughed. “I doubt it.” Before she met the Fletchers, her answer would have been a solid no, but now she thought anything was possible.

  “I’m going to head over to the bakery to get some things for our guests. Would you keep an eye on things for me?”

  “I’d be happy to.”

  “It’s nice having you here. I wish you could stay.”

  “Aye.” He turned away from her and went into the sitting room.

  Avery got her coat and purse. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. If by some chance they get here before I’m back, let them know I won’t be long.”

  Outside the sun was shining on the dusting of snow that fell overnight, making it sparkle like diamonds everywhere she looked. Ronny was scooping it out of the way, making a path for her.

  “Good morning, Ronny! You’re out bright and early.”

  “Lots of shoveling to do. I’m making money to pay for Christmas presents.”

  She reached into her purse and pulled out some cash, which she handed him. “Thank you.”

  “Wow! That’s more than usual, Mrs. Winter.”

  “It’s Christmas!” She waved goodbye and headed off toward the bakery. She’d done her Christmas shopping. There hadn’t been much she had to buy. Only a present for Amy and one for her Secret Santa, who happened to be Cassie. She walked past the new shop that had just opened down the street from her. The man who ran the shop had moved up from San Francisco only a few short months ago. He sold all sorts of metal art, along with knives and swords he had honed. The men of Delight had been excited to visit with him and had purchased new swords and dirks. She stopped and looked in the window before opening the door and going inside.

  “Hi,” Avery said, walking toward him. “Quinn, right?”

  “Yes! How are you, Avery?”

  “Good. I have a last-minute present I want to get.”

  “I’d be happy to help you.” He put down the cloth he was using to polish the swords he had displayed along the wall behind him. He replaced the one he had on the counter back in its spot. “Do you have something in mind?”

  “I do. I know you’ve made swords and dirks for the Fletchers and for Ross.”

  “I have. Are you buying something for one of them?”

  “No. It’s for someone special to me.”

  “Are you thinking a sword or a dirk?”

  “Probably a dirk.”

  “Okay. Let me show you one that I just finished. I think you’ll like it.” He disappeared behind the curtain that separated the shop from his work space and returned a short time later. “Take a look at this one.” He placed a velvet pad on the glass counter before gently setting the dirk atop it.

  The blade was about a foot long with a grip of leather bound in such a way that it resembled a Celtic knot studded with brass. A brass heart motif separated the blade from the grip and the pommel was also antiqued brass with more hearts on the disk that sat atop the pommel.

  “It’s beautiful! I think that would be perfect. Does it come with a sheath?”

  “It does.” He laid the sheath down beside the dirk.

  “Perfect. I’ll take it. Can I pick it up on my way back from the bakery?”

  “Sure. I’ve got a box that should work since you’re giving it as a gift.”

  “I’m excited. He’s going to love it. I’ll see you in a little bit. Would you like some coffee and a scone?”

  “I’d love one.”

  Avery happily went on her way, feeling pleased with her purchase.

  The bakery was crowded this morning. Rose waved to her as she entered. “I’ll be with you in a minute, Avery.”

  “Thanks. Take your time.”

  From the looks of things, the bakery was filled with wedding guests. They were all happily chatting as they waited for their coffee and pastries. Avery stepped off to the side while she waited and watched. Every table was filled and the line was almost to the door.

  Walt came out from the back and waved to her.

  “Walt, can you get Avery’s order for her?”

  “Sure.” He disappeared into the back once again.

  “Do you need anything else?” Rose asked Avery as she boxed up some pastries for the customer standing at the counter.

  “I need three coffees and three scones, whatever kind you’ve got, and I’ll get the coffee.”

  Rose put to-go cups on the counter and handed Avery the scones. “I’ll add it to your bill.”

  “Thanks.” She filled the cups and set them in the caddy Rose gave her.

  Walt appeared with the box, which
was larger than usual.

  Avery assessed the size of the box and then the coffee and scones she currently had in her hands. “I might have to make two trips.”

  “I’ll carry the box for ye.” Kade peeked out from the back of the line where he’d just come through the door.

  “I didn’t see you there, Kade. You don’t have to help. I’m sure you’ve got other things to attend to.” Avery didn’t think it was a very good idea to have him help her.

