Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set

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Dearest Biker MC The Complete Series Box Set Page 23

by Blair Grey

  “That sounds good to me,” I replied. “What’s your schedule like? I mean, what’s it going to be like so we have something to plan on?”

  “It’s pretty open right now. When I get a job, we’re going to have to talk about it. Two hours is a drive, but it’s not anything I’m too upset about. I’ll come down here and pick her up if I need to in order to make it easier on you,” I said with another smile. “I don’t mind, at all.”

  “Do you have a car?” she asked in surprise.

  “It’s not really anything to write home about, but it gets the job done,” I said. “You know how much it sucks to deal with a bike in the changing weather.”

  She nodded. “You got that right.”

  She finished cooking our meal and served the plates on the dining room table. I tried not to let myself think about how domestic it felt when we all sat down. She fed Allegra little bits of the cut up spaghetti while she ate her own in between, and I was sure to heavily compliment her cooking. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful, and it was better than my own cooking, that was for damn sure.

  After dinner, she showed me her nightly routine with Allegra, putting her through the bath and getting her dressed and her hair combed. She then took her to bed and read her a book. I was amazed with how easily Allegra went to sleep, and I couldn’t help but drop a kiss on her forehead before I headed out to the living room.

  “Do you have to go so soon?” Jenna asked. “I know you’ve got a bit of a ride ahead of you.”

  “No, I’m still used to being up all night,” I said. “I can stay for a bit longer and talk.”

  “I think we’ve got a lot of this worked out,” she replied. “I mean, now that we know what we’re going to do through the week and on the weekends, and you’re going to get a job and everything. It’s just details that we have to finalize.”

  “It’s going to work out,” I assured her. “Really, I know that it is. I’m going to go shopping first thing in the morning and get what I want for her. Then when you arrive, you can tell me how you feel about it. If there’s anything you don’t like, we can change it, no problem.”

  Jenna nodded. I knew this was hard for her. I couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have your life changed so much in just a couple short weeks. But, she was doing it with a smile on her face and only the best intentions for Allegra in her heart.

  Now, it was my turn to step up and be the dad I should have been all along, and I was going to do so with everything I had in me. I didn’t care what it cost, or how much work I had to put into it. I was going to make it happen. For Jenna, for Allegra.

  Not even the MC would be able to change my mind now that our plan was in motion, and I was proud. This was my family – my real family – and both of these girls deserved nothing but the best.

  I no longer thought of Allegra as a mistake or an accident. She was the best thing that ever happened in my life, and I would tell anyone who said otherwise to fuck off. For as hard as it had been for me to accept all this, I now embraced it with everything I had to give.

  That little girl lying in the other room was my daughter. And this woman on the couch beside me was the mother of my child. By the time I left, giving her just a hug didn’t feel like it was enough, but I made myself stick to it.

  Perhaps we could be friendly with each other beyond just parenting Allegra. I’d never push her for it, but I wasn’t going to turn her down, either. I still thought she was the hottest woman I’d ever seen, and I was proud she was the mother of my child. Proud for what we’d done, even if it wasn’t the best time for us to have done it.

  Hell, I was the proudest man on the planet, and nothing could touch me in my happiness. Nothing at all.



  If I was perfectly honest with myself, I had to admit that it was difficult for me to make the drive up to Santa Rosa. It was hard because I only told Khloe I was going, and I knew I didn’t belong. It didn’t matter that Nathan had told me he wanted me to come up and see his place.

  The only real reason I was doing it was for my daughter. I had to make sure it was entirely safe for her, and for as awkward as that was going to be, I was determined.

  I followed the GPS to his address, glad to see that it was in a part of down that looked safe. I was worried with all the rival MCs in the area, but I didn’t really want to let myself think anyone would do anything to Allegra. But still, I was happy with the little apartment complex, the yard in front, and the trees that lined the drive on the way there.

  It wasn’t exactly the sort of place I would refer to as homey, but it would work. If things were as good on the inside as they were on the outside, I would be willing to allow my daughter to stay.

  Nathan was waiting for us on the front steps. He had a coffee in his hand, which he offered to me as I got out and made my way toward the door. “I hope it was easy enough for you to find.”

  But, the first thing I noticed about him was the fact that he wasn’t wearing his prosthetic. It was the first time I’d seen him without it, and though I knew he didn’t have an arm, it was still a bit of a shock to see it in person. I didn’t find it to be any sort of turnoff, but I wondered why he didn’t have it on.

  I adjusted Allegra on my hip before answering. I’d been trying to talk to her about her father as much as I could, but I wasn’t sure how much she understood. In her mind, Blaze had filled that role for her entire life. Now, here was another man I kept telling her was her father, and she had to figure it out.

  Then again, it might be easier with her being as young as she was. Perhaps that would give us an advantage with her getting to know him without asking too much about the arm or where he had been her entire life.

  “Yeah, it wasn’t too bad. I sort of know the town from the charity rides that have been sponsored here through the years,” I told him. I took the coffee with a smile. “Thank you.”

