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Bound To The Enemy Eternal Flames Maddox 3

Page 8

by Cree Storm

Giving the young warrior a smile, Rune said, "Nice to meet you, Borger. I am Rune."

  Nodding, Borger replied, "Yes, I figured. I mean, there are not many green men in Maddox."

  Giving a small laugh, Rune replied, "No, I guess there are not. I mean, besides my son."

  While waiting for the potion to finish, Rune had an idea on what could help take out the Vambats. Fire seemed to work, but metal and other weapons were ill effective. Rapidly, Rune mixed a large batch of something up, hoping that he was right in what it would do. "Now, all I need is a large tank of water and this should wipe those vermin out."

  The loud moan had Rune saying, "According to what the book says, once this concoction changes colors, it will be ready."

  The moment the liquid turned from pink to green, Rune removed it from the flames he had placed them on. Pouring some into a beaker and a small bit into a glass, Rune walked to the man. Kneeling next to him, Rune helped Borger sit up enough to drink the hot liquid. "Be careful, I don't want you to burn your mouth, but we don't have the luxury of time to wait until it cools."

  The warrior snickered, "A burnt tongue is a small price to pay to stay alive."

  "True. Now drink," Rune replied with a small smile.

  The warrior did as he was instructed, hissing as the fiery liquid touched his lips and tongue. However, he drank it all. Laying the young warrior back down, Rune replied, "I need to get this back to where my mates are in case someone else is injured."

  Nodding the warrior whispered, "There is something wrong with this entire attack."

  "What do you mean?" Rune asked.

  Borger laid there with his eyes closed and his arm laying over top of them. He replied, "I may have been injured, but they are not really attacking. I mean, if we come out in the open or anyone attacks them, yes, but if they wanted to, they could swarm us and just take over. That isn't happening."

  Rune thought about what the warrior was saying and what he had seen his short time at the area under siege. A thought came to Rune. "Oh, by the Gods! It's a diversion!"

  The young warrior removed his arm and opened his eyes. "That's what I was thinking. The problem is, I don't understand who or what they want us away from."

  "I need to get to my mates! There is somewhere in Maddox that's going to be attacked and I'm afraid that whoever it is, they won't stand a chance against it. Dain may have some idea who might be in danger," Rune exclaimed.

  Borger sat up with a grunt. "Let's go."

  Rune swirled his hand to create a portal. "You are in no shape to go anywhere. You need to rest."

  "I don't know what that was that you gave me, but it is working and I need to get back to my men. Besides, if you're right and another attack is coming, we are going to need all the men we can get," Borger replied.

  Rune continued to swirl his hand, snapping, "I can't create a portal."

  Borger did the motion he needed to open a portal, but nothing happened for him, either. "This is not right. Something is stopping me from opening a portal as well."

  "Do you have one of those phones everyone seems to use?" Rune asked.

  The warrior nodded and pulled one out of his pocket. "Here."

  "I have no clue how to use one of those. Do you have Dain's number in there?" Rune asked anxiously.

  Nodding, Borger answered, "Of course."

  Borger hit a button, then hit it again. "The phone isn't working."

  "Damn! We can't use our portals and there is no―Shit! A communication/transportation spell! It has to be. Damn, I hope that Day and his men were close to the ground when that shit hit."

  "Sir, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but what are you talking about?" Borger asked.

  Rune looked at Borger. "I need to get to Dain. Do you have a transport machine all the humans use?"

  Shaking his head, Borger replied, "If you mean do I have a car, the answer is no, but I can drive one."

  "If you feel strong enough and able, I need you to help me get to my mates," Rune stated hurriedly.

  Nodding, Borger replied, "I know that the Regent has a brand-new Lamborghini Aventador, but I really don't think he would appreciate us using it."

  "Is it fast?" Rune asked as he and Borger made their way towards the garage.

  Snorting, Borger replied, "From what I hear, it is one of the fastest cars in the world."

  Rune stopped when he ran into the garage and saw no less than twenty of the human machines in the room. Some were small and had no tops, some were large and looked almost military in style. However, it was the aqua green sports car that seemed to be the center of attention in the large building. "Damn, that is amazing."

