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Bound To The Enemy Eternal Flames Maddox 3

Page 9

by Cree Storm

  “I remember a time when I used to be able to get out of a chair without making sound effects. Ugh,” Twix said as he sat in the chair next to Rhys.

  “Or getting into one,” Rhys teased.

  “Well, you do look cute waddling over there, Twix,” Jett said.

  “I am not waddling! It’s called pregnancy swagger,” Twix said indignantly and held his chin up. Causing Jett to laugh.

  “Well, whatever it is, it’s cute as hell.”

  Ollie jumped off the bar where he had been sitting and strolled over to stand beside Jett. “Well, if he doesn’t want it, I’ll take his share. Besides, I think he needs to go on a diet anyway.”

  Jett turned his head and gave Ollie a look like he was crazy. “You do know he’s pregnant, right?”

  Ollie’s brows raised high up his forehead, as his eyes bugged out and his mouth opened in a perfect oh, his face twisted in feigned surprise. “Oh, my goodness. Are you kidding? And here I thought we were having this party to celebrate the fact that the pixie twins could swallow basketballs whole. I think Rhys was able to get four in there, which means I win the bet. Pay up Pascal.”

  “Ollie,” Pas admonished as he shook his head.

  Ollie sighed heavily and placed a hand on his hip as he glared at Jett. “Of course, I know he’s pregnant, you numb nut. I meant that once those babies come out, he needs to watch his girlish figure if he wants to keep wearing all those hot high fashion dresses of his, and have his hot as hell mates still want to bend him over at every opportunity. I mean I’m not opposed to a little extra junk in the trunk myself, and I love a little cushion for the pushin’, but that doesn’t mean we should let our bodies get away from us. We are shifters so we don’t really have to worry about gaining extra pounds, but, Jett, the prego-twins aren’t shifters, so who knows what will happen to those wide asses they now have once the babies are born. And, we are gay men. We take better care of ourselves. Keep our bodies sinful for all the hungry, horny gay boys out there.”

  Jett stared at Ollie for a moment, then shook his head as a smile came to his lips and he began to chuckle. “You are a twisted little firecracker, aren’t you? And my kind of crazy. I like you, little dude,” Jett said as he reached out and ruffled the top of Ollie’s head.

  Ollie’s face twisted in defiance and he slapped Jett’s hand away as he grumbled, “I’m not a dog.”

  “True, but you are as cute as a puppy. And from what I hear, when you shift into your fox, you look like a cute little Magwi.”

  “What the hell is a Magwi?” Ollie huffed.

  “Little Gizmo from the Gremlins,” Jett replied as he spooned some pasta salad onto his plate.

  “Again, what the hell are a Gizmo and a Gremlin?”

  Jett turned his head and looked at Ollie as if he had three heads. “Don’t you ever watch movies, man?”

  “Guys,” Pas said quietly, but Jett and Ollie just ignored him and kept going.

  Ollie crossed his arms over his chest and gave Jett an annoyed look. “Not too many TV’s in a cave, dude. Not too many movie screens either.”

  “Um…Guys,” Pascal said a little louder, but still Ollie and Jett kept going.

  “How long were you living in that cave, Ol, a thousand years? Didn’t you have a TV and shit before you started hiding out?”

  “Guys!” Pascal finally shouted, getting their attention.

  Jett and Ollie both shut up and turned to see why Pas was yelling. Pas was kneeling on the floor next to Rhys, holding his hand and Pascal’s face was pale. “Do you think you two children can stop the bullshit for a minute? We have something serious going on here.”

  Jett placed his plate on the bar and gave Pascal his full attention as he took a step closer. “What’s up, Pas, man?”

  “This,” Pas replied and motioned toward Rhys, who was now slumped down in the chair as far as he could go without falling off. His legs were spread wide, face twisted in pain, and he was sweating profusely, while panting like a dog.

  Jett ran to Rhys’ side immediately, concern marring his face. “Rhys, brother, what’s wrong? Are you okay?” Jett asked as he knelt on Rhys’s other side.

  “Babies,” Rhys ground out through clenched teeth.

  “I know, Rhys. There are babies in there. But what’s going on?”

