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The Manx Cat Guardians Boxed Set

Page 171

by J P Sayle

  The channel clenched tighter, almost as if Ellie had heard him and responded. He eased his finger deeper, searching for his prostate, hoping to drive his boy wild. The moment his finger grazed the raised nub, Ellie howled. Hips jerking, he cried, “Oh, Daddy, please, please do it again.”

  “You like that, sweetheart? You like Daddy making your body sing?” Teasing more groans and writhing from his boy, Connor repeatedly caressed him until he was incoherent. When Ellie bore down onto his finger, he added a second and slowly worked to loosen his boy. Sweat slid down his spine, and his hair was stuck to his forehead. His boy was not much better when he deemed Ellie ready to take his cock.

  He sat back on his heels, needing to see his boy’s face. Easing him onto his back, Connor couldn’t help but notice the now sizeable wet patch on the duvet cover. He chuckled. Then the air backed up in his lungs. Ellie’s eyes stared up at him with such need it drove him to sink onto his elbows over his boy. Their mouths met in desperation.

  Connor’s cock bucked and reminded him of what it needed. Not releasing his boy’s puffy lips, he nudged at his boy’s pucker, clueing him in to what was about to happen. His boy’s legs wrapped around him, the tight clasp matching that of his channel as Connor eased the head of his dick into Ellie’s tight sheath.

  The air got trapped in his lungs again as he struggled to breathe past the urge to thrust, instead allowing Ellie to adjust.

  Ellie released his mouth on a gasp. “Oh, Daddy, it burns. It burns so good.” He moaned and writhed, his body coated in a sheen of sweat.

  Connor’s jaw bunched with the effort to keep still on hearing Ellie say such wicked things in his ear. Oh, fuck. His hips were already moving, his cock sinking deeper inside Ellie, and then he was lost. A sensation so intense he wasn’t sure he’d survive it flooded his chest and gripped his heart. Love poured through him in such waves he wasn’t sure whether it was his or Ellie’s or even a combination of both.

  His chest heaved, his cock was strangled in Ellie’s tight channel, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

  Emotions continued to bombard him as his gaze fixed on his boy’s scrunched-up face. When his hips nestled against Ellie, only then did Ellie open up his squeezed-shut eyes. The moment their gazes connected, Connor struggled to keep words he wasn’t sure Ellie was ready for from spilling from his lips. Love, so much love.

  His boy’s eyes offered him the world, and for a second, he worried that not talking about the reality of their connection might change that. Then he was lost as his boy begged.

  “Daddy, oh, fuck me like you mean it… make me feel it for days, so I don’t forget how much you want me, Daddy.”

  His cock swelled, and his buttocks clenched, trying to control the licks of fire Ellie’s dirty talk aroused in him. Taking a deep breath, Connor slammed his mouth down onto Ellie’s and did as he asked. His hips moved back, and his cock sank deep and hard. A rewarding groan filled his mouth.

  Sweaty and gasping for air, he kept up a relentless pace. He lifted his head. His boy’s dazed expression and straining muscles said game over. Desire spread down his balls and cock, his arse clenched, pleasure moved through his body and skittered up his spine, making it tingle. His hips slammed home one more time as he shouted, “Come for me, boy.”

  His body strained, spurting cum into the condom as his cock was held in a death grip. Then his boy screamed, and spurt after spurt of warm cum coated their bodies. Dragging in a much-needed breath, Connor grunted. His cock continued to empty as he rocked into his boy, prolonging their pleasure.

  With trembling hands, Connor cupped Ellie’s sweaty cheeks as he gasped and collapsed against the damp cover. “Fuck, you slay me, sweetheart.” He lowered his brow to Ellie’s and just held his gaze, letting all the emotions riding through him show on his face. The uncertainty of expressing his feelings in words didn’t stop him from revealing how he felt. Some might think it was too soon, but he knew different. This man was his for all eternity, and though he might not be able to express that yet, Connor didn’t doubt his boy felt the same. So he laid himself bare for Ellie to see how much this moment meant to him.

  Ellie’s breathing hitched as his gaze remained fixed on Connor. His eyes widened to reveal his secret wants, of that Connor was sure. Emotions surged around them. Connor was convinced he felt them touch his oversensitive skin.


