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Traitor to the King: A Tale of the Benaga Sisters

Page 10

by Clare SM Keating

  “For a red head you can’t seem to keep your hair frizzled unless you’re stressed!” Ling chuckled only to see Anouk screw up her face in confusion. With a grunt of irritation Ling slapped her own face and failed to explain the situation to an elf that had actual red hair that was straight from birth! Instead Ling patted Anouk’s shoulder with a little snort of total amusement as she heard the sound of Alard being leapt upon by the yellow Dreggs that had once again decided to pull the door open. “Oops… looks like the three slobbering newts have got the Aeron!”

  They both gave soft groans at the sound of a common swear word and then stepped toward the bedroom door. Stepping out of the middle floor room they strode along the pale blue-grey hallway and then up a small flight of stairs to the kitchen and dining room where the giant was groaning with three Dreggs upon his body. They were looking quite content upon him, even if their weight on his chest was encouraging him to wheeze. But the moment the giant spotted Anouk in her new clothing, he looked a little shocked and the Dreggs lunged away from him. They rushed to lap at the calcium of the seashells, but Anouk lifted her wrist above her head and encouraged the Dreggs to go back downstairs. They made a few cackling sounds of disagreement before Anouk’s hands rested gently onto her hips in a threatening gesture. With a few more high-pitched squeaking sounds like unhappy rats, they bobbed their heads and then scampered on their clattering giant claws out of the kitchen and down to the bedrooms. The last thing Anouk needed was a trio of Dreggs eating the buffet and chasing the guests around!

  With a grunt the giant man with his curious jet black naturally rippled hair, pulled himself up onto his big feet with a gentle groan. As were the rules within Virenheim households, shoes and socks were not permitted so Alard was trying to cope with the sensation of freezing stone beneath his feet; it was unpleasant, but he thanked Anouk for getting the beasts off him. He then continued to open the stone oven’s little metal hatch and pulled out a series of sweet cakes, spiced buns and seed bread for the party. There were other foods, meats and pastries and salads alike on display upstairs in the ballroom, but the cakes were the most important thing. As was tradition the first party of the season was greeted with all guests eating a cake made of the first things harvested for that season, which in this case would be a special herb cake. They were the last thing to be made and strictly the job of the Lady of the Household, so with a grunt Anouk ushered him away from the kitchen.

  With a sigh Alard strolled out of the kitchen with Ling bouncing after him, leaving Anouk to her baking. Alard and Ling knew that they still had to put up the last few summer time decorations and open the windows on the attic, which opened straight onto the surface. Here they needed to put screens over the windows to allow the sound of the constant rain outside to add music to the household but also to block out any dangerous creatures from getting inside. By lighting special incense made from the dung of the tunnel worms, the only product of the cursed beasts they would dare to use, most dark creatures with bad souls were put off in fear of the dangerous creature that could be swarming within. Once done upstairs the pair strolled back down into the hallway and gained a surprise when this third floor was invaded by the huffing and puffing form of Martum, sent by his master to learn what was expected of the Karayan.

  “There are lots of things but it’s better if he just turns up for us to help him out.” Ling grunted gently but Alard just rolled his eyes at her words and she grinned maliciously. Then, as the bald form flopped onto the floor with a groan, she patted his head in a rude gesture – at least, a rude gesture amongst Blood Elves but an act of reassurance in Deep Elf culture. She then squatted down in front of him in her neat leather-brown coloured slacks with her billowing green dress-shirt making her look a little more, presentable. “Listen Baldy… tell the scary guy that he’s not allowed to wear black at all and green or blue are the most appropriate for the rainy season when there is growth. He’s not allowed to wear shoes, but he can wear slippers because he’s in the Royal Core… well he’s your boss now. He’s not allowed to discuss politics, work or family matters with anyone present or do anything that would suggest that the household has less money than he expected e.g. comment on the size of the house or the hall. Plus, as a bachelor he is expected to dance with eligible young elf daughters although only with the permission of the father. I doubt he’ll get that but maybe he should just refrain from dancing. Also tell him that there’s only Dark Beer permitted as alcohol and it is served in watered down, insignificant amounts because you can get exiled for being drunk in front of royalty!”

  “Oh… sorry but then I think I need Alard’s help… he’s just a little shorter than my master and probably knows where the best clothes can be purchased!” Martum groaned, only for Alard to grimace in frustration before stepping over to the little figure, hooking him up and throwing over his wide shoulders before strolling off. “Wait… this is embarrassing!”

  By the time darkness fell above ground the hall of the third floor was filled with more than a hundred beings. The band played their traditional wooden and metal instruments with sweet sounding flutes and pipes to make the youngsters dance or keep the atmosphere calm and occasionally they encouraged the strings to be strummed rapidly to create a lively dancing beat. As always Damara had every eye upon her as she danced with everyone willing and never lost the smile from her face; with the rules in the household being more relaxed she had no fear of showing off her legs or her soft purple hair. Every heir of the varied households rushed to have a chance to dance with her, except Jarl who held his new wife and was ignored by practically everyone. Damara and Karani had the most fun when they danced the Virgin Dance together to the gentle thuds of the round drums and the high pitched, fast tones of the pipes to make them jump and hop and spin!