  "Yeah, it is a beauty," Borger replied,

  Shaking his head, Rune replied, "No, I mean it's the same color as I am."

  Borger looked at the car then at Rune. "Shit, it is."

  Rune waved his hand, the doors lifted and he immediately sat inside. Alarms started to go off and Rune immediately touched the dash, said some words, and it stopped as the engine started. "We need to go."

  Borger rushed to get into the driver's side, then turned to Rune. "You do know that you just saved my life only to have it taken when I return to the fight."

  Shaking his head, Rune replied, "No, Borger. We will stop the Vambat. I promise this."

  Snorting, Borger rapidly backed the car out of the garage and faced the road. Quickly turning left, the man replied, "I wasn't talking about the Vambat. I was talking about when Regent Dain sees me driving this car. He is going to kill me."

  * * * *

  “We are getting nowhere fast. Day and his men could have died from that fucking fall," Dain snapped just as the sound of approaching vehicles were heard. Rapidly Dain reacted, "Bleu, take your men and cover Nick and his people!"

  "Yes, sir!" Bleu replied as he did what he was instructed.

  "Day and the others are fine. Their shift healed them almost instantly. You need to come up with a plan, Dain," Kerrick replied calmly.

  Looking at Kerrick, Dain replied, "I have no fucking plan, Kerrick. It's like if we kill one, three more take their place."

  Kerrick gently touched Dain's cheek. Dain felt a slight ripple at the small touch, barely catching himself from leaning in for more. Kerrick's tender gaze had Dain drawn in as the man said, "Dain, I have seen you in battle many times when I was with Fallon. You are an amazing Regent as well as a brilliant warrior. I know if anyone can do something to stop them, it is you."

  "You really mean that," Dain said almost in awe.

  Smiling Kerrick replied, "I more than mean it. I will never lie to you, Dain. I know that it isn't easy discovering who you thought of as your enemy is now your mates, and I am willing to give you time to discover whatever it is you need to earn your trust and claim what fate has brought to you, I, and Rune. However, I will not do that with platitudes. Your battle strategy has always made you a dangerous foe."

  "Thank you, Kerrick. I can only tell you that I am closer today than I was yesterday at accepting what has been shown to me. The thing is, my strategy always had a goal," Dain softly replied.

  Snorting, Kerrick replied, "Yes, to kill me as well as the Fairy Leader, Fallon."

  Shrugging, Dain replied, "Quite frankly, yes."

  "Damn those fuckers are like gnats in your face. I sent Lamant and his men to Destrain. Thought you might need some back up here," Nick muttered as he crunched down next to Dain and Kerrick.

  "Yeah, and damn near as indestructible. Taking them out one by one is just not working. I have at least twenty that are going to die if Rune doesn't return with the elixir we need to save them from the Vambat poison, fifteen or more with deep lacerations and other injuries and the rest of us, as you can see, are pinned down," Dain explained in disgust.

  Nick growled, then said, "I tried calling Illan and Justice, but the fucking phones aren't working."

  Nodding, Dain replied, "Kerrick and I believe that someone cast a communication/transportation spell. We tried shooting a portal to my pla
ce for the injured and couldn't do it and I tried calling you for some medical and that wouldn't go through, either."

  "Logan, you and Devonte grab some medical supplies, go to the injured and see what you can do," Nick ordered.

  Without argument, both men took off towards the medical truck. Dain's men shot fire arrows at the Vambat when they tried to attack the men. It didn't take long for Logan to make it to the injured with Devonte and start doing for them what he could.

  Dain jumped and shot an electric arrow, killing another of the damn rodents, then turned hissing, "Okay, I'm open for suggestions."

  "Behind you!" Kerrick shouted as he lunged with his fiery sword and began fighting the large winged creature that had been trying to sneak up on Dain. The Vambat swung his large clawed hand and then turned as Kerrick lunged with his sword, smacking Kerrick on the back with his massive wing. Just as it was about to sink his teeth in Kerrick, Dain drew back his bow and shot the fucker between the eyes with his special arrow.

  Once it dropped to the ground, Kerrick turned, breathing heavily. "Thank you."

  "You're still weak and should be in bed," Dain grumbled.

