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Traitor to the King: A Tale of the Benaga Sisters

Page 11

by Clare SM Keating

  “You’re waiting for a master, aren’t you? What lunatic by the blood of Malanira would dare to control…” Karayan stated to himself but to him it was more proof of the terrible treachery that he could smell in the air of Virenheim. When he had spoken to their king he had been pleased that the figure had been willing to communicate with him directly and told him he was sickly… that alone had been why Karayan had been accepted. Virenheim really was in danger and Karayan slowly removed the mask from his mouth as well as his robes, ready to remove this creature and learn whatever he could of the traitor within.

  Five: Infiltration

  When our people saw the light of the sun they were fearful to leave the great caves and held back beside the sacred mud holes to watch the others leave. As they did so they heard the cries and screeches of those born from the mix of blood and were concerned. The demons spilt passed them with the dark gods and their minions and myriad of monstrous companions to go out and spoil the beauty of Nabuto’s child. But then we made a choice. The creatures of blood could barely stand in the light and brought clouds of dust and disgust up from the dark depths to shield them on their journeys, so we dug back down to fight what had not surfaced and cut the mists and disease-ridden clouds at their roots. Our people chose the deep darkness of the earth and when they had culled the last of the chaotic ones, they found twelve stones waiting for them, shining like the great sun god himself so that they could never forget his face or their purpose to fight.

  - History of Virenheim, Marguson Nelighan

  The cool spring air from the world above filtered down the pipes to clean the smells of yesterday from the kingdom. Within her bedroom covered in bright pictures and colours, Damara opened her eyes with a gentle sigh of pleasure. Slowly she sat up and rubbed her foot along Catos’ yellow belly, irking a burping squeal of pleasure from the Dregg. Then slowly she leant forward to throw her arms around Jube in a tight hug before she stood herself up. Once she was up and the sleep was falling from her eyes, Damara yawned and wobbled toward the basin in her bedroom and began to wash herself.

  When clean and dressed in black robes with her hair under a floral-patterned head scarf, Damara strolled down the small series of steps into the hallway before the kitchen where Talon was at work. As always, a sheet of paper sat beside him requesting signatures as a part of his probation and Damara added her own signature to inform the Lords that she had seen him working away. She noticed though that two hours previously, Anouk had done the same and written a comment that whilst out on patrol, Talon was under Damara’s orders. It would not mean much of course but it told Damara that the next week was going to be quiet and she had to be on her best behaviour out in public.

  The party two nights ago had been a complete success with lots of praise upon Damara and even to Anouk. Everyone had been happy but there had been two things that had bothered Damara greatly. First had been the conversation between Anouk and the Karayan, which had produced so many questions that Anouk had refused to even talk of it and even the Karayan had declined to speak. It was tantalising to let the mind wonder and ask if maybe the Karayan had been an admirer of hers living in the foreigner’s quarters above who had perhaps been hurt by some demonic attack? Maybe he had some relation to the memories Anouk had lost?

  The second item of frustration to Damara had come when retired Speaker Gelmar Yeruell had approached her with a thought. Gelmar was a strong looking figure even at over a century in age but his eyes were often cruel and his attitude harsh. His thoughts on the nephew to take his son’s place were very unkind as he had often threatened to trim down Ilos’ long ears to an appropriate height; even Damara could remember Ilos in tears over it. But Gelmar had questioned Damara on her opinions of his nephew and indeed of her arrangement. With the contract severed many lords had already suggested their heirs but when Gelmar had suggested Ilos, Damara had been fearful. Ilos was quite handsome despite the long ears, gentle, kind, rich, well respected and she knew he’d treat her with respect and tenderness, but he was not Jarl. She also knew that though it would be the best match after Jarl, Ilos would only go with Damara if he knew Anouk would never have him… which Damara already knew just like everyone else.

  As she grabbed the mineral milk and black wheat bread for her breakfast, Talon was busy preparing a box of leftover food to go to the orphanage. He knew that the food would be appreciated and with Damara on her special assignment for several hours it would give him something to do. Now he had no wife or child, Talon was more aware of the plight of the orphans and his wish to help them was stronger then before. He would also be able to check up on Annaballa, Loteg’s only sister; a woman ravaged by the parasitic Boodoo during a pregnancy who was then unceremoniously divorced. She, like many other barren women, had been sold by her religious mother to the Sacred Women’s Society where she was trained to be a nurse, a carer for the young and old, a prostitute for the well being of society and one of the lowest ranked people in Virenheim. In a position like his, he would not have been permitted to the society and he was expected to live as a eunuch, but Annaballa was someone he had to protect for Loteg’s sake. With only the Benaga family putting money into the orphanage as well, it was one place Talon was permitted without having to explain himself.

  Damara could read the smile on his face from the thought of seeing the children and old friends again and she felt sad. It would be the first time he’d go without his wife at his side and the children might be cruel and call him a murderer. But she gently kissed his cheek in greeting before grabbing his arm in a tight hug. Talon froze in his work to turn and hold her back, glad to be called Brother and be in a safe place again. Damara then spotted the other box of supplies for the school on the high stone counter and grimaced. She knew to be proud was wrong but to have to lug such an awkward crate all through the tunnels was inconvenient. This time she looked toward Talon with a slight moan of displeasure as she tried to manipulate him.

