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My Bad Boy Biker

Page 4

by Natasha Stories

  Some of the ladies were even bold enough to go in and get a beer, and then come out and chat us up. Now it was time to cut the better looking women out of the herd and see if any of them were ready for some fun.

  I had my eye on a girl-next-door type who’d made an effort to break the mold. She had on a tank-top with Wild Thing printed across the boobs, barely visible through the gap in her sleeveless black leather vest.

  The funny thing was, she didn’t look all that wild. Her brown hair was piled up in a messy bun, and she had creamy skin that hadn’t seen much sun yet, even though summer was almost over. I’d seen her flash a mouthful of straight white teeth at one of the guys who let out a wolf whistle, and her blue eyes were clear of any hint of drug use.

  This was a civilian chick, for certain, but maybe one that wanted a good time at the hands of a brother. I was just the one to provide it for her, too, in spite of noticing the prospect admiring her assets too.

  I was about to grab her when someone on the sidewalk yelled, “Pug!” and she whirled around to look. She started toward the voice, only to crash into Pug himself, who’d turned his head over his shoulder and was also looking for the one who’d yelled at him. Her beer sloshed all over his cut, and he balled his fists. Uh-oh. I headed toward them.

  “Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry!” she gushed. “Here, let me get something to clean that up!” She whirled around and ran into me, right behind her.

  “Oh! Oh my god, it’s, uh…” Her eyes went wide as soon as she saw me. Pug relaxed his hands and looked from her to me. He swiped his hand down his cut, wiping the beer off.

  “Pug!” The voice from the sidewalk.

  “What the fuck?” he asked, just as the girl whirled around again.

  “Egghead,” she yelled. “What do you want? You made me spill…” Pug and I both looked at her in confusion. Egghead?

  Noticing the way we were looking at her, she pointed to the sidewalk at a teenager. “Egghead. My brother,” just as he yelled, “Mom and Dad want to know if you’re coming for dinner. It’s after eight. You’re late. Hey, you look bad-ass!”

  Pug looked at me, and I looked at her. “Your name is Pug?”

  “Uh, no, he calls me Bug. My name is Cricket. I know who you are. Jack Malone, right?” To her brother, she yelled, “Tell them I’m not coming. I’ll get something on my own. Go away.” She turned back to me.

  Pug was now staring at her in open-mouthed astonishment. What would a girl like her know about my stage name? I sent him a ‘get lost’ look, and he turned around and melted into the crowd.

  “Cricket. Cute. What would a little girl like you know about Jack Malone?” I grinned. If she’d seen me in action…

  Now she was blushing, the tell-tale pink creeping up from her low-cut tank to the roots of her hair. “I, uh…”

  I reached for her and trailed my finger down her chin, along her neck and down to the cleavage peeking out of the tank. “I like this pink color. How did you say you knew me?”

  The color deepened, and interestingly, twin points bloomed under the tank. No bra. Perky tits just right for a handful were now visible to me, standing close to her. I couldn’t wait for her answer.

  My dick hardened when she took a deep breath, looked me full in the eye, and said, “I’ve seen your videos.”

  Well, well. If she’d seen my videos, then she had the advantage of me. She knew more about my body than I knew about hers, but it was looking good for me to even the score. I moved in even closer.

  “You have, have you? Interested in a command performance?”

  She sucked her breath in, and the color returned, racing up her chest. I slid my hand into her vest, brushing my thumb against her hard little nipple as I passed by, and curled my fingers around her side. Pulling her into my chest, I dipped my head to meet her lips as she tilted hers back to give me access to them. She swayed against my groin and moaned.

  “Oh, my God, would I!”

  I laughed. “What makes you think I’d mess with a sorority chick like you? Trying to entrap me?”

  Her eyes clouded. “I’m not… I graduated last May. I’m older than I look. Never mind, I must have been crazy. You’ve got plenty of women to choose from.” She turned away, but I grasped her arm and turned her back to me.

  “Look, I was kidding. I’ve gotta know how you found my videos, and what you think of my … technique?”

