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Page 23

by Lynda Behling

  Claire thought about it, then finally nodded. "All right. One day."

  Bianca returned, carrying a stack of large, flat pink boxes. Delilah rose, squealing in delight. They walked up to the counter. "I think that is everything." She said at last. She handed Claire two small pink bags made of shiny paper. "These are yours. And those two boxes there, but we'll have the valet carry those." She turned to Claire. "I added a small present from me for your friend." She said smiling down at her. "This way he can think favorably of me until we meet."

  Claire's face became worried. "What is it?" She asked tentatively.

  Delilah's smile broadened. "You can find out when he opens it."

  Claire felt a panicky feeling build in her chest. She walked back to the hovercar with an apprehensive look on her face.

  *** Julius was waiting for them in the Main Hall when they returned. "Julius!" Claire cried happily, hugging him around the waist.

  "Brother!" Delilah exclaimed in surprise. "When did you get back?"

  "Just under an hour ago." Julius said. He noticed the small pink bags in Claire's hands and turned to his sister. "You took her to Bianca's?" He asked, his voice deadly.

  "Yep." Delilah answered blithely. "Claire needed to pick up a few things." She looked over her shoulder as the valet came in, struggling under a stack of pink boxes. She turned back to her brother and smiled sheepishly.

  "Claire needed to get a few things?" Julius asked, deathly calm. Claire could see his body tense and stepped back. Was she in trouble?

  "Yes." Delilah answered simply.

  "From Bianca's?" Julius' voice was fast becoming icy.

  "That's right." Delilah smiled brightly, glad that he had caught on so quickly.

  "What could a ten year old girl possibly need at Bianca's?" Julius asked, taking a pink bag from Claire's hands. He was about to open it when he decided against it. "You know, I don't really want to know. Whatever it is, just take it back." He handed the bag back to Claire. He wasn't looking at her though, his eyes were on his sister.

  "Now Julius, don't be that way." Delilah pouted. "Claire even got you an early birthday present."

  Julius looked down at Claire, who nodded, smiling hopefully. “Here.” She handed him the other pink bag. He took it from her. He was about to open it when again he hesitated, shooting Delilah a suspicious glance.

  "Oh, come on, Julius. It's just a tie!" Delilah rolled her eyes in exasperation.

  Julius opened the bag and looked inside. Then he faced his sister, giving her a deadpan look. He pulled a pair of fuzzy black handcuffs from the bag.

  "Oh, whoops!" Delilah exclaimed in embarrassment. "I must have gotten the bags switched. That's my present for you." She smiled sweetly, baring her perfect white teeth.

  Julius dropped the handcuffs back into the bag and handed it to his sister. He looked down at Claire, who was looking up at him with a worried and confused look. He knelt down and whispered in her ear. "Perhaps you should go to your rooms and study for a bit. Delilah and I need to have a talk." Claire nodded wordlessly and fled, she knew to escape when the chance was offered to her. Julius straightened up and glared at his sister.

  Delilah walked up to him. "Oh geez, calm down. Here's your tie." She shoved another pink bag into his chest. Her brother continued to glare at her. After a moment he spoke.

  "I don't like this." He said, his voice deceptively calm. "I don't want you corrupting Claire."

  Delilah was paying little attention to him, instead she polished her shiny black nails on her dress. "Why not? It's so much fun." She said lightly.

  Julius suppressed the urge to strangle her. The hand not holding the bag even tightened into a fist. "I don't want Claire growing up to be some sort of..." He hunted around in his head for the right words. "amoral whore, like you." He finished.

  "Amoral whore?" Delilah raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that what you think of me?"

  "Yes." Julius said at once.

  "Where did you even get that?" She asked. "Amoral whore. Did you just pull that from thin air or something?"

  "You're not listening." Julius said warningly.

  "No, you listen to me." Delilah stepped right up to him, putting her face in his. She jabbed him in the chest with one long black nail. "You need to realize that the little innocent girl you adopted two years ago is growing up, whether you choose to accept it or not."

  Julius' face was a mask of calm. "What are you talking about? She's only ten."

