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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 170

by J P Sayle

  With a huff, Ellie ignored how Daddy could see what he’d been thinking. “When you say sweaty, how sweaty do you mean?”

  “Are there different levels of sweaty?” Connor inquired, his brow quirking up.

  “Of course there are, Daddy. Pleeeease, there are loads.” Shaking his head, Ellie didn’t fail to notice how his cheekiness got a reaction.

  “Does my boy need a spanking before we go out?”

  The simple question got his pulse thumping, his head already moving. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “I’m getting the distinct impression you don’t want the sweaty kind of date I have planned, boy, that you’d prefer a naked sweaty encounter instead.”

  Unable to stop the eye roll at Daddy’s silliness, he saw the error of his ways not even a second later.

  “You didn’t just roll your eyes at me, did you? You know I don’t like it when you do that. So I think as you’re so eager for the spanking, we’ll go out as planned.” There was an evil glint in Daddy’s gaze as he carried on talking. “Go and get changed and hurry up.”

  Doing as he was told, though he moaned about it the entire time, Ellie went upstairs to change out of his work clothes, opting for a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. Then he grabbed a hoodie before going back downstairs.

  Only when they were in the car did he notice that Connor was wearing something similar to him. Eyes wide, his gaze roamed over Connor. He was so used to seeing him in suits or jeans; this was quite the change. As yet he’d not seen Connor naked, so the jogging pants that hugged his muscular thighs made Ellie’s pulse race, and he contemplated how much he’d love to strip Daddy for a better look.

  “Whatever the thoughts are going on in your head, I’d stop them if you don’t want to put on a show when we get to the gym.”

  The hand pointing at his groin distracted him from what Connor had actually said, so it was a second or two before the point registered.

  His lip poked out in a pout, “We’re going to a gym? Why, Daddy?” The petulant tone was enough to garner him a quirking eyebrow. He sagged into the seat, waiting for Connor to answer.

  “It’s not the kind of gym with weights.” Connor grinned at him. “It’s a place that offers things like pole dancing, hoop, and dancing in the dark.”

  Ellie’s mind grasped on to the last part of the conversation. “Dancing in the dark? Is that with the dayglow sticks and paint? I’ve seen that advertised before, but I never dared to go on my own.”

  There was a quiver in his voice, which made Daddy rub at his leg and give him a big smile. “Well, now you can. I thought it would be something fun, and as I’m a crap dancer, the idea of doing it in the dark appealed to me.”

  Ellie bounced on his seat, his enthusiasm growing when Connor indicated and pulled up outside a large warehouse.

  “Come on, let’s go and see if we can dance in the dark.” Connor’s eagerness was contagious. The moment Ellie exited the car, he dragged Connor up to the building. Sounds of dance music blasted out of the door as he opened it. When Connor winced, Ellie grinned.

  “Oh, this is going to be so much fun.”

  Connor’s face said a little different, but as he’d picked it, Ellie thought he’d have to suck it up. He wouldn’t admit to Connor, but he was excited to have foregone the spanking for the chance to try this out.

  The girl on reception got them signed in and gave them access to a couple of towels while explaining how the dance class worked. By the time they got into the large room, Ellie couldn’t keep still. His gaze swept the room. It was nearly full, an even mix of both men and women. No one paid him or Connor any attention as they huddled in their own groups.

  Connor guided him to the back of the room where they placed their towels on the ground, out of the way. After a couple of minutes, another lady came up and offered them some glo sticks and the chance to put some paint on their faces. When Connor refused the paint and the lady went to walk away, Ellie stopped her. “He’ll have the paint as well.” He gave Connor a “don’t mess with me” glare before smearing a couple of strips over his cheekbones before he could say anything.

  With a big grin, Ellie thanked the woman. “You brought me here to have fun, so you have to take part too, Da—” He gave the people standing nearby a glance as he stopped talking, realising what he’d been about to say.

  “Boy, look at me.”

  The demand caused Ellie to raise his gaze to Connor.

  “I have no problem with whatever you want to call me in public. All I ask is that you be mindful of who could possibly hear you. I have a position in this community with being a headteacher.” With that, Connor lowered his head and laid a gentle kiss on Ellie’s now open mouth.