  The uncertainty lacing that one word had him lower his lips and gently kiss his boy. The soft moan and arms lifting to wrap around his neck left him an emotional wreck. There was so much trust conveyed in that one move as Ellie clung to him that Connor struggled not to let the tears welling in his eyes fall down his cheeks. He eased back, his lips pinching together as he attempted to swallow.

  “It’s all right, Daddy. I’ve got you.”

  Small hands teased the back on Connor’s neck, and the tears dripped down his face at the sincerity he saw. Had anyone ever offered themselves so beautifully to him before? The answer was a resounding no, and that caused the guilt he’d felt earlier at not sharing to surge forward.

  “What is it, Daddy?”

  Morgana & Max

  “Morgana, where are you?”

  “Where the bloody hell do you think I am? I’m bloody trapped in the bedroom with Ellie and Connor, who, I might add, have been going at it like two rabbits. I’ll be scarred for life with this shit. Seriously, why do humans need to do all this icky stuff?” Morgana whined, her paws sitting over her head as she hid under the bed, trying her best to block out any sounds coming from above.

  “Oh, stop your whining. I’ve had years of having to put up with people, remember, while you have been living the high life with the king.”

  With Max’s grumping, Morgana rolled her eyes and kept her thoughts to herself. Was it her fault Max chose to interfere? No. Was it her fault that fate stepped in? No. Wasn’t she well aware of what happens when the fates take charge? Yes. So she wasn’t interested in Max’s complaining. She had her own worries, only unlike Max, she couldn’t share them.

  “Morgana, stop ignoring me. Have you heard anything from the king?”

  It was only then that Morgana remembered Max’s lifeless body sitting in Aaden’s. “No, I haven’t, but I’m hoping when these two stop and the king is aware the bond is sealed, he’ll set me free and get over himself.”

  “I’m not sure that is going to happen anytime soon,” Max replied.

  Morgana’s head fired up, her hackles rising. “What… what do you mean?” A sense of dread curled in the pit of her stomach.

  “Christina is currently trapped in the king’s chamber, and I’m with her. Do you know anything about a shielding spell and Christina’s true nature?” Max’s voice dropped, almost as if he was frightened of what Morgana’s answer would be.

  The dread worsened, and Morgana’s eyes squeezed shut. How did she respond without alerting Max to what she knew? The turmoil continued to twist her inside out while searching for a reply that didn’t give anything away.

  “Shit, I’m going to have to go. Christina is waking. Hopefully I’ll be able to get out of here with some answers.”

  Max’s voice faded, and Morgana’s head sank onto her paws. This is such a big mess. How on earth were they all going to come out of it unscathed?

  The voices above her head pulled her from her thoughts.

  “What is it, Daddy?”

  With a heartfelt sigh, she wondered what she’d missed.

  What now?

  That question was, what should she do now?


  The monumental moment left Ellie deaf, dumb, and blind for a moment. There were raging emotions fighting to escape, and he wanted to voice words he’d never said to anyone else. But now, as he lay under Daddy, uncertainty crept back in. There was worry written on his Daddy’s face, and Ellie trembled as he wondered what could be causing it. Had Daddy seen his feelings? The second Daddy had opened himself up, the remaining barriers he’d kept in place cr
umbled. Now, Daddy seemed to be withdrawing from him. His fingers clasped at the damp silky strands of hair on Daddy’s neck.

  “What is it, Daddy?” His voice quivered, but he didn’t look away from the face hovering inches from him.

  His breath backed up in his lungs as he waited for an answer.

  With a soft kiss, his Daddy withdrew, and Ellie winced as his cock slid from his body. His arse was not happy about those demands that he be able to feel Daddy for days. Yeah, maybe not the wisest of moves. He huffed distractedly, only then noticing that Daddy was getting off the bed. His heart jackrabbited against his ribs. Why isn’t he talking to me?

  Unable to stop himself, Ellie begged, “Please, Daddy. Did I do something wrong?” The last part came out on a choked sob.

  With no chance to say more, he was lifted and wrapped in Daddy’s arms. “No, my sweet boy. Why would you think you’ve done something wrong?” Connor gripped his chin, looking him right in the eye. “You were perfect, in every way.”

