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Page 6

by Tim Korklewski

  8–9 Timidity: Your warrior’s will to fight dwindles and they find themselves second-guessing each action. A warrior can receive this injury multiple times. If a warrior’s cumulative injuries from Timidity ever reduce their DR below 0, the warrior is no longer of use to the War Clan and is removed. -1 DR

  10–12 Madness: Battles take their toll on a warrior’s mind, as well as their body. A warrior can receive this injury multiple times. If a warrior’s cumulative injuries from Madness ever reduce their MN below 0, the warrior is no longer of use to the War Clan and is removed. -1 MN


  After accounting for all injuries, your War Clans wander—searching amongst the treacherous landscape for anything valuable that may assist them in future conflicts.

  Each player rolls a D66 and compares the result to the Raid Table below. To roll a D66, you first roll a single D6. The number that comes up is your tens’ column. You then roll a second D6 for your ones’ column (for example, if you roll a 6 and then a 2 your D66 result is 62).

  For every 100 Glory points your surviving War Clan receives, roll for one additional result on the Raid Table. For example, if you have three Bondi with Swords, Light Armor, and Shields who survived the Scenario (a total of 210 points), you roll twice more (ignore the additional 10 points for this roll).


  D66 Roll War Clan’s Discovery

  11–13 Nothing of value

  14–16 5 Glory

  21–22 10 Glory, 1 Usable Item—see the Usable Item Table

  23–24 15 Glory, 1 Usable Item—see the Usable Item Table

  25–26 20 Glory, 1 Usable Item—see the Usable Item Table

  31–32 1 piece of Equipment—see the Equipment Table

  33–34 5 Glory, 1 piece of Equipment—see the Equipment Table

  35–36 10 Glory, 1 piece of Equipment—see the Equipment Table

  41–42 1 Magic Item—see the Magic Item Table

  43–44 10 Glory, 1 Magic Item—see the Magic Item Table

  45–46 15 Glory, 1 Magic Item—see the Magic Item Table

  51–52 1 God Power—see the God Power Table

  53–54 10 Glory, 1 God Power—see the God Power Table

  55–56 20 Glory, 1 God Power—see the God Power Table

  61–62 1 Legendary Item—Roll on the Legendary Item Table

  63 5 Glory, 1 Legendary Item—Roll on the Legendary Item Table

  64 10 Glory, 1 Legendary Item—Roll on the Legendary Item Table

  65 15 Glory, 1 Legendary Item—Roll on the Legendary Item Table

  66 20 Glory, 1 Legendary Item—Roll on the Legendary Item Table

  Add any Glory earned from the Raid Table to your War Clan’s overall Glory total. Record each result you roll on the Usable Item, Equipment, Magic Item, and Legendary Item Tables in the Treasure Hall portion of your War Clan Sheet.



  2D6 Roll Usable Item Glory Cost

  2–4 Ration 5

  5 Skinning Tools 5

  6 Torch 5

  7 Heavy Cloak 5

  8 Travel Pack 5

  9 Healer’s Kit 10

  10 Healthy Meats 10

  11 Hero’s Mead 15

  12 Legends and Rumors 20


  Any warrior who possesses a Ration may use it at any time during their activation to gain 1 AP that can only be used for Movement. A warrior cannot use this Movement as part of a Charge action. After using the Ration, remove it from the warrior’s Equipment list. A warrior cannot use a Ration while Engaged in melee combat.


  These tools allow a warrior to harvest Rations from any one dead animal during a game. If a warrior possesses Skinning Tools, any animal killed during a game remains on the table but is tipped on its side (if this is safe for the model). To use the Skinning Tools, the warrior must have base-to-base contact with the dead animal and spend 1 AP. Remove the Skinning Tools from the warrior’s Equipment list and replace them with 2 Rations.


  A warrior who possesses a Torch may light it as part of any action, unless they are Engaged in melee combat. Torches illuminate a 12” radius in any Scenario where darkness causes visibility issues for Objectives or Ranged Attacks, and burn for three rounds before they extinguish. Additionally, a warrior may spend 1 AP to throw a lit Torch up to 12” away. Make a Ranged Attack, as normal. If the Attack hits another model, that model suffers Fire (0). When lit, a Torch can also be used as a makeshift club that causes Fire (0). If a warrior uses the Torch in this way, it breaks after hitting a target. Remove the Torch from the warrior’s Equipment list.