  Rhys grabbed the front of Jett’s shirt with inhuman strength and pulled Jett closer so their noses were touching. Rhys’s face twisted in rage as he stared angrily into Jett’s eyes. “No, asshole. The babies want to come out and smack the shit out of you as much as I do right now. The babies are coming, Jett!” Rhys screamed, then tears welled up in his eyes.

  Jett just stared at him in confusion for a moment, then his eyes went wide. “Now?! They want to come out now?”

  “Yes, you ignoramus. They’re coming!” Rhys screeched out, clenching his teeth.

  “Oh, hell no!” Ollie yelled as he came closer, but not too close. He looked like he was afraid to get too near. “You need to stop them. Tell them it’s too soon. Tell them there’s a battle, or storm, or whatever the fuck is going on out there, and they can’t come out right now,” Ollie yelled in a panic.

  “You can’t be fucking serious?” Twix cried. “Like he can just what, turn his inner dialog into words in the womb for them to hear? Like they would even understand if he could?”

  “Well, I don’t know. Yeah. Maybe. But he needs to do something. We can’t deliver no babies in here,” Ollie replied frantically.

  “It’s not like I have any choice in the matter, Ollie. Babies come when they say, not me,” Rhys panted.

  “No, that’s just wrong,” Ollie cried and went close to Rhys, dropping down on his knees in front of him. “Here, close your legs and they won’t be able to come out,” Olli insisted as he grabbed Rhys’s knees and slammed his legs closed.

  “Oh, my gods, I am stuck in a room with idiots and my babies are coming out right now! Get off me, you shit. I am not a woman, therefore these babies are not coming out of my vagina,” Rhys yelled, then screamed his pain at the end, as his grip on Jett’s shirt tightened, the material tearing.

  “Damn, man, this is my favorite shirt,” Jett grumbled. “Good thing I don’t have any chest hair or I would be hairless and bleeding right now.”

  Rhys shot Jett an evil look, making Jett flinch back. “Jett, you say one more word that is not going to help me and I will do more than rip your favorite shirt. I swear to the gods, I will grab your bottom lip and pull it up over your head, until you are kissing your own asshole.”

  “Boy, Day and Ethan get to have all the fun making the babies and I’m the one who has to get birthing threats. That’s just not fair. And that was really mean, Rhys,” Jett said with a pout.

  “Oh hell, will you guys get away from him so we can help him deliver those babies,” Twix admonished.

  “I would love to, but he’s got me in a death grip that would make Darth Vader proud,” Jett complained.

  Twix flicked his wrist and Jett was free from Rhys’ clutches. He then pushed Jett out of the way and knelt on the floor between Rhys’s legs. “Okay, cousin mine. How do we do this?”

  Rhys’ eyes went wide as he screeched, “You’re asking me? I don’t know, I thought you knew.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been pregnant before. And I figured our dads would be here when we went into labor. They’ve both been through this.”

  “So, wait, neither of you even took the time to learn how you would have these babies in all the time you have been growing them? Are you kidding me?!” Ollie yelled and jumped to his feet, starting to really panic.

  “How about your guards? Wouldn’t Casimir and Arcas know what to do? Or Baldwin? And what about Frankie? He is a police officer so he should know a little about this, right?” Pas asked.

  “Baldwin is out with the others. Casimir, Arcas, and Frankie went up to the roof with Jagger to see if they could find out what was going on. They haven’t come back yet,” Manny answered. He and Avery stood
behind Rhys, both looking terrified of what was going on.

  “Someone go get them,” Twix ordered.

  “Zen, can you go get the others from the roof. We need help here!” Manny yelled.

  Zen came running into the room from the front door where he had been guarding the building. His eyes went wide as his gaze landed on the scene before him. “Is that normal?” he asked and pointed toward Rhys.

  Twix turned back to look at Rhys and saw a small pin-point of light appear on his pelvis, directly between his hip bones, and it started to grow. “Oh shit. I don’t think we have much time. Zen, go get the others from the roof!” Twix ordered, and Zen took off immediately.

  “No, no, no, no, no. You cannot have the baby here! No, I’m not ready to see this. Stop it! Oh gods, it’s just going to spill out and be messy, isn’t it?” Ollie cried as he paced around them frantically, his hands waving around in every direction.

  “Ollie, you’re not helping,” Pas admonished.

