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Vicious Enzo: A College Bully Romance (Verona Academy Book 2)

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by Melinda Terranova

  My gaze roams around the room, each of them dressed impeccably in their pinstripe designer suits, clearly either going to an important business meeting or just coming from one. Because there is no way they would dress up just to bark orders at their three sons.

  “Sit.” My father doesn’t look at us.

  I drop Dante to his feet and take the seat closest to my father showing him he doesn’t scare me in the slightest.

  “What’s up pops?” Luca eyeballs me from across the table and I shake my head to warn him.

  “Enzo.” My name is shadowed in disappointment and I can sense my father trying to find the right words.

  “Yes.” I fold my arms across my chest, waiting for whatever the fuck he thinks he needs to dish out to make me pay for my momentary lapse in brain function.

  “There’s been a development in New York, they’re encroaching on our territory in Connecticut. I believe this is in retaliation to their embarrassment at the charity gala.” His cruel eyes slice to me.

  “What do you need me to do?” I ask, my voice level. Because fuck it, I may as well volunteer and get one up on him. He wasn’t about to make me regret killing all those fuckers that kidnapped Summer in Italy.

  He clears his throat and leans forward placing his hand together in front of him. “Seeing as you’re so keen to handle business your way, I’m letting you deal with the shit you started. Now finish it,” he says dismissively and stands before striding out of the room.

  “Fuck, he’s still pissed at you,” Dante slaps my shoulder.

  “Dante,” Lorenzo snaps and has Dante closing his mouth at once.

  “Sorry.” Dante shrugs.

  “Boys, Salvatore only wants what’s best for our family. Please don’t disappoint us and take care of each other.” Vito stands and grips Luca’s shoulder before coming around the table to stand behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

  “Enzo, you are like a son to me. Your father loves you dearly and only wants you to follow in his footsteps and lead this family one day when he cannot. He has taught you well, how to be strong and proficient in negotiations, and what the meaning of family is.” He squeezes my shoulder.

  “I know,” I sigh. Knowing all too well if I fail at this business transaction, my father will no doubt find me something heinous to occupy my time. Something left for our made men or associates, we pay so poorly, to handle.

  “I have faith in all of you.” Vito leaves the room with Lorenzo.

  “Thanks for nothing, Enzo.” Dante picks up a mint from the bowl in the center of the table and throws it at me.

  “Anytime, sunshine.” I unwrap the mint and pop it in my mouth.

  “Pounding her pussy better have fucking been worth all this.” Dante glares at me.

  “Every fucking stab wound, bullet hole, and the wrath of my father, worth it.” My voice is dead, but it’s the harsh truth.

  “Fuck, she got under your skin.” Dante raises his eyebrows in surprise.

  “And under his sanity,” Luca teases.

  “I don’t think you can get under anyone’s sanity but it’s over now. She’s null and void and if you ask me, I hope she never sets foot on fucking Verona soil again. I‘ll make sure of it,” I lie.

  “I’ll believe it when I see it,” Dante teases.

  “Watch me.” I stand and grab a handful of mints before exiting the room.

  I lean against my car and start to scroll through my contacts list to get things rolling. The sooner I deal with this shit, the sooner I can return to normal and have my father off my back and focusing on his endeavors.

  “What time are we leaving?” Luca throws Dante the keys.

  “Tonight, so get packing. We should only be gone overnight if all goes to plan.” I scowl at the text message from Amber.

  “What exactly is the plan?” Luca asks.

  “I don’t know yet, but it will be spectacular.” The corner of my mouth twitches with an evil smile.

  “Jesus fucking Christ.” Dante shakes his head at me, knowing all too well that I always deliver on the theatrics.

  “Jesus isn’t going to save the poor fucker once I get my hands on him. I’ll drop past around nine o’clock.” I climb into my car with my blood pumping in my veins.


  “I can’t believe you tied fireworks to the poor guy’s balls and set them off.” Luca shakes his head in the back seat.

