No Shame: The Complete Series: Including exclusive bonus materials and deleted scenes
Page 123
“I’ll look into it. Miles may have connections,” Connor promised. He walked over to Josh and put his strong hand on Josh’s neck. “Does that settle your stress, baby?”
Josh nodded, then looked up to Connor. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Connor bent over to kiss his lips, a soft, sweet kiss. “You told Indy. That’s good enough, baby. As long as you talk to someone and don’t keep it in, it’s all good.” A laugh sparkled in his eyes. “Unless you want me to punish you for this, in which case I’d be more than happy to oblige.”
Josh’s look was pure adoration. The man knew him so well. “Yes, please, Connor.”
Connor pulled him to his feet effortlessly, slapping his ass with a sharp sting. “My pleasure, baby.”
Josh reached for his belt, but Connor stopped him. “Before we get to that, Noah and I had a little something for the two of you.”
He shared a look with Noah and they both took out a little velvet box from their pockets. What was that? The boxes were flicked open and Connor presented his to Josh, while Noah did the same with Indy. Josh gasped when he spotted the gorgeous ring.
“We didn’t want to give these in front of everyone, because they’re engraved in a special way,” Noah said.
Connor took out the ring and showed it to Josh. It was a simple design, four little diamonds on a white gold ring. Josh teared up when he realized what the four diamonds symbolized.
“We know there’s four of us in this relationship, in this marriage, and Noah and I felt the rings should symbolize that,” Connor said, his voice raw with emotions. “Look inside.”
He gave Josh the ring and he turned it to look at the inscription. Noah - Indy - Josh - Connor, it read. All four names. Not two, not three, but all four of them.
“Baby,” Josh said, unable to form the words to express how he felt. It was so big, this feeling of belonging, of home, of finding the love he never believed could be real. “That’s so beautiful.”
He gave it back to Connor and extended his hand so Connor could put it on. It took a little wriggling, but then it slid on, and Josh’s eyes teared up even more.
“It looks perfect on the two of you,” Noah said with the same choked-up voice they all had.
Josh let himself fall against Connor, wrapping his arms tight around him. “I love you, so much. That’s so perfect.”
“Good. I’m so glad you love it.”
He held him for a few seconds more, then gently slapped him on his ass. “I think there’s something else you’re gonna love.”
It was the worst segue in history, but Josh didn’t care. He loved knowing how much his man wanted him. “Yes, Connor.”
Connor slapped him again before his fingers found the little flared end of Josh’s plug. He grabbed hold of it, wiggled it a little, but enough to make Josh moan. “What’s this, baby? You prepped for me?”
Josh’s “Yes, Connor” was more of a breath of anticipation.
“You in a hurry, baby?” Connor wiggled the plug again.
“I need you inside me. It’s been two days…” Josh heard the little whine in his own voice.
“May I remind you who came up with that stupid plan?”
Josh sent him a sweet smile. “Imagine how much better it’ll feel now to fuck me hard?” he said, his voice hopeful.
“Oh baby, it always feels good, no matter how long or short it has been. You always take my breath away.”
Josh melted against Connor, even as the man took his mouth in a deep, wet kiss.
“Damn, that was pure poetry,” Noah mumbled.
“He just raised the bar for you,” Indy commented, and even through the daze of Connor’s kiss, Josh heard the laughter in his voice.
“He raised something else as well,” Noah replied, laughing, and then Josh stopped listening because Connor overwhelmed his senses, as usual.
Josh’s hands found Connor’s belt all by themselves, and seconds later, he’d unzipped him and pulled his pants down. Just before he could curl his hand around the Beast, Connor grabbed his wrist. He broke off the kiss and sent Josh a heated look.
“I’m gonna use your ass as a little cum dumpster tonight, baby. And you’re not gonna spill a drop, you hear me? I’m gonna plug you in between and then fill you up all over again until you’re one big, sloppy mess.”
Josh’s heart started singing. “Yes, Connor.”
“And you don’t get to come until I’m spent.”
