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Page 22

by Lynda Behling

  Claire looked around the room sadly. "I really should clean it up soon though. If Julius sees this, he'll punish me for sure."

  Delilah raised an eyebrow. "Does Julius punish you himself then?"

  Claire nodded, rubbing her backside in remembered pain. "Sword-fighting." She winced at the thought.

  Delilah thought for a moment. "Okay, that was too easy. So therefore I must assume that my brother really does come after you with a sword when you do something wrong, is that right?"

  Claire thought about it for a moment. "It's more like... well, when I broke the vase in the Main Hall, he was there immediately. He lifted me up over his shoulder and brought me to the training room in the basement. He locked us in and armed us both with training swords, the ones with the dull blades. Then he told me that if I could defend myself, I wouldn't get hit." Claire winced again. "I really suck at swordplay."

  "Ah yes..." Delilah said. "That was how father used to discipline the boys. Julius became a good sword fighter rather quickly." She smiled down at Claire.

  Claire giggled. "Did he get into trouble a lot then?"

  Delilah smiled wickedly. "You have no idea." She took a seat in the only chair that didn't have clothes or rubbish piled on it. "Would you like to see some pictures of him?"

  Claire nodded excitedly. Delilah opened her slim black purse and pulled out a flat silver screen. She pressed a button on the side and it brightened. Claire perched on the armrest of the chair, looking over her shoulder.

  "Here is Julius, he's about your age here." Delilah showed Claire. Claire smiled as she looked.

  Julius has been thin as a child. He stood looking bored, next to a young man with blond hair. "That's Augustus, right?" Claire asked.

  "That's right." Delilah said. "Here, I will add the text." She pushed another tiny button on the side. Under each brother, words appeared, their name and their age. Julius had been eleven in the picture, Augustus twenty-eight.

  "And here is Julius again when he was older." Delilah clicked the side of the screen a few times. The words on the bottom read:

  Julius Age 16 "Can I see?" Claire asked, reaching a hand out. Delilah hesitated, then handed the picture viewer over. Claire cradled the screen gently in her hands, staring at Julius' face. The picture was a profile. His hair was longer back then, tied at the back of his neck. His expression was haughty. "He looks so young. He was so handsome, even then." She smiled warmly, gently tracing a fingertip over the side of Julius' face.

  Delilah nodded. "He really was."

  Claire clicked through more of the pictures, skipping past people she didn't recognize. "There are a lot more of Julius in here than anyone else." She commented.

  "Well, Julius is dear to me." Delilah said. She gently took the screen back. "Sometimes, I wish he weren't my brother." She gave the screen a fond look.

  Claire put a sympathetic hand on the older woman's shoulder. "I like him too." She admitted.

  Delilah smiled up at Claire. "Even so young, you are still a woman." She said to her. "Just remember, Julius is devastating to women. There isn't a single one that can resist him. He's like a poison that you take willingly, again and again."

  Claire suppressed a shiver. "I'll remember."

  *** It was late when Delilah left for her own quarters and Claire finally turned in. Claire opened the bedroom door. Beast was lying on her bed, the e-paper abandoned. "An interesting woman." He commented as Claire changed into her nightgown in the darkness.

  "I like her." Claire said. "She funny and strange, but in a good way."

  "Hmmm." Beast mused. His tawny gold eyes shone in the darkness. "She has a dangerous quality about her as well."

  Claire climbed into the bed. "Does she?" She yawned and rubbed at her eyes with the back of her hand.

  "Yes. Be careful around her. Watch what you say, especially."

  Claire lay on the bed next to him, curling up against his side. She wrapped one arm over his chest. "Okay." She said sleepily. "I will be. But I think she can help me, with something important."

  "Oh?" Beast inquired.

  Claire nodded against his chest. "There is something that I want." Her words were faint as she drifted off.

  "What is it?" Beast asked her softly.

  Claire gripped him tighter in her sleep. "To hear your heart beat." She answered.

  Beast turned to the ceiling. He lay there awake for some time, quietly staring into the darkness.