  Wow, he got to call Connor Daddy in public! His chest heaved at that reality. He wasn’t given a chance to think about it further as the music started, and the lights dimmed. The glow sticks lit the room, and as Ellie glanced at Connor’s resigned expression and dayglo cheeks, glee filled him.

  This had to be the best date ever.


  With a groan, Connor turned his head to the bedside clock before he stretched out under the duvet. His whole body ached. How was it even possible to hurt everywhere? He didn’t know, but it was all his fault. The idea of dancing in the dark class as a fun thing to do didn’t feel like it this morning.

  With another groan, he thought about having to get up, showered, and dressed. He covered his eyes with his forearm until the bed shifted and Morgana shoved her head under his arm. The silky fur brushed at his chin and got him chuckling when she persisted. “All right, all right.” He lowered his arm and let her snuggle into his chest.

  “What’s up with you this morning? It’s not like you to be all cuddly with me.” His brow rose when she remained silent. He’d somehow got used to her constant chatter when they were alone and even sometimes when they weren’t! That was something he struggled with, especially if someone else was talking to him.

  “Come on, Morgana, why the silent treatment? I know I haven’t done anything to piss you off today. Heck, it’s barely morning.”

  The silence lengthened, and Connor scooped up Morgana as he rolled to sit up. He held on to her as he leant back against the wooden headboard, lifting her till they were eye level. “Spill, Morgana.”

  The hesitation was clear to see, as was the worry in her jewel eyes. A ball of uneasiness stuck in his throat, right as his heart seemed to jam up against his rib cage. Shit, what was spooking Morgana?

  As if reading his thoughts, she answered him, “Max seems to be stuck in some sort of trance since yesterday, and no amount of poking at him will get him to respond to us. Princess is out of her mind with worry.”

  When Morgana talked, Connor’s heart rate had settled…until he actually registered what she was saying. “Hang on. I don’t understand what you mean by a trance?”

  The responding huff got his brow rising.

  “I forget you’re a mere human”—her eyes gleamed with humour—“and you don’t understand a lot about the Otherworld. Max can astral project from his body, leaving his corporal body behind. I think he went to visit the king and is stuck there.”

  That was enough to get Connor off the bed, still clutching Morgana, his body rebelling as he stood. “Fuck.”

  “What are you swearing at?” Morgana asked, her whiskers twitching as her nose curled up and her teeth were revealed.

  “It’s the bloody dance class I took Ellie to. I feel about a hundred. I have muscles aching in places I never thought could.” With every step he took, his backside and thighs screamed for mercy.

  “See? This is what you get for not listening to me. And just, you know, doing the icky stuff humans do. I don’t know what Princess’s fascination is with it all.” Morgana shuddered, wiggling in his arms.

  As he released her, she dropped to the floor. Connor smiled at her. “You mean sex. You can say the word, you know. And I have to say, I’d rather be aching like this from sex than dancing. But fu
ck, Morgana, how can I regret it when Ellie literally glowed with happiness by the time we’d sweated and danced our backsides off.”

  The way Morgana stalked behind him to look at his bum got Connor chuckling. “Not literally, though it has to be tighter after two solid hours of dancing.”

  When she walked back to look at him, Connor sucked his lips between his teeth to stop the laughter at her perplexed expression. “Never mind. What are you going to do about Max?” Now that his mind wasn’t on how sore he was, his worry returned.

  “I’m not sure there is anything I can do. I’ve tried to speak to the king. He’s ignoring me, or he has blocked me so he can’t hear. Either way, it’s not good.”

  On hearing Morgana’s mournful sigh, he crouched down, resisting the urge to groan as his thighs complained bitterly. “Do you think this is in any way connected to Ellie and me?” The question made his pulse skip, his heartbeat almost matching the frenetic dance music he’d danced to the previous night.

  “No, I don’t think so. I think it’s all connected to Christina somehow. But without access to the Otherworld or the other guardians in that realm, I have no clue.”

