Defy Your Limits
Page 16
McMoneagle, Joseph. (2000). Remote Viewing Secrets, A Handbook. Charlottesville: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.
Olson, Stuart Alve. (2002). Qigong Teaching of a Taoist Immortal, The Eight Essential Exercises of Master Li Ching-Yun. Rochester: Inner Traditions International.
Radin, Dean (2006). Entangled Minds, Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Schmidt, Amy (2005). Dipa Ma, The Life and Legacy of a Buddhist Master. New York: United Tribes Media, Inc.
Sinclair, Upton (2001). Mental Radio, Studies in Consciousness (Russell Targ Editions edition). Charlottesville: Hampton Roads Publishing.
Targ, Russell (2004). Limitless Mind, a Guide to Remote Viewing and Transformation of Consciousness. Novato: New World Library.
Yu, Lu K’uan (1973). Taoist Yoga, Alchemy and Immortality. San Francisco: RedWheel/Weiser LLC.
Zukav, Gary (1979), The Dancing Wu Li Masters, An Overview of the New Physics. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc.
The Afterlife Investigations. (2011). [DVD]. Tim Coleman.
The Living Matrix. (2007). [DVD}. Greg Becker.
The PEAR Proposition, A Quarter Century of Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research. (2006). [DVD] StripMindMedia.
Solar Revolution. (2003). [DVD]. Dieter Broers.
Public Online Videos[*]
Eric Pearl - Biology of transformation - The Field. (2012, September 19). Retrieved from
Gregg Braden – Cancer cured in 3 Minutes. (2013, September 2). Retrieved from
Lynne McTaggart - Biology of Transformation - The Field. (2012, September 19). Retrieved from
Personal Health Summit 2015 #15: Paranormal Science & World Health, with Dean Radin & Matt Riemann. (2015, October 16). Retrieved from
Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities - Russell Targ. (2015, February 17). Retrieved from
A watched pot never boils, 50
definition, 42
accumulating energy into the object, 90
ADC, 175
Advance Others’ Capabilities, 193
Aerokinesis, 167
After-Death Communication, 183
Alpha, 58
analogy of the charged battery, 125
Anomalies, 127
appetite, 30
apport, 184
Approach, 41
Arms and Hands, 88
artists, 208
aspects of training, 3
Astral Projection, 144
attention and intention, 33
aura, 187
Barbara Lyons, 164
Basic Principles, 109
be the driver, 35
Before You Show, 193
behavioral economists, 196
beliefs and attitudes of our species, 121
believer, 22, See four attitudes
best attitude to take, 25
Beta, 58
bio-feedback device, 190
Blessing, 175, 182
blessing effect, 182
in Level Two, 89
brow chakra, 33
business people, 208
cardboard, 162
cardiovascular, 113
cause and effect. See karma
chakra, 187
Cherylee Black, 11
chi, 187
definition of, 114
Chinese Medical Theory, 61
circulatory system, 113
clothing, 29
Coach, 10
Cold War, 170
complete cycle of breathing, 77
conceptual mind
mental model of, 123
Confidence, 5
consumerism, 206
Contemplative, 206
convection, 107
crowdingthe line, 59
dan tien, 187
daydream, 57
daydreaming, 57
daydreaming effect, 59
Demonstrating Telekinesis, 198
desirable qualities, 53
dogma, 110
doubt, 169
and the inner non-believer, 19
Dragonfly, 183
dreams, 194
EEG machine, 58
ego, 130, 133
Electrokinesis, 167
electromagnetic fields, 113
energetic dissonance, 104
energetic movement
in the body, 54
energy, 55
mental model of, 113
Energy Accumulates Over Time
as mental model, 125
energy flow, 59
energy follows attention, 33, 54
as the most important principle, 110
mental model of, 110
Training exercise, 63
Energy Healers, 175
entraining, 81
further indicators of, 156
Entrainment with the Object, 91
entrepreneurs, 208
ESP, 170, See Extra Sensory Perception
Ethics, 198
as a form of tension, 79
Exhaustion, 149
Experiments Beyond Level Four, 161
Extending Your Relaxation
toward the micro-movements, 99
Extra Sensory Perception, 144
eye drift, 84
eye effects, 129
eye witnesses, 193
in Level Two, 89
factor of attention, 55
factor of intention, 55
feedback, 172
feelthe object into moving, 90
Final Stage, 158
flow, 53
Flow of Energy, 111
mental model of, 111
four attitudes, 20