  “I insist.” He took the box from Walt. “I’ll be back, Rose. It looks like ye need my help today.”

  “Boy, do I.”

  “I won’t be long.”

  He headed out the door and all Avery could do was follow him. “Thank you. I appreciate the help. I have to stop at Quinn’s shop. I told him I’d bring him some coffee and a scone.”

  “He’s a good man and a talented metalsmith.”

  “I’d have to agree.”

  “He’s also a farrier. Did ye know?”

  “I didn’t. What does that mean?”

  “He shoes the horses.”

  “Oh! I learned something new today.”

  “I learn something new every day.” Kade chuckled and glanced over to her. “Yer a kind woman.”

  Avery wasn’t sure what prompted him to say that. “No kinder than anyone else in this town.”

  “Ye’ve taken in our cousins when no one else would.”

  “No disrespect to you and your brothers, but I couldn’t let them sleep out in the cold. It wouldn’t be right. I know there’s trouble between all of you and I’m not sure what the solution is, but wouldn’t it be nice if you could work it out before the wedding?”

  “Aye. If it were possible, we would do it. There are hard feelings all around.”

  “Maybe you just need to sit down and talk them out.”

  “Ye may be right. I’ll talk to Bear and Payton about it.”

  “Good.” They stopped at Quinn’s shop where she hurried inside to pick up her purchase while Kade waited outside. “Okay. You can just leave those at the top of the steps. I’ll get them after I bring this inside.” She held up the coffee and bag of scones.

  “I’ll no’ hear of it.” He was up the stairs and through the door before she could stop him. She only hoped that Conall was back upstairs in his room.

  As she topped the stairs, she saw Kade hand the box to Conall without a word. The two men sized each other up, but that was the extent of it. Kade turned to her. “Good day to ye, Avery.”

  “Thank you, Kade. I appreciate the help.” She watched as he made his way down the stairs before closing the door.

  While Conall brought the box into the kitchen, Avery took the opportunity to put the gift in her bedroom where she’d wrap it later. When she emerged, he was waiting for her.

  “I could have come with ye. I would have carried yer box.” He didn’t seem angry, only hurt.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t think I was going to need help. I ordered more pastries and breads than I usually do and then I had the coffee to bring back. I wasn’t thinking clearly.” She hoped he knew she would never do anything to purposely upset him.

  “No apologies necessary. I was surprised to see me cousin.”

  Standing no more than two feet from her, Avery wanted to go to him…to nestle in his arms, but there was no time for that. “Yes. He works at the bakery with Rose. He’s really become a very good baker. And, of course, he runs the pub with Billie. Payton tends the bar and helps at the ranch.”

  Conall appeared somewhat thoughtful as he ran a hand through his hair. “What does Bear do here in this time?”

  “Bear works for the search and rescue and the ski patrol.” She checked her phone for the time. “I really should put all the baked goods away. Our guests will be here any minute.”

  Avery hoped that he could see that there were many things he could do if he stayed in this time. His cousins had all found ways to fit in and so could he and Gavin.

  She no sooner got things put away when she heard voices coming from the lobby.

  “Good day to ye. Welcome to the inn.”

  Conall was greeting them. She hurried out in time to see Elle Carrera and her band setting their bags down. A tall red-headed man was clasping Conall’s hand.

  “Hi. I’m Avery Winter and this is Conall. We’ve been expecting you.” She went around behind the desk to grab room keys. “I’m sure you must be tired from your drive. Let’s get you settled in your rooms. Crystal and Payton have taken care of the paperwork, so there’s nothing for you to do but relax and enjoy your stay.”

  “Thank you. I’m Elle and this is my husband Hamish. These are my brothers Matt and Luis, and our drummer Vic. We’re excited to be doing this. We haven’t performed live in some time.”

  “You have a new baby, right?”

  “Yes. She’s home with my family, so this is a little vacation for Hamish and I.”

  “Conall, yer from me homeland. What part?”

  He glanced at Avery. “The Highlands.”

  “As am I. We should talk later.”

  Avery interrupted, not wanting Conall to have to try to answer uncomfortable questions.