  "She's nearly eleven. Whether you like it or not, whether you choose to even acknowledge it, Claire is growing up." Delilah jabbed him again. "And if you keep acting this way, it's really going to bite you on the ass one day." She turned away from him, walking across the Main Hall. The valet followed her.

  "And I hope I'm there to see it." Delilah said, taking a parting shot before climbing the stairs.

  Julius stood in the middle of the main hall. He looked down at the pink bag in his hands. He opened it up and pulled out a slim black tie. Silver thread was embroidered on it in an intricate design. At the bottom the silver thread formed the outline of a rose in full bloom. He turned it over. The embroidery formed tiny letters:

  To Julius

  Love, Claire

  He sighed heavily and walked back to his study.

  *** Claire sat at the edge of her immense bathtub. She was by the taps, filling it. The taps were shiny brass and the tub was creamy white. She added a bubble powder to the water and the surface foamed up. Soon there were piles of soft white bubbles drifting over the water. She turned off the taps.

  She turned to Beast, who sat in the corner. "Can you turn around while I undress?" She asked him, blushing lightly. "I will if you like, but you've never asked me to before." He said her.

  Claire shifted uncomfortably. "Well, I bought a training bra today, and Delilah said I wasn't supposed to show it off." Beast rose and turned, facing the corner. Claire undressed and folded her clothes in a neat pile. "OK, I'm done." She said. Beast turned back around. She walked over to him and helped him undress. He walked into the tub while she gathered up his clothes and tossed them into a black garbage bag.

  "My clothes?" Beast asked from amidst the sea of bubbles.

  "I got you some new things today." Claire said. "I know you don't sweat or anything, but your old clothes are all worn out. And they smell awful, no matter how much I wash them. Who knows what kind of stuff was in that junk heap?" She joined him in the tub and began scrubbing his back vigorously.

  After they were both clean she stepped out of the tub and pulled on a long fluffy white robe. She tied the belt and grabbed a towel. Beast stepped out of the tub, sitting on the floor so Claire could dry him off.

  She dried his hair and tossed the towel over his head, then walked over to the pile of pink boxes in the corner. "I know your old pants were black." She said as she unwrapped the heavier of the boxes. "But for your size, all they had was red." She pulled out a pair of leather pants. The straps went all the way up to the hips and they were a deep dark red, darker than spilled blood. Beast looked at her from under the towel. "It doesn't matter." He said dully.

  Claire looked the pants over again. "All right then." She carried the pants over to him and helped him put them on. She buckled all the straps securely to fit over the exact shape of his legs. "They did not have boots in your size, so I'm afraid your stuck with your old ones for now. Bianca said he would have to special order them." She sat on the tile floor frowning at his large feet, which were the same soot black color as the rest of him. "Delilah says she wants to meet you." She said then,


  "Why is that?" Beast asked. His eyes narrowed. "You've told her about me?"

  "No, not really." Claire reassured him. "I needed her help figuring out your size. It was after I told her what size boots you wore that she said she wanted to meet you."

  Beast looked at her blankly. "And?"

  Claire shrugged. "That's it." She said, getting up and retrieving the other box. She
opened it up, pulling out the black spandex shirt. She also picked up an electric needle and a long pair of scissors. "Deportment was good for one thing." She said, walking back over to him. She reached into the black garbage bag for his old shirt. She took the scissors and cut out the rings sewn into the shoulders. Then she attacked the new shirt with the scissors. She cut off the long sleeves and most of the shoulders. She sewed the rings in and even did a little embroidery in the front.

  "You're getting faster with that." Beast commented as she worked with the electric needle.

  "The settings on this thing go up really fast, I just needed to train my eyes and hands to keep up. And to not stitch my hand to the fabric." Claire said, not taking her eyes off the shirt. "I did Julius' tie in the hovercar. I just hope he doesn't notice that the stem is a little crooked." She frowned. Then she was finished and she held up the shirt, examining it. She had cut a sword shape out of the front of the shirt and embroidered around it in silver thread, crafting the hilt in a simple design.

  "Delilah said she bought you something too." Claire said, pulling the shirt over his head and snapping the rings into place underneath the metal straps that covered his shoulders. She looked around the floor, and spotted a wide flat box at the bottom of the shirt box. She bent down and picked it up.