  Ollie stopped and looked at Pas in horror. “Of course, I’m not helping,” he shrieked. “Surely there is someone much more qualified somewhere in this town. Ooh, maybe it’s just gas? Rhys has been burping all day. I heard that pregnant women get lots of gas. Which is funny when you think about it. Here’s this poor woman spread out eagle with some strange guy sitting between her legs like a baseball catcher and he tells her to push and bluuurt, she blows a huge one. I may actually pay to see that. Although, I would stay by her head because there is no way I want to be down below looking at her spread open girlie bits.”

  Everyone stayed frozen as they just stared at the crazy little man. Pas broke the silence when he slapped Ollie in the back of the head and huffed at him.

  “Hey, Pas, what the fuck. That hurt, man,” Ollie complained as he rubbed his head.

  “Oh, did that hurt, Ollie? I’m so sorry, precious. Come closer and Let. Me. Show. You. What. Real. Pain. Is!” Rhys yelled as he tried to sit up, reaching out to grab at Ollie.

  Ollie jumped back out of the way as Twix held Rhys down, then he looked to Jett. “Jett, we need to lay him down.”

  “Wait! I am not giving birth to my babies in a fucking club! I want to go home,” Rhys cried, then arched his back and screamed, the sound filling the large open space.

  “I don’t think there’s time for that, Rhys. We have to do this now,” Twix answered.

  “But on the floor? It’s so…so…dirty,” Rhys complained then began to cry. “I want my mates, Twix. I want Day and Ethan. Please get me my mates. Ethan is a doctor, he’ll know what to do.”

  “I don’t think there’s time for that either, Rhys, besides he's not that kind of doctor,” Twix said, his gaze locked on the glow coming from Rhys’ body.

  Everyone looked to where Twix was looking and the glow was getting larger, and a line was now forming horizontally across his pelvis.

  “I can’t do this. Make it stop. I changed my mind, I don’t want to have babies anymore. Please, make it go away, Twix. Drugs! I want drugs. Human women get drugs! Why can’t I have drugs too? Oh my god, my mates are so dead for doing this to me. See if they ever have sex again,” Rhys cried, then screamed as he tightened his grip on Jett’s hand.

  “Ouch, fuck, Rhys. You know, for a little dude you’ve got one hell of a grip there. If you break my cock hand, Zev isn’t gonna be happy.”

  Manny and Avery looked at Jett in confusion, then Avery asked, “Your cock hand?”

  “Yeah, the hand I use to stroke off my baby. Zev loves it when I slowly stroke up to the tip, then―”

  “Jett!” Rhys screamed.

  Just then a thunder of feet could be heard coming from the front alcove, right before Casimir and Zen ran in and froze.

  “Don’t just stand there! Help him!” Twix yelled.

  Casimir moved first, running over to Rhys, and lifted him up. “We need to lay him down,” he said.

  “Not on the floor, Casi,” Rhys whined.

  Casimir gave him a sweet smile. “Sorry little dragonfly, but we have no other choice.”

  “Where are the others?” Avery asked.

  “Frankie shifted into this phoenix and flew across town to help. Aracas and Jagger are still on the roof stopping anything from coming in that way,” Casimir replied.

  “Frankie went out there?” Manny whispered, his voice shaking with fear.

  Avery immediately wrapped an arm around his friend’s waist and pulled Manny close. “Our mates will be okay, Manny. We have to believe in that. In them. They’ll be okay,” Avery said encouragingly, but his voice was also shaking, giving away his uncertainty of the situation.

  “We need clean sheets, towels, blankets, anything you can find,” Casimir said.

  “Oh, yeah, and boiled water, right? That’s what they do in the movies,” Ollie said.

  “I thought you didn’t watch movies, little man?” Jett asked.

  “Not now, Jett!” Twix yelled and started pushing tables apart.

  Jett’s face got stern as he walked over to Twix. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Sit down. You’re pregnant too, you know, and you shouldn’t be doing that,” he chastised as he helped Twix to a seat. Then his face got very serious and he looked around at everyone. “Avery, Manny, go find clean linens of any kind.” The two ran off quickly to do as Jett ordered.

  “Pascal, Ollie, go find any first aid shit you can come up with. Gloves, scissors, rubbing alcohol, gauze pads, whatever, and get it back here ASAP,” Jett added and they took off.

