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Page 24

by Lynda Behling

  Claire scooped up a few marshmallow ghosts. "I'll go see him, he has to try one of these." She weaved her way through the throng of guests, towards the door.

  *** Beast sat on the roof of The Sword and The Rose. He would have stayed downstairs and watched over Claire, but there was a nagging in the back of his mind. Like a memory trying to break to the surface. He had come up here to be alone and examine it further, but it evaded him.

  It felt like he was slowly becoming aware of something. But he couldn't place what. Something in his brain told him that he would have once found this important. So he kept at it.

  A shadow flitted across the edge of his vision. His tawny eyes focused on it, expecting a stray carrion crow. But it had vanished. He turned to it. It had seemed too large to be a carrion crow.

  He spotted it again, on the other rooftop. He stood, following it stealthily.

  *** Claire stepped outside, looking up the fire escape, towards the roof. "Lost Little Red Riding Hood..." A soft, male voice hissed slowly behind her. She dropped her marshmallows, startled.

  Just as she turned, she was lifted up by the front of her dress. She was pressed firmly against the wall of the restaurant. The pressure on her chest was hard, suffocating. Her voice was choked by fear, all she could do was whimper. "Such a delectable morsel, with no one to protect her." His voice was a dangerous caress.

  She could not see who held her clearly. He was tall, broad. An expressionless white mask covered the top half of his face. Bright red eyes looked at her hungrily from that mask. He was covered in something long and pitch black, blending into the shadows behind the restaurant. He leaned close to her, she could feel his breath on her neck. "Such a pleasant fragrance... fear." He inhaled deeply. She squeaked in terror. Her entire body began to shake.

  Claire struggled, both of her hands pulling at the arm holding her up, but his grip was vice-like. Her feet dangled in the air uselessly. She kicked out frantically, but did not hit anything solid. He trailed one finger down her cheek. She winced in pain. It was sharp, like a claw, but it did not cut her skin.

  "Does little Red want to get eaten by the Big Bad Wolf?" His lips pulled back over his white teeth in a malicious grin. Claire's eyes widened. Sharp fangs glistened in the light. If they were fakes, they were well made. They matched perfectly with those bright white teeth. Claire had a terrible feeling that they were real.

  Her heart thudded against her ribcage, panic and desperation rising inside of her, she began struggling wildly. He grabbed her chin in his hand, holding her head still. Claire scrunched her eyes tightly closed, terrified of what was coming next. She could feel the barest whisper of breath on her lips. "Scream." He whispered to her.

  Her chest was tight, with fear and the pressure from his hand. She whimpered weakly. She breathed in short, frightened gasps. He released her chin. She felt those awful claws run over her neck and collarbone. "I want to hear you scream..." He hissed at her softly. There was a sudden tearing sound and she felt cool air on her chest. Her white training bra stood out against her bright red dress.

  "I'll bet it sounds beautiful, enticing. I want to hear your terror." He attacked her then, sinking those bright fangs into the bare flesh above her bra, on the left side.

  *** Beast had lost the shadow. He searched carefully for the last five minutes but could not find it. He could only think that it had somehow double-backed on him, going into one of the buildings perhaps.

  It was done on purpose, something had led him away from the restaurant. Why?

  A shrill shriek pierced the cold night air. He turned to it immediately, running swiftly over the rooftops.

  *** The shadow was up on the roof of the restaurant. Below, people flooded the small area in the back. But Beast's eyes were on the dark form. It jumped silently to the next rooftop. Beast followed.

  Beast was faster than the shadow, he caught up quickly. Just when he was about to reach it, it turned. It swung at him, hitting him squarely in the chest. Beast was taken completely by surprise. The force of the blow knocked him off of the roof. He managed to turn over in the air, landing on his feet in the alley below.

  He jumped swiftly back up to the roof, but the shadow was gone. His eyes scanned the rooftops. There was no trace of it at all.