  It was a beautiful sight to witness and Anouk settled into the background of characters to watch her friends enjoy themselves and avoid getting involved. She hated all the hassle of the parties and though she had almost strangled Damara when she realised there would be no way to knock the party off onto someone else, she’d given up and accepted it. The atmosphere was curiously happy for once with no one stepping over to her and questioning her about money or anything insulting to suggest she was not using enough money to pamper her guests. Although the king had not come forward to the party, the Head of the Watchers and the Speaker were all present and would relay the information to the king. Even now Anouk could not give over the uncomfortable sensation she had received at the touch of the king and her nightmares had only become worse for it. But as she watched her sister dance with Martum, she realised that a figure in very dark green had shuffled toward her.

  Looking to her side she noticed the tall form of the Karayan and found herself grinning in amusement. He had not been able to be barefoot because apparently his curse had meant clawed feet, but even in soft brown slippers Damara had pulled him out for a quick spin. Her acceptance of him had been touching and warmed Anouk’s heart to see the kindness within her innocent baby sister, something she could not claim to own anymore. But with his mouth still masked for reasons of his curse and much of his body, the Karayan had brushed his hair back into a neat flowing mane on one side of his head and even brushed his narrow eyebrows to make them look thicker. Despite his terrifying citron coloured eyes, the Karayan looked more like an elf or perhaps more like an Aeron with his knotting muscles and immense stature… everyone felt more accepting towards him.

  But as he stood beside her, Anouk could hear the nervous rasping of his fearful breath as if he were afraid of being beside her and it was quite discomforting. Something in the manner of his sighs made Anouk think of an angry stag in winter huffing and puffing as it tried to take down a wolf that was attacking, like he was trying to prepare himself for something difficult. Anouk understood her own reputation and accepted that he was probably scared she might suddenly attack him or he was unsure how to thank her sponsorship or the fact she would be giving him the best Dreggling born that sea
son! With a grimace Anouk tried to think of something to say to break the ice before she realised her own breathing was quite rapid and her own heart was starting to thrum with excitement.

  Suddenly the music seemed to disappear from the background and she felt every single aspect of her body shutting down or at least becoming silent enough that she could hear the stranger. She overlooked his breathing and the sound of his rocking feet or the way he grasped nervously at his clothes as she listened for his heart. Confusion racked her mind as she heard an echo of her own rapid pace and yet something completely familiar within. Somehow it began to whistle around her body that she might have met this figure before or he might have a link to an old soul that was trying to reach out to her.

  “You are called Karayan? That’s not a Zhajti name… it sounds more Rukanat. Where do you come from, if you don’t mind me asking?” Anouk stated, realising that if she asked such things to a member of her own species it would be considered an insult towards their breeding and towards the traditional naming ceremonies of their people. However, the Karayan almost jumped out of his skin and for a moment he tapped his feet on the floor to disguise his shock as she looked up to him with a rather coy expression on her grey-blue face. Anouk decided to explain her question just a little more, if only to give him a little more information on the situation in this kingdom. “You see… when we’re recognised in the womb our fathers go above ground at night to see the first star in the sky. When they see the stars form a letter or they spot a significant star, that letter is chosen for our name. The parents then seek the Head Healer who chooses the approved page of names for that year. For example, I was noticed when the first Argigas star was in the sky… typically a sign I should have been male. Upon seeing my aunt my parents chose a powerful male name that would have titled me ‘defender’ and as a safety chose the female name Anouk in case it was the opposite… it means ‘grace’ but I don’t think that suits.”

  “In the ice realms to the far north west upon the Dead Ocean, Anouk means snowflake and is a name given to the most beautiful woman within the community.” The Karayan stated with a soft grunt that made Anouk’s eyes widen in shock. She had never heard such a thing before or even considered such a fragile meaning to a name that sounded like a dog bark. When she realised though that there was a hidden compliment in the statement, she felt her face turning crimson and grimaced at the realisation that she appreciated it. The Karayan just gave a soft chuckle of amusement before groaning. “I was named by the one to curse me…”

  As the two attempted to have a conversation Damara and Martum stepped off from the dance floor to rest when they spotted the pair in the background. Everyone else present was now fixated on Lord Wanye’s youngest daughter spinning around with her long thin shawl in a traditional dance that was known only to that household. The pair of them were curious as to what conversation might have been going on and when they noticed the slight blush upon Anouk’s face they shuffled as close to the pair as possible. They wanted to know exactly what was being said and why there was so much of a reaction going on. Droy had already informed them both that Karayan had been quite interested in speaking to Anouk before but had been too self-conscious, so what could be so important?

  Damara pressed herself behind a large stone crystal, an ornament of wealth within the hall that was eight feet tall and an ideal place to hide. She was joined as she slipped behind it by Martum who was just as curious. The pair of them grimaced at each other for the sudden tightness of the little gap in the natural stone around it as they stared out at the pair. To their disappointment Anouk’s face had lost its blush and instead was becoming more curious and even a little afraid as the masked figure seemed to tower down at her. Anouk was not a short woman; in fact, she was nearly six foot and quite tall for a Deep Elf female but a whole foot above her Karayan was still intimidating and the two watchers pressed themselves very close to listen.

