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by Tim Korklewski

The Aesir Queen’s power courses through your warrior, allowing them to leap nearly high enough to touch the sky and assert dominance over all beasts they encounter. Your warrior receives +1 DF, +1 MN, and +1 ST to all Attacks versus any Animal model on the battlefield, is Stubborn against all Animal Attacks, and has the Special Ability Leap.


  Godspark Cost: 6

  Frigg had the ability to glimpse small bits of the future and see the outcome of events. This Power now resides within your warrior. While this Power is active, your warrior can cause one enemy to re-roll one successful roll of any kind and keep the second result.



  Godspark Cost: 6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Restrain

  Heimdallr is the only Vanir known to die in The Shattering. This Power grants your warrior the former Bifrost Guardian’s awareness and the ability to hold fast against the foes who wish to cross them. Your warrior gains the Special Ability Aware and the Attack Ability Restrain (0) to all Melee Attacks.


  Godspark Cost: 6

  Heimdallr’s senses were more powerful than those of any other god. It is said he could see through all the realms and hear the sap move through the trees. This Power bestows these great senses to your warrior. While this Power is active, your warrior has LOS to everyone on the battlefield (however, Terrain Elements taller than your warrior still Block LOS for Ranged Attacks). Further, your warrior gives enemies who possess the Special Abilities Concealment and Invisibility a Spotted counter while this Power is active.



  Godspark Cost: 8

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Flight SP

  This Power of the Messenger God gives your warrior the ability to soar above the battlefield like a breeze. Your warrior gains Flight (4).


  Godspark Cost: 7

  Hermodr’s energy courses through your warrior’s legs, allowing them to move at twice the speed of a mere mortal. While this Power is active, your warrior gains +5 to their SP.



  Godspark Cost: 6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Ice

  The God of Darkness held domain over Midgard’s winters; therefore, his Power chills the hearts of warriors who possess it. Your warrior can control the cold and bestow its icy touch on any Melee Weapon they possess. Apply Ice (0) to your warrior’s next Melee Attack.


  Godspark Cost: 9

  Boost: +1 / RN +6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Blind

  The Power of Hodr allows your warrior to envelop their foes in the pitch black of night. Your warrior can whisper words of power that drain the light from the areas to which their breath travels. Your warrior gains the following Attack:

  Attack ST RN Attack Abilities

  Dwell in Darkness - 18 Spray (3), Blind (0), Point Blank



  Godspark Cost: 8

  Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6

  The lies of Loki are legendary, scattered throughout many stories and poems for ages untold. This Power makes its way to your warrior’s lips. At the mere mention of falsehood, this Power causes confusion to all who hear it. Your warrior gains the following Attack:

  Attack ST RN Attack Abilities

  Whispered Lies - 18 Psi, Spray (2), Point Blank, Victim gains Delusional


  Godspark Cost: 6

  While some may be grateful for the Trickster God’s death, his Power and guile spreads throughout the Fractured Realms, searching for those unscrupulous enough to use it. Your warrior can use this Power to create illusions and distortions around their Attacks, making it far more difficult for their enemies to defend against them. All Attacks this warrior performs gain the Special Ability Deceptive.



  Godspark Cost: 7

  Odin’s sagacity resides within your warrior; they may re-roll any failed DR or MN test and have Immunity to the Special Abilities Terrifying and Delusional while this Power is in effect.


  Godspark Cost: 7

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Teleport SP

  The Allfather’s Power grants your warrior the gift of unfettered travel. The realities of the world open and bend around your warrior, allowing them to step beyond barriers and those who wish to stop them from doing so. Using this Power grants your warrior the Special Ability Teleport (4).



  Godspark Cost: 6

  The maddening Power of The Frenzied One courses through your warrior’s veins, providing battle music with each heartbeat and allowing them to wade into combat with reckless abandon, striking down all who stand in their way. The use of this Power grants your warrior the Special Abilities Bullrush and Heavy Charge.


  Godspark Cost: 7

  The warrior imbued with this Power allows Odr’s crazed movements to guide them, causing them to rotate at great speeds and rain a flurry of Attacks on their enemies. While this Power is active, your warrior gains the Attack Abilities Melee Arc and Rapid Attack to all Melee Attacks. If your warrior already possesses Rapid Attack they gain +1 MA during the Rapid Attack.



  Godspark Cost: 6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Deflection

  The Power of Sif imbues your warrior with supernatural reflexes. Time seems to slow around them; the hiss of an arrow or the blur of a stone becomes nothing more than an object slowly floating through the air. Not only can your warrior deflect a Ranged Attack, they can redirect it back at their enemies. Use of this Power grants your warrior the Special Ability Deflection (1).