  Kerrick smirked. "You sound like you care."

  Dain raised a brow. "If I decide to mate, I need the men I am fated with to be alive, now don't I?"

  A loud roaring engine had everyone turning quickly. Dain gasped, just as it screeched to a halt, "Is that my fucking car?"

  Three Vambats flew to the aqua green car and large claws scratched and clawed, trying to get in. "I am going to kill every fucking person and beast responsible for this shit!" Dain shouted as he raced towards the car shooting one, then two of the beasts. Five more came at him, but Kerrick swung his sword and severed two of the beasts’ heads at the same time.

  Dain was shocked when the door opened and Rune and one of his warriors came rushing out, Rune shouting, "Fuego," and then began shooting large fire balls at the beasts attempting to grab them. A loud roar had Dain turning. Nick had shifted into his grizzly and was swinging his large claws at a Vambat as it countered with a talon attack of his own.

  "Don't let it bite you, Nick! It is poisonous!" Kerrick shouted as he continued to battle the beasts, giving Dain the chance to get Rune to safety, along with Borger.

  Dain was about to say something when a loud crunching metal sound caused him to turn and see a Vambat lifting his vehicle into the air and dropping it from the sky. Dain screamed, "Kerrick! Move!"

  Kerrick rolled out of the way just as his brand-new Lambo smashed to the ground. Turning angrily towards his mate and his warrior, Dain hissed, "I don't know if one of you is going to die, or be spanked and tormented."

  "He made me!" Borger quickly yelled as he swallowed hard.

  Dain looked at Rune. "Spanked and tortured it is."

  "I'm sorry, Dain. I had to get here with the potion for any other possible poisonings. Plus, I think I have a way to destroy the Vambat, but I need a large tank of water and some way to spray it," Rune quickly replied.

  "You can use one of my tankers," Nick quickly replied.

  Dain turned, seeing Nick naked from his shift, hissing, "Do you mind covering your bits and pieces from my mate, please?" Turning to Borger, Dain ordered, "Get the elixir to Logan, tell him what it is and no more than a mouthful per person."

  "Yes, sir," Borger replied, then took off.

  Dain then looked at his mate, asking, "What is it you have?"

  "It's a special mixture. Once added to water it becomes highly acidic. It should burn them the second it touches their skin, even if it is like an armored plate," Rune explained.

  Nodding, Dain replied, "My men and I will keep you guys covered. Nick, you and Kerrick go with Rune and let's kill these fuckers."

  Dain watched as his mates made their way towards the tanker. Kerrick battled with the Vambats as Rune and Nick added the mixture. Dain couldn't help but be impressed at the agility of Kerrick as he slashed one and then another of the creatures. Seconds later, Rune yelled, "Ready."

  "Everyone find cover! Now!" Dain yelled out.

  Nick held the hose and turned it on. Loud screeches and squalls had Dain cringing. If the damn things hadn't been trying to kill him and his people, he might have actually felt sorry for them. It didn't take long to rid the skies of the creatures.

  Rune didn't stop as he yelled, "We need to get to the docks!"

  Nick took off and Dain jumped on the truck, yelling for his men to follow. The second they arrived, Dain could see all hell had broken loose. Destrain was shooting small charges at some of his own warriors as well as at the creatures. "What the fuck are harpies doing here?" Dain asked in shock.

  "We need them to transform to humans," Kerrick yelled.

  "Oh, and what do we do? Just walk up and ask them―Would you mind turning into your human form so that we can kill you?" Dain asked sarcastically.

  Kerrick laughed, "Well, we could. However, I was thinking more along these lines."

  Closing his eyes Kerrick started a low chant. The harpies began to use their loud screeching call that had Dain covering his ears and the fighting warriors dropping to the ground. A few moments later silence had Dain forcing his eyes opened and shocked to see that all the harpies had transferred into their human form.

  "Kill them now!" Kerrick yelled.

  The warriors hesitated until Dain raced forward, and alongside his brother, began killing them one by one.

  Once they were all dead, Dain did his best to catch his breath then looked around at all the carnage. "I don't get it. What the hell is going on here? Fallon is usually much stealthier."