  “You should be careful what you talk about Karayan… it would be considered rude to talk about such things during a happy event.” Anouk stated with a slight grimace as she was informed of Karayan’s memories of being alone in the shadowy lands to the south, in agony trying to recall what had happened to him. He was trying to explain the nature of his curse, but she could not understand why he had chosen to speak to her in the first place. Feeling fearful and wanting to escape this whole situation, Anouk wanted to discourage any more talk, but she could feel part of her burning to learn more. “Maybe you’d be better talking to my friend Loteg… he’d be intrigued by the visit.”

  “I do not want to talk to anyone but you… Anouk.” Karayan stated with a deep growl that rocked her to the core. Somehow every time he said her name something inside her body fluttered and thumped with delight. Some part of her was desperately clambering to step to the fore and guide her in this matter, to make her relax and accept the Karayan’s friendship. His loyalty would be unquestionable, she could sense that already, but her heart practically stopped as he asked her tentatively. “Anouk… there is one thing I do remember clearly of my past, but I fear you have been forced to forget it as they tried to make me….”

  “Lord Benaga!” The sudden interruption came to Anouk’s advantage as she jumped in surprise at the approach of Lord Yeruell and Karayan went quiet. Listening in Martum and Damara looked to one another in shock at the suggestions, but they watched Karayan stroll off with a frustrated snarl and returned their attention towards the speaker. As always, the gentleman, who’d only gained his position because of the death of his cousin, was wearing soft green robes with his long hair left to swing past his very narrow and pointed ears that were taller than his head. There was nothing but smiles on his adorably soft face as he looked toward Anouk and praised her party. Anouk looked to where the Karayan had been and then lowered her head gently in humility. Yeruell noticed this sudden depression upon his friend and gently placed his hand upon her shoulder. “Anouk… did he say something to upset you?”

  “Oh no Ilos…” Anouk stated with a soft sigh as she addressed her companion by his first name before staring out at the departing behemoth. “… quite the opposite in fact.”

  The Karayan felt very uncomfortable within the presence of Ilos Yeruell, if only because he had come to understand the figure had more history with Anouk and the Benaga Household than any other being. In fact, had his cousin not perished against a Grimace Horde then Yeruell and Anouk would probably have been married… he could not completely understand why but the thought quite upset him, and his head ached for it. Karayan had partial memories of aspects of his life before he was given his name and though he knew something of what he was, he could not tell these people because they would not know him. Worse still he did have one string of memories like knots in a line to measure depth that were broken apart by pockets of time he could not fill. All these memories had within them were aspects of this place or perhaps even dreams of this place seen through the eyes of another.

  Karayan could not explain it and Anouk was right to warn him not to discuss the situation. Instead he focused on something that he did understand completely and that was the sound of something troubling upon the surface. With no one willing to step away from the hall and the party, the giant figure was able to squeeze about them and move toward the hall that led to the surface rooms. It was a long flight of stairs and the sound up above was of beautiful dancing rain bouncing off the metal roof, but also off something else. His nose twitched in frustration as he recognised an unpleasant smell mixed in with the rain and steadily he paced up the stairs with a growl of irritation.

  Upon reaching the high walled attic he looked about at the various crystal and magic traps that pushed all demonic forces and troublemakers away. With the air stinking of the tunnel worm incense as well, the Karayan was confused why there could be any kind of monster hanging around and waiting for trouble. He growled within his mask as he slowly stepped his feet around the series of markings upon the blank wooden floor. Karayan stepped cautiously
to the screen in front of the windows and delicately hooked his claws around the gaps, popping it out of place and shifting it to the side. Once done, he stepped outside into the rain and onto the thick green meadows that the Benaga Household grazed their cattle and deer on during the summer.

  He was amused when his citron eyes locked onto the familiar shimmering golden-orange form of an energy demon, which was not the most difficult monster to get rid of but an unpleasant thing. They absorbed everything they touched in their great glowing tentacles but normally rain damaged their bodies and forced them back into the shadows of the mountains where they could walk about in silence and grab anything that came passed. Seeing one so far away from the Giroff as well as out of the Orcreich was worrying and Karayan growled at it. He was aware of the former Royal Core member that had disappeared and upon investigating with the police had voiced an opinion that it was a demonic death and now he was sure he’d found the culprit.

  Buzzing in the rain and swaying back and forth in its pain and frustration, the curious blob like creature sitting on two great stumps of legs with its tentacles wiggling out of the tip of its cloud-like mass watched him. It did not have eyes and instead simply maintained a mouth-like opening at the centre of its mass that worked more as an exit point then for swallowing. Even if it could not see him, the tentacles picked up on the chemical change in the air, the vibration of the Karayan’s feet as well as the tickling clicks of energy in the air that told the creature whether it was fighting a mage of great strength or bumping into a female of its species… which had two openings. The creature could tell that there was something very different and dangerous about the figure in front of it, but it was waiting for something else and its lack of reaction made Karayan snarl.


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