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My Bad Boy Biker

Page 5

by Natasha Stories

  “Are you a screamer, baby? It’s okay. It’s just us here. Scream all you want.”

  He plunged a finger into my throbbing pussy, and wrung the scream from me. God, I wanted more! I bucked into his hand, and he chuckled, adding another finger. I was as full as I’d ever been, but I knew the main event would stretch me to new heights of ecstasy. Writhing, arching into his sinful mouth and pushing my hips forward to take his fingers further in, I was lost to the most incredible feelings I’d ever had.

  Suddenly, the feelings reached a crescendo, and I screamed again as the orgasm took me in a vice grip and wouldn’t let go. Dimly, I heard him whisper. “There you go, baby. That was excellent. Now let’s see if you can take my cock.”

  Then he was gone, and I whimpered with need. A small sound alerted me to his getting a condom out of its wrapper. “You want to put it on me, baby?”

  I’d do anything, as long as it resulted in that cock spearing me. I reached for the condom and struggled to sit up. He pulled me to a sitting position, and there it was. The cock of my dreams, throbbing, engorged, and dripping with pre-cum. Reverently, I rolled the condom on. It was massive. For one moment, I wondered if I’d die, impaled on it, and then he pushed me back, lifted my legs and plunged inside me.

  My eyes rolled back in my head, and there was nothing but the unbelievable fullness, the sliding in and out, his cock ramming into something inside me that sang with each thrust. I gave myself over to the luxury of fulfillment like I’d hardly dared to dream of before the world exploded in a burst of overwhelming pleasure, and I didn’t know anything else.



  Holy shit! I couldn’t count how many times I’ve said the words ‘fuck her senseless’, but this was the first time I’d ever actually done it. The chick was passed out cold. I put my hand on the pulse point in her neck, but she was still breathing. I could see her chest rising and falling.

  Shaking her didn’t wake her up though. I decided I might as well finish what I started, but fucking her when she was out like that wasn’t much fun. Like a corpse, maybe. Creepy.

  I pulled out and removed the condom. Well, shit. Now what? How long was she gonna sleep, anyway? I pulled on my pants and sat down on the bed to wait. After a few minutes, some weed sounded like a good idea, so I lit up. Then, when she still hadn’t come to in half an hour, I got paranoid.

  What if someone in the club brought heat down on us? What if her brother told her parents where she really was? Dozens of people, if not hundreds, had seen us walk off together. What if she didn’t remember coming with me voluntarily when she finally woke up? What the fuck was I going to do?

  I jumped up from the bed and tried shaking her again, but nothing. Now I was seriously freaked out. Then I remembered the prospect. This kind of thing was what he was for, right?

  I pulled open my door and went out into the moonlit night. Where was he staying? Bottom row, probably. I’d have to knock on every door. Skip the first one. Doc would be in there because of the handicap ramp. I knocked on the second one.

  “What?” The muffled voice meant either I’d wakened him, or he had someone with him. Didn’t matter to me. Fucker needed to help me, and that was that.

  “It’s Jake. Open up.”

  He came to the door in nothing but his undershorts. “Jake? What’s up, man?”

  “Need your help. Get dressed, but hurry.”

  He turned from the door, leaving it open for me to follow him inside. No one there but him. He’d already pulled on pants, and was looking at the floor. He bent down and retrieved a sock.

  “Never mind that. You’re good. Come on.” I pushed him out the door and told him not to lock it. Herded him up the stairs and into my room, where he took in the sight of Cricket, naked, splayed on the bed, and still out cold.

  “What the fuck, man?”

  “She passed out. I don’t know what the hell her problem is. Maybe she slipped a Molly while we were walking or before I picked her up? I don’t know, but she can’t be here. Take her to your room.”

  “My room?”

  “You deaf? Yeah. Take her to your room. Take care of her ‘til she wakes up.”

  “Why me?”

