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Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC

Page 19

by Wilder, L.

  “And he was good with that?”

  “I guess so.” I pulled on my hoodie and tugged it down around my waist. “He told me he was looking forward to seeing me.”

  “That’s great!” He stood up and walked over to me. As he slipped his arms around my waist, he smiled and said, “I’m really proud of you for doing this. I know it won’t be easy, but I think you’ll be glad you went to see him.”

  “I hope so.” I inched up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his. “I better get going. The sooner I get there, the sooner I can get back and help Braylon finish putting those bookshelves together for the office.”

  “I’ll help him with that. You just go and try to make the best of your visit with your dad.”

  “Okay.” I slipped on my shoes, then started for the door. “I’ll let you know when I’m headed back.”

  I grabbed my keys and purse, then walked out to my car. As soon as I started driving towards my dad’s, dread set in, and I was tempted to turn around and put off our talk for another day. Then I remembered the look on Grayson’s face when I told him I was finally going to see my father. He’d done so much for me, and I couldn’t bear the thought of letting him down. So, I did the only thing I could.

  I swallowed my apprehension and pressed forward. I tried not to overthink things as I continued to drive towards Dad’s house, but it wasn’t easy. Every few miles, my mind would drift back to the night of Drake’s attack and the look on my father’s face when he saw me standing with the Ruthless Sinners. It was enough to make my heart ache with regret. I wished that I’d talked to him sooner, then maybe all this wouldn’t be so hard. Unfortunately, I couldn’t go back in time and change things. I had to face the music and try to make things right between us.

  When I pulled up at the house, Dad was sitting on the front porch swing waiting for me. I got out and couldn’t help but notice that he didn’t smile as I made my way up the front steps. Usually, he greeted me with open arms and a big hug, but today, he remained seated and didn’t say a word as I walked over and sat down next to him. I feigned a slight smile and mumbled, “Hey.”


  “Thank you for letting me come today.”

  “Of course.” His brows furrowed. “I’d never turn you away, Kiersten. You’re my daughter. My pride and joy. Nothing will ever change that.”

  “Not even the fact that I’ve been lying to you?”

  “We’ve both done our fair share of lying.” Dad turned and looked at me as he said, “But I never meant to hurt you. I do hope you know that.”

  “I know that’s not what you intended, but you did. The night I found out what you were doing in the basement hurt me in ways I still can’t comprehend.” I could feel the emotion building inside me as I continued, “I can’t tell you how much I wish I’d never gone down there. I wish I’d never seen you burning those bodies in the incinerator. Because seeing you do that stole something from me, and that nearly killed me. I just couldn’t bear knowing there was this dark side to you that I never knew existed. It was almost like you reached through time, and you stole my trust in everything I ever thought was real.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But you have to know you were never supposed to see that.”

  “Maybe not, but I did, and I’ve spent years waiting for you to tell me why.”

  “I had many reasons for not telling you, Kiersten, but all you need to know is that I did what I did for our family.”

  “Don’t do that. Don’t just blow it all off like it was something you had to do,” I fussed. “You could’ve gone back to your job in forensics, but you chose to do this instead. I need you to tell me why.”

  “I’ll tell you, but only because you’re in bed with them now.”

  “In bed with who?”

  “The Sinners.” His tone was cold and harsh as he said, “You’re part of their world now.”

  “But what do they have to do with—”

  “I’m getting there.” He took a deep breath and turned to look out towards the pond. It took him several moments, but he eventually said, “Losing your mother nearly destroyed me. My head went to a place it never should’ve gone. I tried to keep it together for you, but I couldn’t let go of the anger. I needed someone to answer for what happened, and other than myself, there was only one other person who came to mind—her doctor. I started looking into him and discovered that your mother wasn’t the only patient he’d lost under his care.”

  “But Dad, things happen. Doctors lose patients all the time—”

  “Yeah, they do,” he interrupted. “But this was different. This was negligence.”

  “Yes, it was.” I was eager to hear the rest of his story, so I asked, “So, what did you do?”

  “I went to see him. I wanted to hear him admit what he’d done, and as stupid as it may sound, I needed him to apologize for making such a careless mistake.”

  “And did he?”

  “No, he did not.” Dad stood and walked over to the front porch rails. It was clear that reliving this story was hard for him, but that didn’t stop him from telling me, “He had no remorse over what had happened to your mother. He blamed her for the mistake and said I had no proof of my claims of his malpractice. I wasn’t surprised that he tried to blow me off. This guy had a real God complex, and that only made me angrier. I knew in my heart that he was the reason why your mother was dead, but there was nothing I could do about it.”

  I hated seeing the dreadful look on Dad’s face. It was the same expression he had after Mom had died, and it remained there for years. I always thought it was just the grief of losing her that haunted him, but now I realized it was so much more. After several long moments, he finally continued, “I won’t lie. I became a little unhinged about this doctor guy. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t let it go. I started following him and even hid cameras in his patient rooms—all in hopes of peeling back all his vicious layers. It was through those cameras that I finally discovered his dirty little secret.”

