Page 10
The door flew open, and my baby girl stood on the other side. My grin was wider than the Columbia upon seeing my daughter. Her hair was a wild mess of curls, and there was a smudge of what looked like strawberry jam on her left cheek. She was so fucking adorable. I fell even more in love with her.
“Mr. E!” Hailey shrieked and held her arms out to me. I picked her up and spun her around without thinking. I caught Caro’s scowl in my peripheral vision. Realizing my behavior might be over the top for a man who barely knew the twins, I set her down quickly. Hailey didn’t seem to notice or care. Heath, as usual, stood silently watching, almost expectant. I hesitated, briefly considering whether or not I should pick him up and spin him around. He was so much more reserved than his sister, I decided against any huge displays of affection at this point in time.
“Hey, buddy.” I winked at him and was rewarded with a lopsided grin. I was making progress.
“Mr. E! Mr. E!” Hailey tugged on my arm to get my attention.
“Call me Easton, honey.”
I turned to Caro. Her annoyance was palpable, like a living, breathing thing permeating the room with her displeasure. She glared at me over the kids’ heads.
“Easton, what a surprise.”
I heard her message loud and clear. I hadn’t called first—again. Well, fuck that. I wasn’t playing games with her. Been there, tired of that. I’d damn well drop in and see my kids if I chose to, even as I admitted my behavior might be a little childish and disrespectful of her privacy. I wasn’t winning any points with her, and perhaps that was my goal. If she hated me, she’d keep her distance.
I strolled into the living room as if I owned it, one hand on each of the twins’ backs as I guided them to the middle of the room. I shot Caro a cocky grin as I passed. The woman was going to kill me or have insanely wild sex with me. I wasn’t sure which one, though I’d put my money on death by slow torture.
“Hey, Junie, how ya doing?”
“I’m doing great.” Junie grinned at me and rose from the battered couch to hug me.
Caro fumed next to us, but we both ignored her and carried on like the old friends we were—somewhat.
“I have some great news for you guys,” I said, addressing my children.
“Oh, what is it?” Hailey jumped up and down. “Do you get me a pony, Mr. E. Did you? Did you? I’ve been a good girl, and I deserve a pony. I really do. A gray one with dapples and a long mane and tail. One that can run and jump and take me places. Please, oh, please, say you got me a pony? I love ponies. I love, love, love ponies.”
I smiled down at her. “Not that kind of news. Besides, Christmas is coming. You’ll have to wait to see what your present is.” I avoided Caro’s gaze, knowing she was seething inside and assuming I was leading her daughter on. I wasn’t. In fact, a small seed grew as I considered how I’d go about getting my daughter a pony.
“So, what is it?” Junie asked, stopping Hailey before she erupted into another lava flow of words.
I held up a set of house keys and jangled them in front of their eyes. “You guys wanna see your new home?”
“We have a new place to live? Can Rusty go with us? Do we have to change schools? Do we—”
I was ready for Hailey this time and held a finger to my lips. “Slow down, sweetheart. One question at a time. My brain doesn’t work as fast as yours, so we have to limit it to one question at a time. Let me see if I can remember them all.”
Hailey stood on tiptoes and watched me with sparkling eyes. I rubbed my chin, as if deep in thought.
“You want to bring your pet turtle with you?”
Hailey giggled. “No, silly. Our cat, Rusty.”
“You can do that.” I grinned, and she lit up like the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. “And you won’t have to change schools. It’s only a few miles from here.”
“Is it near my hockey rink?” Heath asked, surprising all of us with his question.
“It’s not far. It’s big and has a lot of room to play. There’s a park nearby.”
“When can we see it? When? When?” Hailey was jumping up and down with the kind of excitement only Hailey could show.
“Right now. I have the SUV parked outside. We’ll all fit in it.”
“Easton, can I have a word with you?”
Oh, God, not again. Caro’s tone was short and clipped. Oh, yeah, I was in deep shit and wading deeper with every step.
“Sure, then we can see the apartment.”
Caro stalked down the hall, and I followed in what was beginning to be a familiar routine for us and not a pleasant one either.
She turned on me like a wounded beast the second the door clicked shut. “What part of calling first do you not understand?”
“Obviously, all of it.” I smirked at my clever response, despite knowing it’d send her into orbit.
She leaned into me, her sexy body vibrating with barely controlled fury. I seemed to bring the worst out in her, but her anger was hot as hell. Imagine all that extreme emotion directed into something more positive.
“You’re being very ungrateful.”
“You can’t dictate my life.”
“I’m not. I’m dictating my children’s lives. You happen to be in the way.”
Her nostrils flared with her temper. Stupid choice of words on my part, but I loved poking the lioness.
I moved closer to her, and she skittered backward a few steps, some of her anger turning to nervousness. “You’re fucking sexy when you’re mad at me. Remember when you thought I was flirting with that other girl, and you were so furious with me? Best fucking sex ever.”
Her face softened a little, and I guessed she was remembering, too. We’d done it that night hot, hard, rough, totally down and dirty. When I said it’d been the best sex ever, I wasn’t kidding. But then every time I’d fucked Caro, I’d thought it was the best sex ever.
