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Oblivion's Crown

Page 65

by M. H. Johnson

  The smaller screen pulled up an anxious-looking Dominion officer in a coal black uniform. "We are already working on it, sir. Unfortunately, snipers are in play, and the doors appear to be barricaded."

  "I don't want to hear your excuses, I want to see results!" Craven shouted, Val's words washing over them once more.

  "...I bring before all of Jordia proof not only of Councilor Craven's treachery, his violation of the accords, but also proof of a Dominion-wide plot to wipe out every man, woman, and child with the smallest drop of Dauda blood within their veins."

  Craven paled. "No. That's impossible. Impossible! He was bluffing. He had to have been bluffing! There were no recording devices in the council!" he roared, his massive fists hammering the computer console. "Cut off the power to the newsroom! To the city entire! Do it. Make it happen. Make it happen now!"

  The officer's eyes widened as shouting and blaster fire could be heard in the background. "Yes, sir. Understood, sir. I'll get in touch with Power Central."

  Craven shook with fury. "No, you fool. Do it at once! Do it right now! Override all protocols!"

  "But, sir, I can't do that from here—"

  At least for Bethany, Val's voice drowned out the other man.

  "All of you know how hyperion physics works. Live feeds are impossible to alter, nearly impossible even to record. Even when movies are played during the day, you are looking at it play upon a mini-cinema. So all of you know that what I am showing you now cannot be faked. We are, as they say, live."

  Val gestured to the bronze-gold cube in his hand. "This here is an ancient dwarven recording device. A remnant of a technologically superior race the Dominion did everything in its power to destroy, never mind that dwarves and Jordians had been coexisting, cohabiting, even intermarrying, centuries before the Dominion came fully into power and attempted to wipe them out, exactly 1000 years ago." His gaze hardened. "Butchering not only the dwarves, but any humans who might be sympathetic to dwarves, and all traces of human-dwarf bloodlines from the face of Jordia. But what the Dominion failed to destroy, I have recovered once more. Now witness for yourselves what a corrupt High Council and their inquisitor lapdogs have planned for the Dauda Clan!”

  And Bethany couldn't help gasp in awe and furious exultation when the cube chimed softly before displaying a 3-D hologram of what Bethany knew must be a recording.

  Suddenly a semi-opaque image from the back of a velimobile moving at high speed along Jordia's central northern highway could be seen. Bethany's eyes widened, recognizing that stretch of road she and Angelica had ridden along so many times before, a straight shot between Angelica's city province and Newford, the central hub of commerce and trade for hundreds of miles around. And the words she overheard chilled her to the bone, as one hard-eyed man dressed in inquisitorial battlemesh spoke with a second who looked like his mirror twin, save for being much younger, hardly more than a boy.

  "The Dauda are being surprisingly recalcitrant about taking certain contracts, for some reason," the older inquisitor said. "Their spokeswoman actually had the gall to say they would strike no Highlord who dared to walk the King’s Path, as they put it.”

  The younger man smirked. “What an arcane expression.”

  “Yes. Back from a time when this world was steeped in mysticism, magic, and superstition. Far less enlightened times than today. But the Dauda are an anachronism themselves. Primitive and backward, hardly literate. Were it not for their one exquisite skill...”

  “We would have purged them long ago..."

  "Cut the power! Cut the damned power, or I will have your head!" a furious Craven roared.

  "We are trying sir!" said the now-panicked officer still visible on the lower monitor. "If we hit the main switch, it will cut off power to Jordian Safety Command! We'll be deaf and blind til we reboot the system!"

  "Do it!" Craven roared. "Jordian Safety Command is a relic. A pretext! Caligula is our master now in all but name! His dreadnought assures order is kept, and if you dare hesitate a second longer, I will see your head placed in my personal pain vat!"

  "At once, sir!" the panicked officer screamed before the monitor suddenly went dark, the horrific surgical lab Bethany found herself in also going dark before the blinking lights of backup generators suddenly came online.

  So. She was still in the city proper, and the panicked fools really had just left Jordia utterly defenseless. At least for the moment.

  And it chilled and awed Bethany to see Val smile as all buildings near his own suddenly went out, his alone remaining brightly lit. Her eyes narrowed, spotting Val’s naked hand gripping what looked to be a power outlet the same way he would grip ruined battle-mechs he was somehow able to bring back to life. Her heart raced, wondering just how far Val could take this gambit, praying with all her heart, unlikely as she knew it to be with Craven mobilizing all his forces, that her beloved could somehow escape Newford with his life.