  “What secret?”

  “He was drugging his female patients. He told them it would help to ease the pain of their migraines or neurological pain, and when they passed out, he raped them.”

  “Oh, God.”

  “I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d done the same to your mother.”

  Bile rose to the back of my throat when I thought about the possibility of Mom’s doctor taking advantage of her during her most vulnerable moments. The man had to be a complete monster to do something like that. Tears started to fill my eyes as I muttered, “Do you think he did something like that to her?”

  “I have no idea. I pray he didn’t, but the mere thought of him putting his hands on your mother enraged me. I wanted to kill him. Oh, God, I can’t describe how much I wanted to kill him, but I’m no murderer.” He came over and sat down next to me. “That’s when I decided to go see Viper.”

  “Viper?” I gasped. “Why would you go see him?”

  “I knew all about him and his club. Everyone at the precinct did. There wasn’t a cop who didn’t want to bring them down for something, but it couldn’t be done. Still, that didn’t stop them from trying.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My mind was literally reeling as I listened to him say, “When I first showed up on his doorstep, he thought I was just trying to bullshit him and add to the case the cops were trying to build against the club. And I gotta say, he wasn’t an easy man to convince. But then I told him why I was really there.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “I told him about the good doctor and showed him everything I had on him, then I made him a proposition he couldn’t refuse.”

  “What kind of proposition?”

  “That’s not something I can discuss, not even with you.” I’d always wondered how my father got involved with the Sinners, but this was far beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. “After he and the brothers dealt with the doctor, I used my skills in forensics to make sure no one would ev
er suspect that they had anything to do with his death. I was extremely good at it—which opened a door I would have never expected.”

  “So, this door suddenly opened and what? You started cleaning for the Ruthless Sinners?”

  “To start, yes, but with Viper’s help, it quickly grew into something more.” He reached over to place his hand on my knee. “There’s something about all this that you need to understand. The cleaning business is a tough one. I have to do things I never dreamed I’d ever do, but with each job, I’m getting drug lords, cartels, and gang members off the streets. That’s something I’d tried to do for years, but even with the evidence I gathered, they still managed to find a loophole and walked free. Now, I have the means to make sure they received the justice they deserved.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I know none of what I told you makes this easier for you, but I want you to remember that what I’ve done was always for you and your mother.”

  “I will.”

  He nodded, then removed his hand from my knee and crossed his arms. “Now, I think it’s time for us to discuss you and the Manor.”

  “I’m sorry I never told you about what I was doing. I guess a part of me wanted to keep it a secret from you as some kind of revenge for you keeping so many from me. I know that’s not fair, but it’s the only explanation I have.”

  “I understand why you didn’t tell me, but what I don’t get is why you started growing marijuana in the first place or even how you got it started.”

  “Like you, I did it because of Mom.” I went on to tell him how I’d learned about the benefits of marijuana use in class and how it had made me think about Mom. I was honest with him. I told him how I’d used my inheritance to build the Manor and how I’d been able to produce a product superior to anyone around. “I don’t just sell it for profit. I also have people I donate to. They’re either going through cancer treatments or dealing with migraines like Mom, but I’m helping to make their lives a little better.”


  “Mm-hmm. I just met with a family a few days ago. The daughter has cerebral palsy, and they’re hoping this will help with some of the pain she’s experiencing.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “I wouldn’t have been so committed to my business if it didn’t involve helping some people.”

  A smile crossed his face as he said, “Now, that’s the daughter I’ve always known and loved.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. I’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way.”

  “Like a few weeks back?” He leaned back in the swing. “Was that one of your mistakes?”

  “It was, and I paid dearly for it.”

  “Did you learn something from it?”

  “I did. I think we all did.”

  “Speaking of we ... How did you get involved with Viper and the Sinners?”

  “I have you to thank for that.” I grimaced. “It started that weekend I came home, and Menace was here.”

  “Oh, damn. I should’ve known. Don’t tell me anymore. You keep your business dealings to yourself, and I’ll do the same.”

  “Fair enough.” I leaned over and placed my hand on his arm as I asked, “So, are we good?”

  “Yes, sweetheart. We’re good.”

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that. I was so worried I was going to lose you.”

  “Not a chance.”

  “There’s one more thing I should tell you.”

  “If you’re going to tell me that you’re seeing Country, I already know.”

  “What?” I gasped. “How?”

  “Knew it the second I saw the way he was looking at you. It was the same way I looked at your mother.”

  “Oh, Dad. That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “I hope he knows I’ll have his ass if he ever hurts you.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that. He’s really good to me.”

  “You love him?”

  “Oh, yes. More than I thought possible.”