“Fucking sex, isn’t that redundant?” A ghost of a smile played on her lips. My gaze slid down her face to those lips. I wanted to taste their sweetness once again. This invisible thread of attraction had always connected us, and it tugged me closer. I leaned into her, and she leaned into me. I brushed my lips against hers and heard her throaty gasp. God, that was sexy as fuck. My fingers wrapped around the back of her neck, and I pulled her close for a deeper kiss. She didn’t resist but kissed me right back, opening up to me. Our tongues mated, our lips talked to each other without talking but using the oldest language known to man. I closed my eyes, giving myself up to the emotions being set free inside me. I felt her as if she were a part of me, while the world spun lazily around us and wrapped us in its protective arms. For one short moment, my life was complete, perfect, just as it should be.
These weren’t the crazed kisses of teenagers with raging hormones, but they were the crazed kisses of two adults with epic sexual chemistry. In the years Caro and I had been apart, through all the girlfriends and hookups, nothing felt like this. Absolutely fucking nothing.
We’d always been like this together, and time hadn’t dampened our desire for each other.
Breathing as hard as if I’d sprinted around the ice arena twenty times, I drew back and nuzzled her neck and collarbone. She smelled like honey and flowers and better days with even better nights. She smelled like she was mine, and I was hers.
Only she wasn’t. She’d been someone else’s for years. She wasn’t my Caro anymore.
The moment ended too quickly, but I still wanted her any way I could get her. Even the reality of her situation didn’t drown out the raw need she’d set loose inside me.
“Easton,” she sighed against my ear, “we can’t do this. We can’t—”
We both froze at the knock on the door.
“Not again,” I grumbled and backed away with reluctance.
“Come in,” Caro said in a shaky voice.
“Hey, am I interrupting?” Juniper said through the closed door.
“Yes, you are,” I said, ignoring Caro’s murderous glare. �
�We’re in the middle of something.”
“We are not. Please, come in.”
Juniper entered. Her knowing smirk said it all as she shifted her gaze from one of us to the other. “I was interrupting something. I knew it.”
We weren’t fooling her, and I didn’t expect to. The chemistry between us was too strong, too transparent, and impossible to mask. Neither Caro nor I was good at subterfuge. Hopefully, the kids didn’t notice.
Red faced, Caro looked away, while I grinned.
“I’m really excited about seeing our new apartment, E, and I wanted to make sure Caro wasn’t being ungracious, as she tends to be, and telling you to shove those keys up your ass.”
“She is, but I’m ignoring her.”
“Where is this condo exactly?” Caro asked through gritted teeth.
“Not far from here. In my building.”
“In your building?” She gave me one of those are you crazy glances and groaned. Yeah, I was crazy. Crazy stupid or crazy smart. Only time would tell.
“Yup. It’s safe and clean and big, and on the same floor as mine.”
“The same floor?”
“Directly across the hall.” I grinned guilelessly as if I expected her to be thrilled when I knew she really wanted to feed me to the lions at Woodland Park Zoo.
“Wonderful, just wonderful.”
“I thought it was.” I grinned, and Junie and I fist-bumped.
My gaze drifted to Caro. She was still flushed, and her lips were parted slightly, reminding me how good it felt to have those lips on mine. I wanted them again and again and again. Avoiding a sexual relationship with her was going to be the hardest thing I ever did, and I wasn’t sure I was up to the task.
Chapter 15—Delusional
Reluctantly, and having zero say in the matter, I loaded the kids and myself into Easton’s big-assed luxury SUV. That thing could haul Heath’s entire hockey team and all their gear. I sat in the back seat with the kids while Juniper sat in the front seat with Easton. She jabbered as much as Hailey did, going on and on about the condo and how excited she was and couldn’t wait to see it.
Easton pulled into a parking garage on the bottom level of a tall building with walls of windows. We took the elevator up several levels. To be honest, I didn’t notice what level he punched. I was too busy staring at his profile as he lovingly gazed down at my…our children. His protective yet affectionate expression almost brought me to my knees in that confined space. I propped myself up against the wall, faking a casual stance. Easton never once glanced my way, his attention focused on our kids. If I’d stripped naked and dry-humped him, I’m not sure he would’ve noticed. A strangled giggle erupted from my throat, and Junie gave me a questioning look.
“Nothing,” I said. She shrugged and didn’t press for details.
The elevator door swished open. Much to my surprise, Easton glanced over his shoulder as he ushered the kids into the hallway. He cocked a brow at me, and without thinking, I threw him a saucy kiss. His brown eyes darkened for a moment, and I knew what he was thinking because I was thinking—and wanting—the same thing.
Hailey tugged on his arm, diverting his attention. He swung her up onto his broad shoulders with ease. She screeched with joy and giggled. They headed down the hall with Junie beside them, both females keeping up a steady stream of conversation while Easton grinned from ear to ear.
Heath stared at them wistfully. I reached for his hand, and our eyes met momentarily. I was struck by the longing in his dark eyes and slammed by the realization he was feeling left out and a little jealous.
Welcome to the club, my young man.
I squeezed his hand and together we trailed after the boisterous group.