  She licked her lips. “I could show you.”



  I watched the little drama unfold, noting Jake’s technique. I couldn’t hear what he and the girl were saying to each other, but the intent was clear. One minute, she, Jake, and Pug were looking off toward the sidewalk, and she was yelling at a kid who kept calling her Bug. And the next minute, Pug was out of the picture, a little put out, and the girl was acting like she and Jake were alone in some kind of bubble.

  Whatever he was saying to her was having the effect he wanted. She looked ready to strip for him right there. My dick twitched at the look of her. Sex goddess was what she was. I could practically feel the heat coming off her from several yards away. She was looking at Jake like he was a god, too. Fuck me, but I could enjoy some of that.

  I pulled myself together long enough to close my mouth and looked around for Pug, who was supposed to be my babysitter. He’d disappeared, so I went into the bar to see if I could spot him. He was waiting by the server station, looking irritated.

  I had a choice to make. Go over and see what the hell had gone down, and maybe piss him off. Or assume Jake had taken the girl from him and sympathize, and probably piss him off. One way or another, I needed Pug to notice me and do his job. I took a deep breath and walked up to him.

  “That was freaky, man.”

  He gave me a withering stare. “Yeah. What of it?”

  “I thought that kid was hollering at you.”

  “You and me both. Turns out, he was the girl’s brother. Called her Bug.” He shrugged. “Hard to hear the difference in this commotion.”

  “Yeah. So, Jake…” This was the moment of danger. He’d either tell me what happened, or throw a punch. I tensed.

  “Fucking crazy, man. She knew him.”

  “No shit? Where’s she from? I’ve never seen her before.” I assumed if she knew him, it had to be from home, but maybe she’d met him last year or something.

  “No, man, she knew his work. His vid… Never mind. Mind your own business.” He glared at me as he took a swig from the bottle the barmaid had just handed him.

  “Here, let me get that.” I pulled a wad of cash out of my jeans. Luckily, I had my last pay from my job with Carl on me. I handed a five to the barmaid. “Keep it.”

  If I’d expected thanks, I’d have been disappointed. But Pug did relax and stop looking so hostile. He lifted the bottle in my direction, the only acknowledgment I was likely to get. I signaled the barmaid to bring me one.

  “So, what’s next? We just hang out here until some gash throws herself at us, and then take her back to the motel and fuck her?”

  That got a laugh. “Yeah, dude. See if that works for you.”

  I grinned at him. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “No? Then you’ll fit right in. Look, kid, we ain’t friends. But you’re okay, long as you stay out of my way. So I’ll let you in on it. Tonight, broads. Tomorrow, we’re looking for marks. Civilians that get a little careless with their bikes, you know what I mean? You see a chance, you grab one and go. Don’t wait for us. Ride it straight back to your old man’s shop, and then hitch your way back here.”

  “You mean…”

  “Yeah, numbnuts. You jack it. We’re here to do the same. Most years, we get five. This year, six or more. It’s part of your initiation, bro. You got the balls for it?”

  I thought it over for about half a second. “Fuck, yeah. What about heat?”

  “Not usually a problem. Mostly they’re in town, clueless. You catch a tail on the highway, hammer down. Outrun ‘em, lose
‘em on a curve. You know how to ride, right? How to find the apex?”


  “That’s when you shake ‘em. They can’t turn that fast, so you’re out of sight for a minute. Get off the road, if you can. Helps if you find a twisty.”

  “Gotcha. Hey, when was Rooster gonna tell me this?”

  “He wasn’t. That’s why he assigned you to me. Now he’s clean if something goes down. He didn’t tell you to break the law.”

  “Huh. Okay, I guess that makes sense. One last thing, Pug.”

  “Make it quick. I got plans.”

  “Yeah, no problem. Carl knows the bikes are hot, right?”

  “Fuck, yeah. He chops ‘em. Transforms ‘em into works of art, man. My ride is one of his creations. Carl’s a fucking genius. He never told you?”