  “Then why the glum face, Daddy? I’m not stupid,” he stated in a petulant tone that was bound to get his backside reddened.

  “You aren’t being lippy, now are you, boy?”

  “You wouldn’t be trying to distract me, now would you, Daddy?” Ellie argued back, his chin still gripped in Connor’s hand.

  “You’re right to ask, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to tolerate you being cheeky with me.”

  The low growl got his spent cock twitching. He lowered his lashes, not wanting Daddy to see how aroused it was making him.

  He lifted his gaze at the sound of Daddy’s chuckle. Like he was fooled. Ellie barely stopped his eyes from rolling, though with the thought of Daddy’s punishment still fresh in his mind, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t mind another round with Daddy’s hand. His hole still felt warm and stingy from the smacks it had received.

  “It’s not happening, boy. I’ll keep the punishment for another time. Your arse will be sore for a few days. Though I might have to bring home a ruler to show you just how much your hole can sting.”

  The earlier twitching turned into full-blown arousal at the visual, and Ellie couldn’t contain the moan. His cock firmly in the driving seat, he knocked the hand off his chin and pushed it towards his cock. His mouth was already on Daddy. When Connor stilled and then relaxed, letting Ellie take control, he released a hum in the back of his throat. Having never been allowed to take control before, Ellie was emboldened.

  His hands roamed over Connor, touching and teasing the warm, firm flesh. When Daddy sat patiently, letting him do as he pleased, Ellie’s breath hitched at this new concept.

  Easing back, he glanced at Daddy from under his lashes. “Will you lie down, Daddy, so I can touch you properly?” His breath stayed trapped in his chest while he willed Daddy to agree.

  Without a word, Daddy released him and lay down on the bed. He stretched out, his legs falling apart, his semi-hard cock drawing Ellie’s attention. He released a noisy breath, then sucked in some much-needed air. Silently he crawled over the messy bedcovers. “Can I do anything I want, Daddy?” His face heated at asking, but he’d learnt that Connor had no problems with him asking for what he wanted.

  “Sweetheart, you can do whatever you want to me.”

  The husky response and now solid erection pointing skyward was all it took to have Ellie’s hands moving. Where to start? He crawled to the end of the bed and explored his feet, up his calves.

  Lean muscles flexed with each gentle touch. There was a low moan when his hand moved up Daddy’s thigh. At the noise, he glanced at Daddy’s face. Connor’s heavy-lidded expression made him swallow. There was desire, but there was something more, something Ellie was too frightened to put a name to. So instead of trying to, he moved his gaze back to where his hand was slowly rubbing circles on the thigh in front of him.

  The muscles beneath would tense, then release with each brush of his fingertips. Daddy’s cock dripped and some pre‑cum pooled in the cropped hair at the base of his cock. His lips tingled at the idea of wrapping around the turgid length bobbing with each touch.

  Hesitant to do something that might get Connor to make him stop, he let his hands drift up Connor’s abdomen. Muscles rippled under his hand. The treasure trail ending just under Connor’s belly button caught his attention. Then he moved to the smooth, creamy skin above that called to Ellie to taste. He leaned forward, and his tongue licked and traced the dips and undulations he’d just explored with his hands. A gasp and Connor tensing encouraged him to carry on.

  When Connor shivered and his hips bucked, Ellie’s lips rose. Unable to resist, Ellie sat up and gave him a wicked smile. “I’m in charge here, or have you forgotten? That means you don’t get to move unless I say.” He used his childish voice, having noticed how it ramped up Connor’s pleasure, and Ellie was not disappointed by the molten expression he saw.

  Connor’s chest heaved, and his fists, which lay on the bed clenched. With no other answer, Ellie lowered his mouth and got back to torturing him. Now the shoe was on the other foot, he wanted to push and see if he could break Connor’s control.

  He shuffled up the bed, keeping his mouth on the warm skin, nibbling and sucking at the flesh. He paid attention to which bit got a louder moan or caused Connor to flex or stop moving. He was giddy by the time his lips sucked Connor’s nipple into his mouth. His teeth grazed the tip, then he got a harebrained idea and bit it, hard.