  Talk of realms and other worlds should have had him running for the nearest door, but after the last few weeks, he’d been gradually accepting that sometimes there was more going on than the eye could see. And with that came a responsibility to ensure that it didn’t hit Ellie with any backlash. Even the fact that he hadn’t mentioned their soul mate connection left him a little uneasy.

  “Why haven’t you explained this to Ellie?”

  Morgana plucked the thought right out of his head and lobbed it at him, making him shiver at the accusation lacing her voice.

  “How do you think it would look if I explained to him that I can talk to not one but three cats, that they can read my mind, and that we have a resident witch who can cast spells. Oh, and there is a world outside of this one, where there is real magic. Let me think. Does that seem like a good idea to blurt that out while I’m trying to build his trust?” Connor scratched at his beard and eyed Morgana as if she had a screw loose.

  “Well, if you put it like that. It might cause a few issues, but by not telling Ellie, you’re negating the trust you’re building.”

  The words ran through his mind for the rest of the day as he went from one meeting to the next, nowhere near as focused on the job as he should be. By the time he drove home that night he was convinced he’d somehow missed a step and Morgana was right. How could Ellie trust him if he kept such massive secrets from him? Secrets that affected Ellie as well as him.

  His lips puffed out as he got out of the shower, dripping water onto the floor. Shit, who was that? The bell rang again as he grabbed for the nearest towel. He swiped at the water running down his chest before tucking the towel around his waist distractedly as the bell rang yet again.

  He all but ran down the stairs and came to an abrupt halt when he opened the door to find Ellie standing on the step. The setting sun caught the strands of his blond hair and set them alight. His silver eyes went liquid as they roamed down Connor’s naked chest, and his tongue peeked out between his teeth. Connor’s body instantly reacted as he thought about where he’d like that tongue to touch.

  “Hey, I know we didn’t have any plans,” said Ellie distractedly, “but when Brody offered me a lift, I thought you wouldn’t mind if I came here.”

  “That was nice of Brody.” Connor stepped back, making room for Ellie to come in. When he stayed put, Connor’s brows rose. “Don’t you want to come in?”

  A dark red stain coloured Ellie’s face before he ducked his head and stepped in through the open door and shifted past Connor. That fresh citrus scent that was solely Ellie wafted past Connor’s nose, grabbing his cock’s attention even more.

  With effort, he strolled towards the stairs, not making eye contact with Ellie, who stood in the hall, unmoving. Chancing a glance under his lashes, Connor bunched his jaw. Go up and get dressed. Go up and get dressed. He hoped that if he kept saying it, his feet would obey and take him away from temptation. The desire and longing on Ellie’s face were doing a number on his control.

  “Daddy, aren’t you gonna give me a kiss?”

  The simple request should have been the most natural thing in the world to do, but he was aware that the moment he touched his boy, all bets were off. The bookie’s odds were not in his favour.

  “Please, Daddy.”

  That was all it took for his control to snap. He was across the hall and hauling Ellie up in the blink of an eye. “Hold on to me,” he growled through gritted teeth. The moment Ellie complied, Connor lifted him and carried him up the stairs. The soft cotton of the towel rubbed against the head of his cock. Licks of pleasure coursed through him. Little puffs of air chilled his damp skin, where Ellie laid his head on his chest with a contented sigh. His heart stuttered at the sweetness of the sound.

  Oh god, he was done for. How was he going to resist?

  “Stop bloody resisting and get on with it.” Came a very pissed-off-sounding Morgana.

  Doing his best to ignore her and block her from his head, Connor strode into his bedroom. He made sure to check Morgana wasn’t in the room before he kicked the door shut behind him.

  At the bed, he slowly lowered Ellie to his feet. The urgent need to kiss the soft lips was like a rabid dog that held him by the throat. With control he never knew he possessed, Connor stepped back and took a breath. “I want you to strip off and lie down on the bed.”

  The husky request got Ellie moving quick smart. His clothes were flung onto the floor, and he was lying on the bed before Connor could reconsider if this was the right thing to do.

  The thought got lost when Ellie’s nimble fingers slid down his cock, and he slowly tugged on his straining erection, making the head weep. Oh, god, love me and save me.