  This item provides respite against the biting winds. A Heavy Cloak provides +1 RS against attacks with the Special Ability Ice.


  You use the Travel Pack, which has all the makings of a well-prepared campsite, at the beginning of a game. Remove the Travel Pack from your War Clan’s Treasure Hall; during the game, you may re-roll one initiative roll.


  You use a Healer’s Kit when you Determine Injuries during the Post-Game Campaign Sequence. Remove the Healer’s Kit from your War Clan’s Treasure Hall to add +1 to the Injury roll for any one warrior who was removed from play (see Injury and Death in a Campaign).


  A warrior who possesses Healthy Meats may spend 1 AP while not Engaged in melee combat to eat them. Remove the Healthy Meats from the warrior’s Equipment list and heal them for 1 HP.


  A warrior who possesses Hero’s Mead may drink it as a part of any action, unless they are Engaged in melee combat. Remove the Hero’s Mead from the warrior’s Equipment list. For the rest of the game, the warrior reacts to any model with the Special Ability Terrifying as though it had -2 to its rating.


  The warrior discovers the key to finding a lost treasure scrawled on a discarded animal skin or recalls a tale they once heard about some valuables hidden nearby. During the Raid Phase, remove Legends and Rumors from a warrior’s Equipment list (before rolling) to add +2 to a Raid Table roll.



  D66 Roll Equipment Glory Cost Glory Resale Value

  11–13 Club/Dagger 5 1

  14–16 Light Leathers 5 1

  21–23 Shield 5 1

  24–26 Axe/Sword/Hammer 10 2

  31–33 Scale/Chain Armor 10 2

  34–36 Sling 15 3

  41–42 Throwing Dagger 15 3

  43–44 Great Weapon 15 3

  45–46 Spear 15 3

  51–52 Heavy Armor 15 3

  53–54 Throwing Axe/Hammer 20 4

  55–56 Atgeir 20 4

  61–62 Throwing Spear 25 5

  63–64 Scythe 25 5

  65 Yew Bow 30 6

  66 Ulfbert 65 13



  D66 Roll Magic Item Glory Cost Glory Resale Value

  11–12 Enchanted Club/Dagger +1 ST 35 7

  13–14 Enchanted Light Leathers +1 RS 35 7

  15–16 Enchanted Axe/Sword/Hammer +1 ST 40 8

  21–22 Enchanted Scale/Chain Armor +1 RS 40 8

  23–24 Enchanted Sling Stones +1 ST 45 9

  25–26 Enchanted Throwing Dagger +1 ST 45 9

  31–32 Enchanted Great Weapon +1 ST 45 9

  33–34 Enchanted Spear +1 ST 45 9

  35–36 Enchanted Heavy Armor +1 RS 45 9

  41–42 Enchanted Throwing Axe/Hammer +1 ST 50 10

  45–46 Enchanted Atgeir +1 ST 50 10

  51–52 Enchanted Throwing Spear +1 ST 55 11

  53 Enchanted Scythe +1 ST 55 11

  54 Enchanted Arrows +1 ST 60 12

  55 Enchanted Ulfbert +1 ST 95 19

  56 Warding Shield 30 6

  61 Elemental Rune - Brann 30 6

  62 Elemental Rune - Kald 30 6

  63 Elemental Rune - Lyn 30 6r />
  64 Elemental Rune - Sykdom 30 6

  65 Eitr Vial 100 20

  66 Rhinegold Weapon or Armor - -


  When your result on the Magic Item Table is an Enchanted Weapon with a +1 ST modifier or Enchanted Armor with a +1 RS modifier, consult the base stats for that type of equipment. Add the bonus to the Weapon’s base ST or the Armor’s base RS, respectively.


  This shield allows a warrior to stand as a juggernaut in the face of extreme odds. A Warding Shield is imbued with great defensive magics that grant a warrior the ability to single-handedly hold back hordes of enemy warriors and lets the warrior pass through the thick of battle with few consequences. The Warding Shield grants your warrior +4 Size (instead of the normal +2) when they are experiencing the effects of Overwhelm and the Special Ability Elusive.