  "Sorry, Craven, you can't get rid of me that easily," Val said, bold as brass, looking right at where Craven would be if it was actually a two-way link. As his cube went on to play scenes better fitting a horror movie than real life.

  An insane-looking blood-spattered inquisitor, surgical implement in one hand as he turned away from an incredibly stout grey-skinned man covered in wounds who had been strapped to a gurney, could be seen gloating about the day inquisitors like him would cleanse the filth that were Dauda from Dominion space.

  But worse, far worse, was the nightmarish-looking monstrosity covered in a swarm of hideous fingers that writhed like tentacles and oddly blinking eyes, somehow floating above the ground, opening a mouth as much tendrils and teeth, gleefully recounting how Highlord Kentric had sacrificed her to some eldritch horror with promises to sacrifice the entire Dauda clan here on Jordia, turning them all into abominations.

  It was so horrific, it defied belief. But what Val showed next was the most damning recording of all. For it involved Kentric himself in the heart of his power as the de-facto ruler over the entire Jordian Council.

  Now Craven sounded almost panicked, having long since switched channels.

  "...This is Captain Fredmond of Dreadnought Vindictus. Who dares contact this vessel with a private signal?"

  "This is High Councilor Craven of Jordia. Now connect my signal to Overlord Caligula at once, fool!"

  The captain immediately paled. "Yes, Your Grace. At once." And seconds later, as the recording of Craven could be seen on the top screen attempting to manipulate Val into surrendering by goading the Justiciar beside him to insist upon Val's arrest, the real Craven was frantically explaining the situation to the terrifying visage of none other than Overlord Caligula himself.

  For endless moments, the giant's fearsome gaze lanced into Craven's. "You disappoint me, brother," he said coldly, turning to someone off-screen. "Did you calibrate the signal? Good. Display it here, now." And Bethany could hear the faintest echo, then, of the recording a coldly smiling Val was playing in that newsroom, giving a live feed to every citizen of Jordia watching the news at that moment, at least those outside of Newford proper, which Bethany knew counted in the millions.

  And for all that Bethany knew it was all leading to this moment, she was as shocked as anyone as the last moments of a Justicar's life played out before her eyes.

  "Well played, monkey," Craven had said, dipping his head when Val forced his hand, inviting Kaupias to peer into Craven's mind and see if there was, in fact, a long-standing plot to purge the Dominion entirely free of Dauda.

  Before Craven's Psiblade crackled to life, decapitating Justicar Kaupias in an eyeblink. Smiling as he committed that ultimate act of blasphemy, covered in the blood of the emperor's chosen.

  "... And all of them blissfully unaware of how thoroughly I have mapped out all their places of business, the haunts favored by them and all of your filthy kind. The discreet homes where they raise their mongrel children, the hideouts they think will keep them safe from the sweet retribution none truly believe
is coming for them! Ah yes, I know all your secrets, Terran boy. I cannot tell you how much I look forward to the purge, Valor. How I will savor looking into your dying eyes, once I butcher your entire clan!” Craven could be heard gloating, before going into detail about his cabal's plans to destroy the Dominion from within.

  “Who knows, Valor? Maybe you do have a few days left to live. I did request they be discreet, after all.” The holographic display of Craven sneered down at the headless corpse of the Justicar, kicking it out of spite. “All so this fool wouldn’t be unduly alarmed. Ah well. It was an interesting game, monkey. I will enjoy seeing how long you last.”

  With a final mocking wave, the signal was cut.

  Val put down his cube, staring straight into the camera. "And there you have it, proof of treachery of the highest order. If you are Dauda, have the slightest trace of Dauda blood in your veins, or a lover or child who calls them kin, flee for your lives. Assume that your enemies have spent years carefully mapping out every safe house, every haven, every home you thought safe. Ready to launch a fatal strike of inconceivable proportions sufficient to destroy our entire clan, once the signal is given."

  Val's gaze turned imploring. "Please. Don't hesitate. Warn all the clans on all the worlds that you can! The accords have been broken. A millennium of peace ruptured! You owe our enemies nothing. If you or those you love are Dauda, get the word out before our tribe is no more."