  “Did Daddy say that you could touch yourself?”

  The hand working the pretty cock didn’t still as defiant eyes begged him to take control. “You’re a naughty boy. That will get you a punishment if you’re not careful.” Connor’s chest heaved.

  “What will you do to me, Daddy?” Ellie asked in a sultry whisper, his hand still teasing his dripping cock.

  The towel around Connor’s waist was discarded as he knelt on the bed, his gaze fixed on Ellie’s desire-laden eyes. He got lost in his boy’s yearning.

  The moisture in his mouth dried up when Ellie gave him a cheeky grin. “You are such a naughty boy.” Connor removed Ellie’s hand from his cock, and before he could complain, he flipped him onto his stomach.

  A low moan and Ellie’s hips grinding into the bed encouraged Connor to continue. He spread Ellie’s legs wide and settled himself between his thighs. His pale pink pucker called to Connor. What to do with a naughty boy?

  Leaning over his thighs, Connor ignored the twinges in his muscles and balanced his weight back a little so he could sit without having to use his arms. Sucking his fingers into his mouth, he gave the bedside cabinet where the lube was hiding a passing thought. Spit would do for now. Once his fingers were dripping, he took his time to position them over Ellie’s hole. He was aware that Ellie thought he was going to get a spanking. He was, but not the kind they’d done before. He had yet to spank Ellie’s hole. His hand trembled at the thought of doing it now. On hearing the impatient whine coming from his boy, Connor grinned. Let’s see if my boy likes this.

  His fingers landed in a wet stinging blow to Ellie’s pucker. The way Ellie jerked and howled, then tried to close his thighs was enough to have Connor carry on. He landed several more stinging hits—the pale pink hole now a beautiful shade of crimson. His mouth watered at the sight of his saliva gleaming in the evening sunlight that poured through the bedroom window. Ellie strained against the cover, his thighs trembling and his backside canting back towards Connor’s hand, begging for more. Never one to deny his boy, Connor slicked his fingers and landed several more slaps. The sound of flesh hitting flesh tore at the las
t vestiges of his control.

  On a moan, his hand landed on Ellie’s hamstring and pinned him down while his mouth lowered to feast on his boy. A low hum rose up his throat at the first taste of Ellie’s musk. His lips parted, and his tongue licked at the warm flesh. Mewls and whines increased with each swipe of his tongue. Connor alternated between nibbling and sucking while his cock leaked against his stomach, smearing his excitement all over his skin.

  Desire rode him hard as licks of pleasure made it impossible to think about anything other than devouring his boy, bit by bit. He couldn’t get enough. Feeling the muscle relax under his ministrations, he eased his tongue into the tightest channel he’d ever experienced. On a loud groan, his tongue was clasped tight. His boy couldn’t help but show how much he wanted this. His body juddered, and his hips thrust hard against Connor’s face. The urgency was playing havoc with his own desperate desire to do more than just taste.

  His teeth ground together as he pulled back, and his boy whined loudly. “I need lube and a condom,” he rasped, reaching over the bed to the drawers. The handle rattled twice before he was able to open it with his shaky hand.

  His eyes riveted to his boy, who was moaning and rubbing himself against the bed, Connor scrabbled blindly in the drawer for what he needed. Finding what he needed, he let loose a sigh of relief. The lube landed on the bed, followed by the condoms. Connor panted like an overheating dog. “Don’t… you… dare come.”

  To make his point, he slapped at Ellie’s wiggling bottom. Not that it stopped him. His hips rose, begging for more. “Such a needy little boy.”

  “Yes, Daddy, I’m your needy little boy.”

  The way Ellie used his voice only made Connor all the more anxious to move things along. His hands trembled as he struggled to put on the condom. The new bottle of lube defied him for a second when the plastic seal wouldn’t give.

  A sigh escaped the moment the cold lube coated his fingers. Back over his boy, Connor stroked his heated flesh with the tip of his lubed finger, teasing his pucker till it was coated and his boy was muttering and cursing. Only then did he ease his finger past the tight ring of muscle. He closed his eyes. The squeeze on his finger was almost unbearable. How was he going to survive being inside his boy?


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