“Yes, Connor.”
“Glad we understand each other. Now, bend over that damn bed and spread your legs. Enough talking.”
Josh was already moving. “Yes, Connor.”
Within seconds, Connor had lubed the Beast. With one firm pull, he removed the plug from Josh’s ass and lined up, not even waiting for Josh to get ready but plunging in. It was a good thing the plug he’d been wearing had been big, but even now, Connor’s dick breached him until tears formed in his eyes. The best kind of tears, the kind that made his head go blank with contentment.
Connor kept pushing until he bottomed out, Josh letting out groans as he tried to adjust. Connor’s hand pushed him into the mattress, his massive cock spearing him like he was prey.
“Joshua O’Connor, there is no sweeter place on this entire planet than right here, buried inside you.”
“There he goes with the poetry again. Marriage is making him mushy already,” Noah commented.
“Fuck off, Flint. You’re just jealous and feeling inadequate.”
Josh laughed, his laughter transforming into a low, deep moan when Connor pulled back and rammed in again.
“Yes, Connor. Please, Connor, more.”
The sight of that monster cock disappearing into Josh never failed to arouse Noah. Not that he’d needed much arousing. He’d been pretty much hard the entire day out of sheer excitement. Indy was his, wearing his ring, carrying his name. Still, he didn’t turn down a good view of Connor taking Josh—and neither did Indy, who made room for Noah on the bed so they could watch together.
Noah stripped out of his suit, even remembering to drape it over a chair rather than leave it crumpled on the floor. That should make Charlie happy. And Josh, who was in charge of all laundry. He also took his prosthesis off, dumping that on the floor unceremoniously. His leg was doing much better after the second amputation, and he was at a point where he felt comfortable and self-confident enough.
“They’re so beautiful,” Indy said dreamily. “Sometimes it’s hard to believe how happy we are.”
“You deserve all the happiness in the world,” Noah said as he lowered himself on the bed next to him, his voice cracking.
Indy’s eyes shifted from the live porn in front of them to Noah. “And you were dissing Connor for getting mushy.”
“I know, I know. It’s just…” He sighed. “You feel it even more on a day like this.”
Indy snuggled close, his slim body seeking Noah’s embrace. “I said the same thing to Miles this morning, like how I’m almost feeling guilty for being this happy.”
Noah had no trouble imagining that. “It’s been one hell of a year. Not having to look over your shoulder and being able to relax is gonna take some getting used to.”
“I’m not there yet,” Indy admitted. “And I don’t think I will be until the trial is behind us.”
Noah kissed him softly, the two of them in a world of their own, even as the bed shook with the force of Connor fucking Josh. “I like Connor’s proposal of hiring private security.”
“Can we afford that? I’m sure that’s not cheap.”
Noah had been appointed the financial guy for the whole house, with assistance from Brad, who was way better at the math of it and putting numbers into impressive spread sheets but less talented in the practical aspects of translating those numbers into goals and plans for the future. With three full-time salaries—Miles, Connor, and Brad—and a little extra income from Charlie, they were doing well, even with Noah still working on his degree
, Josh contributing with the few hours he made as a shooting instructor, and Indy only picking up the occasional payments for jiu jitsu classes.
“We’ll make it work. Leave the details to me and Connor.”
Indy grinned. “Is that code for ‘Don’t worry your pretty little head over it?’”
“I’m much, much smarter than that.”
“Yes, you are. Thank you for taking such good care of me, of us.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Noah said, and he meant it.
Indy’s soft hand stroked his back, and Noah wanted to purr like a kitten. He leaned into the touch, closing his eyes.
“You’re so beautiful,” Indy said in that dreamy tone that never failed to hit Noah deep.
That was love, he supposed. That you could look at another person and not see their faults and shortcomings, not see their scars and imperfections, but to see beauty.
“You still think so?” he asked, opening his eyes again to find Indy studying him.
“That first time I met you, I thought you were hot but stern. Aloof. And then you smiled at me for the first time, and you made my heart stumble. You still do that to me, Noah. Every time you smile at me, I fall in love with you all over again.”