  Bethany's eyes widened as Val's image enlarged, realizing that someone behind the camera was a sympathizer, or Dauda themselves. She felt a breathless flutter in her chest, catching the sudden flash of intensity behind Val's piercing gaze. “And for those of you tired of running, those of you looking for a safe haven where you need never fear our enemies' treachery again, I invite you all to fight under my banner. For I walk the twin paths of Shadow and Blood. The only Terran, the only Dauda, ever to dare the throne."

  Overlord Caligula's furious gaze widened with sudden insight. He turned to someone off screen. "Admiral Dritson. Order the jump gate closed."

  "Sir... yes, sir. Right away, sir."

  Bethany could just barely make out frantic voices of escalating alarm from the lower monitor even as Val gave ever more proof of his enemies' goals. Not just to butcher the Dauda and seize the crown of Jordia by fair means or foul, but to overthrow the emperor himself.

  "Sir! All communication has been lost with Jump Gate Alpha! I repeat, all communication has been lost! And the gate... it's been jammed open, sir. We are unable to close it!"

  It filled Bethany with curious awe to see an Overlord blanch.

  "So. This entire scenario has been planned. Our enemies have prepared for this very moment," Caligula said, begrudging respect in his voice, despite the crackling fury of his gaze.

  Craven scoffed. "There is no way those pathetic rats could have sabotaged the jump gate! The men are stationed in six month shifts! All access is closed!"

  Caligula frowned thoughtfully for a single moment before nodding to himself. "The next step is clear, brother. Authorize the purge. Now. Eliminate as many rats as you can within Newford before power is restored, and our foes realize just how tenuous their defenses are."

  Craven blinked. "You mean..."

  "Set off the explosives! I don't care if it takes out half the city!" He flashed a cold smile. "My second has already been appropriately dealt with, and I allowed no other members of his foul tribe upon my ship. We are now in siege mode. We have sufficient rations for two years. Our deathcannons will purge any pockets of resistance that you are unable to eliminate, brother."

  He glared offscreen once more. "Admiral Dritson. You have your target. Fire."

  "Yes sir." Though his voice was ragged, the man did not fail to carry out his master's orders. Bethany was struck with the sudden realization that Overlord Caligula had just destroyed their jump gate.

  Jordia and Phoebe were now utterly cut off from the rest of the Dominion, effectively at the mercy of the pair of madmen even now calmly discussing how they would secure their worlds, eliminate the Dauda, and purge all resistance to their joint rule. Kentric was to be sworn in as Overlord of Jordia by Caligula himself, once the Dauda were dealt with.

  Bethany winced as cramped muscles spasmed anew, praying that Val hadn't overplayed his hand.

  If he had thought to press his enemies into a corner, forcing them to show all the pieces they had hidden on the board, then he had succeeded admirably.

  The kid gloves were off, all pretense abandoned.

  They would do whatever they needed to, in order to secure absolute power.

  And claiming Val's head was now at the top of their list.

  --- End of Book 5 ---

  I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it for you. If you wouldn’t mind leaving a review before you go, I would be extremely grateful!

  And because free is good, here is a link to my novel First Blood, a story about a girl with a talking cat and a knack for killing who ends up facing down dark gods by the end of the eight book series. It’s not LitRPG, but it is a fun high action fantasy series. Check it out and tell me what you think!

  If you would like to sign up for my mailing list, I’ll let you know whenever I release a new book. And if you have any feedback you’d like to share with me, you can always reach me at

  Valor Hunter - Full Character Sheet


  Valor Hunter: – Level 27 Dauda Assassin / Level 8 Overlord (Arcane Reaver)

  Primary Attributes

  Strength 22 *

  Vitality 26 *

  Finesse 18 *

  Quickness 24 *

  Perception 23 *

  Scholarship 17 *

  Willpower 23 *

  Charisma 16

  Luck ?? +5

  Secondary Attributes

  Health 10xVit+Str+IC= 287 *

  Survival (Health+(10xLevel)+Luck) = 707+?*

  Stamina 10xVit+Str+IC= 287 *

  Mana 1077 (1052 Accessible: 170 kg Elementium Stored)

  Psion 809 (803 Accessible: 30 L Silbion Stored)

  Insight 17

  Base Appearance 10 (+3 charisma +1 fitness -1 runic scars = 3 + additional reaction modifiers.)