  “Naw, we ain’t close. But I guess now I know where he gets the money for the shit he buys my mom. Hey, thanks, man. I think I understand the program now.”

  “You better. I got better things to do than take you through kindergarten again. Bro.”

  That last word, tacked on like an afterthought, made me swell with pride. I wasn’t patched in yet, but I was in the know. At least some. As I walked away, I thought about the interrupted sentence about Jake. Vid – was that the start of video? What the fuck did Jake have to do with video? It didn’t make sense, but it could be the key to some of the mystery that still surrounded my club. And if it made chicks go all soft and wet, I wanted to get in on it, ASAP.

  For now, I’d have to rely on what I’d always used – my build and my face. I’d never had any trouble getting in a girl’s pants since I was old enough to know what to do once I was there. Before the shop, I worked off my aggression in the gym, and I had the heavy muscled arms, the six-pack, and the corded thighs to show for it.

  The shop leaned me out and replaced gym muscles for the real thing. I had a body to be proud of, and I didn’t mind showing it off any chance I got.

  I spoke to the barmaid again and got four beers. Made my way outside, found the rest of Jake’s crew, and handed over three of them. “Jake back yet?”

  “Fuck, no. We won’t see him until morning. He’s got him a Bunny to break in.”

  “Wouldn’t mind some of that myself.”

  “Best pick one out, then, Prospect. It’s like they grow on trees here.”

  “I meant the one Jake took.”

  “Better forget that until he’s through with her. He don’t take to none of us messin’ with his toys, ‘til he’s wore ‘em out.”

  I kept my face neutral. The thought of that girl broken like the Bunnies back in the compound made me feel a little sick, but this wasn’t the place to say it. Maybe she’d be okay. Maybe she’d even love it, like that Bethanne chick I’d met late that first night in the compound.

  I knew for a fact she’d been with two of the guys who left before midnight to go home to their old ladies. She finished the night with me, and just about wore me out before she let me sleep. I didn’t complain.

  She was a freak, but a talented one with a taste for jizz. Best blow job I’d ever had. The memory made me smile. I could get used to having women begging to suck my dick. The day Sarge invited me to prospect for the club was the luckiest day of my life.


  I couldn’t believe the words, even as they came out of my mouth. What was I thinking? I didn’t know this guy, not really. He could be a murderer, or anything. All I knew was what I’d seen on the little screen on my laptop, and how it made me feel alive. I knew he had a massive cock – I’d seen it plunging into women in every way imaginable. The thought of it inside me made me weak with anticipation. But I had to be smart about it.

  “Jack, I… there’s a problem.”

  “What problem? And call me Jake.”

  “Okay, Jake.” I gave it a passing thought. A screen name, of course. But he’d trusted me with his real name. Or was it a ploy? “Jake, we can’t go to my place.”

  “That’s no problem. I’ll take you to mine.”

  “That’s just the thing. I have to be back pretty early in the morning. My folks…”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, baby. Who said you were spending the night?”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  God, I was pathetic. One look into those blue eyes, and the moment I recognized him, I was ready to throw myself at his feet, if only he’d take me like he took the women in his videos. I wanted it all, even as I worried he’d be too big for me. My nipples ached for another touch from his big hands.

  I looked up at him as we pushed our way through the crowds on the sidewalks. He was well over six feet to my five-four. One hand could swallow one of my breasts and have room left over. I closed my eyes for a second and imagined his lips on my nipples, only to trip over an uneven place in the sidewalk.

  Immediately, his arm was around me. “Careful there, Bug.”

  “Oh, please. Uh, don’t call me that. Only my brother…”

  “Not into incest, are you?”

  “Shit, no!”

  He laughed, a big, booming, mocking laugh that made people turn and look at us. “Cricket it is, then. How’d you get that nickname?”

  I didn’t want to talk. My mind was busy constructing scenes like I’d seen him in, only with me as the woman this time. This couldn’t be happening, could it? Was I really about to go into a room with a man I only knew from porn videos and let him fuck me? A thrill of anticipation went through me. Hell, yes, I was. With my nerve endings singing, I barely found my voice. Lying, I said, “It’s, uh. It’s not a nickname. My parents named me that.”