How much love could a heart hold? His felt like his was bursting, and he leaned in for a kiss, Indy willingly opening for him. It was slow, sweet, the kiss of lovers who knew each other well. Their heat burned slow tonight, an unhurried flame content to take its time.
They both rolled on their sides, Indy sneaking a leg between Noah’s, with him putting his leg around Indy’s body. He loved how it felt, that small body against his, that strength that radiated from Indy’s every move.
“I only have to see you walk into a room and my heart trips over itself,” Noah whispered against his lips.
Indy smiled. “You going poetic on me, baby?”
Noah cupped his cheeks. “I’d write love songs for you if I could.”
Indy’s eyes went soft and dreamy again. “I don’t need those. The way you look at me, the way you treat me, it says it all.” He kissed Noah, a mere brush of his lips. “Make love to me, baby. Show me with your body how much you love me.”
Noah caught Indy’s bottom lip between his teeth in a gentle bite. “With pleasure.”
He nibbled along his lip, greedily taking in the little gasps Indy made into his mouth, then soothed with his tongue. The bed was still shaking with the force of Connor, who was going to town on Josh’s ass, forbidding him to come, of course. But Noah was in his own world, only seeing Indy. His cheeks were rosy, his eyes glazed, and his lips all swollen from Noah’s kisses.
Noah pushed against him lightly, still careful not to use any force with Indy. When Indy rolled on his back, Noah covered his body with his own, then started a slow descent with his mouth. He pressed kisses along Indy’s jaw, moving down his neck to his collarbones. His right hand found Indy’s nipples, which he rolled and pressed until they became hard pebbles.
God, his skin was so smooth here, so soft. His mouth followed his fingers, sucking those pebbles until Indy was squirming underneath him, bucking his hips in search of friction.
“Noah!” he cried out in a mix of demanding and begging.
Noah never could deny him. He didn’t have Connor’s streak of Dom-meanness, where he could deny Josh for hours. Noah always gave in because he wanted nothing more than to pleasure Indy. So his hand traveled lower and wrapped around Indy’s leaking cock, so perfect in his hand. He was still insecure at times about his size, but Noah had worshiped his body enough now that Indy knew it didn’t matter to him.
He licked a trail from his bellybutton down, replacing his hand with his mouth. Indy’s cock felt so perfect in his mouth, and Noah loved swallowing him deep. He pressed his tongue against the underside, increasing the sucking pressure, and the moan that Indy let out was music to his ears.
He released his dick for a moment to lavish his balls with attention. There was a spot that Indy loved… He found it, right behind his balls, and Indy bucked against him.
“Noah!” he moaned again, and to Noah, that was more beautiful than any love song.
Noah folded his legs back, as always thanking his lucky stars for how flexible Indy was, which opened him wide for Noah’s erotic exploration. The scars on his back extended to one of his ass cheeks, and Noah never failed to kiss it. He loved every single one of them. Others might call them disfiguring, but to Noah they were a testament to Indy’s strength and character.
He traced that big, thick scar with his tongue, then allowed himself to continue the path and tongue his crack. He wasn’t much for teasing, as he lacked the patience to draw it out, but he loved driving Indy crazy with want, and he was well on his way now. One lap over his hole, and then he dug in, tonguing Indy’s ass as he exploded in an intoxicating soundtrack of pants and moans and little squeals, all of them cheering Noah on.
“Oh god, Noah, you have to… I can’t take it anymore. Please, Noah, please!”
Noah smiled against his fluttering hole, so pretty and pink, so welcoming. He wet his fingers and slid one in, curling it to find that famous spot where Indy was so freaking sensitive. It was easy to find by now, familiar as he was with his body, but as usual, Indy reacted as if he’d been shocked.
“Oh there, baby, right there. That feels so good.”
He pressed in a second finger, then wrapped his mouth around Indy’s cock. It wouldn’t take long now, and he wanted to taste him. Indy’s body shuddered and shook, and then he surrendered himself to his orgasm. His cock twitched and his body convulsed around Noah’s fingers as he came in his mouth, Noah hungrily swallowing every last drop.
