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Defy Your Limits

Page 15

by Sean McNamara

  I have referred to most of my ideas as mental models and working hypotheses from the very beginning of this book. I recognize that although these ideas are what made it possible for me to have an effect with a physical object distant from me in space, I can’t say that they accurately represent what’s really happening.

  It’s only a matter of time before we can measure whatever it is that’s involved. I’m sure it’s something that has always existed, just like electromagnetic forces.

  Telekinesis may even be an electromagnetic force. If it is, then what makes telekinesis special is the fact that a human being can direct this force by his or her attention, intention, and will – by the mind.

  Here’s one of my favorites, It’s not telekinesis, it’s chi.

  As in the earlier objection, this pseudo-skeptic asserts that the effect is produced by an alternative mechanism. In this case, however, he or she proposes chi as the alternative, something which until recently would have been considered just as unreal as telekinesis. I regard comments like this as signs of society’s progress.

  35. Becoming More Contemplative

  Today’s culture generally does not value contemplative activity or time spent in silence. Instead, it promotes consumerism, the pursuit of happiness through watching entertainment on television and the internet, and by buying stuff. In contrast to past societies or today’s rare indigenous cultures whose spiritual roots have been preserved, modern society is bereft of silent contemplation.

  All of us who strive to make prayer, meditation, and even exercise a part of daily life face one significant struggle: we’ve been programmed by our environment[*] to spend our non-working hours in front of an electronic screen and to be entertained.

  How many personal dreams and inspirations have remained in the realm of thought instead of being manifested because a person had a daily habit of being entertained instead?

  We’ve been programmed into maintaining a state of complacency. Instead of making our mark in life, we tend to sit on the couch and watch what others have accomplished. Every few minutes a commercial comes on and, through simple repetition, shapes our ideas about life and happiness so that we spend money they way an advertiser wants us to.

  Looking at this through the lens of telekinesis, we could say that when we watch TV and the internet we open our mind indiscriminately and expose it to someone else’s intentions. We become the object of someone else’s experiment.

  Whether you want to succeed at telekinesis, meditation, writing that novel you’ve always had inside of you, playing the piano, or creating a business plan so you can leave your dead-end job, it’s likely that your biggest enemy is right there in your living room. Avoid it as much as you can.

  36. Universal Principles for Success in Life

  Those of you who have trained successfully all the way through Level Four know that your success wasn’t because you possessed some mysterious quality. You succeeded for the same reason so many other trail blazers, entrepreneurs, inventors, business people, leaders and artists have reached their goals, and in many cases changed the world.

  During the many weeks and months that you’ve been training in telekinesis, you’ve been applying life’s universal principles for success, which you can apply to other areas of your life. I will list them here in simple form to refresh your memory.

  The Universal Principles

  You were motivated. You had a personal reason to see this through, all the way.

  You were passionate about it. You were excited, inspired, and driven to do this.

  You were self-driven, you showed persistence. It was just you and this book. You kept going even when you felt like giving up. You did it for you and no one else.

  You had integrity. You weren’t willing to call it a success until you were sure of what you were seeing and had eliminated any possible outside causes. You weren’t interested in illusions, only the real thing.

  You were able to not worry what other people might think if they knew you were doing this. If any non-believers or pseudo-skeptics came on the scene, you didn’t waste energy trying to change their belief systems. You knew that only they could change their own minds.

  You listened to your inner-believer and inner-skeptic. The believer in you kept you going, gave you faith in yourself. The skeptic in you helped you learn what science has discovered so you could let go of outdated beliefs that would hold you back. You did the research necessary to stay informed.[*]

  You trained regularly, even daily. You knew that progress only came with practice. You knew that the surest way to fall short was to stop training before reaching your goal.

  You never said “It’s not working!” You didn’t blame someone or something else. You did whatever troubleshooting was necessary. You got creative with the technique, and you found your way.

  You knew that every session was important, whether or not the object moved. You didn’t measure or compare your results every five or ten minutes. You put all your effort into the exercise, only waiting until you saw the result before measuring yourself.

  You stayed true to the instructions. Instead of giving up in the middle of a session and desperately trying out a completely different method, you remained steady with the technique. You gave it the necessary time to produce results.

  You applied the working hypothesis that energy follows attention. That principle didn’t just apply to telekinesis, it applied to the whole training. You kept your attention on the goal of reaching Level Four, not just one of the lower levels. Your focus on the final goal filled your life with the energy that would take you there.