  “I know that look…” Talon stated as Damara’s big blue eyes wavered and fluttered pityingly towards him. He folded his arms, raised an eyebrow and gave a soft snort. “You’re a Benaga Woman, pillar of the community and never too proud to rely on Thralls to carry your load.”

  “Darn… you sound like Anouk!”

  Damara could hardly have expected the sight that met her eyes as she hurried into the school building with the collection of books and papers in her arms. It was the usual task of the female elves to get involved in the teaching of the youngsters on their days off, at least amongst the nobles, as they were likely to take on such jobs in their elder years. But though Damara and Lady Simtohk usually got on well when she arrived to help, it was clear from the exasperated expression of the old woman that she was clearly having a dreadful day. In fact, when Damara looked out amongst the group she spotted the figure dressed head-to-toe in black with the lower half of his face covered and she almost giggled.

  Although the nobles and the elder elves were still finding it very difficult to cope with the constant presence of the “Cursed” individual within their ranks, the children were ecstatic. They sat upon Karayan’s lap, hung from his shoulders and one even clasped the slick brown hair upon his head as they listened in to the daily lessons of the universe. Their faces were lit up with smiles around the big figure and whenever one looked to be confused or having trouble with a word, he would assist them and in return they would help him out. It was a very unusual thing to see when even the males of Virenheim were never to be involved in such interactions with the youth, but the children couldn’t care less. Damara was reminded of her own father and how he was supposedly always spending too much time with her when she was a child. With an unwelcome grin she had to cover from view, Damara recalled her father had almost had to be yanked out of the school lessons because he was so afraid of her not being able to cope without him.

  “Hello Lady Benaga… will you come and tell us all about the Sacred Stones today? Lord Karayan doesn’t know what they are and Lady Simtohk hasn’t
said a word since we had nap time and cuddled up with him. She said it was a strange thing to do, but he didn’t mind so that makes it okay doesn’t it?” One of the young girls beamed as she galloped over to Damara’s side and grasped her arm tightly. The other children wanted to rush as well, but at the words their grey-skinned elder shifted and pointed a long bony finger upward to remind the children of what they had been taught. Swiftly everyone stood straight and Damara copied, placing her hand to her heart and then bowing before gently rubbing the child’s head.

  “One must never forget… the choice to be underground is to remain humble to the power of the sun and believe that we are not above Nabuto in our positions. Pride is a sin… as is ignorance to tradition and respect.” The lady wheezed through her high, wide nostrils as her large glassy eyes switched about the children to check their behaviour. All the bald little figures blushed and lowered their heads at the sensation of her eyes upon them and quickly settled back down into the circle in front of the fire to listen to more. Damara chuckled at the familiar words of her old teacher and she stepped to the circle with her head bowed before sitting and feeling Karayan’s eyes upon her. She turned to him and he gave a soft and gentle look of appreciation and friendship towards her.

  “To that thought, I hope your sister is feeling less frustrated today than she was at the council meeting. I did not like the thought of her being angry over the fate of someone believed and tried as a blasphemer, especially someone she calls friend.”

  “Ah… if you please Lord Karayan there is no political talk when in the presence of the children. All adult talk must take place outside of these buildings; a school is neutral to the will of anything but knowledge.” The old lady stated, and Damara nodded her head in agreement although for a time the Karayan did not seem as willing. From what he had learnt already of this place there was no neutrality to be gained when everything could be censured by their king and he was the one to decide the traditions of their world.

  “Then… if you would Wise Madam, tell me the story of the stones… no one outside Virenheim has ever heard of these things only the magic you all possess.” Karayan stated with a sigh, trying to sound politer but still frustrated at the way the old woman scowled at him. But the old lady recalled the request of the children and with a soft smile she turned to look toward Damara for the story and swiftly Damara grinned at them all and gulped heavily. She was not sure if she could tell the story properly, or at least do it some justice, but the children were already clambering onto Karayan again, eager to hear the tale. Damara had wanted to ask why Karayan looked so happy with the children upon him but then she assumed it must be something related to his own… species.

  As much as Damara was about to speak the old lady spoke first, trying to encourage the youngsters to behave as they clambered up Karayan’s high chest and tried to pull at his mask. This was one such thing that the creature would not accept and gently he cautioned them that such a thing was forbidden under the laws of Nabuto. This encouraged a variety of upset questioning as the children seemed determined to know what their new friend appeared like underneath and Damara grimaced. She had not seen what was beneath the mask; neither had Droy or Martum and they had instead been warned that all who looked upon the mouth of the Karayan would die. Swiftly Damara encouraged the idea to the children that it would mean they’d all be cursed too, if only to spare Karayan the upset of seeing the children scamper away from him in fear. The being seemed to appreciate it but Lady Simtohk swiftly ushered Damara aside with a long finger and willingly the Benaga princess followed, giving the children an excuse to ask their new friend to swing them by the arms.

