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Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC

Page 20

by Wilder, L.

  And just like that, the motherfucker had turned the tables on me. I was tempted to give him a smartass answer like he’d given me regarding his counselor friend but decided against it. “More than just hooking up, but yeah. I’m with her.”

  “Damn, brother. Billy’s not a man to fuck around with.” He struggled not to laugh. “I mean, seriously. You gotta have balls of steel to get tied up with her.”

  “Yeah, I’ve got some pretty impressive balls, but it ain’t like that. Billy’s all right. Besides, I have no plans to piss off the guy. Got a good thing with Kiersten, and I intend to keep it that way.”

  “I certainly hope so ’cause if you fuck up, we’ll never find out what he did to ya.”

  “No doubt about that.” Menace glanced over at the clock, and when he noticed the time, he said, “I’m sorry to cut it short, but we’ve gotta get back for the run this afternoon.”

  “Leaving kind of late, aren’t ya?”

  “Just trying to work around the fucking traffic.” Menace stood as he told him, “You know how it is coming in and out of Knoxville.”

  “Yeah, I remember.”

  Menace and I said our goodbyes to our brother, then turned and headed back through security. Once we’d gathered our things, we made our way out to the parking lot and hopped on our bikes. Before we pulled off, Menace looked over to me. “Jagger seems to be doing all right, don’t ya think?”

  “Yeah, brother, I think he’s doing just fine.”

  “I’m ready for him to get his ass out of there.”

  “You and me both.”

  Without saying anything more, Menace turned the key and started his engine. I followed him out of the prison gate and back to the clubhouse. By the time we got there, Hawk and Axel were already loaded up and waiting for us. Just like the time before, we made the run to meet our NC chapter without a hitch and got back just in time for my shift at Stilettos. On most days, the commute between the clubhouse and the Manor wasn’t bad at all, but after driving to Knoxville and back and putting in my hours at the strip club, I knew I’d be wiped. But I didn’t care. I was looking forward to getting home and crawling into bed next to my woman. I held on to that thought as I followed Locke into Stilettos.

  For a Thursday night, the place was completely slammed. Hell, there wasn’t an empty seat in the house. Locke looked around at all the crowded tables and groaned. “Damn, it looks like we’re going to be in for a long one.”

  “Yeah, it’s definitely looking that way.”

  On nights like these, we always made a shit-ton of money, but it came at a cost. I never understood it, but anytime it was packed like this, folks tended to lose their fucking minds and do shit they wouldn’t ordinarily do—like throwing a punch at a complete stranger or grabbing some oblivious girl’s ass. Trying to mentally prepare for what laid ahead, I made my way over to the front door and stood watch with Lynch. As expected, it wasn’t long before a fight broke out next to the main stage. “Fuck. Here we go.”

  “Hell, yeah. Just what I’ve been waitin’ for.”

  Lynch being Lynch, he plowed through the drunken crowd and charged over to the three men who were quickly losing control. I followed right behind him and reached Lynch just as he’d slipped his arm around one of the bigger guy’s throats. Lynch gave him a hard tug, lifting his feet from the floor as he jerked him away from the others.

  As soon as the other two realized what was happening, they decided to turn their aggression towards me, and each took a swing. That was a mistake. I plowed my fist into the smaller one’s diaphragm, causing him to topple over as he gasped for breath, then immediately turned my attention to the other. He’d already braced himself and was ready for me to throw a punch, but instead of going directly at him, I waited for him to make the first move. The second he lunged at me, I uppercut him and slammed my fist into his kidneys, then hammered him again with another punch right under his chin. He went flailing back and crashed into one of the tables.

  I reached down and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, jerking him up to his feet, then took hold of his arm and grabbed his buddy before storming towards the front door. Lynch had already made it out of the club with the first guy, and I wasn’t far behind with the other two. I shoved them both out the front door and growled, “That’s it for you boys. Time to call it a night.”

  “Come on, man. No need to do us like that.”