  “Oh, fuck, shittttt,” Connor cried, his hips and cock bucking.

  Sitting up, Ellie shook his head at him. “Now what did I say, Daddy? That has earnt you a punishment.” The moment he mentioned the word punishment, Connor froze. Was that a step too far? He waited for him to speak.

  “Is that right, boy? What did you have in mind?” Connor rasped. His chest heaved as his head lifted, but his body remained still on the bed.

  Ellie’s mind whirred with possibilities. “I think, Daddy, that should be my little secret for now. But I’m sure you’ll know when I start to punish you.” The word punish had his cock bounce and throb painfully.

  “Is that so? You do know that when you’ve finished, Daddy gets his turn.” Connor’s brow rose, and a devilish glint made Ellie’s stomach jitter. He swallowed, but his tongue glued itself to the roof of his mouth, so he nodded instead.

  Realising he was getting distracted by the idea of what Daddy would do to him, he broke eye contact so he could catch his breath and get back on track. He shifted and crawled between Daddy’s legs and then lay on his stomach so he was within reach of the solid erection weeping in front of him.

  He got comfortable and took hold of Daddy’s cock. His tongue poked out, and he licked up the side, much like a lollipop. He sucked, licked, and slurped, tasting Daddy’s pre-cum, drawing the salty essence into his mouth. His backside clenched as he worked to open his mouth wider and suck on the head, wrapping his fist tighter around the base as it pulsed in his hand. He shifted a little to get a better angle, then lowered his mouth. A grunt and hip roll got him pulling off.

  His eyes met Daddy’s. The strain on his face caused a wave of arousal to wash through him. “I warned you, Daddy.” On that, Ellie lowered his mouth and bit gently on the head of Daddy’s cock, and then he slid his tongue into the slit, knowing how much he liked that. There was a loud curse, and Daddy’s thighs hugged his body. He would have grinned if he wasn’t busy repeating what he’d just done. The grunts and curses continued with increasing frequency.

  Allowing saliva to drip down Daddy’s cock, Ellie slid his hand up and down the solid, silky steel. He timed his licks to his hand movements. When the thighs juddered and Daddy launched up to a sitting position, dislodging him, Ellie blinked dazedly up at him.

  “Fuckkkkk. If you don’t stop, I’m gonna come, sweetheart,” Connor gasped in a ragged breath.

  Ellie growled, “That was the point, Daddy. This is your punishment. Are you going to take it like a good Daddy, or do I need to think up another?” His brow quirked, and h
e dragged his lower lip between his teeth to stop the giggles.

  Daddy’s eyes narrowed in warning that he’d pushed him to his limit, but when he lay back down, Ellie’s pulse buzzed in his ears.

  Daddy is giving me full control. Wow.

  The cock bobbing in his face got him to focus. Lowering back down, Ellie sucked the pulsing length back into his mouth. He swallowed deep and worked Daddy down his throat. Coughing slightly when his gag reflex wasn’t too happy, he eased up onto his knees to change the angle. From this new position, Daddy’s cock slid happily down his throat. He swallowed repeatedly, his throat clasping the head in a wet kiss.

  Growls of pleasure filled the air, and he wasn’t sure if they were his own or Daddy’s. His tongue wrapped around Daddy’s cock, teasing while his throat continued to give him the most intimate of kisses. Thighs tightened against Ellie’s sides before Daddy went rigid.

  A howl rent the air, and then his throat was filled with cum. Spurt after hot spurt coated his tongue as Ellie eased off a little so he could taste it. His neglected cock bucked and dripped onto his thighs.

  On a moan, Ellie took one final lick at the tip of Daddy’s cock to make sure he’d missed nothing before he sat back. He licked his lips as a smug grin spread across his cheeks. They ached when he caught sight of Daddy’s sweaty, satisfied face. His eyes were closed, and his hands were still clenched in the bedclothes.

  On a giggle, he asked, “You okay there, Daddy?”

  A grunt was his only response. Ellie crawled up Daddy and laid his head on his chest with a sigh of pleasure. He cuddled into the arms that rose to hug him tightly. His eyes drifted closed, even as his cock throbbed. The evening entertainment crept up on him as he lay content and happier than he’d ever been in his life.


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