  Lady Simtohk was not in a happy mindset as she watched the entertainment and Damara could understand. Barely two weeks of knowing him and it seemed people were still reluctant to think Karayan brought them no danger. But with various whisperings and rumours about missing men all over the city, people were getting suspicious even though Damara knew most of these people were patrolmen killed at their stations. But she was shocked herself when Simtohk hissed violently behind the great curtain that separated them from the soft floor where the children played.

  “It’s disgusting Damara… how can such a creature have been sponsored by you? We may have needed my idiot nephew culled but we did not need a monstrosity that breaks up our orders. He was sent here to learn the earliest rules we teach and yet he has disrupted them… a foreigner should never interact with nobles so young… a male should not interact with children like this! He let them fall asleep on top of him at nap time and stayed as protective and motionless as a Dregg!” The old lady was biting to keep her voice down, angry and upset over the intrusion to her sacred duty as well as the fact she was teaching the murderer of her nephew. Her attitude upset Damara greatly, if only because she could see no malice in what Karayan was doing and in truth, she envied the children to have such an exciting and happy visitor play with them. “These children are so stupid… why can’t they see he is dangerous?”

  “Lady Simtohk I don’t mean to be rude…” Damara stated calmly with her head bowed and her eyes to the floor in respect. The old woman was caught off guard and swiftly she noted the respect and yanked her black scarf closer to her head and looked down herself. Damara then breathed a sigh and looked out past the dark purple curtain to the happy little scene beyond and grinned. “We do not know if the Karayan was once a man with a wife and children… that his curse has separated him from his family and he probably had a massive brood to take care of. He is gentle and kind towards everyone weaker to him, so you should not be afraid of him and not be afraid for the children. Besides you’re forgetting one of the laws of Nabuto – ‘let no one judge he the children have judged friend’. If you recall it was a child that first met the son of Nabuto and brought him to the people to protect them from Diabolash and Dubshlaine.”

  “Perhaps you are correct… Lady Benaga.” Lady Simtohk looked even more miserable if only because she had been proven prideful by her own student. She asked for forgiveness, was granted the hand upon her head in reassurance and then she turned toward the wall where an image of the sun and moon had been painted centuries ago with gemstones encouraging the image to shine. Here she muttered a few prayers of penance for her guilt and Damara knew it was best to leave her to it. She turned on her heel, pulled her floral head scarf down a little more and then stepped out from the curtain.

  As Damara strolled to the gaggle of children she noticed that they were all busy explaining to the Karayan why male and female at their age were shaved bald so that they could mingle without judging each other. It made Damara giggle to hear about the ritual shaving that encouraged the first mat of downy grey hair to change into its natural shade and assist the genesis of their magic. It was something only permitted to young nobles as the commoner had to wait until their thirteenth birthday when their natural skills were showing already. But Damara could recall how Anouk had been born with bright red hair, at least according to their mother, which had only made it more painful that Anouk had been female and one of many reasons mother and daughter had never quite got along.

  “Alright children, I do believe it’s time I told you all about the stones…

  In the beginning there was nothing but the great eye Nabuto and he stared out into a world where nothing existed but himself and he grew bored. Slowly he blinked his eyes until one of his great eyelashes fell into the emptiness and became fixed in place, this would become Organra… at the edge of the eyelash was a pallid white lump that glowed almost as bright as Nabuto himself, so he urged the piece to sit away from the stem and lie in the sky where he blinked and shaped it into the moon herself. Then he felt something painful in his eye and it began to water… more lashes with dirt fell upon the first to create a strange dark mass and as he tried to clear his eye the moon looked to the mess. She used her abilities to smooth the mix together into a great wide plate lined by the lashes with two large pieces of dirt forming the two continents of our world �
� Gardmiu the realm of the dragons and Organthra the realm of the mortals… or at least that’s what we know them as today. Where mucous fell from his eye the great ocean between the lands had formed and when Nabuto paused in blinking he saw what was created and he was pleased.

  But then as he stared at it, some great lump of flesh, blood and tears fell from his eye to land in the northern most corner of Organthra. It buried deep into the earth with the flesh turning into a great mud mix where strange creatures called the First Ones emerged to spill out onto the land and claim it. But Nabuto was not pleased with them and ushered up something else from the mud where his tears had mixed into it… the Gods of Light, the elves and all other life we know to have travelled up to the surface and developed the world. The gods of light created the gardens and rivers and mountains of the world before something else emerged from the mud to fight them. Where the blood had mixed with the mud the Gods of Darkness emerged and stormed out to find and fight their elder siblings who had been made by Nabuto where they had been left. But what followed them out were not the demons at first… instead it was the Deep Elves and though some did indeed follow the Light Gods to inherit new kingdoms, some followed the Dark Gods and became the Dark Elves. But those that remained were our ancestors and they stayed behind because they feared damaging what Nabuto had made for them and as they remained they watched the creatures made purely from the blood and pain of Nabuto, the demons and their kith, sprawl out of the deep tunnels and spoil the land.

  So, our people chose to fight them and followed them to a new nest in the Giroff Mountains, the Orcreich.


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