  Lynch had enough of their bullshit and roared, “You heard the man. Get the fuck out of here.”

  Without any further argument, the three men turned and walked away like a group of dogs with their tails between their legs. Lynch and I watched as they hailed a cab, and once they were gone, Lynch looked at me and chuckled. “Is it bad that I love that shit?”

  “Fucking up a bunch of drunks?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely! I love it.” He held up his fist and growled, “I can’t wait to do it again. It’s a fucking rush!”

  I laughed as I patted him on the back. “You need help, brother.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Lynch started over to the front door but stopped and turned back to me. “I wanted to tell you I spoke to Hannah earlier today.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I hadn’t heard anything about Lynch’s sister or her daughter since the day Kiersten went over to see them. She and I had been curious about whether or not the gummies had helped with Reece’s issues, but Kiersten didn’t want to seem pushy and was hesitant to reach out to them. “How’s she making it?”

  “Really good, actually.” Lynch seemed relieved. “Reece has been showing some real improvements. Seems Kiersten’s gummies have been a real hit over there, so I’m pretty sure Hannah will be calling her soon.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I’ll be sure and let Kiersten know.”

  “Please do and tell her how much I appreciate her doing this for me.” He cleared his throat. “I love my sister and hate that she’s going through all this, so I’m grateful for all of Kiersten’s help.”

  “She was glad to do it, brother. I know she’ll be happy to hear it’s working out.”

  I followed him inside, and together we waited for the possibility of another unraveling. Thankfully, our little display with the first wild crew made an impression on the remainder of the crowd, and we got through the rest of the night without another brawl. I helped the guys get things shut down for the night, and once the doors were locked, I was on my bike, riding back to the Manor. By the time I pulled into the drive, it was well after midnight. I had no doubt that Kiersten was sleeping, so I did my best not to wake her as I unlocked the door and went inside.

  Being as quiet as possible, I padded into the bathroom and took a much-needed long, hot shower. I was beyond exhausted and barely able to keep my eyes open as I got out and dried off. I pulled on a fresh pair of boxers, then crawled into bed with Kiersten. On instinct, she immediately nestled up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder. Her eyes were closed as she whispered, “Hey.”

  “Hey, babe. Sorry I woke you.”

  “I’m glad you did.” Her voice was low and raspy and sexy-as-fuck as she whispered, “I missed you today.”

  “Right back at ya.” I leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Did you have a good day?”

  “It was okay.” She did that little hum thing she did when she was worried about something before saying, “I talked to Braylon today.”


  “Mia.” She sighed, then continued, “He really likes her, but he’s been pushing her away. He still blames himself for what happened with Drake and his men.”

  “Yeah, I had a feeling that was what was going on. Did you set him straight?”

  “I think so, but you never know with Bray. He’s so stinking stubborn.” She yawned, then hummed once again. “He’s a good guy. He deserves to be happy.”

  “And he will be ... when he’s ready.”

  “But if he’s never ready?”

  “He’ll get there.” I ran my fingers through her hair. “I kno
w you want to fix it for him, but he’s gotta do it on his own. And you gotta trust that he will.”

  “How did you get so smart?”

  “You’re the smart one. You’re just rubbing off on me a little.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Mm-hmm.” I closed my eyes and settled in. “You’re the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me.”

  “It’s funny you say that ’cause I think the same thing about you.”

  She eased up and kissed me, then laid her head back down on my shoulder. A few minutes later, she stilled and her breathing slowed, and I knew she’d drifted back off to sleep. I looked down at her and was in complete awe. Kiersten had no idea how incredible she really was, but I knew. I’d known it all along. She was the best of both worlds. She was strong, independent, and beautiful, but at the same time, she was vulnerable with a heart of gold. She made it easy to fall for her. Hell, I was still falling, and as I lay there in bed next to her, I knew I’d never stop.



  “What the ever-loving fuck?” Lynch roared. “How the hell is she doing that?”

  “I don’t know, but they’re definitely kicking our asses.” Shotgun huffed with aggravation.