Noah rested against Indy’s ass, panting himself a little from the effort. His cock was leaking and his balls full, but his heart was even fuller. God, he was perfect, his Indy.
* * *
Connor held Josh, who lay splayed across his body, the evidence of the massive orgasm he’d had between them. Next to them, Noah and Indy were lazily making out after a round of lovemaking that had made Connor feel all mushy.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Connor asked.
Connor smiled. “You still with me?”
Connor loved it when he wore Josh out to the point where he was barely able to form coherent words anymore, let alone sentences. He stroked his back with long, calming touches. Josh rubbed his cheek against Connor’s chest, then let out another content sigh.
With a smile on his face, Connor roamed Josh’s back with his hands, then trailed lower to his ass. As if on cue, Josh spread his legs a little. He knew Connor so well. It wasn’t that he had any plans to fuck him again. Josh was worn out after three strenuous rounds—and yes, Connor had plugged him in between—and besides, Connor himself was blissed out.
No, he loved to feel it, and his right hand found it with ease. His cum trickling out of Josh’s hole. Three loads of it, to be precise. Connor had no idea why it made him feel the way it did, but he couldn’t deny it sent a rush through him, this irrefutable evidence he’d claimed him. Apparently, there was still a caveman deep inside him who wanted to show who Josh belonged to.
When he’d satisfied himself with that check, he kissed Josh’s head, and rolled over to deposit him on his back. “I’m gonna clean you up, baby. You stay here.”
Josh’s answer was another unintelligible mumble, which Connor took as consent. He rolled off the bed and walked into the bathroom, where he first relieved himself and then washed his chest and groin with a washcloth. He rinsed it out and headed back into the bedroom, where he found Josh now curled up against Indy’s back, who let out a soft giggle.
“You’re sticky, baby. Let Connor clean you first.”
“Mmm. Wanna hold you,” Josh mumbled, half asleep by the looks of it.
Even a few months ago, this would've made Connor insecure, his man seeking Indy for comfort rather than him, but now, all he felt was love. How cou
ld you not when you watched those two?
Indy looked at him over Josh’s shoulder. “Give me the cloth. I’ll clean him.”
Connor climbed back in bed and handed Indy the cloth. Josh protested as he was rolled on his back and Indy cleaned him, then threw the cloth with a nice aim straight onto the bathroom floor.
Josh rolled right back on his side and curled up against Indy. He was asleep before Indy had put his head against his shoulder.
“He’s worn out,” Indy said, almost apologetic, though he sounded sleepy himself.
“It’s fine. It was a lot for him, a full program like today, with all the stress he had over messing it up with an episode,” Connor said.
He hugged Josh from behind, finding a spot for his arm where he didn’t bother Indy. They’d learned to share Josh in bed, just like Noah now spooned Indy from the back, accommodating his need to be close to Josh as well. Indy’s eyes fluttered close, Connor saw, and seconds later, he was asleep.
“He did well today,” Noah said softly.
“He did,” Connor replied, feeling proud.
Josh had come far in the last few months. His PTSD was stable, with a flare-up now and then, but manageable. And he excelled in his part-time job as a shooting instructor, the Albany PD singing his praises at every turn.
“You’re good for him, Connor. You truly bring out the best of him.”
Connor blinked. “Thank you,” he said, letting the magnitude of that moment sink in, then realized it was only half of the truth. “We’re good for him, the four of us. It’s not me or Indy or you. It’s us together.”
Both their eyes were drawn to the sleeping men between them, and Noah’s face softened in the same way that Connor felt himself react.
“We’re good for all of us,” Noah said.
“Who woulda thought when I responded to that robbery?” Connor said, almost laughing when he remembered it. “I could barely recall my own name after seeing Josh. It was like being struck by lightning.”
Noah chuckled. “I loved how you came to our house to see him again, making up some lame-ass excuse.”