  You learned to stay relaxed and undistracted at the same time.

  You dared to try the impossible. You also learned to gain information from beyond the five physical senses.

  You learned to follow your intuition, to take guidance from the impulses emerging out of your subconscious.

  You entrained with the object. You developed a relationship with it instead of regarding it as something completely separate from you. You were engaged with the other.

  You didn’t skip any steps. You recognized that you have to start with a strong foundation before building the rest of the house.

  When you succeeded at Level One, you moved on to Level Two, and so on. You constantly learned more and transcended your comfort zone.

  When you needed to rest, you did. You were careful not to burn yourself out. You looked after yourself.

  Telekinesis may seem difficult, but there are far more difficult goals in life. What do you want to achieve in life? Who would you like to become? How do you want to benefit this world?

  Whatever you decide to do, I hope these principles assist you along the way.

  37. We Are One

  The knowledge that our perceived separateness from each other and from our world is merely an illusion has existed in human consciousness for thousands of years, passed on through ancient spiritual tradition. Today, this idea still finds its voice in the Indian Yoga tradition, particular philosophies of Buddhism, and teachings on Non-Duality, among others.

  Philosophers and scientists are adopting concepts from quantum physics and finding parallels with these spiritual perspectives. Though I’m not scientifically qualified to speak about these ideas,[*] I will share observations from my own telekinesis experience. For me, personal observation always supersedes theories, no matter how spectacular the theories seem.

  Do you recall the anomaly I mentioned earlier? I described how once in a while, the object would begin turning just as I entered the room. I had entered and exited the training area hundreds of times, so if the movement was just the result of my footsteps, it would have become obvious. Also, the object didn’t react that way when other people, people who weren’t entrained with the object, also entered into the room. It had a relationship with me.

  That idea is enough for me to consider that these ancient teachings and modern hypotheses might be accurate. Although I’d only actualized my connecti
on with specific objects during my telekinesis training, it doesn’t mean that an inherent connection doesn’t already exist between us and everything else in this world.

  Another occurrence is related to this experience. Most of the time, the object “behaved” and kept still as I entered the room and sat down in front of it. Yet before I had consciously begun the experiment and directed my attention to it, it would begin to turn. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was reading my mind. Rather, I’m more inclined to wonder if it was skipping ahead in time, into the future.

  Research and theoretical explorations in quantum physics describe subatomic particles being capable of appearing in two places at the same time, and also disappearing and reappearing into past and future moments,[*] albeit very, very quickly.

  There have been instances when I would work with an object for a while, finding no success, no movement at all. I would stand up to take a break. Sometimes I’d stay right there, other times I’d walk a few steps away, or exit the room. Spontaneously, the object would move, significantly. The movement was bigger and faster than usual.

  Earlier in this book I hypothesized that energy accumulates in an object over time, and that a certain amount is required for motion to occur. I also mentioned that sometimes in the moment of giving up my efforts, the object would only then begin to move. This indicated that something in my mind had been preventing the movement.

  Odd as it may sound, when this occurs, it feels like the object is actually catching up in time. I use the word “feels” because this is more of an intuition than an observation for me.

  There’s a reason why I bring up the question of time. During some of my early experiments I’d sit with the object and, while keeping the physical image in mind I’d simultaneously visualize its next moment. This next moment was a version of reality in which the object had begun to move. During Level Two, I called this time blurring.

  After picturing the object in motion, the future version of the one before me, I’d mentally pull that image into the present, overlaying it upon the image of the still object. I was trying to intend a future potential moment into entering the present one. What if that method was actually effective?

  We might not only be unified in space, mutually connected at all points, but we might also be unified in time. The separateness of future, present and past might be as illusory as the separateness between you, me, and the things of this world.

  Telekinesis can serve as a reminder that all people share the same essence. Whatever that part of me is which extends beyond the skin boundary of my body, it has no color, no gender, no religion, or any of the other surface level distinctions we use to sort each other out. Every person’s consciousness surpasses these distinctions. It is our ineffable nature which unites us.

  I hope that your experience with telekinesis encourages your sense of empathy, compassion, and unity with all people.

  We’re all doing the best we can.


  As practitioners of psi phenomena, particularly telekinesis, we have important contributions to make in the realms of science, spirituality, and society.