  *** The next morning Julius and Delilah faced off in the Main Hall. "Time to go." Julius was saying, showing her the door.

  "You have no heart." Delilah pouted. "I haven't even had breakfast yet."

  Julius closed his eyes, reining in his frustration. "It's nearly noon." He said, with forced calmness.

  "And? I like to sleep in." Delilah said. She removed a cigarette from her case and tapped the filter end against her bottom lip.

  "Delilah!" Claire yelled happily, running across the Main Hall. Julius gave Claire a warning look and she slowed down immediately, walking like a lady. Julius turned back to Delilah.

  "Yes, Claire sweetie?" Delilah asked Claire when she reached them.

  Claire tugged on Delilah's black lace gloved hand. "I want to show you something interesting." She said. "Come with me."

  "I'm sorry sweetie" Delilah affected a sad tone to her voice. "It's time for me to go."

  "Already? But you just got here!" Claire stared up at her with pleading eyes.

  Delilah put a hand on Claire's cheek. "I'm afraid I've already overstayed my welcome." She said, looking pointedly at Julius.

  "That's not true! I want you to stay! It's all right if you stay longer!" Claire said. She turned to Julius. "Isn't it, Julius?" Julius' face was a mask of diplomacy. "I'm sure my sister doesn't want to hang around here any longer." He answered.

  Delilah shrugged. "I don't mind." She said. "It's rather interesting here now.

  Julius narrowed his eyes at his sister. She smiled sweetly back. "What I'm sure my sister means is that even though she would like to stay, pressing matters call her away." He said tightly.

  “Really?" Claire asked, turning back to Delilah. She looked up at her sadly.

  "I have nothing I can't cancel." Delilah smiled down at her.

  Claire smiled in relief. "Good, then you can stay." She turned back to Julius. "Right?" She smiled dazzlingly.

  Julius dropped all pretenses now. "I really don't think-" He began.

  Claire reached out and took his hand in both of her own. She looked up at him, her wide eyes pleading. She had never looked at him like that before. He felt something inside of himself weaken. "It's okay, right?" She asked softly.

  Internally, Julius swore profusely. Externally, his face was a mask of indifference. "Fine." He finally assented. "As long as you stay out of trouble." He warned.

  "I will!" Claire beamed up at him, releasing his hand.

  "I was talking to my sister." Julius said coldly, turning and walking back to his study.

  Delilah stuck her tongue out at his back. When he was gone, Claire turned back to Delilah, her arms behind her back. "Well? How was I?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

  "Absolutely wonderful." Delilah praised. She clapped her hands together, her unlit cigarette still between two fingers. "I am going to have so much fun corrupting you."

  Claire grinned back at her.

  Chapter XIII – Shopping Claire and Delilah became great friends over the next few weeks. Especially when Julius was again called back to the High Empress' side. Claire and Delilah would watch him on the news at night, both of them curled up in their nightgowns, as he handed down the High Empress' proclamations to the Gold District.

  The next Saturday after Delilah visited, Claire brought her to the Sword and the Rose. They had a great time, the two older women and the young girl sitting around the tiny table in Mrs. Kennie's kitchen eating and gossiping. It soon became routine for Delilah to come along. Fun and laughter always came with her when she did.

ire was often in awe of Delilah. She changed her hair color every week and wore the most interesting clothes. She spoke her mind and always had a reason to smile. Plus she could get under Julius' skin.

  She didn't let Delilah know about Beast though. Beast had warned her about what she said, and that included anything about him. He was willing to sacrifice the visits to Mrs. Kennie. In fact, between school and hanging out with Delilah, Claire didn't have as much time with Beast as she used to. She still spent all of her studying time with him, and would spend hours either talking with him or merely watching him while he read. But it wasn't as often as before. In compensation Beast slept with her every night, instead of a few times a week, the other times he had spent on the roof watching over the Manor.

  Claire was growing quickly during this time. She had gained another three inches in height since last year, and her birthday was fast approaching. Her arms and legs grew long and skinny. She had an incredible appetite as well. Oftentimes, when she studied now she would be snacking on something as well.