  “Well, he won’t be threatening anyone in our territory again.” I shrug, the memory of his eyes bulging as I tied him up makes my sadistic side grin. I don’t like to kill the slime that tries to cross the Russo family, I try to send a warning in true Enzo fashion, with creative torturous tendencies.

  “I don’t think he will be pissing through his dick anytime soon either if he still has a dick?” Dante laughs darkly.

  “I think this is your best work yet.” Luca tilts his head back and howls.

  I press buttons to open all the windows in the car and we all stick our heads out and howl at the night sky as I speed down the highway back home. It’s our trademark after a successful business transaction.



  The professor is late and it’s starting to get on my nerves. I’m in my final semester and I can’t wait to get the fuck out of this college and get on with my life. Part of my father’s rules are that every Russo gets an education, let me rephrase that, every male Russo gets an education. There are no restrictions on what to study, just that you finish something.

  Speaking of the devil. I stare at my cell phone as it lights up with a text

  Mob boss: Fireworks!

  A wide grin spreads across my face. He’s finally caught wind of my brilliant negotiating, it’s only been a week, and no doubt he will be disappointed as usual. A shuffle at the entrance has me glancing up.

  “Mother fucker,” I say to no one in particular. I usually have a wide berth around me, students too fucking chicken shit to sit near me. They know my family’s ruthless, bleak reputation and of the hushed whispers of what we are capable of. They know the Russo name. They know to avoid us. Just how I like it.

  Standing at the front desk, signing her name on the roll, is none other than the fucking New York whiny bitch. I control my face as steam blows out of my ears. My phone lights up in my hand and I glance down at it.

  Mob boss: Next time you’ll take care of business like an adult.

  That fucking bastard. He’s invited the princess to study at Verona. My fucking territory. The anger boils in my veins as I watch the little bitch take a seat in the front row. She’s got balls, I’ll give her that. As if she can sense my glare, she turns and looks directly at me, smiling innocently.

  Me: Guess who’s arrived on our soil. I fire off a text to Luca and Dante.

  Luca: Is your little plaything back for more torture?

  Dante: Who?

  Me: New York princess. I reply as the professor strolls in, ready to start his lesson.

  At the end of the lecture, I wait patiently by the exit for her. She’s taking her sweet fucking time leaving, probably getting in the good books with the professor. I watch her every step as she approaches, and I feel nothing but sheer hatred toward her. My jaw clenches as she stops just out of my reach. I tower over her small frame, but she doesn’t show any sign of being intimidated. I could wrap my hand around her delicate neck and end her right here.

  “Hello, stranger,” her melodic voice fans my face.

  “What the fuck are you doing here, Maya Capelli?” I press my lips into an unimpressed line, waiting for her answer.

  “Studying.” She bats her eyelashes at me, not intimidated at all.

  “Cut the bullshit, princess.” I clench my fists and release them.

  “What’s wrong, Enzo? Am I stepping on your toes?” She looks up at me, her mouth twisted into a wicked grin.

  She wants to fucking play. I’ll play. “Watch your back, sweetheart. You’re in Russo territory now.” I step out of the way to all
ow her to pass.

  She places her hand on my chest and I freeze as she tiptoes up to whisper, “you don’t scare me, Enzo. And don’t get your knickers in a knot, I don’t want you as much as you don’t want me.” She clicks her tongue before stalking off.

  I run my hand through my hair, frustration getting the better of me. What is my father up to and most importantly, what the fuck is this bitch up to?


  “Are you insane?” I pour myself a whiskey and take a seat in my father’s home office.

  “Remember who you’re talking to.” My father doesn’t even look up from his computer to acknowledge I am here.

  He is a proud man, always dressed in a shirt and dress pants, even now in the relaxing confines of his home. Salvatore Russo is cunning, never getting his hands dirty, leaving the brawling to his associates. Or me, and my two cousins, we’re okay to get our faces smashed up, scars decorating our bodies like trophies.