  Scientific researchers need subjects for their experimental trials. Their data can only reflect the abilities of those people who step forward to work with them. I imagine that researchers gain far more from working with talented subjects than with those who have never exercised their latent capacities. I imagine there are scientists out there who would benefit from meeting someone like you.

  As science progresses, it comes closer to backing up some of the most ancient and beneficial tenets of spirituality. The data are reflecting some of our beliefs, that we are interconnected (if not completely unified), that our thoughts and actions affect others, and that if we have faith in our abilities then we can ascend to new heights of experience. In this way, psi research serves as a place where science and spirituality can meet and exchange ideas.

  Further research will help to reduce society’s general fear and ignorance of psi phenomena. This will allow more people just like you to freely learn how to do things which used to be regarded as negative or dangerous. I imagine a day when parents “play telekinesis” with their children as a way of showing them their non-physical aspect. Readers like you could start “telekinesis clubs” and practice in groups. Perhaps the Bannister effect will take effect and help to accelerate public knowledge of these inherent abilities.

  What you do with your ability is up to you. It could be something you dip your toes into and then, curiosity satiated, you move on. Or you could make it your own personal meditation, your way of relaxing mind and body on a daily basis. It could be your bio-feedback device. Many other doors are open to you now.

  After all the reminders to not stray from the instructions, it’s time for me to suggest you let them go. If you’ve succeeded through Level Four, you don’t need them anymore. If you rely on them for future explorations, they might hold you back. It’s time for you to clear a new path, to develop new techniques that will help all of us evolve further.

  Are you a teacher at heart? Offering it to those who want to learn about it could be a valuable thing to do, for you and your future students. Telekinesis should never become the restricted property of a person, tradition, or community.

  It’s inside all of us.

  The Web Site, Video and Audio, Practitioner Survey, and the Question & Answer Section

  Introduction to the Site, Finding the Page Links

  A special web page has been created to assist your development,

  This site contains videos that are new to the public, and which were created specifically for readers of this book.

  The links to the specific pages are written in their respective chapters. The home page for the site does not contain a page menu in order to maintain privacy, since the videos are only understandable by those who have the book and who are engaging the training system presented here.

  Online Survey for Telekinesis Practitioners

  The web site also has a survey for practitioners. I hope you’ll be interested in filling it out. Once significant data

  is obtained it will be posted to the site.

  You can find the survey at:

  Question & Answer Section

  If you want to ask me a question, a Question and Answer Page is available. The answers will be posted in order to help other practitioners in their development.

  You can find the Q&A page here:


  Cherylee Black - My NDEs, aftereffects and what I’m doing about them now. (2015, July 23). Retrieved from

  Emoto, Masaru (2005). The Hidden Messages in Water. Atria Books.

  Greaves, Helen (2009). Testimony of Light, An Extraordinary Message of Life After Death. (first American edition) London: Penguin Books Ltd.

  Hicks, E. & Hicks, J. (2006). The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham. Hay House.

  Olds, Robert and Rachel. (2014). Primordial Grace, Earth, Original Heart, and the Visionary Path of Radiance. Heart Seed Press.

  Radin, Dean (2013). Supernormal, Science, yoga, and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities. New York: Random House, Inc.

  The Secret. (2006). [DVD] Rhonda Byrne & Paul Harrington.

  Tart, Charles T. (2009). The End of Materialism, How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Spirit Together. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.

  Recommended Resources


  Buhlman, William. (1996). Adventures Beyond the Body, How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

  Champlain, Sandra (2013). We Don’t Die, A skeptic’s Discovery of Life After Death. Morgan James Publishing.

  Devananda, Swami Vishnu (1988). The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga. New York: Three Rivers P

  Gallenberger, Joe. (2013). Inner Vegas: Creating Miracles, Abundance, and Health. Rainbow Ridge Books.

  Guggenheim, G. & Guggenheim, J. (1995) Hello from Heaven! A new field of research ~After-Death Communication~ confirms that life and love are eternal. New York: Random House.

  Laszlo, E. & Peake, A. (2014) The Immortal Mind, Science and the Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain. Rochester: Inner Traditions.

  Liao, Waysun. (1990). T’ai Chi Classics. Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc.

  Lipton, Bruce H. (2008). The Biology of Belief, Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. Hay House, Inc.


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