  He turned back to the Sword and The Rose. There was still a commotion behind it. He looked down and saw Delilah cradling Claire, trying to push people out of the way. Mrs. Kennie managed to get everyone back into the restaurant and close the door. "Should I call an ambulance?" She asked.

  "She not badly hurt." Delilah answered. "But she's shaking, poor thing. She's been badly frightened."

  "Who would do something like this?" Mary Kennie scowled angrily.

  "I have no idea, but look." Delilah showed Mrs. Kennie Claire's torn dress. "Look at these two wounds here. Their small, and not very deep, but what kind of weapon could cause something like that?"

  Claire whimpered, wrapping her arms around Delilah and burying her face in her neck. "I had better take her home." Delilah said, lifting Claire up into her arms. Claire wasn't large, but at twelve she wasn't the tiny girl she once was. Delilah carried her easily though.

  Beast followed them on the roof. He waited until they were safely in the hovercar before he headed for the manor.

  *** Julius woke with a start. There was a foul, metallic taste in his mouth. He leaned over the side of the bed, retching. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He looked down at it, it was stained dark red. Had he bitten his tongue while he slept? He ran his tongue over his perfect, even teeth. There was no pain, no cuts. He hadn't bitten the inside of his mouth then.

  He lay naked on his bed, which was how he usually slept. But his sheet was wrapped much too tightly around him. He disentangled himself. A white mask fell to the floor. He picked it up, turning it over in his hands. He had left this in Delilah's sitting room.

  He sat up, staring down at it in confusion. What the hell was going on?

  Chapter XV – Descent Claire woke and stretched in the pale morning light. She turned to the figure laying next to her. She reached out a long slim hand and pushed the hair from Beast's face. She smiled down at him fondly. He opened his tawny gold eyes, focusing on her. "Happy Birthday." he said, his voice was empty, like always.

  "Thank you." She smiled. "I'm eleven today." She said. "Does it feel strange?" He asked.

  "A little." She said, smiling. She turned to the window,

  holding her hands up in front of her, her fingers spread. Delilah had introduced her to nail polish a few weeks ago, so her nails were painted a pale, shimmering pink.

  "I hope Julius likes his present." She said. "It took a long time to finish." She got up from the bed and walked over to the side table. The room was an absolute wreck, so she had to perform some light footwork to reach it.

  In the middle of the table was a wide, flat, shiny black box, tied with a black lace ribbon. She placed a hand on it fondly. "He promised that he was coming back today."

  *** Julius was in the center of the Crystal Palace, The Heart of Ice, The High Empress' Throne Room. His body was bent, kneeling before the throne. His eyes were on the cold floor. He watched as his breath condensed in the chilled air.

  "Julius..." She purred in a voice as cold as nightfall in winter.

  "Yes, my Empress?" He asked, looking up at her

  "The war troubles me." She sounded lost, concerned. "You need not worry, my Empress." Julius assured her. "Everything goes as planned. The enemy will fall."

  "I am still troubled." Her icy eyes were troubled and brooding. "My own people have left me... wage war against me... When I have given them everything. Was it not enough? To lead them out of the darkness and death?"

  "You worry needlessly, my Empress." Julius said. "There are still many, many more that love you."

  "Do you love me Julius?" Came the tiny, lost voice.

  "Of course." Julius answered, closing his eyes as if in pain.

  "Are you sure?" She
asked. "Look at me."

  Julius opened her eyes, looking directly at her in all of her frozen glory. "I love you." He said with conviction. His black eyes were hard marbles.

  The High Empress rose from her throne. "Whom else do you love?" She asked simply.

  "No one." Julius answered, not taking his eyes off of her.


  He rose to his feet. The Empress walked slowly up to him. She took his hand, pulling the white glove off. She opened his hand and put it to her cheek, so that he cradled her face in his palm. She looked up at him, her cold ice-blue eyes staring deep into him.

  "You are my Regent." She said to him. "My voice to the people who love me. Your love is more important than all others, even that of the Council."

  "Yes." Julius said. His head was feeling clouded. There was a tight feeling in his chest. It had always been such when he spoke to the High Empress.