  Add an Elemental Rune to any standard weapon during the Equipping Warriors portion of the Post-Game Campaign Sequence to add its respective Special Ability at (0). This addition is permanent—once you add a rune, you cannot remove it. You may add additional runes of the same type to the same weapon to increase the respective Special Ability by +1 for each rune added. You cannot add Elemental Runes to a weapon that already possesses another form of rune. If you apply a God Power to a weapon that grants the same type of Special Ability as the rune, combine the results. If you apply a God Power to a weapon that grants a different Special Ability than that which the rune provides, both Special Abilities affect the enemy when hit.

  •Brann: Imbues the weapon with intense heat. Adds the Special Ability Fire.

  •Kald: Imbues the weapon with biting chill. Adds the Special Ability Ice.

  •Lyn: Energizes the weapon with storm power. Adds the Special Ability Shock.

  •Sykdom: Causes the venom of beasts to drip from the weapon. Adds the Special Ability Toxin.


  Eitr is the very essence of life-giving substance. This powerful energy is painstakingly harvested and filtered into a drink that heals immense Damage for anyone who drinks it. A warrior may spend 1 AP during the game to use the Eitr Vial to heal themselves—or any warrior with whom they have base-to-base contact—for 3 HP (this includes warriors with 0 HP). A model may never heal past its maximum HP value. You may also use the Eitr during the Post-Game Campaign Sequence to revive a model that was removed during the Scenario, which gives you an additional survivor for the Raid and Improvement Phases. An Eitr Vial can also reduce the penalties of a single permanent injury by 1 Stage. Remove the Eitr Vial from the warrior’s Equipment list after use.


  Rhinegold is a precious metal that is harder than steel, and gold in color. This legendary ore is not only forged into marvelous works of art, it also enchants the items with innate and vastly powerful magics. If you roll this result, roll once more and consult the Equipment Table to determine which item is made of Rhinegold. A weapon receives a +2 bonus to its base ST; Armor receives a +2 bonus to its base RS. Additionally, the item is worth five times its normal value.


  These are magical weapons and possessions, praised by name in stories and songs throughout the ages. During a campaign, only one player can possess each specific Legendary Item at a time. It is important to keep track of which Legendary Items are already discovered. If your roll results in a Legendary Item already in possession, re-roll until the result is an undiscovered Legendary Item.


  2D6 Roll Legendary Item

  2 Fotbiter

  3 Aegishjalmr

  4 Krigsskytter

  5 Reginnaglar

  6 Girdle of Brynhildr

  7 Gridarvolr

  8 Mistilteinn

  9 Helkappe

  10 Gramr

  11 Draupnir

  12 Mjolnir


  Also known as Legbiter, this legendary sword has a hilt made from a massive tooth, an ornate Rhinegold handle, and a silver blade with an exceptionally keen edge.

  Weapon ST RN Attack Abilities

  Fotbiter 3 ML Knockdown (4), Savage


  These tools, also known as God Nails, may not cause the most damage possible, but their use in the Fractured Realms is widespread. When struck by one of these spikes, your warrior cannot use any God Powers or be affected by friendly God Powers until they remove the Reginnaglar. To do so, your warrior must not be Engaged in melee combat and must spend 2 AP to painfully remove the jagged bronze spike from their body. A warrior can only be affected by one Reginnaglar at a time.

  Weapon ST RN Attack Abilities

  Reginnaglar 1 ML No God Power Use or Benefit


  Known to many as The Helm of Awe, this bone helmet completely covers the wearer’s face and causes their eyes to turn to a milky white color with no distinct features. The warrior who wears Aegishjalmr can peer into the souls of those caught in their gaze and grip them with unimaginable fear. Aegishjalmr grants your warrior +1 RS and the Special Ability Terrifying (4).


  This magical Atgeir, known as The War Skewer, is said to possess the power to hold off legions of warriors and beasts with ease. A much sought-after weapon, the Krigsskytter looks no different from a normal Atgeir on the surface, aside from a single amber stone buried in the butt of the shaft. The magics within allow a warrior worthy to wield the Krigsskytter the ability to handle the weapon as though it weighs no more than a twig.