four default responses. See four attitudes
freezing in place, 129
friction, 26, 103
general acceptance in society, 196
Gentleness, 53
Ghost, 183
glass container, 28
governments, 171
group behavior, 196
keeping them relaxed, 106
Healing, 175
Healing Potential, 66
heart chakra, 33
Heartlamp of the Eyes, 85
human behavior, 196
Hydrokinesis, 166
IANDS. See International Association of Near Death Studies
illusion, 212
initiate the flow of energy, 78
inner believers, 195
inner non-believer, 19
inner non-believers, 195
inner skeptics, 195
Integrity, 136
intention, 55
in Level Two, 89
Interconnectedness, 173
in Buddhism, 12
mental model of, 117
Internal Arts, 187
International Association of Near Death Studies, 11
Internet trolls, 202
internet viewers, 16
inventors, 208
Invisible Mechanism
mental model of, 115
Johnny Carson, 199
Karma, 12
as a transmitter of beliefs, 121
law enforcement, 170
leaders, 208
letting go, 133
Level Four, 143
Level Three, 140
light bulb, 167
Long-Distance Telekinesis, 164
Lucid Dreaming, 144
lucid dreams, 194
magic, 117
prerequisite for, 185
marathon, 186
martial arts, 114
ditation, 187, 189
meditators, 51
mental exertion
feeling of intention as, 40
mental model, 59
Mental Models, 109, 123
mental processes, 137
Micro-movements, 97
Mind-Stopping Breath, 60
in Level One, 43
miracle, 117
misnomers, 167
motionless hands, 44
Motivation, 17, 50
Moving two objects
experimenting with, 163
while training, 30
nervous system, 113
noisy thinking mind, 57
non-believer, 20, 21
nonconceptual mind, 55
mental model of, 123
non-physical, 173
definition, 6
object in stasis, 104
organic object
experimenting with, 164
other types of objects
experimenting with, 162
Out of Body Experience, 144
paranormal, 196
passion, 50, 135
Patience wins every time, 53
perceived separateness, 212
Performance anxiety, 199
persistence, 50
Persistence wins the day, 141
Persistent people, 136
personal power, 174
Physical Perception
mental model of, 119
physics, 204
pineal gland, 34
potent stateof prayer, 181
power of intention, 185
prana, 187
as Sanskrit for energy, 114
Prayer, 175, 180
Preparatory Exercises, 53
as a visualization method, 64
Primordial Grace, Earth, Original Heart, and the Visionary Path of Radiance, 84
private organizations, 170
pseudo-skeptic, 23, See four attitudes
psi effect, 23
psi missing, 130
psi phenomena
and spirituality, 173
psi wheel, 162
Psychology, 17
Recipe for Success, 135
Refrigerator, 57
relaxation, 53, 58, 111
remote viewing, 144, 170
table and seating, 152
resistance, 103
Risks, 201
Roger Bannister, 193
sacred, 174
telekinesis is, 5
Science and Spirit, 172
scientism, 24
Scole Experiment, 184
self-consciousness, 199
self-deception, 137
sense of self, 5
shushumna, 187
silent impulse, 55
skeptic. See four attitudes
definitions of, 21
Sleep Visions, 101, 185
Sleepiness, 30
social difficulty, 145
solution to the Catch, 133
Special opportunities
with the breathing technique, 79
spirituality, 173
Spoonfuls, 56
training exercise, 70
Stargate Project, 170
state of balance, 104
State of Mind, 49
static charge
undesirability of, 28
sticky energy, 128
Stock and Commodities markets, 171
Straining, 53
subtle energy system
mental model of, 114
subtlety, 53
Supernormal, 24
superstition, 204
systems of energy work
experimenting with, 162
T + R + I + A = M, 158
Taoism, 61
Taoist tradition, 61
definition, 1
similar terms for, 1
telekinetic force, 103
Tension, 111
Testimony of Light, 183
Testing distance, 42
The Catch, 129
The End of Materialism, 24, 130
and the four attitudes. See
The Hand on The Mirror, 183
The Hidden Messages in Water, 182
The Law of Attraction, 18, 185
The Lookaway, 129
The Mind-Stopping Breath
full description of the technique, 74
The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities, 24
The Refrigerator
training exercise, 72
The Secret, 18, 185
The Tonight Show, 199
The Wall
training exercise, 67
theories, 110
Theta, 58
third eye, 33
thoracic diaphragm, 75
Time Blurring, 101, 185
Togal, 84
trail blazers, 208
training, 3
training supplies, 26
training wheels, 140