  “Why did you invite her to Verona? I will not be fraternizing with her.” I swirl my amber liquid around my glass.

  “Anyone can study at Verona, my son. I have given up on you sweetening the alliance with the New York outfit.” He takes off his reading glasses and rubs his eyes. “Besides, her father asked that I allow her to study here.” He looks at me then, his face impassive.

  “Aren’t you paranoid he is up to something?” I sip my drink and enjoy the warmth as it slides down my throat.

  “Better to have her here and keep an eye on her. If he decides to be stupid and do something against us, we have his little prized possession in our hands.” His eyes glint with murder.

  “So, we just carry on like normal? As though she isn’t here, and I didn’t embarrass their family and ruin any chance of an alliance?” I raise my eyebrows. My father never likes that I splay out all my misdoings as though I am proud of them.

  “Yes,” his tone is clipped.

  “Yes,” I repeat mockingly. “What exactly are you up to?” I eye him over the rim of my glass and wait patiently for him to answer.

  “Nothing, Enzo,” he breathes, frustrated, and locks eyes with me. “Sometimes we don’t have to have an alternative agenda. Sometimes, it’s better to sit back and watch other’s agendas play out right in front of us.”

  “I’m not known for patience.” I drink the rest of my drink.

  “Lucky you’re not the head of the family then, and Enzo, don’t fucking touch a hair on her head. I mean it.” My father puts his glasses back on and returns his attention to his computer. End of conversation.

  As if that isn’t a challenge in itself. I get up, pour him another whiskey, and place it on his desk. I kiss the top of his head before leaving. I always ensure I leave his house on good terms, showing him, I do have a heart and I do care about him and our family.


  Waking to the blaring rays of the morning sun, I roll over and groan into my pillow. I barely slept all night thanks to being visited by my demons. They make an appearance now and again, reminding me of being who I am. Who I wish I wasn’t. I crawl out of bed, shit, shower and shave, dress in jeans, and a hoodie and head to my daily classes.

  I park in the Dean’s parking spot because I fucking can and because it is the shortest walking distance to Sinatra’s. I need coffee by the bucket load today. Uncle Vito can always be found lingering in his café, he doesn’t do any work in there, he has is associates for that. I spot Jake across the lawn and narrow my eyes at him, wondering if Summer is keeping in contact with him. His head jerks and his eyes go wide in alarm. I watch as he scurries off in the opposite direction from me. Fucking coward.

  I round the corner to a sight I was not expecting. Amber having breakfast with the one and only New York bitch. I stride up to their table, my anger held in. “The fuck is going on here?” My eyes dart from Amber to Maya, and back.

  “What does it look like?” Maya sips her coffee before ignoring me and playing on her phone.

  “Looks a lot like you’re getting too comfortable in enemy territory.” I take a seat opposite her.

  Her eyes lift to meet mine, cunning against ruthless, and an evil grin turns the corners of her mouth. “I’m not here to make my enemies hate me more if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “Looks exactly like what you’re trying to do and succeeding at it.” I lean back in my seat. This whiny princess is grinding my gears.

  One of the café workers delivers my coffee just as my phone rings. I answer it on the first ring and stalk off to talk to my associate I’ve enlisted to do daily checks on Summer. I return after the short phone call to see both Amber, and Maya, watching me curiously.

  “Was that your little blond bombshell?” Maya chuckles darkly.

  My blood boils and I do all I can not to throw my steaming coffee at her. I feel Amber’s eyes glaze over me, testing my reaction. Waiting for me to explode.

  “Jealous?” My eyes turn to pools of icy poison, my jaw flexing in irritation.

  “Not in the slightest. You are not worth my jealousy.” Maya dismisses me, her eyes drop to her phone.

  I launch myself at her and grab her by the throat, squeezing just enough to give her a warning, my fingers curling and twitching with rage. I keep my eyes locked on her dirt-colored eyes, daring her to speak. She tries to show no fear, but behind those bitchy eyes, lies sheer terror. I’ve seen the same emotion flash across all my victim’s eyes, just before I squeeze a little harder and take their pitiful life.