  She ran her hands over his arm. "I need you. You must carry out my will." She said, her cold voice pleading.

  "Yes." Julius said softly.

  "You must be cold. Like black ice." She said to him.


  *** "Are you ready?" Beast asked her.

  They faced off across the tile floor in the bathroom. It was

  the largest clear space that she had all to herself. Beast's cloak and boots were in a pile in a corner. Claire held her hands behind her back, winding a white bandage around both her wrists. Once it was tight she held on with both hands and nodded.

  Slowly Beast advanced. He lifted one leg in a kick, but slowly. Claire leaned back away, dodging just as slow. They went through a routine, Beast aiming slow attacks at her and she bending and weaving out of the way.

  As the routine continued they sped up slowly, till they were at normal speed. Already, Claire's skin was soaked with sweat, trying to keep up. Then they went faster. Claire's breath was coming out ragged. Beast knocked Claire's legs out from under her and she fell to the floor on her back.

  The breath rushed from her lungs and she lay her head back against the cool tile. Sweat poured off of her. She didn't move and just wheezed.

  Beast stood over her. "Get up." He said. Claire struggled. She could not use her hands or arms, making things extremely difficult.

  Beast watched her, his face expressionless. "Get up." He repeated. "Or die." He aimed a kick at her head.

  She rolled away from him, ending on her knees. She rose slowly and faced him.

  He faced her, taking a defensive stance. "Now, attack."

  She kicked out with her left leg, then her right. She had to stay perfectly balanced, leaning her upper body in the unusual way Beast had when he fought. She continued her attack, but no matter how much she tried, she couldn't hit him. Soon she was on the tile again.

  "Get up." Beast said over her.

  She had landed on her front. She tried to push herself up, but her bare feet slipped on the tile. "I can't." She gasped.

  "Get up." Beast said.

  She struggled again, but her muscles were too tired and refused to listen to her. "I can't."

  "You use too much energy on simple movements." He told her. "You have to learn to use your terrain as well."

  Claire looked around. Use her terrain? She was lying on a slick tile floor. What terrain did she have? She had fetched up against the wall. She pushed against it with her shoulder and foot and managed to roll over.

  But she was slow in her movements, and Beast aimed a downward kick at her neck. He stopped just inches before striking her. "I've just crushed your throat." He said to her. "You're dead."

  Claire lay there panting for air. She let go of the bandage binding her and unwound her wrists. She stretched her arms out. They were sore form being bound behind her back. She brought up her hands and pushed her wet hair from her eyes.

  "Ready?" Beast asked her after a minute.

  Claire groaned. She rose to her feet, leaving her hands free this time.

  Beast faced off against her, his tawny eyes glittered under the bright lights.

  "You're enjoying this too much." Claire told him.

  "Yes." He answered simply.

  Claire clenched her hands into fists in front of her. She closed her eyes and centered herself, breathing in and out slowly, deeply.

  Then she opened her eyes and attacked.

  Beast dodged her attacks easily. She aimed punches and kicks in rhythm, going for the head or stomach. He had no arm she could grab and use to throw him. She dropped to the tile floor, sweeping her legs around. He jumped into the air, flipping over her. He landed on his feet, then he counterattacked.

  Claire was on the defensive and barely holding on. She dodged what kicks she could, deflecting others with her arms. But Beast was attacking slowly, almost lazily. He put in a tiny bit more effort and she landed on the tile again.

  She rolled onto her back, preparing to spring back up. But he was over her, his knees on the floor, straddling her waist. He brought his head back and then whipped it forward, stopping inches from her face.

  Claire just lay there, breathing heavily. He whispered to her, his face just inches from hers. "I've just head butted you, cracking your skull. You are dead." He paused. "Again."

  Claire closed her eyes and groaned.

  *** Claire stepped out of the bath, drying her hair with a towel. She stood naked in the bathroom, stretching the soreness from her muscles. "He didn't have to go so hard on me." She muttered to herself. "It's my birthday."