transformative gift, 197
transmission, 181
Troubleshooting, 103, 209
true skeptic
definition of, 21
Two Minds
mental model of, 123
Two people
experimenting with, 161
unbalanced stimulation, 104
Universal Principles
for success in life, 208
Uri Geller, 199
Using a scale
experimenting with, 162
Using the glass container, 88
Video Recording, 199
Vision Board, 185
waking reality, 194
Wall, 54
What the Bleep Do We Know, 18
where your eyes go, your attention goes, 38
will-power, 56
working hypotheses, 110
working hypothesis, 64
Working with the Eyes, 81
Yin-Yang theory, 61
yoga, 114
We are capable of so much more than we believe.
Overcome your self-doubt, set your intention, hold steady.
Reality will reveal itself to those who
Dare to look.
- S.M.
* * *
[*] You will learn how to look and how to use mental intention in more detail soon.
[*] See References
[*] We’ll learn more about our inner non-believer later.
[*] When writing this, I drew on definitions from The End of Materialism, How Evidence of the Paranormal is Bringing Science and Sprit Together, by Charles T. Tart, Ph.D. His explanation of scientism is valuable for anyone interested in psi.
[*] Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980). Irvin Kershner
[*] Psychic ability.
[*] Attention and intention will be discussed in greater detail later.
[*] Having said that, I will remind the reader that this is book only presents one point of view, and that there are many ways to do telekinesis. I have received correspondence from people who say they have indeed used their hands for producing “chi balls” to actualize telekinesis. It’s a good reminder of why none of this should become dogma. There’s always more than one path to your destination.
[*] Estimated time for success: less than one week
[**] The reader might benefit from reading the entire book before beginning any of the actual training so as to be informed as much as possible.
[*] Certain chapters contain web page addresses which have special videos and recordings specifically designed for readers of this book.
[*] Just for the purpose of this exercise.
[*] A&I will frequently be used as shorthand for attention and intention throughout the book.
[*] If you have difficulty with Level One, these
exercises will help with that one too.
[*] In the healer’s mind, perhaps the patient’s as well.
[*] See Entrainment with the Object in Level Two
[*] Check first with your qualified healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns, or before changing your treatment or medication plan.
[*] Other cultures and traditions have also developed ways to meditate with light over the millennia.
[**] Usually translated as “leap over” or “direct crossing”.
[*] Many thanks to Rachel and Robert Olds for sharing their knowledge and experience of Togal.
[**] Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission from Robert Olds and Heart Seed Press to reprint this excerpt.
[*] Estimated time for success: one to four weeks
[*] I don’t list time blurring as a technique in the method taught here because I’m not sure if it did have an effect on the object or not. However, I mention it here as a possibility that it was, and at the least as a proposal for further experimentation by the reader.
[*] Also known as Vajrayana Buddhism.
[*] See References
[*] Estimated time for success: one to three months.
[*] Estimated time for success: one to two months.
[*] Estimated time for success: one to three months.
[*] The reader may want to review the section on Entrainment from Level Two.
[**] This phrase references the topics of entanglement and non-locality, which are much discussed in quantum physics, which is beyond the scope of this book.
[***] I must admit that this effect has, at times, led me to wonder if any non-physical or dearly departed beings have an involvement with these experiments.
[*] Estimated time for success: one to three months
[*] This and the other experiments in this chapter share a video page on the book’s website. The link is at the end of this chapter.