  “Cause you’re the prospect, shithead. No more arguments. Get ‘er outta here.”

  I could hardly wait for him to get her dressed. But we finally got her clothes more or less on. Enough to cover her, anyway. He picked her up like a baby, across both arms, and then realized she wouldn’t fit through the doorway like that. He shifted and heaved her over his shoulder, then walked out and easily carried her down the stairs as I watched. At the bottom, he disappeared under the walkway I stood on, and into his room.

  I considered going out and snagging another chick. It was early, only about ten. Which led me to wonder what the prospect had been doing in bed already. But it was my luck he had been. Just weird.

  The whole evening had been weird. I hoped it wasn’t the start of a trend. We needed this to go as usual, no hiccups. As much as I hated to go back to the Dust Devils, it was clear now more than ever that we wouldn’t make it on our own. We’d just have to get enough of the members on our side about the business ventures. Being short of cash sucked. This shitty motel was a case in point. We should have better.

  Flat on my back in the lumpy bed, staring at the ceiling and nursing my blue balls with more weed, I decided then and there to stay away from the freak downstairs. That kind of hassle wasn’t even worth the ache in my groin, much less the paranoia. I didn’t need that. I gave the prospect some thought that made me laugh. I wondered if he’d fuck her even passed out like that. I’d give good money to see that disrespectful little shit try to fuck a limp dishrag like that.

  After that, I wondered if the Devils thought he’d make a good substitute for me in the videos. I’d seen enough to know he had a face that would please the women, and his body was toned. Whether his dick was a match for mine remained to be seen, and I didn’t want to think about another dude’s dick right now.

  I was as tired as I’d ever been after the ride and the unfulfilled sex. Relaxed from the weed, I drifted off to sleep and had uneasy dreams about someone with a bigger dick than mine fucking my harem in the studio.


  The Bug girl was curled up in my bed, still sound asleep despite my manhandling her down the stairs and into my room. What the hell had Jake done to her, anyway? I sat on the straight chair that was the only other piece of furniture in the room and watched her.

  I hadn’t been asleep long when Jake woke me, but I was just beginning to wrap my head around what he’d done to me. The girl was going to have a shit fit when she woke up in my room instead of his. No way she wouldn’t scream bloody murder. When she did, I’d better have a plan for handling it, or there’d be hell to pay.

  My plan started with not being in bed with her when she woke up. Which meant I wasn’t going to get much sleep, unless she woke soon and I could get her back where she belonged, or at least cut her loose and get her out of here. Not that I would mind if she decided she wanted to stay.

  Fuck, for all I knew, she might have wanted to take on the whole club, one at a time or in groups. Somehow, her looks didn’t match that scenario, though. She was too wholesome.

  She was a looker, even if my perception of her was dimmed by the knowledge that she’d gone with Jake on the strength of a chance meeting and a few words. The idea it wasn’t typical for her wouldn’t leave me. I’d seen enough to know she didn’t have any tats or piercings. Her leather vest smelled like a new car, so it wasn’t something that had been in her wardrobe for long. Even the tank top and pants looked new, despite the rips in the latter.

  As far as I could tell, she’d walked away from a family trip, since Pug had said the kid was her brother. She’d probably bought herself some clothes she thought would let her blend in, and for some reason, had gone to a motel room with the first biker to pay her any attention. Self-destructive much? It didn’t make any sense when
I compared what happened to the fresh-faced girl in my bed. She didn’t look the type.

  Then again, looks could be deceiving. I thought about what people thought of me when they first saw me. Big, a jock maybe. They probably thought I wasn’t too smart, since I’d never done well in school. I wasn’t book-smart, but I could think, and what I thought about this situation was that Jake had outmaneuvered me. I was supposed to take the fall for whatever this girl woke up thinking had happened to her.

  So, I couldn’t let that happen. I got up and pulled the sheet over her, checked to see if she was still deeply out, and then I went next door.