  Weapon ST RN Attack Abilities

  Krigsskytter 4 MR Melee Arc, No Shield, Rapid Attack


  Brynhildr was a Valkyrie hero, spoken of in many sagas of old. It is said that even among the powerful Valkyries, she was known for her resilience to blows; and she could overcome injuries that would fell a mortal hero as though they were a mere scratch. These abilities were thanks in part to her magical Rhinegold chain necklace. The warrior who wears the Girdle of Brynhildr receives +1 to their base HP.


  Thor himself once used this magical staff in battle against an utterly savage Jotunn named Geirrod after Loki trapped him, hoping the Jotunn would kill Thor. A Giantess by the name of Gridr gave Thor the weapon, enchanted with the power to not only destroy Geirrod but his kin and kind, as well. The warrior who wields Gridarvolr receives +1 MA and +1 ST versus Giants.

  Weapon ST RN Attack Abilities

  Gridarvolr 3 MR Stun (1)


  The sword known as Mistletoe was once the long-dead hero king Hromundr’s weapon. Once in the possession of a Draugr Lord to stop mortals from gaining the upper hand against the living dead, this fine blade cleaves through all manner of dead—whether corporal or spirit—with ease.

  Weapon ST RN Attack Abilities

  Mistilteinn 3 ML Affects Phasing, Lethal to Undead


  This cloak has passed through the hands of many heroes that have crossed over into Helheim. The Helkappe is a glorious cloak of woolen fibers with strands of Rhinegold, Silver, and powders of warding runes woven into the cloth. Helkappe grants the wearer +1 RS. In addition, the warding magics of the Helkappe grant the wearer an additional +1 RS and +1 DF against all Attacks from Demons and Undead.


  The legendary hero, Sigurd, used this enchanted blade—also known as Wrath—to slay Kings and dragons. It is said that on its third forging, the blade was sharp enough to cleave a Dwarf’s anvil in two.

  Weapon ST RN Attack Abilities

  Gramr 5 ML Savage, Lethal to Dragons


  Forged for Odin by the Dwarven master smiths, Draupnir is a masterfully worked golden armband that makes it easier for the wearer to accumulate wealth and power. While Odin wore Draupnir, it created eight new rings on every ninth night, each just as lovely as Draupnir itself. The magics within also allowed Odin to find treasures
and marvels on his many travels. The warrior who wears this item and survives the Scenario allows their War Clan to re-roll one result on the Raid Table and keep either result.


  The legendary God of Thunder’s hammer, Mjolnir is said to be one of the most powerful weapons ever created. A single swing of this weapon has the power to crush mountains to rubble, and it grants the warrior who wields it the ability to fly. When your warrior focuses, they can channel Mjolnir’s brute storm power to strike their foes with lightning blasts. They also receive the Special Ability Flight (6).

  Weapon ST RN Attack Abilities

  Mjolnir 4 24 Point Blank, Shock (3)


  When you roll the result God Power on the Raid Table, consult the God Power table in the War Clan Creation section of this book. Any God Power you obtain in this way starts at its base Godspark Cost.

  War Clan Improvement Phase

  There are three parts to the War Clan Improvement Phase: Improving Warrior Stats, Improving God Powers, and Imprinting God Powers.

  As your warriors survive and kill other denizens in the Fractured Realms, your War Clan’s power and influence increases—allowing them to harness more energy and abilities and become the new gods! War Clans gather Glory throughout their journey, becoming more and more powerful through violence and reputation.

  Below are the rules for using Glory—not just as a method of currency, but to empower your warriors and make them far more formidable than they currently are.

  Any warriors who are temporarily removed from the game cannot make Improvements. They are too preoccupied healing from their near-death encounters.


  Multiply the current Rating of a Stat, Special Ability (such as Fire), or Attack ST by 10 to determine how much Glory you need to Improve the Rating by +1. For example, a warrior with a current Melee Attack Rating of 2 needs 20 Glory to Improve to a Melee Attack Rating of 3. A Stat or Attack ST with a Rating of 0 need 10 Glory to Improve. You cannot Improve any Stat listed as “-”.


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