  She walked into her bedroom. Her birthday present from Delilah lay spread out on the bed. Claire dropped the towel on the floor and picked up the white dress. It was heavy with lace, and the skirt was full with slips and underskirts. It was entirely overdone, just like Delilah.

  Claire smiled and got dressed.

  Delilah had been gone since Halloween. Claire didn't know where she was, but wherever it was, she was having fun. Every week she would call the manor. There was always loud music or talking in the background, and Delilah's delighted laughter.

  Every time she called, she always asked Claire if she had gotten her period yet. When Claire answered no, Delilah would say. "OK, let me know sweetie, we'll sit down together and have a girl talk then." And Claire would smile fondly and assent. She stepped into the sitting room, fully dressed. "How do I look?" She asked Beast.

  "Why do you need so many ribbons?" He asked her.

  "Why not?" She said, grinning.

  *** Julius steepled his fingers together, looking over them at the man on the screen. He leaned back in his chair like a cat in repose, his glittering eyes eyed the mouse patiently. "I trust you got the shipment." He said. He sat in his conference room, which branched off of his study.

  "Yes, Mr. Cantor." The man replied. The connection was fuzzy and the man was standing in shadow so his face could not be recognized. His voice was distorted as well, electronically, and crackled. "The weapons are already being handed out among my troops."

  "Excellent." Julius said, a cruel smile played across his lips. "Use them well. Destroy the Imperial Forces." He said it carelessly, no emotion flickering in his black eyes.

  There was a cold laugh from the light screen. It sounded horrible through the distortion. "Indeed, we shall decimate them.” The voice paused. “I have a question for you, Mr. Cantor."

  "Go ahead." Julius granted graciously.

  "Your deliveryman. Mr. Peaks. He has seen our base, we cannot let him go." The voice was cool, but there was a slight nervousness that the distortion could not completely hide.

  Julius shrugged. "Then kill him." He said, rising from his chair. "I no longer have any use for him."

  Julius heard a noise behind him. The door to the study was not quite closed. He hit a button on the conference table and the link went dead. The light screen vanished.

  *** Claire knocked on the study door. There was no answer. She tried the knob. It turned easily. "Julius?" She peered her head around the door. His present was tucked under her arm.

; The study was empty. She stepped inside, placing the black box on his desk. She decided to wait for him. Perhaps he wasn't back yet. Though she had been sure that she had heard the bell when she was in the bath.

  She sat on the white sofa. She recalled Julius telling her it was an antique. She fingered the gold thread stitched into the arm. She was impressed. This thing was probably made before there were electric needles.

  She waited in silence. Dimly, she could hear voices speaking. She looked around the room. The door to the conference room was hanging slightly open. The voices were coming from there.

  Julius was back then, he was in a conference. Should she wait? She knew not to disturb him, but she had no idea how long he would be busy.

  She desperately wanted a look at him too. She hadn't seen him in weeks. She thought ruefully of the High Empress. She always overworked her guardian.

  She got up and walked over to door. She peered through the crack of light the door let out. Julius was in there, and he was talking to someone.

  She felt peace wash over her when she saw him. But it was fleeting. Something was different about him, something was wrong. It was his expression. She had never seen him look so... cold. Just looking at him made her shiver.

  "Then kill him." He was saying. Had she really heard that? No, there must be some mistake. Julius would never...

  Claire leaned in closer, trying to hear. The door creaked suddenly when she brushed against it. Julius looked over at the door, spotting her.

  She panicked then, seeing the look in his eyes. That cold gaze nearly froze her solid. She did the only thing she could, to fight off the ice.

  She turned and ran, giving in to her instincts.

  She had a head start and the element of surprise, but Julius was much faster than her. She had no chance. Just as she reached the other door, his hand shot out, holding it closed

  She whirled around, pressing her back into the wood. “Julius!” She had wanted her voice to have more volume, more strength, but it came out in a weak gasp.

  She felt so small, looking up at him, under that frozen glare. Her heart battered her ribcage and her breathing became erratic. She was afraid, she was afraid of Julius.


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