  “Dinner will be at six in the dining room. If you like, come down before that and we’ll have drinks in the sitting room.” She motioned to the room just off the lobby.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “Here are your keys. The rooms are upstairs. We’ll help you with your bags.”

  “We left our instruments in the van. I think we’ll drop them off at the venue in a little while.”

  “Sure. It’s not far.”

  Avery led the way upstairs. Conall grabbed some bags as did Hamish, Matt, Luis, and Vic.

  “The inn is beautiful, Avery. Is the building old?” Elle asked.

  “Yes. It’s been here since the 1840s. I’ve tried to keep everything as authentic as possible.”

  “I’d say you’ve done a great job. The Victorian furniture is so authentic and I love the Christmas decorations.”

  “Here’s your room. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  Hamish brought their bags in while Avery showed the others where their rooms were.

  Avery hooked her arm through Conall’s as they headed back downstairs. “You’ve been a big help. It’s nice having you here.”

  “I can no’ stay, Avery.”

  It hurt her heart hearing those words, but she wasn’t sure what she could do to make things different. “I know. I just wanted you to know.”

  Chapter 13

  “Are you okay, Gavin?” Amy was worried about him. He hadn’t said a word for the past hour since they’d left the library. “I know that was a lot to take in.”

  He stared out the window of the Jeep.

  “Talk to me,” she pleaded.

  He seemed to shake himself out of wherever it was that he’d gone in his head. “Ye told me if I was good, we’d go to a place I can no’ remember the name of.” He tipped his head and a mischievous smile she was coming to love appeared on his lips. “Have I been good?”

  “You know you have and it’s a casino. It’ll be fun. You’ll see.” He was back to gazing out the window again. “Do you want to talk about what you just saw?” Amy could feel his pain. She’d read the same things he had and it disturbed her on a level she hadn’t expected. She was now worried more than ever about what would happen to him and his brother if they went back to their own time.

  He gazed at his hands as he spoke. “I will have to tell Conall. He will no’ believe me.”

  “Why wouldn’t he?” Amy couldn’t imagine Conall ignoring all the information they’d uncovered today. And what if he did? She didn’t want to think about it.

  “He kens I would like to stay,” he admitted, turning to face her.

  “He knows you wouldn’t lie to him. You’re his brother.” She could hear the desperation in her own voice. The uncertainty of their very existence was on the line.

“The history books ye showed me were filled with sadness for our fellow Highlanders. Our clan was wiped out. He would rather no’ believe it to be true. I would rather no’ believe it to be true, but I saw it with me own eyes.” Gavin’s sad gaze met Amy’s.

  She lifted one hand from the steering wheel and reached across the Jeep to hold on to his hand, willing him with every ounce of strength she had to stay. She thought bringing him to the library would be all it would take to get him to stay. Maybe she’d been wrong. “He’s one of those got-to-see-it-to-believe-it types then. You’ve got to convince him. I’ll help you. So will Avery. The library has lots of online references we can show him.”

  “I trust ye, Amy. I want ye to ken that if I have to leave, I will never forget ye.”

  “You are not leaving! I won’t let you!” She pulled the car into the parking lot of the first casino resort she saw. Once the Jeep was parked, she took a moment to calm herself. She’d promised him they’d go to a casino and here they were. “Let’s go have some fun. No more talking about this today, understood?”

  Gavin leaned across the seat, kissing her cheek. “Aye. No more talk of it.”

  Conall greeted Elle and Hamish as they returned from the ranch. Elle went up to their room to lie down, but Hamish remained in the lobby. Conall asked Hamish to join him in the sitting room.

  “Whisky?” Conall offered Hamish a glass.

  “How long have ye been here in Delight?” Hamish asked, taking the glass from Conall’s hand.

  “Not long. Only a few days.”

  “This town is a lot like a Scottish village. I met Ross at the ranch. Do ye know him?”

  “He is one of the first people we met when we came to town.”


  “Aye. I’m here with me brother Gavin.”

  “There are three of ye then.”

  “Six. Bear, Kade and Payton Fletcher live here in Delight.”

  “’Tis Payton’s wedding we’ll be playing at.” Hamish sipped his whisky and obviously savored the taste.


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