  Dark Points: 6 (Additional +6 to reaction rolls and influence when you let your intensity shine. -3 if you try to hide the darkness in your soul. +60% potency increase when you embrace your wrath! - High risk of Shadowmind rupture.)

  * Rank 10 PRM & Jordia's fields. (+5 Strength / + 10 Vitality / +2 Quickness / +2 Finesse) Regenerates 11 Mana, Stamina, Health & 8 Psion per second. (Synergistic bonuses with time-based healing magics & regeneration potions.)

  * Tier 8 Overlord (Arcane Reaver Prestige Class)


  Champion of the Dwarves, Disciple of Phoebe: +8 reaction from all surviving dwarves on Jordia.

  Champion of Your People: +6 reaction from all your citizens. After saving over half a million Jordians from the Red Death, how can they not love you?

  Team Player: +2 reaction from all Terrans encountered off-world.

  Helpful Hero: +1 Reaction from Dominion friendly citizens, +6 reaction from forest faeries.

  Ideal Mate: A genetic reputation! +3 Reaction from all female Jordians close enough to smell your pheromones!

  Elementalist: +3 Reaction rolls from all Jordian mages who know of your arcane mastery!

  Contender: You have dared to reveal yourself before all of Jordia, unveiling a plot to destroy the Dauda and fracture the Dominion from within. Soon the entire Dominion will know about the Terran hybrid who dares to walk the Path of Kings!

  Corrupt inquisitors (almost all of them) will now attack you on sight! Now Kentric knows the face of his most fearsome opponent, and the entire Jordian Council have been revealed as the corrupt buffoons that they are. Their hatred for you knows no bounds!

  Expect your territories to be flooded by those desperate for a new world order, while countless Highl
ords in positions of power do their utmost to see you destroyed. There's no going back now, Valor. Seize the throne and crush your enemies, or spend eternity in a pain vat. The choice is yours!

  Champion of the Dauda Clan: +6 Reaction rolls from all Dauda. You have saved your mother's tribe from a plot to wipe them out of existence. All pretenses of neutrality have been breached by inquisitorial betrayal. Those who dare the black will now flock to your banner.


  Phoebe's Blessing – Transcendent Magic (You still have no idea what this means!)


  Nightmares – Your nights will now be haunted by the screams of all those souls butchered in cold blood as you don the mantle of the most ruthless of all contenders daring the throne. (Well done, Child of Oblivion!) Good luck getting a good night’s sleep outside of your lover’s arms!

  Soul gaze – Your gaze carries the weight of all the horrors you have inflicted and endured! +2 to all intimidation, interrogation, and leadership skill checks. -2 to all attempts to put people at ease. -2 to all attempts at charming or seducing gentle souls hungry for innocence, +2 to all attempts to charm and seduce those enticed by darkness or seeking oblivion’s caress! Your followers may be in awe of you, but rare indeed will be the friend or lover who does not fear you as well.

  Skills of Significance

  Enhanced Shadowmind Rank 9 (Adept) / Psi-Sense (No longer Shadowmind dependent) Rank 5 / Psionic Perception Rank 3 / Mindmeld Rank 2 / Shadowsplit Rank 2 / Arcane Perception Rank 4 / Arcane Artificer Rank 2 / Psion Artificer Rank 2 / Cypher Rank 2 / Meditation Rank 3 / Rift Mastery Rank 2 / Psionic Oathbinding Rank 1 / Stealth Rank 3 / Magesight Rank 3 / Synergized Mageward Rank 2 / Basic Literacy Achieved! (Limited to texts of Arcane or Psionic nature) / Deception Rank 2 / Inquisition Rank 2 / Intimidation Rank 3 / Spirit Link Rank 4 / Small Arms Rank 3 / Demolitions Rank 2 / Laser Carbine Rank 3 / Grappling Level 3/ Sword and Shield Rank 5 / Longsword Rank 4 / Psiblade Rank 8 (Adept) / Pickpocket Rank 1 / Forceshield Rank 1 / Blade Riding Rank 5 (Adept) / Sense Emotions Rank 2 / Find Weakness Rank 1 / Mercantile Rank 2 / Soulpierce Rank 2 / Influence Rank 1 / Persuasion Rank 1


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