At the end of a long, wide hall, Easton stopped before a large door. He turned a key in the lock and nudged the door open with his foot. He lifted Hailey off his shoulders, and she ran ahead of us into the condo. Heath wriggled his hand free and ran after her.
Easton didn’t venture a glance my way, almost as if he’d forgotten about me. Junie and he entered the condo, leaving me alone in the hallway. Prodding myself into action, I hurried after them and closed the door behind me before turning to survey my surroundings.
I hadn’t expected furnishings. I had a storage unit full of stuff.
But this place…
The windows went from floor to ceiling with expansive views. This side of the building didn’t have a water view, but the views were spectacular regardless.
The kitchen was all black granite and white cabinetry with large stainless-steel appliances. The open floor plan boasted a spacious living room and dining area, much larger than I’d have expected in a condo. The floors were a gleaming hardwood of some kind, and I was certain they were real wood. Laminate wouldn’t grace a place like this.
Junie and the kids headed down the hallway toward the bedrooms and bathrooms. I grabbed Easton’s arm. He turned, regarding me curiously.
“This is too much. We can’t afford this.”
“You don’t have to.” He tried to extract his arm from my grip, but I held on tightly.
“Easton. I can’t allow you to pay for a luxury condo with a view.”
“I didn’t ask you to allow me. I’m doing it. These are my children.” He set his jaw stubbornly, a sure sign there’d be zero arguing with him. His expression softened slightly. “Listen, don’t worry. The team owner owns this building. This condo is ours for the next six months until a relative of his retires and moves back to Seattle. That’ll give us enough time to find something suitable.”
“But the furniture… The kids will destroy it.”
Easton glanced around as if he’d just noticed the place was furnished with gray and white furniture, sure to show sticky fingerprints. He shrugged. “We’ll cross that bridge when it’s time. If I have to replace a few pieces, I will.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“I do. I’m trying to make up for six lost years. The kids will be close by. I’ll get to see them a lot.”
“And your place is across the hall?”
“Directly across the hall.” He grinned wickedly at me, and I read his mind—close enough for a late-night visit to my room while everyone else was sleeping—or perhaps my own sexually deprived brain imagined I was reading his mind. Most likely I was reading my own mind.
All those years ago, I’d been living at home, and Easton had been living with a billet family for the summer. We didn’t have the luxury of a private space to have sex. We’d been quite adventurous back then. I missed those pre-adulting days of minor responsibility and major fun, not that I’d trade my memories with my kids for anything, but sometimes…
I let that thought drift away. Easton stared at me expectantly. He must’ve asked me a question, but for the life of me, I didn’t have a clue what it might be.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Do you want to see the bedrooms? Most of the condos only have two or three bedrooms. This one has four, a big plus if you ask me. You’ll each have your own room.”
The luxury of my own space wasn’t lost on me.
He grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway, as excited as a kid on Christmas morning. He moved to the first open doorway. “This bedroom and the one at the end of the hall have en-suite bathrooms. The two bedrooms in the middle share a bathroom, which would be perfect for the kids.”
“My own bathroom?” I’d been sharing one bathroom with Junie and the kids for a little too long.
“Yeah, with a big soaking tub.” He winked at me and ran his gaze hungrily down my body and back up again. I shivered and hugged myself, following him into the spacious though not overly large room. The bathroom was all black granite and white tile with a walk-in tiled shower and a large jetted bathtub. I’d spend hours in there with a good book or, even better, a good man.
My gaze slid to Easton, who had his back to me. He turned and caught me gawking at him. I turned away quic
kly, but he had to see the longing in my eyes.
Moving Caro and Co. to the condo across the hall was stroke of genius. I’d have all the time I needed to assess the situation and figure out a game plan.
I’d seen a few things that disturbed me and raised red flags. My son was shut down and closed off, for one, and my daughter directed a large amount of anger toward her mother. I remembered how much I’d blamed my mom after my dad had died. If only my mom had insisted my dad not pick up that extra shift instead of telling him the family could use the money since Christmas was coming. My misplaced anger had been unfair to her, but anger was one of the stages of grief.
Hailey was running up and down the hall with Heath hurrying after her. He was actually smiling. They’d both claimed their rooms and were planning all sorts of kid stuff.
I handed Caro one set of keys and Junie the other.
“I have a game tonight, but I got a few guys together to move you in tomorrow.”
“I’ll need to assess what can be moved from storage and what can’t.”
“I’m sure you’ll do that. Does noon give you enough time?”
“Beggars can’t be choosers. I’ll make it work.”
Junie threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. If you ever need anything, I’m a fantastic baker. Let me know.”
“You can bake for me anytime.”
Caro stepped forward. I saw the battle in her eyes. She didn’t like how I’d handled this situation, not asking her first, but she sighed resignedly. I held out my arms for a hug, and she shook her head.
“Thank you, Easton. You’ve been very kind.” Her words were stiff and formal. I fought hard not to laugh. A few hours ago, we’d been on the verge of going at it on her bed while the kids and Junie were one wall away. At least in this condo, there’d be more room, and I knew from experience—thank you, Kaden—the rooms were well soundproofed.