  She opened it, revealing a black leather collar resting on a bed of glimmering silver links. She pulled the collar out of the box. It had some metalwork on the front. Two silver swords on their sides, the tips pointing at each other. Between them was a silver ring. Attached to the ring was a thick silver chain. Claire frowned at it for a second. Why would Delilah buy Beast a collar? "I guess this goes like this." She said, reaching up and placing the collar around his neck. He lifted his chin obligingly. She fastened it in the back, not too tightly. Then her hands went back to the front. She picked up the silver chain attached to the metal ring and ran her hands down it. Beast looked at her from under his damp hair. His tawny eyes smoldered. "Tell her thank you."

  Claire stood there in front of him, holding onto the chain with both hands, staring at his eyes. Those bright dangerous eyes burning in that dark face. She felt her cheeks flare and dropped the chain immediately. "I think we can put this part away for now." Claire said, unlinking the chain from the collar and placing it back in the box. She touched it as little as possible, as if it burned her fingers.

  "Your face is red." Beast commented dully, tilting his head to get a better look.

  Claire slammed the cover of the box back in place and stood up quickly. "It's getting late." She said, hurriedly gathering up the things spread out over the tile floor.

  Beast rose to his feet. Claire looked him over out of the corner of her eye. The new clothes suited him well, matching his dark skin. She went and got his heavy black boots. He stepped into them and she buckled them. Then she stood up and looked him over again. "It suits you." She said too quickly, then turned and walked into the bedroom. Beast turned to the large full length mirror set into the wall. He inspected his appearance a moment, raising his chin to look at the collar, then followed Claire into the bedroom.

  She had already changed into her nightgown and turned out the light. She lay on the bed, facing away from him. He lay down next to her, his feet hanging off the bed. She did not turn and curl up next to him. He turned on his side, facing her. She was vainly trying to feign sleep, doing a decent impression of deep, sleep-filled breaths.

  He decided to leave her be and closed his tawny gold eyes. Soon he fell into a light, dreamless void.

  Chapter XIV – Halloween "Halloween?" Claire looked up from her e-paper and tilted her head to one side. "What's that?"

  Delilah gave her an exasperated look. "I cannot believe that you do not know about Halloween. Julius really shelters you, doesn't he?"

  Claire frowned. "I've heard of it. But, what is it?"

  Delilah threw her hands up in the air. "Only the best holiday ever!" She said. "It's all dark and scary. You dress up in sexy costumes. Strangers give you candy. You try to get a few scares. It's awesome!”

  Claire's frown deepened. She was beginning to see why Julius had not mentioned this to her. "Julius doesn't celebrate many holidays." She said, turning back to her paper. "We exchange birthday gifts and have dinner together on the Solstice. And, there is Snowfall, but that's about it."

  Delilah threw herself down on Claire's sofa. "That's insane! You have to celebrate it this year!"

  Claire shrugged. "It doesn't sound that interesting." She said.

  "But it is!" Delilah exclaimed. "Monsters, ghosts, witches, vampires! Things that go bump in the night! Feeling your heart pound. Caramel apples, candy corn, those cute little ghost marshmallows Mary Kennie makes!" Delilah smiled in ecstasy. "She always has the best Halloween parties!"

  Claire deliberated. A party at the Sword and The Rose did sound interesting. "Well..."

  "I knew you'd go for it!" Delilah jumped up, hugging Claire. "Now, let's make you a costume!" She grabbed Claire's arm and half-dragged her out the door.

  "What kind of costume?" Claire asked as the e-paper fell from her hands, landing on the floor.

  *** "Hold still... I'm almost done." Delilah said, a look of concentration on her face.

  Claire tried not to move. "This stuff will come off, right?" She asked.

  "Of course." Delilah reassured her. "It's only makeup." She set the black eyeliner pen down. "Done!" She turned Claire to the mirror.

  Claire leaned close, inspecting her reflection. Not much had changed. Delilah had darkened her lips and underneath her eyes a little. "What am I again?" Claire asked.

  Delilah began brushing her long red hair for her. "I told you, Red Riding Hood!"