  “Then, that’s all that matters. I just want you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  I reached over and gave him a big hug as I whispered, “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you, too, sweetheart.”

  I ended up spending most of the afternoon with Dad. He fixed us some lunch, and we even spent a little time out on the pier fishing. I filled him in on how things were going at school and my plans to go to graduate school. By the time I left, I was feeling better than I thought possible. I hated that I’d waited so long to come and talk to him. I’d wasted so much time worrying over what could possibly go wrong that I hadn’t thought about a happy ending. For the first time in years, I finally understood why my father had made the decisions he had, and it helped ease those doubts that had always lingered in the back of my mind. I had my daddy back, and I couldn’t be happier.

  When I arrived back to the Manor, I went straight to the office to find Grayson. I was eager to tell him how things had gone with Dad, and I also wanted to see how he and Braylon had made out with putting together all the new furniture. I’d hoped they would’ve been done already, but sadly, that wasn’t the case. Instead, I walked in to find Grayson on the floor next to Bray, and there were little piles of wood and screws scattered throughout the room. The second I stepped inside, Grayson held up his hand and ordered, “Hold it right there!”


  “We’ve got this under control.”

  “You sure about that?” I snickered as I said, “’Cause from where I’m standing, it looks like these bookshelves have gotten the best of you.”

  “It’s a workspace, babe.”

  “A workspace, huh? Well, it looks a bit like a disaster zone to me.”

  “Are you doubting our abilities here?” Grayson asked, sounding offended.

  “I’m just stating the obvious.”

  “Can’t believe you’re actually doubting my skills.” Grayson gave me a playful scowl. “You should know better than anyone that I’m good with my hands.”

  “I can’t disagree with you there.”

  “That’s right. I was born for this shit. I just need a little time to get organized.”

  “Mm-hmm. If you say so, punkin.”

  “Don’t you punkin me, woman! I’ll have your ass for that.”

  I winked at him. “I certainly hope so.”

  “Oh, good grief. You two are killin’ me!” Braylon whined, then turned to look at me with a scolding expression. “Don’t you have some work to do?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” I tiptoed over to Grayson, then leaned down and kissed him. “Thanks for doing all this for me.”

  “Just doing what I can to make my woman happy.”

  “Well, I appreciate it.” I stood, and as I walked out of the room, I said to them, “I’ll let you boys get back to work. Just give me a shout if you need a hand.”

  “Not gonna happen. We got this covered.” I’d barely stepped into the hall when I heard Grayson shout, “You’re still gonna pay for the punkin’ shit later tonight.”

  “Looking forward to it!”



  “How’s the new girlfriend?”


  “Oh, don’t play dumb, brother. You know who I’m talking about.” I smirked at Jagger. “The hot new shrink that’s been coming ’round to see ya.”

  The second I mentioned her, his eyes grew fierce, and I knew something was up with him and his new therapist. Jagger wasn’t one to discuss the women in his life. Hell, it was months later before he told us that he’d broken things off with Sadie—the girl he’d been dating before he got locked up. Even then, he didn’t go into much detail, but we all knew why he’d done it. Jagger didn’t want her wasting her life away waiting on him to be released. Needless to say, I was intrigued by his reaction to my comment, so when he didn’t immediately respond, I goaded him even more, “You two had an
y conjugal visits yet?”

  “Did you really come all this way to give me shit about my new therapist?”

  “Oh, come on, brother. Don’t be like that.” Menace was sitting next to me in the prison’s meeting room and smiling at Jagger like the Cheshire Cat. He, too, knew there was something up with him and this chick, but he didn’t say a word. Menace just sat there waiting for Jagger to admit he had a thing for her—something we both knew wouldn’t happen. I wasn’t ready to let it go, so I baited him. “I’m just making sure this counselor chick is fulfilling all your therapeutical needs.”

  Jagger growled, his tone full of warning. “Country.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll stop fucking around.” It had been several weeks since I’d been able to make it over to the prison, so I was glad to see the fire back in his eyes and figured this new therapist had something to do with it. I knew better than to fuck with him any more than I already had, so I asked, “But in all seriousness, how are things going with her?”

  “They’re going.” Jagger shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “She’s only coming around, so I can get that stupid parole hearing. Nothing more than that.”

  We left that topic alone and spent the next half hour catching him up to speed on everything that had gone down at the Manor. As soon as we were done, Jagger cocked his head and sighed. “Damn, I hate to hear about Jackal.”

  “It was a tough loss.”

  “I’m sure it was. I hate I wasn’t there to help.”

  “Us, too, brother.” Jagger had always been a strong figure in the club. He was very protective of the brotherhood, so his disappointment about not fighting alongside us was understandable. Hell, I would’ve felt the same damn way if I was in his shoes. “You’ll be there next time.”

  “I sure as hell hope so.” A smirk crossed Jagger’s face as he leaned closer. “So, you’re seriously hooking up with Billy’s daughter?”


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