  "I don't know, but Borger and I were talking, and we both think that all of this was a diversion," Rune replied.

  Destrain quickly said, "Nick's fire was to the west, we are north now―"

  "And we were east. That means wherever they were going is in the south section of Maddox," Dain replied.

  Nick sighed. "That makes no sense. The only buildings that way are the hotel, club, and―"

  "The Club! Twix and Rhys are being given a baby shower at the club right now," Dain gasped.

  "Are they trying to kill our children? I mean, they are royals," Destrain asked.

  Shaking his head, Kerrick replied, "No, if he really wanted to do that, he would want you and Dain there to witness it."

  "I agree. Fallon is a sick prick," Rune replied.

  Nick turned to Dain. "Who was all at this shower?"

  Dain thought a moment, then replied, "Twix, Rhys, Pascal, Ollie, Manny, Av──"

  "Manny's there?" Rune shouted in horror.

  Nodding, Dain replied, "Well, I believe so. I think I heard him speaking in the back room."

  "We need to get there now! Where the fuck are Illan and the others?" Rune asked as he started towards the truck, then stopped, and turned around looking lost and scared.

  Going to his mate, needing to calm him, Dain whispered, "Hey, calm down. Most likely whoever cast the communication/transport spell also closed off the town and they can't get in."

  Rune looked at Dain with fear in his misty eyes, saying, "You don't understand, Dain. We have been fighting these stupid creatures because they need the strongest away from the club to get to my son. With us all here, who is going to protect Manny? Whoever is behind this has made damn sure that even if we defeated these beasts, we would be too slow to get to them in time."

  Dain looked at Rune and he felt the wall covering his heart cracking and crumbling. He didn't like the fear or the pain he could see in the man's eyes. "I promise you, we will get there. Jett and Avery are at the club right now. Trust me, whoever is behind this has no clue what they are in for. Besides, they never met Ollie, and I can guarantee that he has more than a sharp tongue to him. Now, let’s get going."

  "Son of a bitch!" Nick snapped.

  Looking left then right, Dain saw nothing. "What's wrong?"

  Nick looked up at Dain with wide eyes. "When you all started talking about Manny and an attack I tried my
mate link. I guess that communication spell doesn't fuck with that, Jagger said they never thought to use their link with everything going on."

  Frustrated, Dain snapped, "Just tell us what's wrong? Are they under attack?"

  "He said that he, Avery, and Zen are holding the door closed from someone trying to get in, but he also said they had an even bigger problem. Twix and Rhys are both in labor," Nick replied, swallowing hard.

  Chapter 12

  “What in the hell is going on out there? It sounds like World War Three,” Twix asked.

  “I’m not sure, little buddy, but we need to keep you all in here and out of the line of fire,” Jett replied.

  “Shouldn’t you be out there with them, Jett?” Rhys asked, then covered his mouth as he let out a small burp.

  Jett smirked at him as he shook his head. “If I could, I would, Rhys, my man, but someone needs to stay here with all of you and make sure you’re okay. From what Zen said, there is some kind of attack going on out there, and I need to make sure it doesn’t spill over into here. So, everyone try to relax. I’m sure the guys will have everything under control soon and they’ll be back. In the meantime, how about we eat some of that amazing smelling food that Twixy cooked up, huh? What can I get you, Twix, Rhys?” Jett said, as he walked over to the buffet set up on the bar and grabbed a plate.

  “I’m not really hungry, Jett. I think these babies are pressing too hard on my bladder and my stomach. If I have to pee one more time in the next hour, I think I’ll scream,” Rhys replied as he leaned back farther in his chair, his hand rubbing circles over his swollen abdomen, then he burped again.

  “You should try to eat something, cousin. I find that eating little meals helps keep the nausea at bay,” Twix said.

  “It’s not nausea, it’s gas. Ethan said that if you have a lot of gas during pregnancy, that you will have a hairy baby. So, with the amount of gas I have, I’m pretty sure I’m giving birth to a fucking Chewbacca,” Rhys snarked, and everyone chuckled.

  “The worst is the amount of times I need to pee. I think my bladder is the babies first squeeze toy,” Rhys grumbled.


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