  “Don’t fucking speak of her again while on my territory, or I will fucking gut you and send your organs one by one back to daddy dearest. Understand?” I growl.

  She stares up at me, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Enzo, fucking stop it,” Amber tries to pull my arm away, her voice drenched in panic.

  I squeeze the princess’s throat a little harder and watch her face redden under the strain. I lean in until my lips barely touch her earlobe and whisper, “understand?”

  I feel her nod ever so slightly and it is enough for me to let go of her neck and watch as she gasps for air and grabs at her throat, my finger marks already visible. I delight in the pleasure of knowing the marks will be visible for days to come, reminding her of what I am capable of.

  I stand over the ice princess as she regains her composure. I slice my gaze to Amber. “You’d best steer clear of this one in the future.” I raise my eyebrows as she glares straight back at me, not stupid enough to speak.

  I stride back to my car and take out my phone as I climb in.

  Me: Make sure Amber stays the fuck away from the New York bitch. I text both Dante and Luca.

  I turn the ignition and rev the engine as I fishtail out of the parking lot for my three-hour drive to check on Summer. After that encounter, I need to see her with my own two eyes.

  Fuck going to classes.

  I can see her from where I’m parked across the road. Her bakery uniform looks like a fucking Halloween maid outfit, pastel yellow with a white collar and apron, it sits mid-thigh and shows off her long, tanned legs. My dick twitches every time she bends to clear one of the tables outside, the hem of her dress riding up to just below her tight ass.

  My palms itch to touch her soft skin again, to feel her heartbeat against my chest as I claim her mouth. Fuck, why did my father have to get involved? Why didn’t I keep her hidden away from the spying eyes of my father’s henchman?

  My gaze zeroes in on the guy she’s working with, he looks to be about her age and getting too fucking close to her when they’re behind the counter. I just about burst out of my car when his hands grab her by the waist to move her out of the way. I crack my neck, easing the tension in me, contemplating storming in there and giving them both a nasty surprise.

  I sit patiently out the front of her work until early afternoon when his shift is finished. My blood boils as she reaches up and wraps one arm around his neck, his arm snaking its way around her waist, to say goodbye. I start the car, I borrowed Dante’s blacked-out Es
calade, its engine rumbles to a low purr.

  I watch the fucker leave the bakery and jog across the road to his car. Showtime, dipshit. I follow him as he makes his way to the nearest gas station, I drive up right behind his car and wait for him to get out and start filling up.

  I slide out of my car, pull my hood over my head, and casually approach him like this is the most normal thing in the world.

  “What’s up, man?” He looks at me confused.

  “That bakery you work at.” I tilt my head, taking in his uniform. Why the fuck doesn’t he have to wear some stupid maid outfit?

  “What about it?” He stands taller, puffing out his chest.

  A sly grin teases my lips. “If you want to be able to continue using your hands to work, I suggest you keep them the fuck off Summer.”

  “What if I don’t want to?” He turns to face me, his eyes dart to my car behind me.

  “What did you say?” I lean in, angling my ear toward him.

  “I said, what if I don’t want to?” He speaks each word slowly like I have a problem processing the English language.

  I chuckle and shake my head at him. “If you touch her again, I will cut your fingers off and fuck you in the ass with them.” I wink at him.

  “Fuck off, freak.” He hangs up the fuel pump and turns to close his fuel cap.

  I slink out my small butcher knife, my favorite for removing bits of flesh, and slice his small finger right off. I watch as it drops to the ground and bounces a few times. He doesn’t register what has happened for a few beats of a second, enough time for me to wipe his blood on his shirt and turn to stride away.

  I hear the blood-curdling scream by my fifth step away from him.

  “Fucking pussy. Open your ears next time,” I chuckle as I climb into my car.


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