  “Thanks for coming. Come on, I want to show you inside,” he smiled as he put his hand on my lower back, leading me into a narrow hall and up a flight of stairs. I was trying to be open-minded about the place and not criticize everything that I saw as potentially dangerous, but it was hard.

  We stopped outside a doorway and he unlocked it before letting us all inside. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I did see. Much like my own place, Nathan’s apartment was simple. It didn’t look too expensive, but I figured that was largely due to the fact that he only worked part time.

  Hell, he didn’t even have a job right now.

  “We converted her room over here,” he said as he led me through a small hall. The door seemed to open up out of nowhere in the walkway, but it seemed safe enough. “I think it was an office, or meant to be anyway. I mostly used it for storage, but I got rid of all that stuff.”

  “It’s cute,” I said. “I like the playpen you put together. She loves to play with her Legos and blocks, so she’ll be pretty happy to be in there.”

  “That was Isaac’s idea,” he replied. I tried not to stiffen. Of course, he already mentioned his best friend to me and what they were doing to make this place safe, but it was still hard for me to hear that other people were going to be involved in her life.

  I had worked so hard for the past two years to be careful of the people who were let in, and I didn’t want that to go down the drain now.

  “Who’s Isaac?” I asked.

  “He’s my best friend, has been forever. You’d like him,” Nathan said with a warm smile. “He’s the one who really pushed for all this to come together on my end.”

  “That is noble,” I admitted.

  “He’s a good guy,” Nathan said again.

  “I want to meet him,” I blurted out. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up, and was quickly starting to think that the best way for me to do it was just to ask. There were going to be compromises for both of us, and that meant I’d have to be willing to tell him what I wanted in our lives.

  “You’ll get to. I
think you’ll like him,” he said. I set Allegra down in the playpen, and she immediately started playing with the blocks. She seemed happy enough, but I couldn’t help but just look at her for a moment, trying to grasp what we were doing.

  There was no turning back now. She was going to be coming here for a couple days, every week. She’d be here every other weekend. There was no changing that. I told myself it was for the best, this was going to be the best option for everyone, but that didn’t change how hard it was for me. I didn’t want to think about it, but I wasn’t going to look upset in front of Nathan.

  “What do you think?” he asked at last.

  I looked up. “I think it’s great. If you want, you can start taking her next week.”

  “Really?” he asked with a grin. “I’d love that, really, I would. There are still a few things that I want to get for her room – and for the house in general – but I would love for her to start staying with me as soon as you are comfortable with it.”

  “I’m comfortable,” I said. Allegra was playing happily, but it wasn’t long before she got tired. She had been awake the entire drive, and I knew she was going to want to go down for a nap soon. She yawned, and without me doing anything to put her down, she soon fell asleep.

  “That kid sleeps easier than anyone else I know,” I said with a shake of my head. “It’s going to be nice when you have to put her down for a nap.”

  “I’m not worried about that. But, I would like you two to stay for dinner. If you want to hang out a bit, I’d be down for that,” Nathan said.

  I nodded. I didn’t know what else to do with myself for the day, and I had come all this way to see the place. We walked out to the living room, the silence getting awkward.

  “I’ll get you more coffee if you like,” he said. “I see you’re about out.”

  “That would be great,” I said. I turned to hand him my cup, and my hand grazed over the front of his pants. We both gasped, and I couldn’t help but notice he was hard. He was clearly turned on by me, and I still wanted him. It was just the two of us in the living room, and I couldn’t help myself.

  On a sudden whim, I rose and kissed him. He was ready for me, and his lips searched hungrily for mine as much as I wanted him. The missing arm didn’t matter – all that mattered was that he and I were here, together, and we were finally slicking the lust that had been haunting us for so long.

  We kissed, the passion growing between us as he explored my body with his hand. He squeezed my breasts and held my ass, walking with me until I fell backward on the couch. I fought at his pants. I had to free his cock from its hiding place and pull him inside me.

  He was working on the front of my pants, as well, but I helped him get them the rest of the way off. I pulled off my bra as he removed his boxers, and I slid out of my panties. He was every bit as hot as I remembered him being. More tattoos, but those only adding to the heat of his body.

  He was still ripped, and I grinned. I was proud of my body, despite the fact I had a kid, and when he eased himself down on top of me, I spread my legs wide to take him. I was wet. That weekend with him was the last time I’d fucked anyone, and I missed it. I was ready to take him fully, and when he slid into me, I let out a sexy little gasp.

  Nathan started pumping into me, pushing and pulling himself to the rhythm of my own body, both of us moving together as one. His lips still traveled over me, kissing my tits, his tongue diving into the crook of my neck.

  He was moving fast and hard, and I could feel the need inside his body, as well. We were being driven toward climax, but we wanted to keep our voices down with Allegra in the other room. Faster and harder, he slid in and out of me, the tension rising deep inside my pussy.

  I was close to cumming, and I dragged my nails down his back before pulling him into me hard. I said nothing, letting my body do the talking as I was pushed closer to orgasm.

  As the release rushed through me, I let out a gasp as loud as I dared, sinking my teeth into his shoulder as I did so. He, too, pushed into me a couple more times before I felt the jump and pulse of his cock. He filled me with his cum, so deeply inside my pussy.

