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An Invisible Chain of our Time

Page 18

by Iam Willgreen

those startup companies will implement the seeking on line of "traces of language,” those traces that can be found into hundred of scientific papers.

  What really feeds work or knowledge is the direct contact with reality. It is essential an initial exercise of clearing of dust and straw in the closet of beliefs and thoughts: first of all, recognize the stupidity and double-dealing we have learned to embrace in our daily live; our common weakness on thinking, always accepting it easy: how we supply our life with fantasies, all kind of fireworks, and we finish bored forgetting the reality which waits us down our feet.

  Something what never could be denied is the basic survival with dignity, so share the life in our earth implies to eat, to drink, to stay warm, to sleep being sure you will see the next day, to have the natural relationships we human and animals have, to have access to possibilities, and the acknowledgement of responsibilities. These needs are altogether universals.

  The extent lack of this sharing in the Earth can remember me easily the bursting phrase from a woman into the Bombay's slums twenty-five years ago, telling to young people who was learning a bit: “When it hurts to you, finally you will be able to understand the others, if you like it” (or something like that). She did not learn it from her religion: it was the continued touch, the daily rub, the dealing with people what learned by Mrs. Teresa (Hindus called her "Trrisa"). That was what said and she was Trrisa, an uncommon woman: a very efficient executive woman devoid of titles or degrees in MBA.

  The called development has shaped our lives intensively. Necessarily, our daily time is spent reaching important goals, (as would be to have two cars, two homes, other properties, the best body, the best TV, the best...) do not left time for something which was known as relationships: an evident fact for those who are not from occidental countries is that in the “north" we have lost the feelings among us: here is not time for it. And the relationships are poor; jelly, small, inconsistent, feigned, calculated, contingent, conditional, and faults always the true confidence. The feelings are always in the tail, and instead the competence is a value in the pole of values: thereby a lot of things that we do not see and do not touch, are there in our deepest soul, in our animal structure, in our genes, and keep calling us; and muted and buried are provoking us anxiety, stress, depression, insanity, and much more strange threats.

  An issue forgotten too times along all the studies made in anthropology, is the final weight of women role in groups, by addressing the size of this groups, and the influence reached by other cultures that came to the place. And the more impressive for me is a constant that you can check out when you reach to have contact along a span of time with this groups isolated, not only in the "wild world", also in the modern world where remain some few places with isolated communities which retain its organization: the smaller is the community and more preserved its organization, despite the first insight that the occidental thinks find, the women have a very weight role on the group, and are the source of solutions for the worse troubles.

  Thus, the disfiguring scars that have inherited the wounded people, provoked by the large and deep wars in the central Africa, such as the massacres between relatives (Hutu and Tutsi), slowly but surely have been cured by the organization and determination of women, and its clever mix of feelings and reason.

  In our social behavior, in the tools that run underneath, and those rules that we use consciously, in the life way acquired which defines our needs, limits and possibilities, there is possible find the factors which define the fate of our environment, and hence the ours.

  Another constant is the different way of living for women, and for men. Although we do not like, is a fact that the secondary role of women for men is a sort of natural law or natural rule that I would say is a sort of "male rule". It is not new for you, I guess and wish. But be cautious: is not only Pakistan (it is only one example) where men daily harass women, not. I say that there are a degree of intensity which may be measured crossing each country in the World, perfectly, and what never has been said is that: the more safety and bigger is the role which have the women, the stronger is the economy, more extended is the health, more rational is the consumption, lesser is the waste, usual the learning, and stronger the links and cohesion that have the groups.

  What is actually balance, what is equilibrium?

  Where are the feelings?

  The mix and merge of reason and feeling is not a crazy, is a need. And the recipe is not fix, may vary, need vary. Even we are different, some features are universal for everybody, and it allows make decisions that can be universal. Basically, a reasonable and sensibly decision may be applied everywhere, always suited locally. A decision that has not a universal basis may be suspicious to be unfair.

  Think around it: sometimes you are listening someone and thereafter you can recall the meaning of the talk without understand him. Nevertheless, you can sense perfectly its feelings, if the person is angry, happy, uncomfortable or disturbed. You remember more strongly and easily the shown feelings than the sense and content of words. Really do you think you can understand to anyone without consider feelings? It is important, and we have forgotten it for long, here especially in Occident. As I know, Brazilians, Chinese, North Americans, Malaysians, Swedish, German... all have brain, two legs, two hands... and feelings. I would never forget this.

  It takes a big sense when we talk of some kind of jobs, those jobs with the others: the occidental trend of “doing rational and logical, measurable and predictable every step we that take,” loses the need we all have to be treated as humans by a human. Perhaps, as such huge amount of rules, laws, protocols, defend people from the responsibility they do not own when someone claims something, because in our world the word responsibility has in fact almost strictly commercial significance. Then, where can stay the relationship, the comprehension, the compassion, the attention, and awareness of others? There is not place for this, unfortunately. This is our more extended disease, our lack of feelings.

  All too often, you could see some projects of called development that are performed on a place for a time, are carried a lot of things, and afterwards all finishes with a bye, never with an "I will stay here working for longer with you". What is truly necessary is understand and feel in place that the things force you to keep the feet on earth, but never only nice words.

  By other side, the former years have pointed out the need of a fulcrum, a crisscross of roads where different viewpoints, jobs, experience and concerns, converge and enrich the understanding of current problems. This clashes frontally against the feeling of competence, and hinders the seeking of solutions if not blocks it. Viewed from the point of view of a company, some strange company has done it years ago: with 1,600 employees, including the staff and board of directors, created two teams of work, held informal meetings along a year, drawn up a full list of troubles and misunderstandings, wrongs and risks, and recognized the beliefs and assumptions taken. After all it, they found a time of laugh, by reveling their own nonsense fight in the past, and started to change completely the way of work, buy, sell, remunerate and share their jobs and future. They became cooperators, they became coworkers, learnt to leach the useless beliefs, they smoothed the conflicts becoming into relations.

  They say today "we have left the boss's face". Currently, five years later, the company has 4,500 people working, all associated and, what is the more impressive; the rate of profits by worker was stabilized by an internal decision. They are selling their products above the international prices, inasmuch as local folks notices perfectly a healthy taste and smell of honesty, and over all this a common sense in a firm that is appreciated, and envies learn and copy. I will not say the name, but you can try finding it, over there: I am not an advertiser.

  If roles would have been the opposites.

  The people who can understand more the need of feelings into decisions, in the daily life, its remarkable effect, and were set aside off the road for centuries, are the women. Despite the apparent (wh
en it was apparent) logic in the words of leaders, the natural order which always pushes up from the feeling has been kept by women, survives within them, and no one of us can avoid its sounding and whisperings within us. In my depth inside, I suspect many women can understand easily these words, which are not a theory.

  If this century could be the time for a more natural way of reasoning, forsaking behind the roughly way of the menfolk that history may show you and figure out trough any look to, this way would be womanly: it would be a reasoning simultaneously from a prospect affective and a natural vision of life. We would be better. Have we any criteria, a natural wisdom about how share needs and limits? Women have it naturally: then, a possible new role for man it would be avoid conflicts, and not to provoke its. Could they do it? I am not sure... since I am a man, and I know well how and what men hide.

  Each day more isolation.

  A circumstance that turns on people into machines with no contact with his surrounding is the kind of home, and I promise it is not a joke. Think about: what do you need or like to share actually with your neighbors, if you live in a building of amongst 20 and 150

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