  “Twix, you stay right there and try to relax. Zen, I need you to see if you can get to Ethan or Day, or at least get someone to get a message to them. And if you see Logan out there, get him in here now, but be careful. Casimir, just hold onto him for a few more minutes until we get those blankets,” Jett continued to order as he ran behind the bar.

  “What are you doing, Jett?” Casimir asked.

  “Getting as much bottled water as I can and a few bottles of the finest liquor they have,” Jett explained.

  “Do you really think this is the best time to drink, Jett?’ Twix asked in annoyance.

  Jett stopped what he was doing and looked at Twix over his shoulder, giving him a duh look. “It’s not to drink, you ass. It’s for sanitary reasons, just in case, and the water is for Rhys, he needs to stay hydrated,” Jett answered, then went back to what he was doing.

  “Um, Jett. Do you think there’re enough back there for me, too?” Twix asked hesitantly.

  “I’m sure we can spare you a bottle, Twixy, but I think we should save the rest for Rhys.”

  “Yeah, well, I think my babe will need it too,” Twix whispered through clenched teeth.

  Jett turned to look at him, hearing the pain in Twix’s voice caused him to stop what he was doing, and that’s when he saw the glow under Twix’s shirt. “Oh fuck!”

  “What?” Avery asked and he and Manny ran back in, arms loaded with clean tablecloths.

  Twix looked at them with watery eyes. His bottom lip trembled as he said, “I think my baby is coming too.”


  Jett was in serious mode. His friends needed someone to take charge and get them through this, and it seemed no one else was going to do anything. He took a deep breath and pulled on all his training. “Manny, Avery, spread those out over the floor. Casimir, carefully lay Rhys down. Avery, help Twix to lay down next to Rhys.”

  Everyone quickly did as Jett instructed, spreading out the tablecloths and laying the two men down. Then Casimir moved to sit by Rhys’ head and gently lifted it, laying it on his lap. Manny hurriedly did the same with Twix.

  Jett placed all the water and liquor bottles he had next to him on the floor as he kneeled by Rhys’ feet. “Okay, men, it looks like these little ones are not coming out the female way, thank the gods for small favors. But we still need to lose the shirts,” Jett said as he pushed Rhys’s shirt up his chest, completely exposing his large stomach. Avery sat at Twix’s side and did as Jett did.

s screamed again as he arched off the floor and gripped Casimir’s hand, sweat running down his face, his hair wet and plastered against his forehead and cheeks, shirt soaked.

  Jett watched as the slit in Rhys’s pelvis opened wider and the light grew brighter. Jett wished he had his sunglasses because he was sure his retinas were being singed. Jett knew this was it. “Okay, I’m going in,” he announced and reached out toward the opening. Just then Ethan and Angelo came running into the room from the kitchen and froze from the sight before them. Jett guessed they snuck in the back door. Seeing as Ethan was mated to Rhys, he and Day had keys to the club.

  “Oh, thank fuck, Ethan,” Jett said in relief.

  “Ethan,” Rhys cried as tears raced down his cheeks.

  Ethan took one look at Rhys’ face and ran to him. He knelt by Rhys’ head and cupped his cheek as he looked lovingly at his mate. “I’m here, baby. It’s okay. Everything will be okay.” He leaned down and placed a tender kiss on Rhys’ lips.

  “Ethan, I’ve only ever delivered one baby before and that was human. I don’t know what to do here,” Jett said.

  “It’s gonna be okay, my love. We’ll do this together, okay?” Ethan said and Jett could see Rhys relax slightly as he nodded.

  Ethan stood up and moved to sit next to Jett. “Okay, Ang, it looks like we’ve got two cuties in labor here. Get your ass over here and help Twix,” Ethan ordered.

  Angelo did as Ethan instructed and dropped down onto the floor between Twix’s legs. “I don’t know how to birth no babies, Ethan,” Angelo whispered.

  “None of us know how to help deliver pixie babies, but we’re going to do this because my mate and Twix need us. So, everybody man up, and let’s do this,” Ethan replied.

  Angelo moved closer as he met Twix’s gaze. “If either of your mates walk in here right now and see me between your spread thighs, they better not eat me,” Angelo grumbled.

  “I’ll…kick…their…asses…if…they…try. Please…help…me,” Twix said as he panted.

  Jett looked at Twix and noticed a line opening on his pelvis too as the glow from within got brighter. “So where do we start?”


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