  "Hmmm..." Claire mused, inspecting her reflection. She wore a bright red, old fashioned dress. "I don't look very frightening..."

  "You aren't the one who is supposed to look frightening. You just have to look all cute and scared and helpless." Delilah pulled a red satin cape and hood from a heavy black trunk. She threw it around Claire's shoulders. Claire had to admit that it was pretty cute.

  "But... If I am the frightened one," She frowned, she didn't want to be the scared, helpless one. "Then, who will do the scaring?"

  "The Big Bad Wolf, of course!" Delilah said. She was dressed as a witch. She wore a short, tattered black dress and a pointed hat. Her hair was long and bright blonde. A small straw broomstick leaned against the wall by the door.

  Claire's frown deepened. "Who is going to be that?"

  Here, Delilah paused, thinking. "Hmm, I don't know. I would say Julius, but he's more of a vampire type." She pulled out her phone, dialing a number without even looking down at it. She brought it to her ear. She waited about a minute. "Damn, he's not answering." She hung up, frowning. "We'll just have to find you one at the party." She said, shrugging. Claire gave her a patient look.

  There was a sharp rap on the door. "Come in..." Delilah called musically. "If you dare!" She cackled.

  The door opened and Julius stepped inside. He gave Delilah a stern look. "I want Claire home before midnight." He said.

  Delilah pouted. "Awww, but all the really fun stuff happens after twelve."

  "Exactly." Julius said, regarding her coldly. His dark eyes turned to Claire, taking in her appearance.

  She smiled at him. "Don't I look cute?"

  He was silent for a long second. "Of course." He said finally. Claire beamed. He turned back to Delilah. "Remember, twelve."

  "Oh, don't be such a sour puss." His sister admonished. "You could go with us, if you are worried. I was just telling Claire you would make a good vampire." She dug into her trunk and pushed a pile of random costume bits onto him. Most of them fell to the floor.

  Julius' eyes narrowed. "No, thank you. Halloween does not interest me." He said. "I will be retiring early tonight, that way it is over sooner." He looked down at the various masks and accessories in his hands, turning one over idly. He dropped everything onto the sofa and turned to the door. "G
ood night." He said to Claire, and left.

  *** The Sword and The Rose was lavishly decorated in black and orange. Everything looked positively ghoulish. There was glowing green punch and sweets shaped like bats, ghosts, zombies, and skeletons. There was a huge carved pumpkin on a table in the center of the room.

  Black and orange crepe paper hung from the ceiling. Fake cobwebs covered nearly every surface. Some of the decorations were even more detailed. A full sized skeleton stood against one wall. It would twitch whenever someone passed it.

  The waiters were dressed as Frankensteins and Draculas. Katrina and Contessa, Mrs. Kennie's androids, were dressed as Gothic vampires. They roamed the party floor, serving a dark red wine to the guests.

  Claire spotted Bianca right away. He walked right up to them, grinning. He was dressed as a nurse, complete with a short white skirt. The front of his costume was splattered with fake blood. "Nice legs." Delilah teased.

  "Aren't they, though?" Bianca preened. He pulled her close, lowering his voice. "So, ready for your checkup? I'm afraid you might need an injection."

  Delilah laughed lightly, pulling away from him. "Certainly one of your better lines." She commented.

  Bianca scowled. "I had plenty of time to come up with a few. Waxing in the shower was a bitch."

  "That's why I couldn't reach you." Delilah said. "I was hoping you could play Wolfman opposite Claire."

  Bianca looked Claire up and down. "I pity all men when you get older. You will be utterly devastating to them." He commented.

  Claire flushed. She turned away and let them talk, heading for one of the buffet tables. Mrs. Kennie met her there, smiling warmly. "Marshmallow ghost?" She offered.

  Claire accepted it, popping the tiny white ghost into her mouth. It was like eating a piece of heaven. She smiled happily, sighing. "That expression is the best compliment I have received all night." Mrs. Kennie said, laughing.

  "They're delicious." Claire told her once she swallowed. Mrs. Kennie looked around, then bent down over Claire, talking low in her ear. "I saw Beast not too long ago. He went outside though." She pointed towards the emergency exit.


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