  “Doc, I need some help,” I explained when he opened the door. “Sorry to bother you, but I figured you’d know what to do better than me.”

  His normally grouchy appearance hadn’t changed any, but he grunted his agreement when I took him to my room and explained the situation. “I think Jake is trying to pin something on me. What should I do?”

  “You did the right thing, son. I’ll stay here with her, if you want to get a couple of hours of sleep. Doubt she’ll see me as a threat.”

  I wasn’t certain of that. He looked like what he was, a washed-up biker. The good part was he also looked about seventy. The girl wouldn’t immediately assume he’d raped her, or so we hoped. Doc said he’d call as soon as she woke up, and we could talk to her together, tell her what happened if she didn’t remember, and then I’d take her home, or wherever she wanted to go. I could only hope she didn’t want to jump right back into Jake’s bed. Because if what he’d told me was the truth, that must have been one hell of an orgasm.

  It was only a few hours later when my cell phone jolted me out of a sound sleep. Doc reported that the girl was awake and not very happy. I needed to haul ass next door.

  “I don’t understand. Why did Jake have you bring me here?” It was the third time she’d asked the same question, though in different ways. It was too bad neither one of us could give her a reason she found acceptable. This time I just shrugged.

  I’d already told her she apparently went into a coma from an intense orgasm. Her reaction to that statement was a deep blush, confirming this wasn’t her normal behavior. But she couldn’t quite believe it.

  “That’s… I mean, does that even happen?” Heavy skepticism colored her inflection.

  “You got me. Never happened to any girl I was fu… er, having sex with.”

  She blushed again.

  “Well, could I talk to him? Where’s his room?”

  Doc tried explaining that even if Jake would respond to a knock on his door or a call to his cell phone at this time of night, or morning, it wouldn’t be a good idea to do it. He’d either be pissed that someone would wake him, or worse, he wouldn’t be alone.

  “I see,” she said, in such a quiet voice that I barely heard her. Doc wisely refrained from asking her to repeat herself.

  “I guess that’s that,” she mused, apparently talking to herself. “I’ve been an idiot.”

  She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and looked up. “Would you mind walking me back to my motel? It isn’t far from that bar.”

  “I could drive you,” I said, staring at Doc with what I hoped was an apology and asking for a favor in one. He nodded, fishing the key to the van out of his pocket. I caught them in mid-air and held them up for her to see.

  “That would be great. I mean, not on a motorcycle, right?”

  “Right. It’s a van. Discreet.”

  “Thank you,” she said. The smile she turned on me made my heart turn over. There wasn’t any sense in dreaming, though. After this, she wouldn’t want anything to do with us. Probably wanted to forget the whole thing, for that matter.

  I pulled up to her motel, only about a five minute drive from ours, and jumped out of the van to go around and open her door for her. She was too quick, sliding from the seat just as I arrived. I caught her and steadied her on her feet.

  “Thanks,” she said. “I guess it was higher than I thought.”

  “No problem,” I answered. “Hey…”

  She put her hand on my chest to stop me, shaking her head with a small movement. “Don’t.” She went up on tiptoes and kissed my cheek. “See you around.”

  And then she was gone. I touched my cheek with my fingertips where her soft lips had brushed it. Missed opportunities. I’d never know how she tasted, and that twisted my gut.


  Could anything have been more embarrassing? My rebellious moment, and sex with a porn star, had ended with me passed out like a drunk freshman at her first beer bust. From what I remembered, it had been incredible. Had he felt the same way about it? Evidently not, since he’d dumped me on someone in the motorcycle club he could push around, from the sound of it.

  Dismissed like a stalker. Humiliated, I considered taking a bus out of town and making my way to some backwater where I could live out my life in shame without ever having to admit to the whole sordid incident. Naturally, even though it was only about three in the morning, I couldn’t go back to sleep. No, I’d had plenty of deep, restful sleep. Ugh.