  Lynch pointed over to me with a pout as he complained, “I’m pretty sure she’s cheating.”

  “She isn’t cheating,” Grayson argued. “She’s just better than you.”

  “She’s better than you, too.” Lynch pointed to the red solo cup of beer. “Drink up, buttercup.”

  Grayson looked over to me with a scowl, then lifted the cup and quickly downed it. The guys had gotten together to celebrate Viper’s birthday, and they’d all been partying pretty hard when Locke got the bright idea of setting up a beer pong table. At first, the guys seemed a little undecided, but when Locke suggested a match between the brothers and the ol’ ladies, suddenly they were all for it. We’d already played several rounds, and the ol’ ladies were dominating the guys, which suited me just fine. After the last party, I had no interest in getting smashed again any time soon.

  Since I’d made the last shot, I had to go again. I could feel the guys’ eyes on me as I prepared to take my next shot. I held the ping pong ball up and aimed it at the next red solo cup, then held my breath as I tossed it in the air. Seconds later, it plopped inside the cup, causing some of the beer to splash out. I threw my arms up in the air and shouted, “Oh, heck yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!”

  “You’ve gotta be shittin’ me!” Lynch whined. “How in the hell did you just make that?”

  “What can I say? I’ve got skills,” I teased him.

  “I’ll show you skills.” Lynch took his ball and tossed it towards our end of the table, and like many before, he missed the cup by a mile. “Damn it!”

  I smiled as I pointed to the cup. “Drink up, buttercup.”

  “Damn it.” Lynch grabbed the cup with my ball in it, then quickly drank it. He tossed the empty cup to the ground, then turned to Grayson as he fussed, “You’re gonna have to step up your game, brother.”

  “Me?” Grayson scowled. “You’re the one who can’t get it in the damn cup. You’re worse than a fucking virgin searching for the golden hole.”

  “Fuck you, brother. You’re just taking it easy on ’em ’cause you wanna get laid tonight.”

  “Damn straight, I do,” Grayson grumbled. “Not gonna throw the fucking game and make us lose to do it, though.”

  “Okay, girls. You’re both pretty.” Menace snickered as he stepped between Lynch and Grayson, shoving them apart. “Now, quit your whining and play the damn game.”

  “That was a little intense,” Marlowe whispered. “I’m thinking our boys aren’t very good at losing.”

  “No, they aren’t, but it’s not all that surprising.” Delilah glanced over at Hawk. “They rarely lose at anything.”

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Frankie laughed. “You think I should take it easy on them?”

  “No way.” My eyes skirted over to Grayson. Even though he’d already thrown back several shots and drank numerous beers, he still looked completely sober. I was hoping to get him at least a little tipsy, so I told Frankie, “They can take it.”

  “Alrighty then.”

  I watched as she eased her hand back and tossed the ball into the air. When it landed in the cup of beer, all the girls jumped up and cheered. Grayson gave Widow a nudge. “Come on, brother. End this thing once and for all.”

  “I’m certainly gonna try.”

  When Widow stepped up to the table, Frankie gave him a wink and smiled. I loved how these beautiful women adored their men just as much as I adored mine. I glanced over at Grayson, and a warmth washed over me when I found him sitting on a stool watching me with the other ol’ ladies. He looked at me like I was the only woman in the room. Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one. In fact, the place was filled with hang-arounds. They were all eager to get their claws into one of the brothers, so it wasn’t a surprise when a pretty little redhead came sauntering over to Grayson and started flirting. I could’ve gone over and put her in her place, but I knew I could trust Grayson to do the right thing.

  My attention was drawn back over to the table when Delilah called out to me, “Hey, Kiersten, it’s your turn!”