  Godspark Cost: 7

  Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6

  Boost: +1 Godpsark / +1 additional DF

  Sif’s combat prowess is granted to your warrior that possesses this Power, allowing your warrior or any ally they deem worthy to defend against almost any blow directed at them. Your warrior gains the following Attack:

  Attack ST RN Attack Abilities

  Struck by No Mortal - 18 Aid (DF) (1), Point Blank, Self



  Godspark Cost: 7

  Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / + 1 additional Pull

  Thor was known to relentlessly grapple, pull close, and pin down those he fought against with unnerving tenacity and force. His Power now grants your warrior the ability to pull an enemy closer with supernatural force and make it far more difficult for them to escape your warrior’s grasp. While this Power is in use, your warrior gains the Special Ability Grapple and the following Attack:

  Attack ST RN Attack Abilities

  Thunder God’s Temper - 12 Pull (1)


  Godspark Cost: 6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Shock

  The Thunder God’s lighting has found its way to your warrior, who can now channel the lightning’s power through their body. Thor’s Power courses through their weapons, causing storm energy to focus on the edges of blades and the crushing heads of hammers. Apply the Attack Ability Shock (0) to all Attacks made by your warrior.



  Godspark Cost: 7

  Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional ST

  Your warrior can channel the Goddess of Strength’s raw Power, turning it into raw force that increases the might with which a warrior can swing their weapon. Your warrior can hurl this force at any ally, giving them the strength to cleave even the heaviest armor. Your warrior gains the following Attack:

  Attack ST RN Attack Abilit

  Split Mountains - 18 Aid (ST) (1) to Melee Attacks, Point Blank, Self

  If you roll a natural 2 while your warrior is using this Power with a non-magical or legendary weapon, that weapon is destroyed.


  Godspark Cost: 6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Push

  The sheer might of the Goddess of Strength swells within the warrior, enabling them to effortlessly cast aside all foes struck in combat as though they were nothing more than straw dolls. Any Melee Attack your warrior makes while this Power is in effect gains the Special Ability Push (0).



  Godspark Cost: 9

  Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6

  Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional Knockdown

  The One-Handed God was known for his sense of justice and law. His Power grants any warrior it touches the supernatural ability and confidence to cause all who hear their thunderous voice to drop to the ground in humility. Your warrior gains the following Attack:

  Attack ST RN Attack Abilities

  Kneel and Know Your Place - 36 Psi, Knockdown (0), Point Blank


  Godspark Cost: 6

  Despite having only one hand, Tyr was a master of martial combat. The warrior who uses this Power may re-roll one miss in melee combat while this Power is active. This Power can be combined with the Special Ability Weapon Master.



  Godspark Cost: 6

  Ullr’s hunting prowess raises your warrior above the ground, allowing them to pass over all Terrain Elements by gently resting on the surface. They move so deftly and lightly, they leave no footprints. While this Power is in effect, your warrior does not suffer SP penalties for moving through Difficult terrain and gains the Special Ability Acrobatics.


  Godspark Cost: 7

  The God of Archers was known for his keen aim and his ability to send an arrow soaring on a path so accurate, it could find its way between the slightest of openings. This Power grants your warrior Ullr’s keen eyesight, allowing them to strike multiple enemies with a single Ranged Attack. While in use, this Power increases your warrior’s range for all standard Ranged Attacks to 30, and grants all standard Ranged Attacks the ability of a Line Attack.


  Ragnarok is a wargame that has its roots in savage, over-the-top, Viking lore with an RPG undertone. You should not merely look at your War Clan as a group of creatures and warriors you can callously throw into combat to die for no reason—each of them wants to be remembered in the pages of history and legends! The more you play Ragnarok with a group of friends or in an organized play event at a game store or game club, the more your surviving War Clan members can improve their skills and sheer power. While it is perfectly acceptable to play Ragnarok’s Scenarios as stand-alone games, many players find it much more satisfying to link campaign games together into a much larger story of valor and monstrous combat!

  Starting and Playing in a Campaign

  To start a campaign, you need two or more players. Once the players build their War Clans, they can start playing immediately by choosing (or randomly selecting) one of the Scenarios to play. At the end of each game, each player calculates how much Glory they earned in victory or defeat (see the Scenarios section for more details on earning Glory after each game, here).

  New players can join the campaign at any time with their own 800 Glory War Clan. The new players’ War Clans may be less experienced than the other participants, but they can develop more quickly by playing against more powerful War Clans.


  Each player’s War Clan has an associated Rank. A beginning War Clan has a Rank of 0. For every 50 Glory the player collects, the War Clan Rank increases by +1. Unlike individual model ranks, there is no limit to the War Clan Rank. Your War Clan Rank can never decrease.

  During a campaign, it is a good idea to determine the collective base War Clan Rank before you play each week, month, or whichever sequence you decide to use. The player with the lowest overall War Clan Rank determines the campaign’s base War Clan Rank. The application of base War Clan Rank is covered a bit later in this chapter.