  “You’re shittin’ me.”

  “Nope. They did.”

  “What’s your brother’s name?”

  What? Who the fuck cared? Why did he want to know? I turned a questioning look up at him. He shrugged. “Just making talk. We’re almost there. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

  “Aaron. His name is Aaron. I call him Egghead because he’s a brain. Straight A’s. And my sister’s name is Emily.”

  “You have a sister? She as cute as you?”

  “She’s fifteen.”

  “Oh, never mind then. Here we are.”

  We climbed the concrete stairs to the walkway that ran across the front of the building. He opened the second door from the steps and gestured for me to go in.

  The place was seedy, no better than my room, but I didn’t get a chance to look around before he closed the door, and the room was plunged into darkness. I stood still, unable to see where to go, and felt him brush past me. A click, and the dim lamp next to the bed came on, allowing me to see his face. His eyes glittered.

  “Well, go on. Let’s see the tits,” he said.

  Did I imagine it would be romantic? I didn’t think so. Nothing in the videos suggested romance. They were pure, raw sex, something my pussy understood, even if my brain balked. I could feel my juices soaking my panties already. I watched his face as I shook the vest off my shoulders.

  I knew the motion would make my boobs shift under the tank. The only reason I’d had the courage to go out braless under it, my C-cups unsupported, was the vest hid them to some extent. As I got the vest all the way off, I glanced down at myself, noticing my breasts standing proudly, the nipples at attention and poking little peaks into the tank top.

  I looked at him again, to see him watching them, too. Suddenly confident because of the hungry expression, I lifted the tank from the hem and pulled it over my head.

  “Fuck,” he whispered.

  My nipples drew even tighter, as, filled with an unfamiliar boldness, I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled the zipper down. “Now you.”

  “You do it,” he rasped.

  This was it. The moment I’d wanted from the very first time I’d seen any man like him on camera. I stepped toward him, pushing my jeans down over my hips as I went, and stepping out of them.

  He slipped his cut off his arms as I approached him, revealing the chiseled ches
t and abs I knew like the back of my hand from watching his videos over and over while I teased my clit. I watched my hands as if they belonged to someone else as they reached for the button on his jeans, and then pulled down the zipper.

  As if in a dream, I sank to my knees to worship the cock that sprang out when I pushed his jeans over his hips. I licked my lips, and took my eyes off the prize for only a moment as I cast them upward to take in his face.

  Pure lust greeted me, and I groaned as I took him into my mouth, climaxing from the sheer intensity of the moment when I began to suck, and he pushed his fingers through my hair.

  With his hands holding my head in place, he fucked my mouth until I thought I’d die if he didn’t touch my breasts, or put his fingers inside me, or his cock.

  I pulsed with need as the wetness rolled down my inner thighs, and I swirled my tongue around his massive erection. Every dream I’d ever had about him was coming true at that moment, and I was shaking from the sweet torture of it. I was delirious with desire by the time he pulled out of my mouth and lifted me.

  “That was good, baby. But I want to fuck you, too, so that has to stop for a little while. I’ll let you have more later, if you mind me.”

  I bit my lower lip. It sounded like he was going to make me do things I’d never done before, and I couldn’t wait to ‘mind’ him. He moved into me, his erection pressing into my belly, turned me and crowded me to the side of the bed, before he gave me a little push and toppled me onto my back.

  “You look delicious, baby. Where do I start? Those nipples look like they want some love bites. Do they?”

  I nodded, overwhelmed, and reached for him. He batted my hands away.

  “Nope. Keep your hands to yourself.” He straddled me, holding himself away from my body on his strong arms. As his face neared my breasts, I arched. The first swipe of his tongue across my sensitive and aching nipple drew a gasp from me. Too soon, he drew back, making me moan.

  “You’re a greedy little thing, aren’t you?” His tongue swiped across the other nipple, and then his lips followed, sucking hard. Pain and pleasure burst through me, and I moaned again.


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