  The ball was in my hand, and I was preparing to take my shot when I happened to glance over in Grayson’s direction and noticed the redhead had wedged herself between his legs just inches from his crotch. Before I had a chance to get angry, Grayson shifted in his seat and said something to the girl that brought a scowl to her pretty face. Seconds later, she stalked away. Smiling, I turned my attention back to the beer pong table and was a little worried when I realized there was only one cup remaining. If I made it, the game would be over, and the ladies would win yet another round. I stepped into position, then tossed the ball. As soon as it fell into the cup, the entire room exploded with a loud roar of cheers and laughter. Delilah and Frankie came over and gave me a high-five. “Way to go, girl! Thanks to you, we smoked them yet again.”

  “We all did it. Not just me.”

  “You’re just being modest.” Frankie winked. “You know you rocked it.”

  “Well, maybe a little.” I laughed, then looked over at Grayson who, like earlier, was watching me again, so I told Frankie, “I think I’ll go claim my prize.”

  “You should definitely do that.”

  “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

  “Sure thing. Have fun!”

  “Planning on it.” I made my way through the others and over to Grayson. As I slipped my arms around his waist, I announced, “We won!”

  “I saw that.”

  “I’ve come to claim my prize.”

  “Your prize, huh?”

  “Oh, yeah. A win like that totally deserves a prize.” I gave him a playful smile as I leaned closer and whispered, “I’m thinking a few bells and whistles might suffice.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Mm-hmm … But only if you’re up for it.”

  “I’m always up for some bells and whistles, baby. You know that.”

  Without saying anything more, he took me by the hand and led me out of the bar and down to his room. We knew we’d be drinking and had already planned on staying at the clubhouse. As soon as Grayson closed the door, he kicked off his boots and removed his cut, then he was on me, kissing me in a way that made my knees tremble. Our hands became frantic and possessive as we lost ourselves in the moment. When his hands dropped to my jeans, I looked up at him and said, “There sure are a lot of pretty girls around the club.”

  “Yeah.” His brows furrowed. “And?”

  “Lots of temptation.”

  He slipped his arms around my waist. “You jealous?”

  “Just stating a fact.”

  His gorgeous eyes fell on me, studying me for a brief moment before he said, “Well, you should know by now that you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’
re all I want.” I let out a little whimper as his lips trailed along my neck. “You’re mine, Kiersten. All mine, and all I’ll ever need.”

  Without saying anything more, his lips crashed down on mine, stealing my breath away. The tips of his fingers trailed along my spine, and I arched towards him, seeking the heat of his touch. As he continued to kiss me, I could feel a fire burning deep inside me, smoldering as it spread through my body. It was a familiar sensation—one I had every time Grayson’s hands were on me. It always started with a spark and intensified with every single touch. He reached for the hem of my sweater, then pulled it over my head.

  A light hiss slipped through my lips as he brought the tips of his fingers to the straps of my bra and gently brushed them off my shoulders. I shivered with anticipation as I felt the palm of his hand linger over my bare flesh. He looked down at me, sending chills through my body as his eyes roamed over every inch of my exposed skin.

  “So fucking beautiful.” He ran his rough, calloused finger along the edge of my black satin bra. A rush of heat rolled against my skin as Grayson stood there staring at me, appraising me. Watching his eyes fill with lust made it hard to breathe, hard to think, and only increased my need for him.

  I reached out and grasped the hem of his t-shirt, feeling the muscles in his chest quiver as my fingers brushed along his skin. God, I loved how his body responded to my every touch. It made me feel so wanted, so desired. He leaned forward to let me pull the shirt over his head, then I placed my hand on his heart and smiled when I sensed it beating as fast as mine. Just like me, he’d felt every spark, every flicker of heat that surged through our bodies.

  “Grayson,” I whispered.

  “Right here with you, babe,” he reassured me. His lips brushed against mine, but not gently like before. Instead, it was hot, demanding, and possessive. I was his, and he wanted to make sure I knew it. I moaned into his mouth, stealing the last of his restraint. He made quick work of my jeans, then lifted me into his arms and carried me over to the bed. Seconds later, I was on my back, and his body was covering mine. His weight pressed me into the bed as his hands, rough and impatient, roamed over my body.


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