  At the end of each game, you and your opponent(s) take a few moments to determine which consequences and spoils befall your War Clans. This happens in the following steps:

  •Record Glory: After each game, each player accumulates Glory (see below for details) that they spend to improve their War Clans. Each Scenario grants players Glory based on their scores for the Primary and Secondary Objectives and the number of encounter models they kill. This total is added to their War Clan Rank.

  •Determine Injuries: Each friendly model removed from play during the game suffers injuries. See Injury and Death in a Campaign for details on how to calculate this.

  •Raid: At the end of each battle, each player rolls and consults the Raid Table to determine which supplies they find and add to their War Clan Sheet. See Raid for details.

  •Improve War Clan Members: Assign and spend Glory to increase the abilities of your individual War Clan members. See Improve War Clan Warriors for details.

  •Purchase New War Clan Warriors: Get new members to join your War Clan. See Recruit New War Clan Warriors for details.

  •Purchase Items and God Powers: Purchase additional items for your surviving War Clan members and equip your new War Clan members. See Purchasing Items and God Powers for details.

  Record Glory

  It is quite simple to record Glory after a Scenario is complete. For each Victory Point you earn during a Scenario, the War Clan gains 20 Glory. Additionally, for every encounter model you kill during the Scenario, the War Clan gains 10 Glory.

  First-time players in a campaign gain 10 additional Glory per War Clan Rank difference after each Scenario. This bonus lasts only until the new players reach the base War Clan Rank at which the campaign started.

  For example, the base War Clan Rank is 3 when Vigdis joins the campaign with a War Clan Rank of 0. She plays one game against Snorre, whose War Clan Rank is 5. No matter the game’s outcome, Vigdis gains an additional 50 Glory (10 per rank difference between her 0 and Snorre’s 5) on top of anything she gains from the Scenario, which guarantees her Clan can advance at least 1 War Clan Rank after the battle. Eventually, when Vigdis reaches War Clan Rank 3 (the original base War Clan Rank when she joined the campaign), she no longer receives this bonus.

  Injury and Death in a Campaign

  The Fractured Realms are unforgiving to all who wander them. In all the great sagas told, heroes are mere mortals who suffer greatly from their injuries and numerous battle scars. Death is commonplace throughout what remains of the realms, and it is no different for the War Clans who fight for godhood.

  Any model that remains on the battlefield when the game ends survives the Scenario. They may participate in the Raid Phase and are eligible for improvement during the Improvement Phase. You may use Glory to increase their Stats, improve their God Powers, better their Equipment, or Imprint God Powers on them (see the War Clan Improvement Phase for details).

  For each warrior removed from play, make a 2D6 Injury roll at the end of the game:


  Roll (2D6) Result

  2–3 The warrior is dead. Remove the warrior from your War Clan and lose any Improvements, Equipment, and Artifacts they had with them.

  4–5 The warrior is severely wounded. You cannot use this warrior in your next game; however, after the next game, the warrior heals to full HP and you can add them back to your War Clan. The warrior also suffers a Severe Injury from the Severe Injury Table. Additionally, you must roll 1D6. If you roll a 1, you lose all Equipment and Artifacts the warrior carried.

  6 The warrior is badly wounded. You cannot use this warrior in your next game; however, after the next game, the warrior heals to
full HP and you can add them back to your War Clan.

  7 The warrior is presumed dead. Your War Clan leaves the warrior behind for the scavengers that find their way to the battlefield to pick apart. You cannot use this warrior in the next game; however, they still count as a survivor for the purposes of the Raid Phase. After the next game, the warrior heals to full HP and you can add them back to your War Clan.

  8+ The warrior heals to full HP and you can use them in the next game without penalty.


  Roll (2D6) Result Penalty

  2–3 Crushed Leg: The warrior suffers a bone-shattering wound, which causes them to Move less freely than they did before. A warrior can receive this injury twice for a cumulative -2 SP. You must re-roll additional Crushed Leg results. -1 SP

  4 Shattered Arm: The warrior’s arm took a massive, bloody thrashing and never healed properly. A warrior can receive this injury twice for a cumulative -2 MA. You must re-roll additional Shattered Arm results. -1 MA

  5 Eye Wound: During the heat of battle, this warrior received damage to an eye that cannot be repaired by normal healing means. A warrior can receive this injury twice, which results in their permanently suffering the effects of the Attack Ability Blind. You must re-roll additional Eye Wound results. -1 RA

  6 Spinal Injury: Armor does not always save a warrior from blows! Damage to your warrior’s spine causes them to be less effective at defending themselves. A warrior can receive this injury multiple times. If a warrior’s cumulative Spinal Injuries ever reduce their DF below 0, they are no longer able to defend themselves in combat and are removed from your War Clan. -1 DF

  7 Weakened Core: Your warrior becomes less resilient to the same blows they could once turn aside with ease. A warrior can receive this injury multiple times. If a warrior’s cumulative injuries from their Weakened Core ever reduce their RS below 0, they die and are removed from your War Clan. -1 RS


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