  Beast was absolutely essential in her studies. She often bounced questions and theories off of him. He made a good sounding board and any assistance he did offer was practical, helping her to understand, rather than giving her the answers. All of her teachers praised her, well, except Deportment. But Claire tried her best, for Julius, and Mrs. Dorman grudgingly raised her grade to a C minus.

  Claire also found herself getting into trouble a tiny bit more. Sometimes it was in league with Delilah, sometimes not. But Claire found herself squaring off against Julius in the training room a few more times that year. She was still abysmal in sword fighting, and Julius beat her soundly. The only time she had managed to strike him she had only grazed his shoulder. It didn't faze him at all and he landed a smack on her backside with the flat of his sword.

  That was the only place he ever hit her while sword fighting, and always with the sword's flat. It irked her to no end, because that was technically the hardest place a sword fighter could land a blow. Which was probably why he did it. Even Claire knew he was a showoff.

  Julius also found time to lecture her during these punishments. Adding insult to injury, she guessed. He told her that sword fighting wasn't practiced much any longer. Technology had advanced so far that such archaic fighting methods were no longer implemented. "But, one must not rely entirely on technology, because when it fails, it fails completely." He explained to her. "Learning to use something simple like a sword will always come in useful, for it does not need batteries, nor is it affected by viruses. It requires only simple care to be functional."

  Claire had only nodded sourly, rubbing her stinging backside when he had turned away.

  She had little troubles with her social life. In school, she kept mostly to herself. Her hair was certainly an oddity, but anyone that might have commented unfavorably to her did not forget that she was the Regent's ward. This also had the converse effect of intimidating those that wanted to get to know her. So everyone just left her alone, which suited Claire just fine. She did not seek out the company of her peers, instead preferring to study, saving her social time for the people at home.

  Delilah looked her over one day a few days before Claire's birthday. "We should go shopping." She said.

  Claire looked over the top of her e-paper. "More clothes?" She asked. She suspected that Delilah enjoyed clothing and makeup more than Mrs. Kennie did. They both especially liked dressing Claire up.

  Delilah mused. She pulled on a curl that hung over her face. This week's color was a flashy reddish pink. The thick makeup around her eyes were a bright fuchsia to match. "No... more like what goes under clothes."

  Claire set down the e-paper, raising an eyebrow. "You want to get underwear?"

  "I want to get you a bra." Delilah corrected.

  Claire's face turned red. She picked up the e-paper, hiding her burning face behind it. "I'm almost eleven, not thirteen, I don't have breasts yet."

  "Yet!" Delilah jabbed her cigarette hand in Claire's direction. "Yet is my point, you will within the next year or two." She took a long puff from her cigarette. "Besides, you don't need breasts to wear a training bra. It's just there so you get used to wearing it all the time."

  "All the time?" Claire asked warily.

  "Well, not all the time, you can take yours off when you are sleeping." Delilah pointed a finger at her. "And I don't want you showing yours to any boys for at least another couple of years, you hear me?"

  "Yes, Delilah." Claire said in a routine sort of voice, returning to her reading.

  "That's a good girl." Delilah paced around the room, starting on another cigarette. "I'll go call Bianca." She smiled devilishly.

  *** Bianca's turned out to be a lingerie store in the seedier side of the Silver District. Bianca himself was a tall man wearing a black corset, tight vinyl pants and high heeled black boots. "Delilah!" He cried in delight when Claire and Delilah entered the store. His voice was rich and deep, rolling smoothly from his full, black painted lips. His skin was deeply tanned, setting off his light aqua eyes. His hair was long, pulled back, and dyed dark blue.

  He wrapped his hands around Delilah's narrow waist and pulled her close. "I have a break in about fifteen minutes if you want to head to the back room." He whispered in her ear. Delilah giggled, pushing him away. "I'm not here for me today. I told you that on the phone." She smiled at him fondly. "You're always teasing me."

  He winked at her. Then he turned to Claire. "And is this the wayward ward, coming over to the dark side?" He asked, smiling wickedly.

  Claire felt suddenly shy. She half hid behind a display and nodded.