  I remembered the feeling well, but I smiled as it ran through me again. I’d never be able to get enough of him. I knew as I fucked him now that he was the one I wanted. I had to have him…but I didn’t know how to tell him.

  We held each other for a moment on the couch, then he gave me another light kiss before pulling out of me. Suddenly, I felt embarrassed. I didn’t know what had come over me. I didn’t regret it, but I didn’t know what to say. With a smile, I muttered something about cleaning up in the bathroom and grabbed my clothes, diving into the small room and closing the door as fast as I could.

  I had to take a moment to catch my breath and process what happened. Process why I wanted it so badly, and if I’d ever get to have it from him again. So many thoughts ran through my mind, I hardly knew what to think.

  All I knew was that I didn’t regret a thing, and I was happy.

  And, I wanted more.



  I hoped nothing was wrong with Jenna for diving into the bathroom like she had, but she soon came out with a smile on her face and her clothes back on. I wondered if I should talk to her about what we’d just done, but I didn’t know how to bring it up.

  Having sex with her again had been something that I’d dreamt about since the moment she came back into my life. I hadn’t thought that I’d have much of a chance to make it happen with her, but I wasn’t going to turn her down if she wanted it. And, she clearly had wanted it.

  Hell, she was the one who rose to kiss me first. She was the one who pressed herself against me. She hadn’t shied away when we brushed against each other, and I wasn’t going to turn down the chance to be with her again.

  But once it was over, she dashed into the bathroom, leaving me feeling confused on the couch. I considered going to check on her, but decided that would be a bad idea. I’d just get dressed and once again offer her dinner. It was a bit on the early side, but that was okay with me. I knew she was going to have a drive to get home, and I didn’t want her to leave hungry.

  “Hey, honey,” she said when she glanced into Allegra’s room. “Did you have a nice nap?”

  She disappeared for a second, popping back out of the room with Allegra in her arms. She was rubbing her eyes and still looked foggy, and I got the impression Jenna had gone to her for a bit of a security blanket.

  Though she was only two years old, I wasn’t sure if the two of us would talk about sex in front of her. I wasn’t sure how much she understood, but I wasn’t going to be the one to bring it up.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked when she got back into the living room.

  “Yeah, I could eat,” she said. “Thanks.”

  “Let’s order something,” I said. “I don’t have a lot in the way of food in here, and I don’t want to treat you to something less than what you gave me.”

  “Are you saying that my cooking is as good as takeout?” she asked with a smirk.

  “I thought it was better, but it’s infinitely better than what I have, and I don’t want to embarrass myself, what do you like?” I smiled.

  “It’s more what does she like. She’s weird about that stuff sometimes,” Jenna said. “But if we get pizza, it’s a pretty sure bet she’ll be happy with that.”

  “Works for me,” I said. “I’m happy with just about anything.”

  “Pepperoni?” she asked.

  “Works for me,” I said again, this time with a laugh. “I’m not picky when it comes to pizza.”

  “Good,” Jenna laughed. “It’s my favorite.”

  I ordered the food and kept anticipating her to bring up the sex. Perhaps she was just as confused about how to do it as I was, but I still thought she might. But, she kept chatting about Allegra and the things she liked to eat – and the things she refused to eat, as though the fact we’d just had sex had nothing to do with anything between u

  Part of me feared that it was nothing more than lust on both of our part. I didn’t want it to be that way. I wanted to have an actual relationship with her, and I would do anything to make that happen. But, I didn’t want to scare her off. She was already dealing with so much in her life, I didn’t know if she wanted anything more with me.

  So, I was just going to go along with her as though nothing had happened between us. I’d make sure that I was there for Allegra, and I’d put her first in everything. But, that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to hope for more with Jenna, or that I wasn’t going to talk about it with someone.

  I had to talk about it with someone, or I was going to go nuts.

  She stayed for a while longer after we had pizza, but as the evening wore on, she decided it was time to head out. I ignored the urge I felt to ask her to stay with me. Again, I knew that it would be a bad idea to push for more than I should with her.

  Getting my daughter was more amazing than anything I thought would happen, I wasn’t going to push to have her mother, too. At least, not yet. As I hugged them both goodbye, I was careful to keep it as friendly, but platonic, as possible. I didn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable, and it really made my evening when Allegra gave me a hug herself, telling me goodbye with her own words and not relying on her mother.

  “Drive safely on the way back,” I said. “If you think of it, would you text me?”

  “Sure,” Jenna said with a smile. “No guarantee that I’m going to remember in time, but I’ll do it if I think of it.”

  “That’s fine, just if you think of it,” I said. She gave me another light squeeze, then she pulled Allegra onto her hip and the two of them headed out the door. I watched from the window to make sure they got to their car okay, then they were gone, and I felt a wave of emptiness. I wanted to call her already, I wanted to tell her that it was amazing the day we spent together – but I couldn’t.

  What the hell is wrong with you? Since when do you go crazy for any woman like this? Weren’t you the bad boy who did what he wanted when he wanted? You told her at one time that you didn’t want anything more with her besides sex.


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