  I ran through the timeline again. I’d been drinking at the bar, just started only my second beer, when Egghead interrupted. Spilled my beer on one biker, ran into another, and lo and behold! It was a porn star I’d been addicted to ever since finding his video. What are the odds of actually, literally, running into a porn star? And then to have him invite you back to his room? If it hadn’t been a dream, it should have been.

  What went on in the real world while I was living out a fantasy? My brother probably had reported to Mom and Dad exactly what I told him to, without embellishment, since they hadn’t been blowing up my cell phone. Speaking of which, was it even on? I checked.

  Yes, it was on, and it still had a small percentage of battery life. I looked at missed messages, just in case, and there weren’t any. Feeling slightly pleased that they were giving me my space as an adult, and slightly disconcerted that they weren’t worrying about me surrounded by bikers, I put the phone on the charger and went back to ruminating about my evening.

  What was I supposed to think? That Jack, or Jake, whatever his name was, would fall madly in love with me, renounce his porn career and his motorcycle gang, and live happily ever after with me? I scoffed at myself.

  Of course I hadn’t thought that. I was so blinded by lust I hadn’t really thought anything. I was probably lucky not to have been kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery. A snort escaped me. Like that would happen.

  The real question was two-fold. When this crazy week was over, and I was embarked on my job search, how would I feel about doing such an out-of-character thing? Because as much as I fantasized about porn-style scenarios, wasn’t the reality just over the top?

  Nothing in my past would have prepared me to do what I’d done last night. Would I replay it over and over, trying to process the outrageousness of it? Or would it fade into the back of my mind like a half-remembered dream?

  I simply couldn’t decide. The second question was of more concern. Would experiencing that massive cock ruin me for anyone who didn’t measure up?

  The first question would be answered before too much time had passed, I was sure. Either I’d obsess over the incident, or I wouldn’t. I’d know before the end of the week, surely. One thing was certain. It was something I’d never tell anyone, not even my best friend. Certainly not my family. God, I could just imagine their reaction.

  I gave a passing thought to the possibility that I’d see him again when I was actually with my family, and he’d say something to spill my secret. But no, that was extremely unlikely.

  The second might take longer to resolve. I didn’t have a boyfriend now, and the likelihood I’d get one soon was pretty small. I didn’t want to start a relationship in my home town since I’d be moving away. A new job, getting an apartment and maybe a roommate, and settling into both job and apartment would occupy my time for the next few weeks or months. I was about to enter
a long dry spell for sex, no pun intended. So maybe obsessing over last night’s adventure wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

  After an hour or so of chasing these thoughts around and around in my mind, I decided the best thing for the moment would be a nice hot shower. I stripped and went to the bathroom counter to comb my hair before shampooing it and stopped in shock.

  My nipples were purple! Not a pretty, pink-tinged purple like the streak in Sissy’s hair. A brown, stippled purple that looked like – it was! Hickeys. On both nipples. Immediately, they formed hard points and wetness pooled at my core. Jake had given me a hickey directly on each nipple. I’d be marked for a week or more before they faded.

  I touched them with both hands, and before I knew it, I was pinching and rolling them between my fingers. It hurt. Hell, yes, it hurt. They were bruised from the love-bites. But at the same time, the sensitivity sent signals straight to my pussy. I stepped into the shower and soaped both breasts, taking time to savor the sensations, before finally reaching between my legs to give myself the relief I craved.

  I had my answer for now. Until the bruises faded, I’d relive my time with Jake every time I looked at my breasts in the mirror. I had a feeling that would be more often than usual for the next week or so. I closed my eyes as my climax approached, and visualized scenes from last night. Jake’s cock disappearing into my mouth, his lips on my breasts, and the last thing I remembered, being rammed over and over by that gorgeous, delicious, enormous cock! What I wouldn’t give to do it all again!

  What if I didn’t go home with my parents after all? What if I followed Jake back to wherever he and his club were from? How could I make that happen?



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