  "Absolutely delicious." Bianca purred. "Her hair is definitely something to take advantage of." He turned back to Delilah, pressing his palms together and curling his long fingers around them. "So, what are we purchasing today?"

  "Claire here needs her very first training bra." Delilah whispered to Bianca.

  Bianca turned back to Claire, smiling in delight. "Ah, the spring of one's youth, when a tiny seed blooms into a full and beautiful flower."

  Claire gave him a small nervous smile. "I don't know about that." She said shyly.

  "She speaks!" Bianca exclaimed dramatically. "And the angels weep, that their voices pale in comparison."

  Claire blushed a deep red. Bianca held out a perfectly manicured hand to her. "Come, let us discover your size." Claire hesitated, then took his hand and allowed herself to be led to the dressing rooms.

  Delilah smiled at the two of them and followed. She paused at a display of shiny metal handcuffs with the cuffs covered in fake fur of assorted colors. She picked up a fuzzy black pair, her smile turning wicked.


  After the fitting was over, Claire decided on half a dozen simple training bras, three white and three pale pink. She wore a pink one now. It was uncomfortable, but she knew she had to get used to it eventually.

  She and Delilah were browsing around the rest of the shop now. Claire found a rack of ties and was looking through them. She chose a slim black one with an interesting textured look. She looked around for Delilah.

  She spotted a mannequin in the corner. It wore black leather pants with straps winding up the legs and a skin tight black spandex shirt. She reached a hand out and fingered one of the straps.

  "Looking for a present for Julius?" Delilah whispered teasingly in her ear.

  Claire jumped, her face went red for an uncountable time that day. "N-no, I can't imagine Julius in something like this. Besides, I've already got him something." She said, showing her the tie. "His birthday is coming up as well as mine.”

  "I know, I got him something too." Delilah smiled warmly. "So, who is this for?" She asked.

  “Oh, no one.” Claire hesitated. "I have a friend who wears something similar to this. Only, without the chains on the side there. And his are very old. The style is outdated, and his clothes are almost worn out. I was looking because this is the first time I have seen something so similar

  "Would you like to get it for him?" Delilah asked. “You said his clothes were worn. He might appreciate something new.”

  Claire hadn't thought about getting new clothes for Beast, but she supposed Delilah was right. And, he couldn't get new ones on his own. It was her responsibility to take care of him. She reached out and took a look at the price tag. She dropped it again, shaking her head. "Oh no, I couldn't..."

  "Oh it's fine!" Delilah said. "You belong to Julius, you don't have to worry about money. I sure don't." She grinned, showing off her perfect white teeth.

  Claire smiled wanly. "What would he say?" She asked.

  "Nothing. I will put it on my card. He won't even question it." Delilah said, her grin widened. "I've put worse on there."

  Claire sighed. "All right then." She assented.

  "Perfect!" Delilah exclaimed, calling Bianca over. "Now, do you know his size?"

  Claire looked the mannequin over. "He's about a foot taller, and thinner." She gave a brief description of Beast's measurements, leaving out everything incriminating, like skin color, personality and his lack of arms.

  "Too bad he can't come down for a fitting." Bianca sighed. "He sounds like someone I want to meet." He went off to get the articles of clothing in the proper sizes.

  "Same here." Delilah mused. "Where did you say you met this man?" She asked, knowing full well that Claire had mentioned no such thing.

  Claire blushed deeply. "He saved my life, once." She said. "Before I met Julius."

  Delilah bent her knees till she was at Claire's height. "My brother doesn't know about him, does he?" She whispered.

  Claire shook her head, not trusting herself to speak and give something away.

  "That's probably for the best." Delilah said. "My brother is the competitive type."

  "So, you won't tell him?" Claire asked hopefully.

  "Of course not!" Delilah assured her with a grin. "A woman's not a woman unless she has a secret. The juicier, the better."

  Claire smiled brightly. She felt weak with relief. "Thank you Delilah."

  "Aww, you're welcome sweetie." Delilah wrapped an arm around her in a hug. "Just promise me you'll introduce me one day." She whispered.


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